3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#141 Post by ffilz »

Blessings: success for Hiroshi, Taisho, Akemi, and the foreman, 2d3 turns of +6

So could Taisho seek the aid of a kami to lead us through the blizzard?
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#142 Post by Marullus »

The obviously frail and sickly Haruto takes the jibes of the Ninyo silently. None have ever thought him suitable to wear o-yoroi, and it is not new to him. He keeps silent in his honor and lets the moment pass.
ffilz wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:51 am So could Taisho seek the aid of a kami to lead us through the blizzard?
I love that idea. :) Go for it!

I'm not sure exactly how it works together, but...
You can summon Kami. (I have no way to do so.)
But I have this ability from being a Pious Layman:
* Characters add 5 times their Level to Reaction Rolls and effective
Status in dealing with the Gods.

Which would give me a BCS 7 instead of BCS 5 for any social rolls with the Fuujisan spirit you conjure. (Not sure what your rolls would be). l

If it helps for me to engage, I'm glad to do so.
jemmus wrote: Fri Nov 11, 2022 1:51 am Each PC gets 11 silver and 21 copper.
Haruto, Taisho, and Buru, please deduct 5 copper for the stay at the inn. Hiroshi, 5 silver.
Coins added and subtracted. New values on the sheet: 6 gold, 19 silver, 32 copper.
Fronting the Storm (BCS 12) [1d20]=15
Fronting the Storm (BCS 12) [1d20]=7
Casts "Fronting the Storm" for a cost a total of 5 Power (34/39 remaining), creating a protected zone five yards around himself in every direction. This reduces the Danger Factor of the storm by two categories and lasts as long as the storm does without needing a re-roll.
At the front of the caravan (as the honored pilgrim guest), Haruto smells the coming snow, knows the hand of his patron as his sacks of wind begin to open and be released upon the world. Facing into the wind and pushing outward prayers and mudras of hsi honed will, the storm abates, blowing around rather than through them. The Foreman, Taisho, and others at the front of the wagon train are likewise sheltered being near him, able to see the storm bend its fury around them while leaving them in peace. Haruto remains concentrating, contemplative of the storm. "Fuujin demands this pilgrimage," he asks of Taisho, "Why does he then hinder it? Or does he or Raajin grow jealous?"

Though they personally are safe, the rest of the men stretched out in the long queue of the wagon train are not. Despite his efforts, Haruto cannot calm the ire of the storm for them all. "If we can halt the train and circle the wagons," he offers to the Foreman and Taisho, "I can shelter the center if all of the men cluster closely." (A 30' circle could contain them all at rest, maybe?) "Or my faithful priest friend could consult the Kami to calm their ire and allow us to press on?"


At the rear of the wagon train, Burusu struggles against the blinding snow. His knowledge of fishing, farming, and milling avails him little as he struggles to overcome the fear of the shaggy oxen snorting with their icy breath in the cold. He follows directions of the porters, trying to at least help the snapping of branches and to ensure that nobody goes over sideways into the gully at the roadside.
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#143 Post by jemmus »

Everyone can fit into the 30 ft radius if:
Haruto will move to the center of the train to cast the greatest radius of calm. And walk beside the next highest-rank persons, ronin Hiroshi and the peasant foreman.
-Eta Buru and Akemi walk side-by-side in front of Haruto and Hiroshi.
-Drover can lead the first ox from the side, instead of from the accustomed in front of. If not, the rear end of the last ox will be in the storm. That's for him to decide to try or not, and for him and the lead ox to succeed or fail at.

Haruto getting so familiar with everyone may make the group feel uncomfortable and embarrassed, if or when everything settles down. Or not, they may they may appreciate the young shugenja all the more when (or if) they can settle down in an inn for hot tea. Game mechanics-wise, it could lower or raise his comparative Social Standing within the group. Akemi and especially Hiroshi, from the night on Mount Fuji, know him. The peasants haulers and Buru, pretty well from the time on the road, not quite as well. Should Haruto choose to move back in the group to maximize the spell's radius and the effects of the storm, he knows that their may be social consequences (STs, per character). But after the monkeys theft encounter and the yakuza fight, probably not such difficult ones.

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#144 Post by Marullus »

I was expecting to stop and circle the wagons, protecting people as they sit within the circle, until the storm ended. If the foreman is pushing for the wagon to make progress through the storm, then Haruto will indeed move back to try and protect everyone he can, riding on the bench of a middle wagon as he he strains visibly to continuously extend his obviously-magical control over the storm itself. For the porters in the barn, this is likely the first they have seen him wield the powers of magic, but at least it is for their benefit. Make the social rolls.
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#145 Post by jemmus »

The shockingly cold winds swirl tiny dry snowflakes and slam hard gusts of wind upon the upright bodies of the humans and oxen trying to move forward along the cleared roadstead. The air is filled with a maelstrom of airborne snow. The travelers see nothing even a yard ahead. The ninja woman Akemi in front calls out a frantic cry, but the sound of the voice is swept away to the sky. Or wherever the element of air chooses to pass through as it crosses Nippon this day. The travelers can only guess at what the shinobi girl's alarm could have been about. They can't afford to pay much attention at this point. It's either put a foot forward, or put a foot back. Hard decisions, each time.

Haruto makes it back to the center of the train. Porters stand with trunk-bearing poles on their shoulders. He can see their open mouths shouting, or resigned and clamped shut. Small snowflakes swirl around and gather in hair and on eyelashes, clothes, and on ears and on light moustaches over lips. Get up, you fool! Stand, or you'll never get you're knees above your feet! Stand up for your family, Yuki!

A pool of calm starts to form amidst the storm. In the center, the frail young samurai shugenja. All of the travelers and porters, the foreman, the ox drover, and almost all of the last of the oxen can be seen. Yatta! Yatta! the ninja friend Akemi at the far front cries. I'm not sure... but I think I can see the lantern light of a warm inn far ahead. Come on, all of you! You priests, sages, porters, boy or girl oxen- there it is! Light! And warmth! And warm blankets...

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#146 Post by Marullus »

I am uncertain what we need to react to here? If we are capable of moving and the foreman says to do so, Haruto protects as much of the caravan as he can and we get to the inn?
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#147 Post by jemmus »

Sorry, when I copied and pasted from a document, I left off the "TBC."

Through the swirling snow, the travelers and drovers make out the outlines of peasant cottages beside the road. A single light flickers ahead, the right side of the roadway. Reaching it, the travelers see that it is a torch of green wood driven into the ground. The wind blows its flame to the horizontal, and it seems that the oil-soaked cloth will be extinguished, but it does not go out. The fire flickeringly illuminates the front of a building. The blizzard has blown snow slopes of snow up it's wall, to the tiled roof's eaves. Someone must have cleared snow from the doorway some time ago, because the bank of snow covering it is only a yard high. A sign stands in front on two legs, shaking and rattling in the wind. It has kanji, with hiragana superscripts over the characters. Imperial Post Inn #347. Uenohara-cho, Kai Province.

Various NPCs made their hiragana roll, so one way or another the PCs know what the hiragana says. None of the NPCs are literate in kanji. PCs can make a kanji roll if they want to double-check that the hiragana and kanji match. Actions?

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#148 Post by Marullus »

Kanji (BCS 20!) [1d20]=4
Scripts are not a challenge for Samuri Shugenja. ;)

Haruto reads the Kanji aloud. He then turns and raises a hand with his eyes closed, focusing as he pushes the envelope of the storm back again. "Perhaps the men can clear the way with haste," he nods to the three-foot drift as he speaks to the Foreman.
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#149 Post by jemmus »

Haruto sees that the kanji reads the same as its hiragana superscript characters. The door to the inn slides open the breadth of a face and a man in his thirties holding a lantern stands, mouth open in surprise. The winds of the blizzard immediately extinguish the lantern's candle. But the man remains lit from behind by the inn's lantern and the whipping flame of the torch before the sign. Guests-sama! Please wait! The door slides closed. Naoko! Father!
The door slides open again and the man appears with a flat-bladed wooden shovel. He wears the dai-sho at his waist. He hurriedly clears a path wide in the snow drift wide enough for a person to pass. Please, come in from the cold, he says, and stands aside, the door open just enough for a man's shoulders.

The foreman says, Postmaster-san, we have oxen that need shelter. The man replies, Yes, immediately. He wraps his face in a woolen scarf and ties the cords of a conical hat under his chin. Follow me. Guests-sama, please go inside and go straight to the irori, without waiting to be to be greeted.

irori hearth


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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#150 Post by jemmus »

The weary travelers enter the post inn, put down their loads, and take seats by the irori. A modest samurai woman in her late twenties and a man in his fifties with the hairstyle of a samurai greet them. The man says, The soldiers of the ninyo's of these three villages told us that a pilgrim and porters may arrive here tonight. We are glad that you made in safely in such a terrible storm. The samurai woman says, We have hot rice ready, but we are sorry, chawanmushi for the bushi-san will take some time to be ready. A peasant woman in her forties, enters, bows, and brings a tray with a teapot and cups.

The innkeeper and haulers return, their kasa hats and straw raincoats covered with snow. They shake them in the genkan foyer, hang them there, doff their snow boots, and step up onto the tatami mats floor. After warming at the irori, the tired men take seats. Dinner is served. For Hiroshi, chawanmushi, rice, and cucumbers pickled with mint. For the others, the same, but instead of chanwanmushi, miso soup with mushrooms, mountain herbs, and tiny dried baby sardines.

chawanmushi - Eggs, mushrooms, greens, chicken, soy sauce, sake, etc. steamed in a teacup.

The travelers stand their accustomed watches, and the night passes without event. Before dawn, the haulers rise and the foreman slides the door open to check the weather. Snow higher stands on the road halfway up a man's thigh. He shakes his head. No good. We'll have to wait for the peasants to clear at least a path. He asks the innkeeper, Innkeeper-san, If we start at noon, is there shelter to reach by nightfall? The youngish samurai functionary replies, You would probably reach the border with Sagami province. But not a village with an inn by nighfall. The foreman shakes his head again. It's no good then, we're stuck here for the day. No hope of earning that bonus for on-time delivery you all wanted. Get some rest today and be ready to haul quickly tomorrow.

Later in the morning a middle rank samurai two low ranking samurai enter the inn. Typical of the Takeda, they wear full o-yoroi, although man or beast could barely get around in the deep snow. So, you are here, one says to the travelers and haulers. The ninyo sent us to find you. Or your bodies. It's a miracle you survived and found your way here. Maybe the gakusho's doing or your doing, eh? he says to Hiroshi. He turns to the foreman. Your men can shovel snow too. Help clear the way for your merchant's wares. The foreman seems to consider saying something, but answers, Yes. We will. Porters-- your boots, coats and kasa.

In the afternoon, a man in simple but good quality winter clothing enters. He is around 50 years old and wears a beard. He bows to the travelers and introduces himself. He nods to Taisho respectfully. I am Makoto, kamunushi of this village's shrine. I heard that a pilgrim had come to the village. And I wished to meet the man who would travel the roads as a pilgrim in the harsh winter. It is rude of me, but may I ask the story of why you chose such a difficult endeavor?
PCs are up for actions.

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#151 Post by Marullus »

I will be back in a week.
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#152 Post by ffilz »

I've lost track of the details of our journey...

Hmm, something that might be nice is when each thread is capped, to have a summary of the action and decisions from that thread at the end...

I know this pilgrimage is in part response to what happened on Fuji-san, I just can't put my fingers on the details...
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Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#153 Post by jemmus »

Marullus wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:35 pm I will be back in a week.
No hurry. I knew you're out, but went ahead and posted while I had a chance.

Haruto was mostly raised at the Fuujin shrine at Neno-san. When the kamunushi of the shrine set him off on his own, he told him that Fuujin the wind kami and Raijin the thunder kami are a matched pair. So Haruto should show his respect to Raijin as well. Perhaps to complete the circuit and balance things out.

Taisho drew an o-mamori fortune at the Fuujin shrine. I don't think you'll mind me revealing some content that I sent you in PMs about that. Because it makes sense that Haruto (at least) would know Taisho's motivation for making a pilgrimage to the Raijin shrine. After drawing the o-mamori, Raijin started appearing in Taisho's dreams, and more than once. That's not normal, mundane stuff, even for a shinto gakusho. And Raijin in particular is a wild and powerful kami (in the physical world, with the power of storms and lightning). So I assume Taisho did the pragmatic thing and decided to honor the kami with a pilgrimage.

Taisho and Haruto know that there's a kami of ice, rain, snow and winter. His name is Okami, and he's a dragon. The kanji name has an extraordinary 33 strokes and includes the kanji for "rain," above, three "mouth" figures beneath, and "dragon" below. 龗 He's not part of the Fuujin-Raijin group. He's a sibling of the oldest and highest of the kami, who created Nippon and birthed the other original kami.

The pilgrimage to Mt. Fuji drew the attention of Fuji's pure and beautiful goddess mountain kami. Climbing the mountain does that for all pilgrims. But that pilgrimage wasn't directly related to the Fuujin and Raijin quest you've undertaken now. Haruto and Taisho both know that honoring various kami by suffering difficulties can only increase their stature with them. But having stature with the wild and chaotic elemental forces Fuujin and Raijin-- what can that bring? Power? At the price of order, stability, predictability, or basic peace? Who can be the ordered mind for kami forces that by nature don't care about order, or even mind?

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#154 Post by Marullus »

Haruto is fulfilling his destiny as the "Chosen One of Fujiin," which included his pilgrimage to Mount Fuji and now his pilgrimage to the Raijin shrine. His mother's prophesies were decidedly vague about what that 'destiny' meant (and though he believes that 'Chosen One' is unique the temple certainly never said so...). He learned magic from the lesser Kami of Fuujin's pantheon rather than human teachers, and he always assumed that is what it meant. Your point about being "the ordered mind for kami forces that by nature don't care about order, or even mind" is poingant.

I was confused, thinking Mount Fuji and Fuujin were related. Thanks for clarifying that Mount Fuji is a separate "beautiful goddess mountain kami." Since it was his hometown and the place of his birth and his mother's service and death, perhaps it was a "return to the beginning" moment in his destiny that Fuujin sent him for. Haruto believes the mountain kami and his mother are clearly related, and Haruto's work to rectify the situation in that village and earn On there at the mountain set right some wrong that must have mattered to the spirits.

Haruto assumes that Raijin has additional knowledge of creation (i.e. magic) that he wishes to imbue in him as the Chosen One and that his "destiny" will become more clear as the fulfillment continues. He may also just be a naive child in this, and I like putting Taisho into the wiser role as Gakusho.
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#155 Post by Marullus »

Haruto graciously accepts the hospitality, his rank among the samurai apparent by his manner even without his family crest displayed, his current role as pilgrim announced by his clothing and unarmed belt. After ensuring all porters make it safely inside, he raises a hand and drops it. The circle of calm collapses abruptly outside, the blizzard's winds rushing in and buffeting the door as the innkeeper struggles to push it closed. He takes his seat away from those of lower rank, enjoying the chicken and eggs of the chawamushi as he engages the samurai innkeeper in polite conversation.

Haruto replies politely to the middle rank samurai when he comes. "The kami present us challenges so that we may rise to meet them; there is nothing in a blizzard that we are unprepared for in sacred pilgrimage."

The shugenja remains quiet as Makoto approaches Taisho, gakuso to gakusho. He sips his tea and listens with interest, letting Taisho represent their tale.


Buru is grateful for the warmth, bustling in and hanging his coat and kasa with the others. He relishes the miso soup, the dried baby sardines reminding him of home by the river with a pang of regret. His thoughts on his family, he remains quiet and withdrawn as the other peasants begin their evening conversations. When the foreman directs the porters to shovel, he remains tacitly at the breakfast table. He was hired as a guard, not a laborer, after all.
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#156 Post by ffilz »

Is there anything Taisho feels would be wise to leave out of the tale? Otherwise, Taisho will share the tale.
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Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#157 Post by jemmus »

I'll assume that Taisho chooses not to share with the kamunushi the fact that Raijin-- or someone appearing as him-- visited him in dreams. Only because he just met the man and doesn't know him well enough to share something so personal.

The kamunushi Makoto listens to Haruto's reply and Taisho's story. Of the visit to he Fuujin shrine and taking an o-mamori fortune amulet. And the pilgrimage up Mount Fuji, and the encounters with the yurei ghost and the oni. Then setting out on a pilgrimage to Raijin's shrine, and the monkeys, yakuza, and sudden snowstorm. As he listens, the man's countenance is calm and placid. He says, The kami of our shrine here are a rock and seven shrubs that grow beside it. The rock's character is more Yang, and the shrubs' more Yin. The shubs' kami are surprisingly strong for such humble things, and they have quite strong wills. Those kami of our shrine are telling me now that another kami I know wishes to speak to you. She is a gentle kami and is a messenger of a greater kami. But very powerful in her own right. With your permission, I will tell you what the kami has to say.

The man politely asks the inn staff for paper, brush, and inkstone. When they arrive, he as graciously as possible handles the uncomfortable task of asking for the price in a money transaction, and equally graciously proffers the five copper coins indicated. He closes his eyes, inhales deeply, and quietly exhales even more deeply. Both Taisho and Haruto feel the power of kami or shugen magical energy-- which may be the same thing?-- at the same time.

Hairs on forearms raise on end, chills ripple down backs. It seems that this country kamunushi, Makoto-san, is a conduit sublime and powerful forces. A step higher then what the gakusho and shugenja have encountered before.

The man closes his eyes his right hand dips tip of the brush into the ink of the inkstone. His peaceful bearded face takes one more of the look of a feminine, energetic, young-old kami He begins writing on the paper in katakana.

It is is a pleasure to meet with yourselves. You have done well. You, Haruto of the Takeda, have asked why the kami oppose all of you so. It is not the God of Thunder or the God of Wind who oppose you. It is the whole World that has risen up against you. Even the animals of the mountain come out of the forest against you. My friends, you must know this: When a person sets out on an undertaking to transform their spirit, all of the Earth and Heavens will be against them. Everything will unexpectedly go wrong. From monkeys bounding from the forest, to wicked hauntings in an inn, down to a broken strap of a pack. Anything and everything to thwart you, and encourage you to turn back from your journey. It is not from malice. It is simply the way it is.

Fuujn! Raijin! Two wild and eternal siblings. It is well that you met and honored the kami of Fuji-san before joining one with the other within your heart and mind. It is well that you struggled with the yurei and the oni first, and felt the beautiful power of the kami of Fuji. You gained in experience and wisdom. And you gained some understanding of a great and benign kami. Without that, you would have little chance of surviving to see the Raijin shrine. And even less chance of remaining intact after joining the two wild, uncaring forces. You know by now that they are not malicious. But caring is not a part of their work. Their work is to do their parts in the way of the beautiful and frightening World.

The brush in the kamunushi's hand stops. It is quiet in the inn, except for sound of wooden shovels scraping snow outside. Then the hand dips the brush in ink and writes again.

Do you have a question for me, Taisho? Do you have a question for me, Haruto of the Takeda? Before I go. The kamunushi is still, and his bearded face still gives the impression of a feminine, energetic, young-old kami.

Actions? Please include a Wit or Will ST (your choice). And a katakana ST. :)

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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#158 Post by Marullus »

The subtleties if the written word are the core of a Shugenja. Haruto hangs on every stroke of the channeling kamunushi's brush. His heart thrills at the confirmation of his spiritual opposition. To face opposition is to know you are still on the path... when things become easy, it is to know you've become lost.

His thoughts cannot help drifting to his mother as the letters speak of the kami of Fuji. Beautiful power. Of course his mother's wisdom, daughter of the Fuji mountain and its family caretakers, is what will keep him from being torn apart by the brothers who claimed him in prophecy. In two there is always conflict, in three there is balance. Perhaps this is why mother died. A pang of remorse. Perhaps her life force, or the mother Fuji-san, comes only through this sacrifice. His heart lifts. But then, through Fuji-san, she remains with me. He tucks these contemplations away in his heart.

Haruto considers the page, then the kamunushi, uncertain if he should write or speak. Finally he clears his throat, speaking in quiet reverence. "You honor us with your words and grace us with your wisdom... You have given me strength in my heart. Would you teach me further of your own ways, your own wisdom, upon my journey?"
Mechanically, perhaps the spirit can act as a Mentor for a learning roll in its choice of magical school?
Wit or Will ST (both BCS 10) [1d20]=3 Katakana (BCS 36) [1d20]=19

Buru gambles and socializes with the common men, only superficially keeping aware of his holy companions.

Wit or Will ST (both BCS 4) [1d20]=6 Katakana (BCS 9) [1d20]=17
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#159 Post by ffilz »


oops, sorry, I didn't notice that was 2 rolls... Well, the first made it...


Wow, we're on a roll... :-)
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Ranger Lord
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Re: 3rd Scroll - God of Thunder

#160 Post by ffilz »

Oh, and I almost got confused between Haruto and Hiroshi... I'm playing a Haruto in a Traveller campaign...
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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