Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#21 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

You approach inside the camp, terribly exposed should conflict arise. The Saurons seem confident in exploiting your seeming discomfort and weakness. They are of course at home among the long grasses, boggy peat and misty conditions.
Of course you might wonder why they do camp here? Their tribal homelands are about 25 miles south of the Barrow Mounds in the Blackwater River delta. You know that for centuries, the Saurons kept a permanent watch upon a specific Barrow Mound, see Secret of the Saurons for details, maintained until the Blossom of Death expedition slew the Nergal Crypt Knight inside and after unleashing some hellish backlash, the mound collapsed in upon itself.

You might also piece together that when those two expeditions were ongoing, the Saurons were continually reinforcing the Mound guard and each season a new group of tribal militia would arrive. So, this group may have been the next one which arrived days after your expedition concluded and knowing 'duty, honour, ferocity' are some Sauron virtues, it might be finding the Mound disaster (Cosmo & Co' wiped them out), they have not returned home until they can redeem some honour back.

Cosmo might also recall that concurrent to his Blossom expedition, Lord Krothos sent a troop of Duchy Militia under the command of former officer Foxrell to conduct a raid against Sauron expansionism, though that proved inconclusive.

So lots of ooc background that characters might know but newer players won't have picked up without reading multiple archived threads.
Rum listens in with care. The lizardmen guards jest between themselves suggesting he is 'a bearded barrel, full of ale and waddles like a goose'. At almost 7'ft tall when upright, the Saurons tower over the group. "You will be the same size as him when he cuts your head off." the other warns. "Make him Grasshopper sized and cut his legs off too."

The dwarf can give them a stern lookover, daring an attack so that he can justifiably 'cut one down to size'. They comment between them too, noting that unusually for a dwarf, you arm yourself with longsword rather than axe or hammer, the blade at 3 1/2 feet long sheathed over your shoulder. Clearly no muggle when it comes to martial skills perhaps.

does your shield carry any clan insignia or heraldry or just a common facing?

You get to inspect them in return and note that just as the Duchy Militia which patrol the civilized settlements are made up of veteran soldiers leading a largely conscript militia, this group probably follow a similar pattern. More able or martial trained warriors rising above the common tribes folk. The officer, still unnamed,
a tall lizardman, his raiment and garb bearing a military aspect. Neatly lacquered leather bands rivetted together in overlapping strips across his torso and shoulders. Underneath a thin mail shirt and skirt that drapes below his waist made of interlocking metal rings. A sword, broad and heavy strapped to his waist. Upon his elongated skull he wears a chromed plumed helm.
Three similarly dressed warriors, others lesser so.

Apart from the 'banter', nothing else takes your immediate attention.

"The wilderness holds many terrors to those who do not call it home." the officer replies to Cosmo.
Just as you requested, your message has been delivered to Three-Moons Clan and they have asked us to help make introductions and treat with you for his safe return."
"So you come in the light of the second moon. To bargain, to treat? Our Adversary sends you to advocate for him and for the release of his brethren. Yet our own offspring remain as one captured with a ransom we cannot pay.

Are you able to meet our demands? The vultures grown hungry for we starve them of answers and dwarf flesh."

actions & comments please and add a [4d6] with your post which I will use to resolve any wisdom, perception or charisma checks.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#22 Post by Hadarai »


"Just as an advance party for deliberations, we are to hear what your demands are and to confirm that Three-Moons still breathes.

We can assure you that his clan is motivated to see him returned alive, without conflict if possible.

So what is it you demand of the Dwarves, and can you present the prisoner for us to see?"

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#23 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum tunes out the banter from the guards, as he is accustomed to being made fun of for his height and drinking. His longsword remains resting on his shoulder for now.

"I would like to hear more about your demands."

No markings on the shield. I was originally going to play a human and forgot I had the longsword in my inventory. It's something different.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#24 Post by ateno »

Seeing that everything has been covered, Cosmo says nothing.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#25 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

"So what is it you demand of the Dwarves, and can you present the prisoner for us to see?"
"Our demands are simple. This renegade priest has taken a relic of ours. It serves no purpose to him save to provoke our wrath.

Would we come to your stone built chapel and tear down your altars and carry away your Saints and you be not so grieved as to justify retribution? So it is true for us. We demand what is ours, the Amber stone and the dragon egg contained within."

The Sauron officer speaks, rasping demands, accusing Karl Barrelgut, though not by name; of orchestrating the theft of the relic which they use as a focus for their worship. It is disputed of course that he was responsible and disputed still that he has possession of it. Hence the dwarves seeking a more amicable trade of the captive Three-Moons by ransoming him for crafted weapons and armour.

Rum carries one sack of crafted gear with him which you could use as a point of any negotiations.

The Sauron officer talks to another, they exchange words which Rum can understand.

"He still breathes? ...

... Barely. We have yet to take his tongue so he can talk if awake. Let him plead for his life.

... What remains of it. Then he goes to meet his god.

... This one, the Justicar'. A priest too, we should send him on his way to Afterlife also.

... No. Let him hear Three-Moons confessions. He can absolve him of the guilt that we cannot forgive.

... And for our sins? Who forgives us? Who will pay our ransom?"

The officer and junior talk of things, mentioning the captive and various actions. The chief officer at least not hinting at any betrayal. You have been welcomed into their camp and as such extend a tolerant hospitality towards you. While not overly friendly, any talk of just attacking you is dismissed.

He waves the one to take Callen and Rum to the other side of the camp. About a spear's throw away is a wooden frame erected over an open pit. Tied spread eagled to it is the captive dwarf. Firebrands light the area. From the camp to the frame are a number of stepping stones which suggest the ground may be quite boggy in patches, something common as you have seen from the previous expedition.
also during a previous expedition, Cosmo had a fight with lizardmen guards and one escaped death in the Nergal Legionnaires Mound. He is included in this party here but despite a recent faceoff, neither guard or gnome recognise the other.

Recognition of Cosmo by surviving Lizardman guard vs 25% [1d100]=66Recognition of surviving Lizardman guard by Cosmo vs 25% [1d100]=82
Cosmo is though asked to sit in the camp while the other two go and check upon Three-Moons.
"Evil is as evil does." he rasps, "Men who wore this incarcerated my kin. A Peacemaker, he found none; tortured and branded within the dungeons. He spoke Truth to them so they took his skin. He spoke what they wanted to hear so they took some more.

Building a scaffold in the square to disembowel him and burn his remains though that was not carried through. Perhaps he died of his wounds, a small mercy.

Do you intend such justice for those?"
The Sauron asks Cosmo regarding Helix. He mentions that the town built a gallows to hang the body of his tribal kinsman having announced his capture and impending execution in Bulletin Board threads. Yet no such act was carried out. He wonders if the Soothsayer Bharazd'had is still held within the dungeon.

Cosmo, you know from experience what really happened (Blossom of Death expedition), so this is your opportunity to share as much or as little of what you know with him.

Rum and Callen proceed through to the camp edge, bypassing half-sleeping Lizardmen on their makeshift bunks. "Stay on the stones, we will not come for you if you step off." you are warned.

The stones are set a few feet apart, wide strides and the odd leap taking you across the patch of boggy peat. On the periphery of your vision you see ripples in the peat surface that follow your progress, as if some kind of tremor sense from each step alerts an unseen, submerged predator.

Three-Moons is hung on the frame over the middle of a shallow pit. The hole is not deep but contained inside is a large carnivorous plant, a Moor dwelling cousin to the rarely sighted 'Dustdigger' of sandy realms. These large sentient plant creatures usually stay hidden in spots along frequently used trails to trap the unwary. As you have seen with the loss of Traeliorn, many strange dangers lurk about.

Several bones litter the pit, remains of disgorged victims which thankfully look to be animal skulls rather than humanoid.


actions everyone please
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#26 Post by Hadarai »


The Cleric listens to the Officer's grievances and demands patiently. "I see...I think I'm beginning to understand this whole situation with much more clarity. Once we've checked on the prisoner, we will return and can begin more formal deliberations." Callen nods to the Officer before following the Junior and Rum to Three-Moons imaginatively constructed "prison".

Taking in the sight of what lies in the pit, the Half-Elf is momentarily taken by surprise. Not expecting such grim theatricality fom the Saurons, he takes a long breath through gritted teeth before he composes himself once more and leans toward Rum whispering.

"It's probably best if you speak to him in your people's tongue for now. Ask him how severe his injuries are, if he thinks he could walk or run on his own power should he need too.

Also, what does he know of this stolen artifact and what has he told the Sauron's, if anything, during their interogations.

As well as anything you could think of, of course."
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#27 Post by ateno »

To the Sauron Negotiator:

"I agree, when down with your prisoner, we would like to have a open and frank discussion. Preconceived notions and attacks will not be helpful. We are here to find a resolution to both this immediate matter and the long held matter involving your egg. Long range greviences will not be decided in this area in a day or a week."

discussion roll [4d6]=12

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#28 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

Cosmo sits on a stone, the Sauron officer stands 7'ft plus so towers above the diminutive figure.

"You can believe what I speak. You may not like what I speak but at least you can trust my words that when I say I will do something, then I will do it.

I swore Oaths to my Patriarchs and my Ancestors. I cannot break them lest I become as one exiled and homeless. I am as one under authority and here I bid this one come and he will do it. I tell that one go and he fulfills my word."

He justifies his own sense of command and rank but you feel it is no boastful jest. From your recent experience you learned the Sauron tribes warded the Barrow Moor and one particular burial site from Undead for centuries, doing so to keep an Oath sworn by each generation that hatched.

He sits down, sweeping his tail around his thick thighs. "I am Chingacharz'ad. First among these brethren, last living among the descendants of old. I have wrestled long with Ngenga, he shames my tribe and we will restore our honour.

Look up to the midnight sky. See the moon wanes, its zenith complete. Three-Moons will be held until honour is restored."

The Sauron officer is patient, he is not in a hurry to talk, giving space for the gnome to share any experience or insight.

Cosmo, you can ask him any questions regarding lizardman culture or the draconic faith, any question or comment relating to the Barrow Mound they guarded (the Tomb of Magyar Varghoulis), any comment regarding the Soothsayer Bharazd'had. if you struggling to think of relevant topics, a successful Intelligence check might give sime inspiration.

Whilst not recommended, you can also try any sleight of hands thieves skills like pick pocket if you fancied pulling a fast one to obtain any keys or interesting objects you might see.

Callen and Rum make it to Three-Moons. Despite a chill and misty night, the firebrands which light up the area waft enough warmth though strung up by wrist and ankles, the captive dwarf can hardly be said to be comfortable.

Nearby is a spear and a large sponge which smells of wine. You can use that to reach across the pit to rouse the dwarf and give him something to drink.

The Bogdweller creature senses movement around the lip of the pit and slowly opens a toothy maw in anticipation of some morsel, dwarf or cleric falling in.

It looks as though to hinder escape, Three-Moons has been hamstrung. Hanging on one branch of the frame is an iron chain and Moradinian holy symbol. No weapons, armour or other personal effects are upon him. You can also tell he has been whipped, his back laced with numerous long cuts and half of his beard has been burned. He opens a black eye, takes a gulp from the proferred sponge and hoarsely greets the two of you. Rum, you may know of Three-Moons, a cleric classed dwarf from the Moon Peak mountains.

actions again ask anything and give me a [4d6] vs Intelligence or Wisdom and depending on success or fail, I will add other relevant information.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#29 Post by ateno »

Spearmint wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 1:58 am Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.


"Look up to the midnight sky. See the moon wanes, its zenith complete. Three-Moons will be held until honour is restored."

Cosmo looks up and after a moment he looks at the Sauron.

"Chingacharz'ad, I am called Cosmo Snag. First I will accept what you say of yourself and your oaths as truth, I ask you accept what I say as truth also."

Cosmo adjusts himself on his rock.

"I, along with my new compatriot Callen have been asked by the Dwarves to negotiate with you regarding the release of your prisoner. The Dwarf, Rum was forwarded to us by their leader only recently to assist.

They have bags of Dwarf made trinkets and armor they hope to offer to you and yours in exchange for his life. They would do this as a secret from the leader in the Manse, this includes metal armor which is well prized in the human community.

When asked by them to assist in negations I told them that I was not on anyone's side and that we hope to come to an agreement beyond this occurrence."

Cosmo pauses and takes a drink and looks around.

"I asked them about the egg and they delayed and did not respond. I told them I believed they had the egg hidden and giving this back is the first step in working together. Also I told them I would tell you this information. Also that even if you did agree to a exchange for dwarven armor and such that it would do nothing and would leave you free to take another prisoner. If there is a exchange, there is nothing to stop you from taking him again, on the way home even."

Cosmo does not know Sauron tells so he will just listen to what he says.

discussion [4d6]=12
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#30 Post by Hadarai »


Callen will try to address Three-Moons in Gnomish, then Oricish, then Goblin, to see if they might share a similar language before finally settling on Common if not.

"Hello Three-Moons. My name is Callen, I'm a cleric of St. Ygg, we've come on request from your clan to negotiate for your release. I assume that they've tried to interrogate you, have you said anything to them that we should know about?

Your clan has supplied us with arms and armor to offer up in exchange, but the Sauron demand their artifact returned. Do you know anything about it? Where it might be.....who might have it?"

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#31 Post by Craigers07 »

Rum Lightbender

Rum proceeds with Callen to confirm the prisoner is alive. He is saddened at the sight of the Three-Moons being strung over the pit.

He grabs the spear and leans over to give Three-Moons a drink. Keeping his voice at a whisper, he tries to enter into a brief conversation with the imprisoned dwarf.

"Your captors are rambling on with crazy talk about restoring honor. I don't know how much time we have here. What can you tell us that we need to know?"

[4d6]=15 INT WIS check
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#32 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

Cosmo is very candid and forthright. Experience teaches that giving in to kidnappers only leads to more ransoms, a point he suggests the lizardmen could undertake, even at a point of betraying their welcome, the trio of hostage negotiators being kept themselves. Chingacharz'ad has an instinctive intolerance and distrust towards dwarves and 'dwarf-kin' but the charismatic gnome is able to keep relations, while still tentative, on a positive footing.

Chingacharz'ad: reactions with Cosmo [1d100-20]=86-20=66

You open the sack of goods for inspection and say this can be multiplied six fold as each of the accompanying dwarves bore one and a crafted armour of finest chain from Karl Barrelgut.. The lizard men take an interest, assessing Duchy broadswords which the Forge make as a regional speciality, along with balanced throwing axes and barbed javelins. The quality is noted and approved but suddenly some of the warriors get very suspicious regarding your true intent, figuring your arrival and offer to be a mere distraction in order to lull their security and ambush them. There are words of conflict between Chingacharz'ad and a junior. A few lizardmen give a cautionary shout to rouse sleeping comrades though guards patroling the perimeters deny any knowledge of dwarves from Karl's group trying to sneak by them. The unnamed junior seems to demand more evidence of the gnome's trustworthiness and suggests that you are 'put to the Test'.

Cosmo gulps, not understanding the vocabulary but knowing well enough the inferences spoken.
Chingacharz'ad: reactions with Cosmo [1d100-20]=15-20=-5

I rolled two reaction rests adjusted by your Charisma, firstly to win over Chingacharz'ad and secondly to placate the lizardmen warriors. It was this reaction which rolled poorly.
Still, Chingacharz'ad outstretches his arm to quell any dissent and enforce his decision that as 'guests', the customary protocols not to harm you will be followed ... at least by them. How you fare in front of 'aspects of their Divine' might be another issue.

"If what you say is true, the spirit of our Patriarchs can discern and weigh in the balance. Corruptness and lies hardened the heart and soul. We will attest your words and tongue. If you speak truly, we will listen. If not, your body will turn to stone and we will bind it to Three-Moons as an anchor that you both sink beneath this mud.

You will be forgotten and remembered no more".
he says in a pragmatic way.

You are not actually seized or grappled but there is a very strong invitation / intimidation to go with Chingacharz'ad who walks into the covered tent.
In between the boulders are a covered tent, a tarpaulin of scaly skin rather than waxed canvas;
It would seem this is some kind of tabernacle, a large tarpaulin of reptile skins erected over a shrine. The officer lifts one tent flap and you can go in cautiously. No one is inside, no shaman or priest if you were expecting that but an altar of sorts has been set up with a few votive offerings placed upon it. To either side of the altar are spears placed in the ground and each has a large, grotesque head impaled upon the blades. These are like no humanoid heads you have ever seen before, as both sprout long bat like leathery wings from their necks and from out of their decapitated necks each trail intestinal type organs. While twisted and malformed, one has a pseudo-dwarven visage and hisses and writhes yet still alive though impaled. The other is motionless and to your surprise is actually petrified, a horror filled grimace fixed in permanence upon its already horror filled and stony profile. Prominent upon the altar is a jewelled veil which seems to cover another large head.

"We will ask of the Euryale and she will discern truth from falsehood. Whether the gnome is a worthy advocate or if he speaks in the forked tongue and walks in the unrighteous ways of his Moradin priest kin." Chingacharz'ad motions you to enter while he seems to chant a prayer or ritual, laying his hand upon the head of the covered skull in order you assume, to empower or awaken it.

Cosmo, any actions, questions or last words?

Meanwhile ... Callen and Rum rouse Three-Moons and after ministering some vinegary wine, begin to enquire to his state and situation.

"As bitter and sour as elf piss, yet it succours my parched throat. A tankard of blessed mead will surely overflow when I make to Moradin's feasting hall." the captive comments on the sponge fed wine. He looks through half closed eyes.
"Hello Three-Moons. My name is Callen, I'm a cleric of St. Ygg, we've come on request from your clan to negotiate for your release. I assume that they've tried to interrogate you, have you said anything to them that we should know about?
"A Yggite? The irony, for these do not know that the Crimson Cross banner flies unfurled and victorious upon the battle grounds of their tribal lands. Your Lord Krothos extends his reach, claiming their land as his and seeks to drive them into reservations." Three-Moons gives an update on a recent military excursion into their territory.

"Fortuna, Hossama meus, legions ab comae.
Fortuna, fortuna, equis ad purgatoris, in veritae
Hossana Meus, Fortuna Deus, protego causa in sanctus."
he drifts back into a semi-coma, quoting Yggite anthems. It could also be alluding to Rum for his translated surname of Lightbender (One who shapes the Sun's radiance) can fit into the 'auld Ygg' vocabulary used in rituals, a portion of which above translates to Legions of Lightrays crusading warriors on a holy cause.

Three-Moons stirs, acknowledging his kinsman Rum, you may have a vague acquaintance.. "Honour. These reptilian savages keep to old ways, drawing strength from my withstanding their brutality. They have promised me 'a good death', though I doubt a quick or clean one. I had hopes for an axe and to die taking on all comers but I think rather they intend me a sacrifice to appease their gods.

Silent are they. They pray but receive few answers. The dragon egg that Karl has is one they hope to hatch. To resurrect the dead foetus inside with an incarnate spirit of one of the elders Wyrms. So for them, their draconic gods might become flesh and dwell among them.

The Saurons search, for the restoration of their patriarchs and prophets, that the silent centuries since the Mist enveloped the Moor would be lifted. Am I a worthy ransom for such a hope? Forgemaster Karl would have me instead speak the forbidden rituals over the egg."

You are not sure what he might mean by 'forbidden rituals' but could assume it is not in keeping with traditional Moradin orthodoxy. The captive dwarf informs you that he knows his time is short. A trade of his life for equipment and armour might be acceptable but it is a long shot. He says the Saurons camp here after finding the Barrow Mound (of the Saurons) as it was known, was discovered to have suffered a catastrophic collapse. It is not known why, but the group are too ashamed to go home and his capture seems to offer some way of redemption or regaining honour to them.

At this point, you hear the commotion in the camp. You can turn around to check. The same two guards who accompanied you to the edge of the camp and stepping stones are still there observing what you do, sufficient distance not to hear distinctly what you might talk.

Rum & Callen any further questions or actions here?
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#33 Post by Hadarai »


The Cleric will leave Rum to further speak with his clansman while he turns back to speak with the guards. "What is happening? What is all of that commotion for?" he calls out from the other end of the stepping stones.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#34 Post by ateno »

Spearmint wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 12:01 am Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

Still, Chingacharz'ad outstretches his arm to quell any dissent and enforce his decision that as 'guests', the customary protocols not to harm you will be followed ... at least by them. How you fare in front of 'aspects of their Divine' might be another issue.

"If what you say is true, the spirit of our Patriarchs can discern and weigh in the balance. Corruptness and lies hardened the heart and soul. We will attest your words and tongue. If you speak truly, we will listen. If not, your body will turn to stone and we will bind it to Three-Moons as an anchor that you both sink beneath this mud.

You will be forgotten and remembered no more".
he says in a pragmatic way.
"I have never lied to you, except in the way I hid in the brush on our first arrival. What I speak, I speak from what I have been told, I hold nothing back
Statement [4d6]=13


"We will ask of the Euryale and she will discern truth from falsehood. Whether the gnome is a worthy advocate or if he speaks in the forked tongue and walks in the unrighteous ways of his Moradin priest kin." Chingacharz'ad motions you to enter while he seems to chant a prayer or ritual, laying his hand upon the head of the covered skull in order you assume, to empower or awaken it.

Cosmo agogs a bit at the display, but enters and stands by Chingacharz'ad.

"I will enter and endure the questioning. If there is falsehood is is thru my own incompetence rather than lying to you and your people"
Statement [4d6]=7

Oh Cool a Gorgon god!

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#35 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum checks that the guards are still far enough away to hear.

"Do you know anything about a stolen artifact?"

"I don't know if we can overcome their forces here. Do you have enough in you that you can make it out of here on your own 2 feet?"

He will try to continue the conversation as long as he possible, while keeping an eye on Callen to make sure he is still there.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#36 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

Rum and Three-Moons speak in hushed tones, talking of dwarven ambitions and the Sauron troubles. It would seem that Karl Barrelgut lives in exile in Helix, banished from ancestral Moon Peak halls for some unknown transgression. Perhaps he seeks his own redemption through the dragon egg relic serving his purposes?

Rum can ask the bound dwarf in regard to the immediate traps in the vicinity of the frame which he is hung upon. "Carnivorous plants, they lurk in the bog. Those stepping stones are actually the tops of a line of menhirs which the Moor has claimed. Under the earth an old tomb which they are trying to excavate. One of the lizardmen died trying to break into the entrance and they since abandoned it, leaving it as this pit below."

He adds an interesting side note to his captivity.

Callen steps back across the top of the stepping stones towards the two lizardmen guards who watch him and Rum.

"You have seen he still lives." one says, gesturing to the dwarves. One looks towards the camp. "I think your gnome comrade is bargaining for Three-Moons life and his own." They bar your way from entering back into the camp, figuring you and Rum are under their watch and therefore best watched where they can hem you in on the stones.

actions Rum & Callen.

Meanwhile in the camp ...

... Chingacharz'ad finishes his ritual and pulls the veil from the head of the strange item on the plinth. He holds the figure softly under the chin as one might stroke a cat, the Euryale enjoying the sensation. One might even think it or rather she purrs.

The Euryale is a grotesque creature. Gray scaly skin the colour of cement. Two stumps round out the hunched shoulders; the creature is limbless and bizarrely lives from the shattered torso upwards. Drooping aged breasts might once have indicated a 'feminine' gender though there is nothing 'womanly' about her. Her furrowed bald head is fringed with writhing Asp like snakes that hiss and squirm, a short, boneless stub nose with large nostrils above a toothless mouth apart from two long fanged stiletto canines. Her eyes are orbs of deep violet that swirl with insets of mist that are common among the glassy designs of 'snow' globes.

But you don't want to look into her eyes. They see you, they see into you, scouring your soul for secrets, traumas, bringing to mind sins and shames, joys of spellcasting feats, conquests in battles, in loves.

The Sauron officer moves to the impaled Vargouille head that still lives, fingering under its chin also though it responds by trying to bite his hand.

"He was once a man like you." he says, poking the critter to disturb and torment it. "Demon-spawn, the Barrow Moor contains many dangers. Bitten by one such as this, he died, only to rise again. Sprouting wings, not such angelic ones mind. Wrenching himself off his own spine and joining the Unhallowed flock." he shares how the impaled dwarf-faced Vargouille came into being. He twists the spear so that it might face the Euryale. She hisses and snarls, speaking in a gibberish of infernal tongues. The Vargouille snarls back then starts to scream but the sound is silenced as it quickly hardens into petrified stone.

"It was judged and found wanting. And you, Cosmo Snag, will your tongue stuck hard to the roof of your mouth and your eyes ever see the judgement of the Euryale, or will you see the dawn of a new day and live to tell tales?"

He strokes the Euryale, even letting the snakes bite his hand and drink his blood. you might assume that to be part of the ritual, maybe 'payment' for awaking her spirit. Or it could just be his way if feeding her and entreating her blessings. He speaks to her, you hear the mention of your name, Callen & Rum's, Three-Moons. He must be sharing your reason to be here and advocating on behalf of the dwarves.

actions Cosmo, anything you would like to do or say before she 'puts you to the test'?

post any questions, comments or actions and add a 1d20 and a 4d6 with your post please.

Euryale of the Saurons.
Euryale of the Saurons.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#37 Post by ateno »

I prefer to live, but I am wiling to undergo your questioning. I might not always have been honest, but I can say now that in this instance with you and yours I am honest, held nothing back and want to see you and the dwarves comes to a agreement and hope it can continue. I am hiding nothing and casting no spells to protect myself or my mind. I know I will be here to discuss fully and openly with your after this questioning. I also hope we can become more well known to each other after this is over.

requested [1d20]=13 [4d6]=7
Last edited by ateno on Wed May 31, 2023 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#38 Post by Spearmint »

"Do you know anything about a stolen artifact?"

"I don't know if we can overcome their forces here. Do you have enough in you that you can make it out of here on your own 2 feet?"
Sorry I may not have answered this specific question.

Three-Moons has been hamstrung so will need to be helped away until he can be healed. Though a cleric, he will not be able to call upon divine aid untill he has hold of his holy symbol.

He would fight if it came to that, but at a penalty due to his wounds sunce he is hamstrung. Of course, Callen could minister prayerful help if he has any healing spells though that might be at risk of provoking guards.
Last edited by Spearmint on Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#39 Post by Hadarai »


The Cleric takes stock of the guards barring the way and looks into the camp once more before smiling. "If Cosmo is the one doing the talking, then I have nothing to worry about. Do we wait to hear back from your leader until we can reenter the camp?"

Callen stands aside from the guards to watch Rum and Three-Moons conversation. "Do you have a safe way to bring the Dwarf down from this frame? Should the negotiations be successful."
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#40 Post by Spearmint »

Barrow Moor, Duchy of Aerik.

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

June 29th 1066.

Rum Lightbender continues to talk to the captive Three-Moons.. As described previously, his physical state is poor having been whipped and hamstrung though his spirit is typically defiant. It would not be an easy task to free him from the frame he is bound to for he is held over a pit and you cannot reach out to him, hence using a sponge on the end of a spear to succour his thirst. Cutting him free with the spear might just cause him to drop into the open maw of the Bogdweller carnivorous plant. You could tip the frame over onto the boggy patch of earth and cut him free then but doing so would undoubtedly be perceived as an offensive action.

In answer to Callen's question, the lizardmen guards simply shrug. You suspect they would simply enact the above rudimentary way to bring him down. You note one of the guards bears a cat o'nine tails type whip. Certainly long enough to reach over the pit and rake the hanging dwarf. The impression you get from them is that you can enter the camp beyond but then they might take opportunity to 'converse' with the dwarf themselves, fact finding what hushed whispers you have shared.

actions and comments Callen & Rum,

Inside the Tabernacle, Cosmo talks openly not in such hushed manner. Facing the Euryale , especially after it has just petrified a victim it disagreed with, is a terrifying prospect. But it goes without a snag pardon the pun, and the gnome finds that he perhaps shares more than he perhaps intended, talking extensively regarding his past experiences with Saurons and dwarves.

You might have wondrous questions about how the Euryale lives, moves, has its being. It has no limbs, but the stumps indicate it once did. Certainly a unique creature as far as you know. You know devotees of St Ygg pray to venerated saints, perhaps the Saurons practise such in their draconic religion and she is some weird oracle or aspect of the Sauron divinity. Too many questions and in this context these go unanswered as she asks and you answer.

Euryale: reactions with Cosmo [1d100-20]=67-20=47

Cosmo your skill check rolled against your Charisma attribute carries the interrogation in your favour though you notice from the hissing snakes writhing from her head that she takes the information regarding Soothsayer Bharazd'had badly and that the Mound which they safeguarded under a centuries old Oath to serve and protect, you! were one of the people that brought it to ruin!

The reaction, is a negative one but it provokes other questions regarding the Death Knight that was bound. "The portal was bound by demonic wards and sealed in our own blood. How was it opened?" The key to gaining access is the Hand of Hoodoo heirloom which you wear on a necklace around your neck under your raiments.

Feeling as though the initial danger of being petrified has passed (you made the saving throw), you can now turn to asking questions also.

actions Cosmo. Add another [1d20] and [4d6] with your questions or requests.

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