Game Information

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Game Information

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Golarion!
The Campaign ID for this game is 1027.

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PF2e Beginner Box.png (1.09 MiB) Viewed 633 times
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Re: Game Information

#2 Post by hedgeknight »

Here is the information I posted in my Baldur's Gate game about Pathfinder 2e and where I'm thinking of starting.

Something is wrong in the small, quiet fishing town of Otari - some creature is stealing all of the Otari Fishery's fish! When a group of local adventurers set out to investigate, though, they discover that there's far more to the story than first meets the eye. They'll have to investigate underground caverns with all sorts of strange and wonderful ruins, creatures, and people inside to find out what's at the bottom of this mystery, and what sinister plans that force has against the quiet town above!

Otari is a small port town near the Immenwood on the south coast of the Isle of Kortos, about halfway between Absalom and Diobel. It is located at the head of a bay of the Inner Sea. It is a modern but relatively quiet settlement, and is popular among retired Pathfinders, many of whom operate businesses there. Important to the economy of Absalom as a whole is Otari's lumber trade: timber cut from the Immenwood arrives by road into Otari and, from there, is traded across the Inner Sea region.


Leaving DND 5e for Pathfinder 2e

Archives of Nethys
If you are looking at the Ancestry section, let's stick with the Common Ancestries for now ;)

character builder, really easy to create a character, walks you through all options and makes all calculations

playlist summarizing each class ... RWFX0C1nkB
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Re: Game Information

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

Since very few (if any) of us have actually played Pathfinder 2e, let's take it slow and keep it simple.
While I have the full Core Rule-Book, and access to most of the other material via Paizo's Humble Bundle, I'm going to be using the Pathfinder Beginner Box for a quick look at the rules, both for the GM and the Player.
With Pathfinder, there are a ton of options for characters and character builds. All of us know how to game; we know D&D. But the ins and outs of PF2 may take awhile to get our minds around. And, I may only be speaking for my 60 yr-old, whiskey-addled brain, but so be it. :mrgreen:
I'm an old dog (with a bad back and knees) and I don't learn tricks quite as fast as I used to. That said, I played 3.5 for years and dabbled in Pathfinder 1e for a bit, so I'm familiar with the rules; just not with all of them.
So...we'll learn together as we go, okay?

Again, keep it simple.
At least with your first PF2 character.
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Re: Game Information

#4 Post by hedgeknight »

Here is a map of the Inner Sea Region of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting.
Once you expand it, it is HUGE!

Same goes for the Isle of Kortos, where the game will begin. Specifically, the lumber town of Otari. ... 16fcf9.jpg
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Re: Game Information

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Otari 1.jpg
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Otari is a thriving, diverse lumber town and trade port with a storied past and its fair share of sinister secrets. Founded by a group of adventurers over 400 years ago, the town has weathered attacks from kobolds and strange monsters, economic woes and windfalls, and cycles of prosperity and strife. Today, the town is a prosperous community and one of the largest settlements along the coast.
Otari is nestled in a coastal valley between two looming cliffs. The Osprey River flows into the sea in the middle of this valley, and the sturdy stone to either side of the river supports hundreds of buildings and a deep harbor. Otari rarely floods, but the numerous caves, warrens, and channels dug beneath the town do so regularly.
Though day-to-day life in Otari resembles that in any small town, its skyline stands out due to the enormous waterwheel at its eastern edge, the ingenious and enormous flume that brings lumber down the cliffside for easy transportation, and a stunning library to the west. The town's location near a major highway and its long history as a home to various adventuring parties lead visitors and travelers alike to seek it out. Lively trade passing through means unusual wares (and even magic items) aren't too difficult to find.
Just over 1,200 people live in Otari, drawn from all over the world. While most of these residents are humans, some dwarves and elves also live here. Most residents work in the local fishing and lumber industries. For the most part, the people of Otari are friendly and welcoming, though they prefer the small-town feel and make lighthearted fun of visitors from big cities. Coffee is a mainstay, a favorite drink among the hardworking and early-rising townsfolk.
(Taken from the Beginner Box Game Master's Guide)
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Re: Game Information

#6 Post by hedgeknight »

Otari in the Fog.jpg
Otari in the Fog.jpg (71.79 KiB) Viewed 621 times

The History of Otari

Though the immense metropolis of Absalom has long dominated the urban scene on Starstone Isle, civilization has always thrived across the island. Otari’s beginning is relatively recent and involved a few false starts along the way. When Belcorra Haruvex arrived in the region in 4230 AR, drawn by a series of sinister visions, the coastal region was practically uninhabited. Here, she built Gauntlight, the keep surrounding the area, and the sprawling dungeons below the structure—without attracting notice. A group of adventurers known as the Roseguard eventually learned of Belcorra’s villainy and slew her, but at the cost of one of their own: a rogue named Otari Ilvashti. Having lost both their friend and their taste for adventuring, the three surviving members of the Roseguard decided to retire. They spent much of their savings constructing several buildings and a sizable pier in a sheltered cove south of the site of their final battle. Since their lost friend’s fondest dream had been to settle down in a small seaside village, they named this new village after him.

Age of Darkness
Serpentfolk construct the Empty Vault, a shrine to Nhimbaloth far beneath the surface of Golarion. When Aroden raises the Starstone Isles from the Inner Sea, the Empty Vault ascends with it, ending up several hundred feet below the Isle of Kortos.

4213 AR
Belcorra Haruvex is born to the wealthy Haruvex family in Absalom. Unknown to anyone outside the family, the Haruvexes have a strong aberrant bloodline and a familial devotion to the Outer God Nhimbaloth.

4219 AR
The Haruvex family is ejected from Absalom when their secret sacrifices are discovered. They flee to Andoran, where they live in poverty. This is particularly hard on 6-year-old Belcorra, the family’s youngest scion. The Haruvexes instill in Belcorra a hatred of Absalom and impress upon the child her role as Nhimbaloth’s chosen one.

4230 AR
Belcorra, the last exiled Haruvex, has become a powerful sorcerer. She secretly relocates to the Isle of Kortos, where she begins work on a magical lighthouse called Gauntlight, situated directly above the Empty Vault. She magically opens passages through the earth to reach the shrine and begins to collect an army of aberrations to attack Absalom.

4234 AR
Belcorra completes Gauntlight and begins work on its dungeons. She uses will-o’-wisps and bound devils to enforce her will on the rapidly expanding hordes within. She meets the drow and urdefhans who dwell in the area and demands their fealty in exchange for their lives.

4244 AR
One of Absalom’s “hunting lodges” (a sanctioned group of adventurers) called the Roseguard hear of Belcorra’s presence and come to investigate her lighthouse. They kill her but Belcorra kills the rogue Otari Ilvashti in this battle. The victorious Roseguard construct a small port community and retire there, naming it Otari after their fallen friend.

4290 AR
The last Roseguard passes away, and Otari begins to fall into decline.

4294 AR
Otari is abandoned.

4300 AR
Stonescale kobolds colonize Otari, led by their ambitious cheiftain, Yarlaip.

4310 AR
Yarlaip seals his tribe’s fate by luring ships to their doom; the Stonescale kobolds are soon thereafter defeated by adventurers. Maklanni Menhemes leads the resettlement of Otari.

4323 AR
Construction of the Otari Mill and log flume is completed.

4721 AR
The current year. Word has begun to spread around Otari that there’s a problem down at the Otari Fishery. Some are saying that some sort of beast is lurking in the basement, feeding on the stores of salted fish. Tamily Tanderveil, the owner of the Fishery sends out a desperate plea for help.
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Re: Game Information

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

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Re: Game Information

#8 Post by hedgeknight »

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Re: Game Information

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

Morning folks.
This is the first time one of our players has rolled a natural 1 to hit, which is a critical failure.
I did some research about this (and other critical stuff) and found I didn't like the rules for Pathfinder 2e on the subjects.
So, I did some more searching (Google is your friend) and found a chart of Critical Hits and Failures...and I love it!
I will be incorporating it into this game starting with the next group post, either late today or tomorrow.
Heh. :twisted:
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