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#1 Post by TheMyth »

Players have the following points to use to create a character:

ATTRIBUTES - 18 points

SKILLS - 18 points

STORY POINTS - 12 Story Points (usually used during the game)

DISCRETIONARY - 6 points (to raise Attributes or purchase Good Traits)

BONUS - 0 (gained from Bad Traits)
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#2 Post by TheMyth »


The 6 attributes usually range from 1-6 for Humans, with a 3 being typical/average. Aliens, Cyborgs, and Robots may have scores above 6.

Awareness 1 – oblivious to the goings on around them. Their friends frequently have to stop them from stepping out into busy traffic, and they usually miss important clues or signs.
Awareness 2 – still lower than average, but this could be that they are preoccupied with something or easily distracted
Awareness 3 – average person, fairly aware of their surroundings, likely to spot some hidden clues, notice the approaching enemy or hear the strange happenings going on in the flat upstairs.
Awareness 4 – above average, quick to notice when there is something wrong.
Awareness 5 – perceptive, aware of everything going on, can read others like a book, gut feelings are rarely wrong.
Awareness 6 – human maximum, incredibly rare. Takes in everything around them subconsciously, uncannily good at spotting clues. Able to read what people are really intending just by fluctuations in their voice, or notice the most minuscule details.
Awareness 7+ – superhuman, possessing enhanced senses.

Coordination 1 – a lot lower than your average person. They may have very poor control over their bodily movements, possibly due to being ungainly or a very slow reaction time.
Coordination 2 – still less than average, they’re sometimes clumsy, not brilliant shots and don’t get the best scores on video games.
Coordination 3 – human average, meaning they’re able and coordinated.
Coordination 4 – above average, with an almost athletic ability with good reflexes and hand-eye coordination.
Coordination 5 – instinctive reactions, superior reflexes and best suited to professions where such abilities are key, such as pilots or racing drivers.
Coordination 6 – human maximum, the quickest and most agile people on Earth.
Coordination 7+ – superhuman, special characters or aliens who move and aim with pinpoint accuracy.

Ingenuity 1 – someone who’s not exactly quick witted. They may not necessarily be stupid, but it takes them a little longer than your average person to work things out (if at all), or they may be from a primitive culture that doesn’t respect reasoning or learning.
Ingenuity 2 – still lower than average, and they are unlikely to have continued their studies (unless they got their qualification from Mrs Golightly’s Happy Travelling University and Dry Cleaners). They may just not be interested and they certainly aren’t so hot when it comes to computer programming.
Ingenuity 3 – human average – they understand mortgages and current affairs and have a good general education, grasps the basics of computers and technology and can come up with solutions to simple problems that get in their way.
Ingenuity 4 – above average – you’re talking University graduates (from a real University that is) with a flexible mind that can adapt itself to many circumstances and capable of deducing whodunnit from a few clues, possibly due to some natural talent.
Ingenuity 5 – well above average for a human, having a keen and penetrating mind that is full of useful general wisdom gained through a pursuit of knowledge, hard-earned practical experience and a natural gift towards applying their brains in novel ways.
Ingenuity 6 – the human maximum and one of the keenest intellects on the planet, with truly open minds able to make incredible leaps of reason.
Ingenuity 7+ – superhuman intelligence or alien characters, and remarkable minds such as the Doctor.

Presence 1 – socially inept or just plain rude (usually unintentionally). People can find it hard to get along with them and they may get ignored a little.
Presence 2 – off-putting, they could be arrogant and selfish, incredibly shy or just a little creepy.
Presence 3 – human average, generally likeable and easy to get on with but not necessarily a strong leader.
Presence 4 – charming and commanding, people pay attention to them and take notice of what they’re saying.
Presence 5 – silver-tongued or commanding, someone who can charm or boss their way through almost anything.
Presence 6 – awe-inspiring, regarded with respect, people want to be with them.
Presence 7+ – alien or superhuman characters, whose commanding and charismatic presence can sway minds and influence thoughts.

Resolve 1 – weak-willed and easily persuaded, or possibly lazy, crumbling quickly in the face of terror and adversity.
Resolve 2 – less than your average human, failing to keep their New Year’s Resolution beyond mid January, and quick to succumb to mind control.
Resolve 3 – human average, moderately strong willed, able to control themselves, though they’ll freeze under gunfire just like any normal person would.
Resolve 4 – a strength of will above your average person, enduring hardships and willing to face injury or death for their personal convictions and beliefs.
Resolve 5 – determined and resolute, at the peak of personal discipline and control, showing much stronger willpower than most people.
Resolve 6 – paragon of virtue, morally immovable and able to resist almost any temptation or fear.
Resolve 7+ – alien resolve, the most iron willed and unstoppable of aliens or superhuman characters.

Strength 1 – your typical weakling, winded answering the door, has difficulty opening a packet of crisps.
Strength 2 – weaker than normal, struggles changing a car tyre, gets out of breath running for the bus.
Strength 3 – average human, able to hold their own in a fight, open the toughest of jar lids, and can carry someone on a stretcher for a good distance.
Strength 4 – stronger than the average human.
Strength 5 – the toughest athletes, sportsmen and women.
Strength 6 – human peak, capable of picking people up and throwing them over their heads. This sort of Strength is usually seen in professional weightlifters or bodybuilders.
Strength 7+ – only for the specially enhanced characters or more-powerful aliens.
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#3 Post by TheMyth »


Here is a list of the 12 skills from Pulp Fantastic that provides some areas of expertise. (We are not using that rule, so this is just a good representation of what each skill can cover.) Skills usually range from 0-6.

- Athletics (Acrobatics, Climbing, Jumping, Parachuting, Running, Scuba, Swimming)
- Convince (Bluff, Charm, Fast Talk, Interrogation, Leadership, Lie, Seduction, Talk Down)
- Craft (Building, Painting, Farming, Singing, Guitar, Woodwork, Metalwork, Dancing)
- Fighting (Block, Club, Feints, Knife, Parry, Sword, Throws, Unarmed Combat)
- Knowledge (Anthropology, History, Language, Law, Literature, Psychology, Sociology)
- Marksman (Automatic Weapons, Bow, Mounted Weapons, Pistol, Rifle, Thrown Weapons, Tranquillizer Gun)
- Medicine (Disease, Forensics, Poisons, Psychological Trauma, Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Wounds)
- Science (Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Parapsychology, Physics)
- Subterfuge (Camouflage, Lock-picking, Pickpocketing, Safe-cracking, Sleight of Hand, Sneaking)
- Survival (Arctic, Desert, Jungle, Mountain, Swamp, Wilderness)
- Technology (Electrics, Gadgetry, Repair, Robotics)
-Transport (Aircraft, Auto-gyros, Boats, Cars, Motorcycles, Submersibles, Trucks, Zeppelins)
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#4 Post by TheMyth »


- from Pulp Fantastic with DW items added

Good, Bad, Special, Psychic, Creature/Alien, Item/Gadget/Invention
(Minor = 1 CP, Major = 2 CP, Special = varies)

Good Traits
Animal Friendship (Minor) - +2 bonus w/ non-sentient creatures
Attractive (Minor) - +2 bonus b/c good looks
Authority (Minor or Major) - minor influence or major influence
Boxing or Bashing (Minor)
Brand (Major)

Brave (Minor) - +2 bonus vs fear, use Story Point for auto-success
Breaking & Entering (Major) - +2 bonus Subterfuge for gaining entry, can assess difficulty
Charming (Minor) - +2 bonus Convince
Crack Shot (Minor) - +2 Marksman for trick shots
Easily Underestimated (Minor) - +2 bonus to social conficts w/ someone underestimating you
Empathic (Minor) - +2 bonus to read another person
Face in the Crowd (Minor) - blends in to be unnoticeable
Fast Healer (Major) - heals 1pt damage per hour
Fast Runner/Run for Your Life! (Minor) - 2x speed when fleeing
Favorite Gun/Gadget (Minor)
Friends* (Minor or Major) - ally provides help, depending on the level of Trait
Boffin/Gadgeteer (Major) - can create Inventions over time
Hobby (Minor)
Hot Shot (Minor)

Hypnosis (Minor or Major) - +2 bonus to calm someone or influence them; Major allows command
Instinct (Minor)*
Indomitable (Major) - +4 to any roll to resist being controlled
Keen Senses* (Minor or Major) - +2 bonus w/ a single sense or all senses
Linguist (Minor Trait)
Lucky (Minor or Major) - RE-WORKED: +1SP/+2SP
Martial Artist (Major)
Minions* (Major)

Never Gives Up (Major) - Not knocked out or incapacitated when one of your Attributes reaches zero.
Owed Favor (Minor or Major) - demand repayment to balance
Pet* (Minor or Major)
Photographic Memory (Major) - memorize info or spend Story Point for perfect recall later
Psychic Training (Minor) - +2 bonus to resist psychic powers
Quick Refexes (Minor/Major) - goes first in phase. Major: effective +2 Coordination, spend Story Point to go before anyone else.
Resourceful Pockets (Minor) - spend a Story Point to pull out a useful item
Rumor Mill (Minor)
Sense of Direction (Minor) - +2 bonus to find way in wilderness
Sharpshooter (Minor)
Super Amalgamated (Minor) - +2 Knowledge rolls
Technically Adept (Minor) +2 bonus using Tech
Tracker (Minor) - +2 bonus to follow tracks
Tough (Minor or Major) - reduce damage by 2 or 3
Voice of Authority (Minor) - +2 bonus to get people to do as you like or to gain their trust
Wealthy (Minor or Major)
Weapon Encyclopedia (Minor)

Weird Tech (Minor or Major) - simple but special item that is replacable
Well Traveled (Minor)
Screamer! (Minor)- when scared, scream will stun and make opponent unable to act for their next action.
Time Traveller (Minor/Major) - minor for TL under native time frame; major for higher TL
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#5 Post by TheMyth »

Bad Traits

Adversary* (Minor or Major) - recurring opponent of middling or high power
Amnesia (Minor or Major) - missing days, weeks, or years vs. almost total memory loss
Animal Lover (Minor) - protect animals or lose Story Points
By the Book (Minor) - must obey authority, +2 bonus to resist disobedience
Clumsy (Minor) - pratfalls under stress, (AWA + COO) to avoid
Code of Conduct (Minor or Major) - adhere to moral standing or set of rules, either generally or at every moment
Cowardly (Minor) - -2 penalty to resist fear
Dark Secret (Minor or Major) - skeleton in the closet changes how people react, either simple vs. something unforgiveable
Dependents (Minor or Major)
Dependency (Minor or Major) - requires something or someone to survive, infrequent & -2 penalty vs. constant & -4 penalty
Distinctive (Minor) - something very striking or obvious, -2 penalty to blend in
Dogsbody (Minor)
Doomed (Major)
Eccentric (Minor or Major) - quirky personality, tolerable vs. insane
Emotional Complication (Minor or Major)
Forgetful (Minor) - (ING + RES -2) to remember
Fresh Meat (Minor)
Good Samaritan (Minor) - help needy or lose Story Points
Hell on Wheels (Minor)
Impaired Senses* (Minor or Major) - small sensory loss -2 penalty vs. total sense loss
Impoverished (Minor)
Impulsive (Minor) - act on a whim, (ING + RES -2) to control self
Insatiable Curiosity (Minor) - must know what's happening, (ING+RES-2) to resist
Maverick (Minor) - Must disobey authority, or else spend 1 Story Point.
Obligation (Minor or Major) - duty, debt, or responsibility to another, infrequent vs. total
Obsession (Minor or Major) - compulsion or nervous habit vs. overwhelming urge
Outcast (Minor) - shunned; viewed w/ fear, dread or loathing
Owes Favor (Minor or Major) - small debt vs. significant bond
Phobia* (Minor) - 2 penalty to Resolve checks to resist specific fear
Racial Minority (Minor)
Slow Refexes (Minor/Major) - goes last in a phase vs. goes last in the round
Slow Runner (Minor) - reduce speed by 1
Strange Visitor (Minor or Major)
Technically Inept (Minor)
Unattractive (Minor) - when appearance matters, -2 penalty
Unlucky (Minor or Major) - reroll any double-6 vs. GM withholds Story Points at will
Weakness (Minor or Major) - something harms character; -2 penalty vs. 4 pts damage per exposure
Argumentative (Minor) - must express opinion, can earn SP, make (ING + RES -2) to back down
Last of My Kind (Minor) - often get moody and depressed, -2 penalty when overwhelmed
Selfish (Minor) - at times, character will seek gain or plunder; lose Story Point if opportunities ignored
Unadventurous (Minor)
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#6 Post by TheMyth »

Special Traits

Experienced (cost: 3 Story Points) - gain 2 Character Points & 2 Skill Points
Fast Healer (Special: 3CP & 3SP) - RE-WORKED - recover 1 point per minute, regrow limbs, etc.
Cyborg/Machine Man (1CP): Obvious Mechanics, attached Gadget Traits
Cyborg: Bionics (3CP) - synthetic skin, attached Gadget Traits
More Than Human (Special Major Good)
Psychic (Special Major Good) - includes Psychic Training (+4 to resist psychic intrusion) plus Read Minds (AWA+RES+4)
Robot: Artificial (Special Major Good) - looks mechanical, Attributes allowed over 6, attached Gadget Traits
Robot: Android (Cost: 4CP) - looks human, Attributes over 6, attached Gadget Traits
Team Player
Unusual Background
Alien (Special Major Good) - Attriutes can be above 6 and allows purchase of Alien/Creature Traits
Alien Appearance (Special Minor or Major Bad)
Fear Factor
Immortal: Unaging (Major Good Alien) - does not age
Immortal: Rebirth (Alien, 5CP & 4SP) - repair damage and recover in most cases
Time Agent (Package cost: 2 CP & 2 SP)
Time Lord (Package cost: 2 P & 4 SP)
Vortex (Minor Good version only) - pilor time craft +2 bonus

Psychic Traits (* requires Psychic)

Astral Travel * (Psychic Major Good) - spend 1SP to leave body; spend 1SP to travel to known location
Clairvoyance * (Psychic Special Major Good) - 1SP to view other location (RES 1 - The briefest flash in Adjacent room, up to 15ft away; RES 2 - A few seconds Up to 30ft away; RES 3 - 30 Seconds Up to 650ft away; RES 4 - A minute Up to half a mile away; RES 5 - 3 Minutes Up to 6 miles away; RES 6 - 5 Minutes Up to 62 miles away; RES 7 - 10 Minutes Up to 310 miles away; RES 8 - 20 Minutes Up to 621 miles away; RES 9+ - 30 Minutes Anywhere on the planet!)
Cloud Men’s Minds* (Psychic Major Good) - effectively invisible to other intelligent beings without (RES+AWA) vs. (RES+AWA+2)
Empathic Aura: chosen emotion (Psychic Minor Good) - all in vicinity feel emotion; (RES+STR) to resist; +2 bonus to psychic
Enlightened/Feel the Turn of the Universe (Minor Good) - sense wrongness with (AWA+ ING+2); success dictates amount foreknowledge
Precognition * (Psychic Special Minor Good) - hints from GM or 1SP to request vision
Telekinesis * (Psychic Special Major Good) - effective STR=RES in line of sight
Telepathy * (Psychic Special Minor Good) - communicate via thoughts (ING+RES); range: (RES 1 Touch; RES 2 Sight; RES 3 Next Room; RES4 Next Building; RES 5 City; RES 6 Country; RES 7 Planet; RES 8 Star System; RES 9+ Universe)
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#7 Post by TheMyth »

Creature Traits (aka Alien Traits)

Additional Limbs (Minor Good)
Aggressive (Major Good)
Amphibious (Minor Good)
Aquatic (Minor Bad)
Armor (Minor, Major or Special Good)
Bite (Minor or Major Good)
Burrowing (Minor Good)
Claw (Minor Good)
Climbing (Minor or Major Good)
Constrict (Minor Good)
Enhanced Senses (Minor Good)
Environmental (Minor or Major Good)
Fast-Moving (Minor or Major Good)
Fear Factor (Special Good)
Flight (Minor or Major Good)
Frenzy (Minor Bad)
Grab (Minor Good)
Immaterial (Special Bad)
Immortal (Major or Special Good)
Immunity (Major Good Trait)
Infection (Major Good)
Invisible (Special Good)
Leap (Special Good)
Lurker (Minor Good)
Natural Weapons (Minor or Major Good)
Networked (Minor or Major Good)
Nocturnal (Minor Bad)
Passive (Minor Bad)
Poison (Special Good)
Possess (Special Good)
Replication (Major Good)
Savage Roar (Major Good)
Screamer! (Minor Good)
Shapeshift (Minor, Major or Special Good)
Slow-Moving (Minor or Major Good)
Snap (Major Good)
Special (Special Good)
Stalker (Major Good)
Stinger (Minor Good)
Stomp (Minor Good)
Strange Appearance (Special Bad)
Teleport (Major Good)
Trample (Major Good)
Warning (Major Good)
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#8 Post by TheMyth »

Item Traits (aka Gadget or Invention Traits)

Minor Items - cost 1 Story Point and can hold a single Minor Trait. They may hold a Major Trait (or two Minor), but would need to take a Bad Trait to ‘pay’ for the extra cost, such as Restriction or One Shot. They hold a single
Story Point, and this can be used so the Item can do something novel or diferent, though the efect of this will be fairly small.

Major Items - cost 2 Story Points and can hold a Major or two Minor Traits. They may hold an additional Major (or additional two Minor Traits, up to 4 points worth in total) but will need to take a Bad Trait or two to ‘pay’ for
the additional ability, such as Restriction or One Shot. They hold two Story Points, and these can be used so that the Item can do something that it is not normally designed for, the effect of which can be fairly significant.

Special Items - cost 4 Story Points and can hold up to 4 points worth of Traits (2 Major, 4 Minor, etc). They may hold more than this, but will need to take Bad Traits to pay for the additional abilities. They can hold four Story
Points to do odd or remarkable things, with some major effect on the story.


51st Century ‘Squareness Gun’ (Minor Gadget)
Handy gun that deletes and restores walls and other items digitally, as used by River Song and Capt. Jack Harkness.
Traits: Delete, Restriction (doesn’t work on living tissue).
Story Points: 1

Datapad (Minor Gadget)
All purpose scanner, ideal for taking readings from ancient monoliths or detecting approaching battle fleets.
Traits: Scan.
Story Points: 1

Lockpick (Minor Gadget)
Traits: Open/Close, Restriction (doesn’t work on deadlock seals).
Story Points: 1

Electronic AI Lockpick (Major Gadget)
Traits: Open/Close, Skill: Subterfuge 3, Restriction (Electronic locks only, not on deadlock seals).
Story Points: 2

Engineer’s Mate (Minor Gadget)
An electronic and futuristic Swiss Army knife of the tech world. Able to diagnose tech problems and helps the user to try and fix it.
Traits: Scan, Technically Adept (gives the user the same bonus as if the character had the Technically Adept Trait), Restriction (scan technological items only).
Story Points: 1

Engram Eraser (Major Gadget)
As used by some governments to erase memories of witnesses to extraterrestrial incidents.
Traits: Delete, Psychic, Restriction (Delete function only works on memories).
Story Points: 2

Hallucinogenic Lipstick (Minor Gadget)
River Song’s escape method of choice, making people see whatever she wants them to see.
Traits: Hypnosis (Major), Restriction (Effect limited to 30 minutes).
Story Points: 1

Psychic Paper (Minor Gadget)
Psychic Paper shows the viewer whatever the user wants them to see, or what the viewer thinks they ought to see.
Traits: Psychic, Restriction (doesn’t work on
psychically trained).
Story Points: 1

The Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver (Major Gadget)
The most recognisable of Gadgets, variations of this device exist across time and space, from Sonic Pens to Sonic Lipsticks. However, none are as special as the Doctor’s, the subject of over 1200 years worth of customisation and tinkering.
Traits: Open/Close, Restriction (Cannot open Deadlock Seals, Tricky Controls), Scan, Transmit, Weld.
Story Points: 2

Gas Gun. (Major Invention)
Handy device that you can use to put your opponents to sleep.
Traits: Hypnosis (Major), Restriction (Sleep Only)
Story Points: 2

Hypno-Disc. (Major Invention)
This small clockwork device fits in the palm of the user's hand, and spins with an eerie oscillation that can erase a subject’s memory of the last few hours.
Traits: Delete, Psychic, Restriction (Delete function only works on memories)
Story Points: 2

Rocket Pack (Major Invention)
A man-portable rocket pack that allows a character to fly. It’s a heck of a ride though, and take of is a real kick in the pants!
Traits: Feedback (Minor), Flight (Major), Restriction (Requires Jet Fuel)
Story Points: 2


- Gadgets can be tinkered with, enhanced, store Story Points
- Weird Tech is usually a static tool

Minor Weird Tech - laser scalpel, simple sonic screwdriver, psychic tracers, bulletproof bracelets, bat-arangs

Major Weird Tech - pocket watch that stops time, miniature supercomputer, lightsaber, book of magic spells
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#9 Post by TheMyth »

Tech Level (Technology Available)

TL12 (Beyond Comprehension – Technology only available to the Eternals)
TL11 (Ancient Time Lord – the Time of
Rassilon, Omega and the Death Zone)
TL10 (Time Lord)
TL9 (Advanced Time Faring – Daleks)
TL8 (Time Faring – 51st Century Earth)
TL7 (Advanced Interstellar – Far Future
Earth, no Time Travel, Transmat)
TL6 (Star Faring – Late 21st-30th Century
Earth, venturing into space, FTL travel.)
TL5 (Space Faring – Late 20th, Early 21st
Century Earth. Systemwide space travel)
TL4 (Industrial – 18th-20th Century Earth, Industrial Revolution, steam, manufacturing.)
TL3 (Renaissance – 15th-17th Century Earth. Gunpowder, sailing ships, art.
TL2 (Metalworking – Bronze Age to Middle Ages, swords and steel.)
TL1 (Primitive – Stone Age)

Every Tech Level more advanced than the character imposes a cumulative -2 penalty.

Every Tech Level below the character means a -1 penalty (it is easier to use items from your past than it is your future).

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