WW2 Supers d6: PTO Interlude

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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WW2 Supers d6: PTO Interlude

#1 Post by max_vale »

Early May of 1943 thru Early June of 1944; Hawaii and various points throughout the U.S.; ending aboard the USS Fremont off the shore of Saipan Island

After the hard fought and bloody battle for Platok Island, the members of SST 4 were worn out in a way they hadn't been so far in this world-wide conflict. The fact that 'Dutch' Van Horn had come THIS CLOSE to meeting his maker and poor Manny Corman had been all but disintegrated and seeing walking corpses attack them...well....it just wasn't something they'd get over anytime soon....

Luckily for them, they wouldn't have too. They were all given immediate R&R back at the 'Canal, where they were all soon decorated with Silver Stars for everyone (along with Purple Hearts) AND promotions all around! Marvin Acme, who not very long ago had been a career NCO was now a Major; 'Mediocre Roker' was now a Senior Chief AND the second highest ranking member of the unit; Elias Tucker was now a Chief and Gurung got the long-delayed confirmation of his promotion to Corporal!

Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn was promoted to Master Gunnery Sergeant while he was still recovering in the Hospital, but he would soon be headed back to the States for light duty training Marines at Camp Pendleton in San Diego.....for the duration of the conflict. It was a sad departure, but everyone could tell by looking in his eyes, it was the right decision....

Everyone soon got the welcome news that SST 4 was being given deserved 'break' and the various members were given lots of leave and then some 'easy duty' by 'pressing the flesh' at USO shows and recruitment and War Bonds drives and the like. It wasn't until the early spring months of 1944 that they were called back to duty in Hawaii, where Captain Marsden and the MUCH expanded SSO base brought them up to speed on the next mission....

Everyone was amazed at how many new Talents had manifested in the past year.....there were now some 50 Special Services Teams! Many of the young Talents looked upon the veteran members of SST 4 with awe in their eyes and exclamations of how they were seen as heroes to them. The deeds of SST 4 were quickly becoming the stuff of legend....some of their exploits, with CONSIDERABLE CHANGES, were being used as the plots of serials, comic books and even a Movie....'The Talent Raiders of the Pacific', due out in the Fall!

Back in the real world, they met up with the two new members of their Team; a Sailor and a Marine....both quite young in their early 20s, but both having manifested their Talent Powers in tight situations.....

The Marine was a Corporal named Saul Rabinowitz from Baltimore, Maryland. He was a lanky, but tough Jewish kid who had joined the Marines in the hopes of them being sent as 'the First to Fight' against the Nazis....but was chagrined to be sent to the Pacific. He had been one of the 'lucky' few to be sent to garrison Johnston Island in the middle of the Pacific for the first year of the war and then get sent to the 'Canal, but only after most of the fighting was done. He finally saw action last November at Tarawa, where the bloody 3 day fight was as intense as any yet known in the War and his Talent Powers of being able to 'camouflage' himself by changing his body to match the terrain he was in and to become super strong manifested themselves and he helped destroy several hidden Japanese positions because of it. He was then sent to 'Hell' Motel in the early part of 1944 and then assigned as a replacement to SST 4. He was quick to crack a joke and looked to have a bit of a temper, but a good guy to have in a fight....

The Sailor was a former Submariner named Kermit Fletcher, whose powers had manifested when disaster had struck his sub. He had the ability to move in the water like a fish, which he used to save several of his shipmates. He was soon sent to Hell' Motel, where the Machinist also revealed he had the ability to send out 'Pressure Waves' that could do serious damage to a person or two within 20 feet of his person. He was a New Yorker and a good man with a wrench....
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