Chybisa information/history

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Chybisa information/history

#1 Post by Rex »

I am posting some info on Chybisa here. Most is common knowledge, although some will sneak in that is more in depth but we can just assume your character heard it somewhere etc. Gerolt would know the most as he is native to Chybisa and a noble. Feel free to ask questions and for clarifications here. The depth of history for Harn is one of the things that makes it so interesting.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#2 Post by Rex »

The Kingdom of Chybisa.

Reminder, the current year is 720 TZ.

Chybisa is the smallest realm on Harn, but has the most fertile land on Harn and extensive mines in the hills that surround the valley. It sits on one of the most important trade routes on Harn, the Genin Trail. It prospers greatly from all these things. They are a net exporter of nearly all goods.

It is surrounded by the barbarian nations of Hodiri, Bujoc, and Pagaelin.
The Hodiri are the largest population of barbarians on Harn. Horse nomads they out number Chybisa. They are currently at peace with Chybisa and trade extensively with Chybisa, primarily horses and rare herbs for food and other items.
The Bujoc are a small barbarian nation, the most peaceful on Harn. They are non-aggressive and generally peaceful but occasional conflicts occur do to mining in the Anadel hills they live in.
The Pagaelin are a good sized nation, thankfully further from Chybisa and closer to Kaldor giving a buffer of unoccupied wilderness. They are aggressive and practice dark rites. The biggest threat along the Genin Trail. They are in frequent conflict with the patrols from both Chybisa and Kaldor.

The nomadic Gargun nation of Chindra lies to the northeast. They are a constant threat to the Bujoc and mines of Chybisa. Occasional hunting/raiding parties can show up anywhere north of the Ulmerian river. They trade with the Pagaelin, particularly weapons.

Chybisa's closest neighbor to the north is the powerful nation of Kaldor. They are currently at peace, all be it a stressful one. They fought The Treasure war in 674 (46 years ago), with Kaldor victorious. The king of Chybisa fled south to Melderyn where he was allowed to raise an an army of mercenaries after swearing fealty to the king of Melderyn in 686. He returned to Chybisa in 687 with a modest army. He had the support of the local population and routed the Kaldorian forces at the battle of Geda and marched on Burzyn. The remaining occupying forces at Burzyn panicked and surrendered. Kaldoric sympathizers fled north. The king reclaimed the throne and publicly renounced his fealty to Melderyn.

Chybisa's neighbor to the south is Harn's largest and most powerful kingdom, The Kingdom of Melderyn, also known as The Mages Isle. They are at peace but like their peace with Kaldor it is stressful.

Both the Kingdoms of Kaldor and Melderyn refuse to renounce their claims on The Kingdom of Chybisa and political machinations and spying are constant and given. But trade is vital to all three kingdoms and Kaldor's king is dying with no heir apparent so war has been avoided for the past 33 tense years. But tension remains very high.

Chybisa has used the last 33 years to expand its militia. Their Long Bowmen are considered the best on Harn. They have allowed Ivinians and Orbaalese to settle in Geda after a Ivinian warrior won Geda in a bet. The new baron of Geda has proven to be effective and highly loyal to the king, building a sizable warband he anchors the Kingdoms south East defenses.

Chybisa's biggest issues are extensive debt from the recent war and a low population. The current king has been working on paying down the debt but it has made funds for other projects, particularity expansion and rebuilding/building of fortifications. Due to the recent war, plague, and conflict many manors and their farmland have been abandoned due to lack of population, forcing the kingdom to contract in on itself. Settlers are also relatively rare as the kingdoms around them are stable and also underpopulated, thus being more attractive.

Chybisa's future is uncertain but has tremendous potential. Its recent kings have proven to be intelligent, master politicians, leaders both on and off the field of combat, and willing to do whatever is necessary to keep the kingdom independent.

this is the situation you walk into after slaying a drake and reclaiming an ancient Khuzdul outpost of tremendous value to many different factions in and around the smallest Kingdom on Harn.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#3 Post by Rex »

Very rough populations for scale. Kingdom/Barbarian Nation/Gargun Nation followed by largest settlement

Chybisa 8,000, Burzyn just over 500
Kaldor 100,000+, Tashal 11,000+
Melderyn 160,000, Cherafir 7,000, largest mainland settlement Thay 4,000+

Bujoc 3,000 to 4,000, semi-nomadic groups rarely larger than 100 individuals
Hodiri 25,000+ and another 5,000+ slaves, nomadic horse clans the largest as many as 300 Hodiri plus slaves
Pagaelin 17,000+, nomadic, the largest tribes as many as 240

Gargun (Orcs)
Chindra 1,000 Hyeka (Brown or Common Orcs), 4 highly nomadic tribes, manufacture and trade weapons to the Pagaelin (Hyeka are equal or better miners and metal workers to humans)
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#4 Post by Rex »

There are 5 Barons in Chybisa. They form the Council of Barons which advises the King. The only such organization on Harn. Clan listed first then the barony.

Afaelin, Baron of Aereben
Forsetha, Baron of Geda
Legith, Baron of Lerenil
Rythal, Baron of Caermel
Vastair, Baron of Andazyn

Darcen ruins is in the Barony of Caermel. The Baron is Jebril Rythal, the youngest Baron in Chybisa at 24 years old. He holds 11 manors, 3 of which are ruins. He is currently betrothed to the youngest daughter of the Baron of Anadazyn.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#5 Post by Rex »

This info is for Sir Gerolt, but maybe ideas will flow better if everyone sees it.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#6 Post by Rex »

Holder is the clan name, Bailiff is a knight who is holding it for the Baron, thus he could be removed or changed at the barons will and his family wouldn't inherit.
AC is acreage of the manor.
LQ is land quality, 1.00 being average for Harn.
HD is the number of households on the manor. Harn says the average household size is 5. Example: Meldun has a HD of 38 so the population would be 38x4.5=171 to 38x5.4=205.2. So Melduns population is 171 to 205.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#7 Post by Rex »

Some more info for Sir Gerolt. Some of it might have been heard by others as rumors etc.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#8 Post by Rex »

Clan Geledoth holds Chybisa. It is a small close knit clan generally seen as supportive of each other.

The current King, Verlid VII is 45, having ruled for nearly 30 years. Queen Fairela is 41 and the daughter of a wealthy Lythian noble. They married shortly after Verlid was named clanhead and crowned King.

Their first child, daughter Cerael died at the age of 1.

Prince Balesir is 20 and unmarried. Constable of Oden.

Princess Nerelin is 18 and married to Marshal of the Royal Guard Marak Semadin.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#9 Post by Rex »

King Verlid VII

The King is considered to have ruled well and to be an honest and fair man. He is beloved by the majority of his people. He values loyalty and competence over birth and has rewarded those who show the first 2 traits on numerous occasions.

He is known to be frequently sick from ulcers and a weak heart in recent years and the men of his line have rarely made it to the age of 50.

He is known to not get along with his son and rumors have begun that he favors Marshal Semadin and could name Princess Nerelin as his successor.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#10 Post by Rex »

Queen Fairela is generally considered more interested in appearances and a busybody. She is currently attempting to play matchmaker for her son.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#11 Post by Rex »

Prince Balesir

The Prince is an energetic and charismatic young man who is ruled by his passions. He is popular with many nobles but has also made an equal number of enemies. He has a reputation as a womanizer and is having a difficult time finding a suitable woman to marry due to it.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#12 Post by Rex »

Princess Nerelin

The princess is recently married to Marshal of the Royal Guard Marak Semadin. They currently do not spend much time together as the Marshal has been tasked with keeping Prince Balesir safe in Onden and The Princess remains at her fathers side.

She is well educated in the scholarly arts and is pleasant and unassuming.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#13 Post by Rex »

The King has good relations with his two sisters and has favored his brother in-laws and nephews with important offices.

Princess Lenia, Verlid's elder sister is a strong willed and dynamic women. Her husband Sir Tamric Larles is Chancellor of Chybisa. She has two sons, Hurban, Reblena (Laranian Bishop) of Ulmstane and Sir Jenkaes, Inquisitor General of Chybisa.

Princess Dorane, Verlid's younger sister is a quite, efficient, and capable administrator. Her husband Sir Tarsyl Legith is Chancellor of the Exchequer and younger brother of The Baron of Lerenil. They have no children.
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Re: Chybisa information/history

#14 Post by Rex »

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Re: Chybisa information/history

#15 Post by Rex »

Current year is 720 TR (Tuzyn Reckoning), 900 BT (Before Tuzyn Reckoning) would be 1,620 years ago.
The Jarin were the first humans to settle on Harn, peaceably with the Sindarin and Khuzdul.
The Atani were the next wave of humans and they came as invaders.

The Atani Wars and Their Legacy (c.900 BT to c.100 TR)
Approximately 900 BT, the Atani (Sindarin for 'Pharic peoples') of coastal Lythia began to raid Jarin settlements in eastern Hârn. These raids grew in frequency and number, and eventually the Atani came over in with intent to stay. The Elder Peoples and the Jarin fought skillfully against the invaders, defeating them numerous times over the next few centuries, but still the Atani kept coming. In 683 BT, at what has come to be known as the 'Battle of Sorrows', Daelda, the Sindarin king of Hârn, was mortally injured.

Daelda's sucessor, Aranath, having decided that it was futile to oppose 'that which can no longer be stopped', abdicated his rule over the island and withdrew the Sindarin to the Shava Forest. The Jarin, assisted by the Khuzdul, continued to resist the invaders for a few decades, but their efforts were in vain. By 500 BT, the Atani had overrun most of southern Hârn, the Khuzdul had retreated to their mountainous city-kingdoms, and those Jarin who had not fled to the northern regions of the island were assimilated. The civilizing influence of the Elder Races removed, the humans of Hârn then fell into a six-century long 'Dark Age' that only came to an end around the beginning of the second century TR.

The about 1400 years ago is in reference to when this particular outpost was abandoned by the Khuzdul as they retreated back along the Southern Way to Azadmere. Closing and sealing outposts, way stations, hunting lodges and Kyg's along the way. I don't think it has been figured out yet but will be shortly no mater what, this outpost is in fact the closest Khuzdul structure to the location where the Battle of Sorrows occurred.
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