Game Intro, rants and whatnot

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Game Intro, rants and whatnot

#1 Post by Edeldhur »

Along the Old North Road lies the lonely Margravate of Blackmarch.

Long a quiet bastion of the borderlands, malign powers have turned their eyes hence, and dark machinations threaten to tip the region into chaos. The call has gone out - who will answer?

A light rain falls on the heath as the adventurers travel along the Old North Road - happenstance brought them together as they headed northwards - some looking for a chance to make their name in Blackmarch, others simply searching for employment or excitement, and yet others maybe wanting to do the 'right thing' for the peoples of the region. Who knows what motivates those crazy enough to take on a life of adventuring?

At length, they sight a plume of smoke, curling in the distance, perhaps a quarter mile up the road. Drawing closer, one finds the black smoke billows from a burning, overturned cart.


Welcome everyone!

Don't want to make this any more complicated than it should be. You all saw the original thread, so you have an idea what this is all about. I am just reiterating it here so we all understand what we are in for - the plan is to give the Swords & Wizardry system a go using one (or three) railroad-y adventures. I am not saying I do not enjoy sandbox games (they are actually my favorite), or that this one simple endeavor cannot turn into a full-fledged campaign. But for now, it is nothing more than a one-shot. So lets roll with it.

Next step is to check the 'Character Creation' thread. Go!
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Re: Game Intro, rants and whatnot

#2 Post by Edeldhur »

We now have a Campaign ID!

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