At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

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At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#1 Post by Keehnelf »

This is the thread for the non-"major" storyline for the season. There will be one of these as a companion to the main storyline thread that is tagged with the name of a Magus.

This kind of thread will serve two purposes.

1) For any PCs not playing a substantial role in the current "main" story thread, to declare the action that character will be undertaking for the season. While you can do a lot in a season, in terms of character progression only one really counts.

2) This is a holding spot for any minor interactions between PCs and NPCs not in the main story thread, for the sake of building character and continuity. These are intended to only be informational and providing color/flavor--not driving major character plots forward.

In the next post I'll outline the types of actions characters can focus on, as a quick guide. Note that EVERY PC who's not a primary in a main story thread gets to declare one of these, and the results of those actions will be resolved in the closing posts of the thread.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#2 Post by Keehnelf »

Typical Seasonal Actions a Magus PC Can Take:

Learn Spells - p.95
Invent Spells - p.95
Extract Vis - p.94
Create a Magical Enchantment - p.95-100
Investigate a Magical Enchantment - p.100
Use or Translate a Laboratory Text - p.102
Forge/Empower a Bond with a Familiar - p.104
Instruct an Apprentice - p.106
Learn an Art or Ability from an Instructor - p.163-4
Learn an Art or Ability from a Book - p.164
Fix an Arcane Connection Permanently - p.84, 94
Perform a Longevity Ritual - p.101
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#3 Post by Grognardsw »

𝔸𝕣𝕕𝕦𝕚𝕟 𝔸𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦
Two Weeks Ago


All these shelves are filled with books eager to be read
I know what minds are for, and your what’s in my head
You ask me the time, but I sense something more
And I would like to give you what I think you're asking for

You handsome devil
Oh, you handsome devil”

Arduin Archambeau sang and strummed the lute for his final song. The rousing melody rushed along with string and drum, Arduin’s unique voice alternating timbre to sound male then female as each verse played off each other.

“Let me get my hands
On your mysterious lands
And let me get your head
On the conjugal bed
I say, you say, I say

I crack the whip and you skip
But you deserve it,
I deserve it, deserve it, deserve it
A boy in the bush is worth two in the hand
I think I can help you get through your exams

Oh, you handsome devil

Oh, let me get my hands
On your regio lands
And let me get your head
On the conjugal bed
You say, I say, I say”

The faces of the Strasbourg nobles lit with wonder at Arduin’s voice as it raced up and down the scale, shifting genders and eliciting smiles at the bawdy lyrics. The drummer Zuma, from deepest Africa, played the skins the light mallets.

”I crack the whip, you skip
But I deserve it, you deserve it, deserve it, deserve it
And when we're in your scholarly room, who will swallow whom?
And when we're in your magic room, who will swallow whom?

You handsome devil

There's more to life than books, you know
But not much more

There's more to life than books, you know
But not much more, not much more
Oh, you handsome devil
Oh, you handsome devil”

The song ended to rousing applause. Arduin nodded and bowed. His six-performance tour was at an end. Time to return to the covenant and his studies.

At the after-concert reception, Arduin was approached by one of his patrons. Allasandra von Bek was a certain noblewoman of mature beauty whom he had entertained privately on occasion. (Her husband would not approve such performances.)

“Of course, send Simon for lessons,” said Arduin to the mother. Her boy was an aspiring vocalist. “Though I worry he will find the covenant an austere and boring place.”

Arduin had first met this patron at a private concert for a noble wives music club. He had sung the sorcerous Song of Charming Enchantment and enjoyed some of the womens’ friendships thereafter. Allasandra had been an eager supporter in more ways than financial. She even knew Arduin’s secret, but the magus knew hers too. Equal threat and equal safety.


The Verdant Springs Covenant

Arduin, on all fours on the stone floor, paused in his tracings. He put down the fine brush of human hair next to the bowl of menstrual blood. His back was beginning to hurt.

The young magus stood up, stretched, and regarded the pentagram-in-progress. A few more interior parabolas and the blood runes, then when dry a coating of Lisianthus flower seed oil extract for a clear shellac to protect against marring.

Arduin looked out his tower window down into the courtyard. He saw Vestius escorting two strangers. The raven haired man in robes struck Arduin as a magus; the other lank man in the tricorn hat seemed hardly so. Arduin had not agreed that Vestius should be the new covenant master after the old man died. But what weight did the vote of a young magus carry?

Arduin turned back to his pentagram. He consulted the grimoire on the book stand, triple checking each line, curve, rune and symbol. It must be perfect for the summoning and containment.

The magus had been studying this summoning for some months and was hoping to complete his learning and perform the ceremony by the end of Spring. It had been an arduous process, finding the tome, securing the ceremony components, studying the mystic equations, learning certain otherworldly secrets. Arduin was not done, but the end was in a sight.

The magus was putting much thought into what he wanted from that which was summoned. It represented an opportunity and a danger, a bringing together of the arcane and the erotic. Melding two disciplines into something new in the regio.

Arduin turned the page in the grimoire to a set of illustrations. He beheld again the subject of his summoning…


Arduin knew the eros spirit held occult secrets and bottomless passions. The magus wanted to explore the magic in such emotion to create new forms of magick. He would just need to be careful… wards, compacts, bonds, thoughtful wording.

That night Arduin had his dream again, reliving the experience again from five years ago. The copse of trees, the dryad, the seduction, the joyous acceptance and merging. The experience had transcended physicality and mentality. He had barely escaped the next morning and lost one year in that fey wood. Had he really glimpsed the Seelie Court in the reflection of the vernal pool?

Upon awakening, Arduin felt the urge to visit that copse of trees again. If only he could again experience that addictive ecstasy, safely. Could he capture the dryad, and place her in a tree in the tower garden? Such a foolish thought. Yet…

Apologies to Stephen Morrissey for my lyrical bastardization of his Handsome Devil :D

So the major act of the Spring is the summoning of the succubus. Assuming success, what Arduin tries to do with her could be one plotline in the next season?

The other sub-plots could be maintained and developed into the next season(s) and role-played out.
Last edited by Grognardsw on Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#4 Post by Keehnelf »

A quick potential redirect here: attempting to summon a succubus would be diabolism--and a crime punishable by death according to the Order of Hermes. Diabolical forces are as a matter of dogma considered impossible for a magus of any power or wisdom to safely control or interface with. This doesn't mean you can't do it--but if your goal isn't to start out on a path of potential criminality, you might want to focus on either a magical spirit like Eros/Venus or some kind of Fae known to possess secrets of mortal enchantment and/or desire.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#5 Post by Grognardsw »

Keehnelf wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 2:44 pm A quick potential redirect here: attempting to summon a succubus would be diabolism--and a crime punishable by death according to the Order of Hermes. Diabolical forces are as a matter of dogma considered impossible for a magus of any power or wisdom to safely control or interface with. This doesn't mean you can't do it--but if your goal isn't to start out on a path of potential criminality, you might want to focus on either a magical spirit like Eros/Venus or some kind of Fae known to possess secrets of mortal enchantment and/or desire.
Okay I’ll go with eros spirit. I switched the picture.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#6 Post by Keehnelf »

Arduin struggles mightily with his makeshift ritual and realizes that he lacks the proper knowledge and training to complete such a complicated task with success. He ponders a while and realizes the safest path forward would be to advance in some of the arts most relevant to this task to craft a properly effective ritual. He digs around in the paltry library and identifies a handful of volumes that might help him:

On the Doors of Perception (Intellego Summa, Level 8, Quality 6)
A Treatise on Fists and Open Hands (Rego Summa, Level 8, Quality 6)
Flashes of Inspiration (Mentem Summa, Level 8, Quality 6)
The Arcane Initiate (Vim Summa, Level 8, Quality 6)

The ritual Arduin seeks would be roughly a level 35+ effect (meaning his combination of two Arts would need to be 25+ to have a reasonable chance of success) in some combination of these four arts-- InMe would allow for tracing individuals impacted by the spirit Eros and perhaps creating a "trail" that could be followed...the safest and perhaps easiest path. InVi would attempt to locate the spirit itself. ReVi would attempt to forcibly summon the spirit from wherever it is--the hardest and most dangerous option of the three.

Each of these books supports learning in a single Art--basically the Level indicates how good you can get at the art by studying it, and the Quality is how quickly you learn from it. Without virtues of flaws that impact your study from books, these books would each give 6 XP per season--enough to increase an Art from 5 to 6.

Arduin can elect to study from one book per season to increase his abilities, and these are the most relevant to his immediate goals.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#7 Post by Grognardsw »

Several days later Arduin realized he would need more study. The artcanist perused the Covenant library. His finger paused on A Treatise on Fists and Open Hands, a title that sounded like it perhaps held erotic B&D lessons. Or perhaps not. He settled upon On the Doors of Perception and checked the book out with the rotund and always jovial librarian Aldus Manutius. Arduin courteously asked him how work on his scribing contraption was going.

Aldus told Arduin about the two new Covenant residents. A young magus named Bran and some tradesman named Cuddle. Arduin would have to make a point of meeting this Bran.

The musicromancer returned to his tower quarters, lit an opium pipe, and settled in for a stimulating evening of study.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#8 Post by Keehnelf »

Arduin delves into the text--considered a solid resource for this area of study, if not an especially nuanced or comprehensive one--and finds that, indeed, the author does have a flair for the dramatic and constantly emphasizes the uses of the technique of Rego in having influence on others. "The crass practitioner," one passage reads, "believes that in Muto--true transformation--one reshapes the world. More potent indeed is a change that does not impress itself as change upon the one that has been moved." The author--one Diogenes of Rome--was said to have been a legendary practitioner of such arts and produced a handful of other, more in-depth texts, during his lifetime. Perhaps if one could procure one of those, it would unlock even deeper mysteries.

Arduin gains 6xp in Rego for the full season of study, which brings him one shy of advancing to level 7 in the art. Two more seasons of study in this book will be sufficient to learn all its secrets.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#9 Post by Keehnelf »

This is definitely an acceptable space for doing a vignette to share Bran and Arduin's first meeting--it may lay the seeds of future stories but can't result in mechanical stuff--ability advancement, meaningful item gain, etc.
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#10 Post by Keehnelf »

I changed the title of this thread since it seems like we're not currently posting enough in here to justify a separate thread per season--so I'll just update with a seasonal time stamp when we move from one to the next.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#11 Post by Grognardsw »

Cugel paged through the Latin texts of Salvatus and sighed as he closed the grimoire. The language held the knowledge trapped in the parchment. The rogue’s fabricated story of Salvatus’ mentioning a ‘master plan’ had been to get inside the elder wizard’s quarters and evaluate the merchandise. Alas the finer pieces had been swept away by other magi in a reassuring show of greed. Magi are only human after all.

Ah well then, I had hoped to catch a glimmer of what Salvatus meant by his ‘master plan,’” said Cugel to Bran. “If you read any inferences, allusions or clues to such, do let me know.”

Yes! As Vestius would reward us, I would be happy to adventure to retrieve such volumes,” replied Cugel to Bran. “I have some suspicions where some might be.” Cugel decided he would tell Vestius of the transaction in Basel.


Later that day, Shabsai Weil offered Cugel tutelage in Latin. Cugel considered the offer. With his residence in the Covenant, the thief had a rare period of stability that afforded him the luxury to pursue such pleasures and wayward distractions.

Scribe Shabsai, thank you I look forward to studying Latin under your wise guidance.”


Under the glow of dancing lights, in the Hall of Wonders, during a post-dinner social hour, as magi mingled and talked of things exotic and quixotic, Arduin Archembeau introduced himself to the newcomer Bran.

Good evening sir and welcome to Verdant Springs. I am Arduin Archembeau.”He inclined his head. “You are new to us. I understand you hail from the green isle where the fey still dance?”

Given that…
Keehnelf wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:31 am …The ritual Arduin seeks would be roughly a level 35+ effect (meaning his combination of two Arts would need to be 25+ to have a reasonable chance of success) in some combination of these four arts-- InMe would allow for tracing individuals impacted by the spirit Eros and perhaps creating a "trail" that could be followed...the safest and perhaps easiest path. InVi would attempt to locate the spirit itself. ReVi would attempt to forcibly summon the spirit from wherever it is--the hardest and most dangerous option of the three.
Keehnelf wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:44 am The bounty to expand the library is open to any magi …

The first step in a process like that…would be determine what kind of book you're looking for (what Art) and then do some lead-hunting to try and find a trail to follow…. what Art of book is Arduin looking for…it would need to be Level 11+…

Enjoying the study of The Doors of Perception, Arduin was also researching with a committee of magi the missing volumes of Salvatus’ depleted library. Arduin had determined that a certain volume of InMe magic would aid in his quest to summon the eros spirit.

The book, entitled The Luminous Codex of Ethereal Convergence, was, according to some scribbled notes in Salvatus’ old index and the cross-referenced records of librarian Aldus Mantius the jolly, a tome of mystic profundity where within its hallowed pages were whispered secrets of summoning and communing with spirits from distant spheres. Arduin realized that it was one of those books with run-on sentences buttressed by linguistics that would make Gygax the Grammarian proud.

The notes went on: ‘The Codex’s secrets unfurl like delicate threads of luminescent essence as the reader embarks upon an odyssey through the esoteric labyrinthine of spirit conjuration. Delve into the hidden recesses of mystic lore, where the dance of the cosmos is woven with intricate sigils and resonant incantations. Within these sacred pages discover the essence of spiritkind - elemental entities, ancestral phantasms, celestial luminaries, and shadowy specters - each beckoned forth with the whisper of a summoner's breath. Journey deeper into the abyssal depths of arcane wisdom, where binding and bargaining become the currency of ethereal exchange. Unveil the secrets of wielding dominion over summoned spirits, ensnaring them within the confines of mortal will, and striking bargains that transcend the boundaries of mortal understanding. Amidst the radiant splendor of arcane enlightenment lies the lurking shadows of peril. Navigate the treacherous currents of spiritual endeavor, where the allure of forbidden knowledge and the siren call of the abyss threaten to ensnare the unwary summoner in a web of eternal darkness. Within The Luminous Codex lies the key to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos and the boundless potential of the spirit realm.’

Vestius, I am ready to seek out one of Salvatus’ lost volumes. The Luminous Codex of Ethereal Convergence is rumored to have last been seen in the hands of an unscrupulous bookdealer who likely sold it. What say you?”
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#12 Post by Keehnelf »

Typically, codices of this sort only address one Art in real depth. Will this book be focused on the Art Intellego, or the Art Mentem? Or are you leaving it to me to decide?
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#13 Post by Grognardsw »

You can choose. I assume I need both. Thanks.
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#14 Post by Keehnelf »

Perfect! I have a setup for that for a summer adventure.

Cugel will also get 5xp to spend on mundane abilities relevant to his journeys leading to Verdant Springs...also including Latin if he wants.
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Re: Spring 1221 - At the Covenant

#15 Post by AleBelly »

Sorry, I had completely missed this post.
Grognardsw wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:14 pm Cugel paged through the Latin texts of Salvatus and sighed as he closed the grimoire. The language held the knowledge trapped in the parchment. The rogue’s fabricated story of Salvatus’ mentioning a ‘master plan’ had been to get inside the elder wizard’s quarters and evaluate the merchandise. Alas the finer pieces had been swept away by other magi in a reassuring show of greed. Magi are only human after all.

Ah well then, I had hoped to catch a glimmer of what Salvatus meant by his ‘master plan,’” said Cugel to Bran. “If you read any inferences, allusions or clues to such, do let me know.”

Yes! As Vestius would reward us, I would be happy to adventure to retrieve such volumes,” replied Cugel to Bran. “I have some suspicions where some might be.” Cugel decided he would tell Vestius of the transaction in Basel.
"Allow me to establish my studies, and I would be happy to accompany you on such a voyage. Perhaps in the autumn..."

He cocks his head. "Of course, the summer season is best for travel in these parts."
Grognardsw wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 8:14 pm
Under the glow of dancing lights, in the Hall of Wonders, during a post-dinner social hour, as magi mingled and talked of things exotic and quixotic, Arduin Archembeau introduced himself to the newcomer Bran.

Good evening sir and welcome to Verdant Springs. I am Arduin Archembeau.”He inclined his head. “You are new to us. I understand you hail from the green isle where the fey still dance?”
"Pleased to meet you, Arduin. My isle goes by many names, but the green isle is a fitting name, for once can count 40 shades of the color. The fey are indeed active there, as are other spirits..." he says with a troubled look on his face. "My studies focus on the transformation of nature. Am I to assume yours is the realm of the fey?"
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#16 Post by Grognardsw »

A little of this, a little of that,” said Arduin to Bran as he sipped a vibrant glowing wine made from grapes harvested in the regio fields.

My studies are an eclectic mix of art, music and the erotic, with evocation as one mode under study. I have had fascinating encounters with fey.”
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#17 Post by AleBelly »

For the summer Bran would be interested in perusing the library (then studying if possible) for ways to rid himself of the ghost that plagues him. If he knows there's nothing in the library, he would like to venture forth in search of ways to dispel the ghost...or at least satisfy it so it will leave him alone.

Also of interest: is his ghost different in the regio? Does he notice anything different in raven form in the regio?
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#18 Post by AleBelly »

Grognardsw wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:27 pmA little of this, a little of that,” said Arduin to Bran as he sipped a vibrant glowing wine made from grapes harvested in the regio fields.

My studies are an eclectic mix of art, music and the erotic, with evocation as one mode under study. I have had fascinating encounters with fey.”
Bran regards the magus with interest. "In Eire, it is a ... ... brave soul that seeks to interact with the fey. All tales of the fey revolve around their trickery and deceit. Have you found them to be so?"
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#19 Post by Keehnelf »

AleBelly wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:15 pm For the summer Bran would be interested in perusing the library (then studying if possible) for ways to rid himself of the ghost that plagues him. If he knows there's nothing in the library, he would like to venture forth in search of ways to dispel the ghost...or at least satisfy it so it will leave him alone.

Also of interest: is his ghost different in the regio? Does he notice anything different in raven form in the regio?
The magi of the covenant indicated Bran might find some help in Salvatus's notebooks--do you want to begin with one of those instead of with the (currently paltry) offerings in the library?

Yes, the spirit is stronger inside the regio than outside of it--which tracks with an understanding of the Magical regio as being a domain of strength for things like ghosts and similar spirits, which are born of that domain and not from the Infernal or Fey realms. At the strength of the covenant's home layer, it makes the spirit more persistent but not more influential. If Bran were to find his way further into the regio, likely it would eventually become actively dangerous as it gains strength to complement its malice.

Bran's perceptions of things as a raven are the same as his human form within the bounds of the covenant.
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Re: At the Covenant - Secondary Focus

#20 Post by Keehnelf »

p.s. the date in this thread is now SUMMER 1221
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