Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#41 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander inspects the ground for and indication of which way Oggle might have been drug. "Thurgrum, do you see anything?"

He moves along each of the statues, and then to the western door before approaching the northern door flanked by the onyx statues.

Character sheet updated to represent 2nd level.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#42 Post by hedgeknight »

Fearghus wrote:Lysander inspects the ground for and indication of which way Oggle might have been drug. "Thurgrum, do you see anything?"
"Aye, I do lad," Thurgrum murmurs, walking toward the statue of the dwarf bearing the symbol of Moradin. "Wonder who this hero is?" he says, looking at the statue with awe.
"I see something," Jase says, walking up the hall. "Tracks everywhere, most of 'em still wet. Bet they came from the watery room behind us."

Now that Jase mentions it, you look closer at the floor > there is a set of footprints leading directly to the western door. As you near the door, you hear an angry voice on the other side, but you can't make out what is being said.

Then suddenly, the northern door shudders with a loud if something struck the opposite side of it. The door opens with a loud groan, which comes from the bloodied dwarf pushing it open. It's Oggle Steambottle > barely able to stand. His left arm dangles useless by his side. At least three arrows pierce his body and he has a deep gash across his chest. "Took ye...damn long enough!" he manages to say, propping himself up on the sword in his right hand. Then Oggle's body jerks and he abruptly stands up straight...before blood pours from his mouth and he falls face first to the floor.
Standing behind him is a large, horned skeleton. The glaive it holds drips with Oggle's blood. From behind it you hear a goblinoid voice issue a command, "Well done! Now, kill the others!"

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#43 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"Thurgrum, Jase! I will delay its advance, retrive Oggle and we shall retreat".

With shield at the ready, Lysander moves forward in order to allow the dwarf and militia-man to retrieve their fallen companion.

Full defense if possible.
Round 1: [1d20] = 17, [1d8] = 4.
Round 2: [1d20] = 1, [1d8] = 8. Hopefully not needed!
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#44 Post by hedgeknight »

Round One

Lysander moves forward, sword raised, ready to defend and give Thurgrum and Jase a chance to get Oggle's body out of the way. The large skeleton moves forward, its bones scraping on the floor. As it raises the glaive to strike at Lysander, the paladin delivers a sure strike at its ribs, cracking a couple of them, but not slowing it at all.
Without a sound, it strikes back, but Lysander is able to block the descending glaive with his sword, sending sparks flying around the room. Minotaur skeleton attacks: [1d20] = 12, [1d10] = 10

As Jase runs for Oggle, Thurgrum grabs his holy symbol and calls upon Moradin in an attempt to turn the undead beast. But the magic used to create the creature is too strong and it ignores Thurgrum's command to retreat. But Jase, reaches Oggle easily and as he grabs the dwarf by his shoulders to drag him out of the way, the voice you heard previously says, "That dwarf belongs to me, boy!"
Waves of fear wash over Jase, causing his teeth to chatter, and his hair to stand on end...but the brave young ranger swallows the compulsion to flee, grits his teeth, and drags Oggle from the doorway! Jase saves vs. Fear: [1d20] = 17

Round Two

Lysander swings at the skeleton again, but this time, his blade strikes nothing but air. The skeleton chops at Lysander too, but the paladin easily dodges the clumsy attack. Thurgrum and Jase join in the attack with hammer and sword, and both manage to do minimal damage to the skeleton, but it still stands.
During the combat, a shimmering hammer appears in the air overhead and strikes at Thurgrum...but misses! Krootad attacks: [1d20] = 9, [1d4+2] = 1+2 = 3

While the battle goes on, unbeknownst to the combatants, the door on the west wall slowly opens...


Lysander > 2/10
Jase > down 7 hp
Thurgrum > down 10 hp
Monster skeleton > down 4
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#45 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Cursing this foul turn of events, the paladin steps to the Minotaur's right side to allow Jase and Thurgrum to flank, "Gather Oggle, we can fall back and press the attack on our terms!"

ooc: moving to the minotaur's 9 o'clock.
Round 3: [1d20] = 4, [1d8] = 4.
Round 4: [1d20] = 5, [1d8] = 7.
Some character's are just destined to die, I suppose.
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#46 Post by hedgeknight »

Round 3

Lysander moves as he commands, trying to strike down the minotaur before it can kill them all. Alas, his blade is deflected by the creature's glaive, and Thurgrum tries to strike it too, but the ears of their gods have turned deaf. Thurgrum's attack: [1d20] = 4 dmg: [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5

Jase grabs Oggle and begins to drag his body back down the hall when a figure suddenly steps out of the door on the western wall and says, "Here boy > let me help you with that." Jase opens his mouth to protest when he hears Thurgrum cry out in agony. Turning, the young ranger gapes in shock to see the glaive trailing an arc of blood through the air and Thurgrum falling hard to the floor. Minotaur: [1d20] = 17, [1d10] = 4

Jase finally finds his voice and yells, "Lysander! I'm coming!"Jase then turns to the figure and says, "I'll give you all the gold I have if you help us!" And then he is running toward Lysander.

Round 4

"Foolish boy!" Lysander growls, standing over Thurgrum and trying desperately to take down the huge skeleton. But again his blade is turned, but then Jase is there and with a flash of steel, strikes the skeleton, giving it pause in its attack. Jase attacks: [1d20] = 19 sword dmg: [1d8] = 2
A glowing mystical hammer swipes at Jase and he ducks under the attack, and the minotaur skeleton slashes at Lysander but misses. "Get Thurgrum and get back to the door! We got help!" Lysander glances back in time to see Oggle's legs disappear into the door...


Lysander > 2/10
Jase > down 7 hp
Thurgrum > down 14 hp
Monster skeleton > down 5
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#47 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Hearing the voices, Lysander ditches his shield and grasps Thurgrum by the scruff of the shirt. He drags his fallen companion to the door and says, "Jase, fall back!"
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#48 Post by hedgeknight »

Round 5

Lysander grabs Thurgrum and with a grunt, begins to drag the dwarf toward the open door on the western wall. He feels the air behind him part and hears the blade of the glaive strike the floor as the minotaur skeleton takes another swipe and misses. Minotaur skeleton attacks: [1d20] = 5, [1d10] = 4

Lysander makes it to the door and Jase helps him...until the skeleton gets within melee range again. Then Jase, steps back and delivers a mighty blow to the undead's thigh, crushing bone and knocking the skeleton down...for the moment, buying them some time. Jase attacks: [1d20] = 16, [1d12] = 12

The young ranger hurries inside the door, and pulls it shut and...
You enter a small, clean chamber that has only two distinct features. A statue depicting an old man in robes holding an open book stands in the southeastern corner, just beyond a flat stone door in the south wall.
Standing in front of the door, holding a rapier, is a tall, ratlike humanoid dressed in black leather studded armor and wearing a black cloak.
It brushes the long black hair out of its face and says, "Garjuk save your lives! Now, you owe Garjuk a favor...yes?"
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#49 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander sheaths his blade and looks over Oggle and Thurgrum. He renders what first aid he can as the rat-man speaks. Lysander smiles at the humanoid while panting, "My thanks, Garjuk. I will do whatever is in my power to aid you".
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#50 Post by hedgeknight »

Fearghus wrote:Lysander, Paladin
Lysander sheaths his blade and looks over Oggle and Thurgrum. He renders what first aid he can as the rat-man speaks.
Thurgrum is unconscious, but you are able to stop the bleeding. But Oggle...doesn't have a pulse...he's gone.
Lysander smiles at the humanoid while panting, "My thanks, Garjuk. I will do whatever is in my power to aid you".
"That make Garjuk happy! Garjuk not happy since joining up with Xeron and Krootad. Why you all down here anyway?"

Lysander > 2/10
Jase > down 7 hp
Thurgrum > down 14 hp; at "0"
Oggle > dead
Monster skeleton > down 11
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#51 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

The paladin shakes his head in sorrow at finding Oggle is dead. He says to Garjuk, "There seems to be a bedlam upon this crypt, and it is causing strife upon the townsfolk who lay their dead here to rest. Several have been injured, or simply disappeared, while investigating. I am here to find the cause, which I can only assume has to do with who or what ever caused that skeleton to attack". He continues, "Tell me Garjuk. Who is this Xeron and Krootad?"
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#52 Post by hedgeknight »

"Krootad is a powerful shaman of my people, servant of Maglubiyet. But he crazy! He join in with Xeron and play with bones and raise the dead. Tomb fitting place for Krootad. But Xeron, he bat shit crazier! He be a snake man! Rotten to the core and has a plan for being in tomb, but Garjuk don't know what it be. He never without bodyguard, Jeroog. Jeroog one tough sumbitch!"

While Garjuk is talking, you notice that he fidgets constantly and sniffs the air...and he still holds his rapier. Something suddenly strikes the door leading into the crypt and Garjuk nearly jumps out of his skin. "That be Krootad! He gonna kill Garjuk!"

Jase has propped Thurgrum up against the wall, and notices the two vials the dwarf took from the dead bodies in the canal room. Hearing the pounding on the door, and knowing they are hurting, Jase asks, "Hey Lysander! You think these potions may help us?"
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#53 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"Only one way to find out, Jase"! Lysander takes one of the potions and tosses the other to Jase. "Tymora please smile on us", he says as he quaffs the potion and hopes for the best. He stands and grips his sword with two-hands, "Let's hope that wasn't poison or this fight will be over sooner than any other we've had in this crypt".

Once Jase drinks the potion Lysander will prepare to meet Krootad...with cold steel.
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#54 Post by hedgeknight »

Fearghus wrote:Lysander, Paladin
"Only one way to find out, Jase"! Lysander takes one of the potions and tosses the other to Jase. "Tymora please smile on us", he says as he quaffs the potion and hopes for the best. He stands and grips his sword with two-hands, "Let's hope that wasn't poison or this fight will be over sooner than any other we've had in this crypt".
Once Jase drinks the potion Lysander will prepare to meet Krootad...with cold steel.

The blue liquid burns all the way to your gut...but you immediately begin to feel more whole and hale as wounds close and fade to bruises. Potion of healing results: [2d4+2] = 4+2 = 6

Jase steps back and shakes off the aftertaste of the potion, and pulls a javelin from the long quiver on his back. "Open the door, Garjuk, and then fall in behind us...if you really want to stop this Krootad fellow!"
Garjuk licks his lips nervously and obeys, waiting under Lysander and Jase are ready...and then jerking open the door. The monstrous skeleton takes up most of the door frame...and standing beyond is a Hobgoblin dressed in clerical robes!
With a grunt, Jase hurls the javelin...through the bones of the skeleton...straight into the upper chest of Krootad! Jase attacks: [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16, [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
The impact of the javelin knocks Krootad back against the wall and it cries out in pain and surprise. "KILL THEM ALL, MY PET!"


Lysander > 8/10
Jase > down 1 hp
Thurgrum > down 14 hp; at "0"
Oggle > dead
Monster skeleton > down 11
Krootad > down 5
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Re: Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#55 Post by hedgeknight »

"JASE! TAKE THURGRUM AND RUN!!" Lysander screams as he charges into the hallway. Jase hesitates, but Garjuk hisses and nods frantically, and the young ranger does as he is told, grabbing the semi-conscious dwarf and exiting the room.
"FOR THE TRIAD!" Lysander yells, swinging with all his might at the monstrous skeleton blocking the way. The Triad must have heard him because his blade smashes into the skeleton's ribs, delivering the final blow needed to bring it crashing down in a heap of bones! Lysander attacks: [1d20] = 15, [2d8] = 11

The Hobgoblin priest, Krootad, yells a battle cry and steps up to Lysander with a mace cocked to strike. But Lysander pivots and the priest misses, turning back to face the paladin. "You'll never get out of here alive!" the Hobgoblin growls. "Ain't that right, Garjuk?"
Garjuk does not reply, but his rat-like face molds into an devilish grin as he eyeballs Lysander.

Lysander lunges at the priest, but his attack is hindered by the anger of betrayal, and his sword is easily blocked. Lysander attacks: [1d20] = 3, [2d4] = 2
And that would be his undoing as Krootad turns aside the paladins blade and then brings its mace up and down on the side of Lysander's neck, dropping him like a sack of rocks. Krootad attacks: [1d20] = 17, [1d6] = 3

Suddenly, a loud yell from behind the priest causes it to wheel around...and see Jase charging, his face contorted with rage. But the priest braces and the young ranger's blade misses in his eagerness. Jase attacks: [1d20] = 3 sword dmg: [1d8] = 5

"Pathetic," Krootad says with a chuckle, raising his mace to deliver what could be a killing blow...but then the priest makes a strange sound and Jase steps back to see the thin blade of a rapier protrude from Krootad's chest! Garjuk backstab: [1d20+6] = 8+6 = 14, [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 x3 = 12 pts

Krootad falls to his knees, his mouth working as his dying mind tries to puzzle what happened, but then he slumps forward and Jase is left looking at Garjuk's grinning face. "He deserved that for what he did to Garjuk! Now, let's go before Xeron wonders what is keeping Garjuk!"

It takes awhile, the rest of the day in fact, but Jase and Garjuk manage to bind wounds and drag and carry the bodies of Thurgrum and Lysander back to the chamber where the ladder leads to the surface. Together, one in front, one behind, the ranger and the rogue ascend to the grove outside where the statue of the forgotten king looms. Once they are there, they build a fire and watch over Lysander and Thurgrum through the night. By the next morning, Thurgrum is able to sit up and walk around on his own, but Lysander is still very sore and weary, having almost died...again.
Garjuk takes his leave as dawn rises, skirting through the hills, not really wanting to go to Kingsholm with the rest. The trio of companions take it slow and make their way to Kingsholm, Thurgrum vowing to return to retrieve the body of Oggle Steambottle once they are healed up and rested...

Lysander > 9/10
Jase > down 1 hp
Thurgrum > down 12 hp
Oggle > dead
Monster skeleton > destroyed
Krootad > dead
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