WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

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WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#1 Post by max_vale »

North West Coast of Santa Isabel Island, Solomons Islands, approx. 2 AM, April 12th, 1943

Captain Marvin Acme cursed silently...or perhaps not, he couldn't keep it straight anymore, as he waited as his team of Talents, SST 4, and the Aussie Coastwatcher named Morris moved quickly towards the end of the jungle and the soft sand of the beach, which, hopefully, was no more than a quarter of a mile away. It was pitch black, the jungle of this god-forsaken island was thick as hell and they had the better part of an Imperial Japanese Army platoon on their heels.....it was enough to make Acme wonder if he was insane for having said; "No thanks", when offered that spot on the Presidential Talent Guard Detail.....

After reporting back to duty in San Diego in early March, the members of SST 4 were met by newly promoted SSO muckety-muck Captain Jay Marsden and he had a new Talent to add to the team, a Corpman named Manny Corman. The brand-new sailor HAD been a Marine Corporal who had seen action as a Raider both on the Makin Raid and on the 'canal; and he had won a Silver Star for Valor on the latter. His Talent Powers emerged there and he was sort of pressed into service as a Corpsman, so after the mission, he was flown to Hawaii, made a Sailor and sent thru 'Hell's Motel', where he passed with flying colors.

Acme and the others though had little time to get to know their new teammates as they were flown out to the White House and there they briefly met the President, who thanked Tucker personally for the sword the latter had sent him; and also met about 2 dozen other Talents, including seeing some old familiar faces in Wade and Teddy Gomez; both of whom were now on the Presidential Talent Protection Detail! Everyone was rather surprised to learn that there were now 20 Talent Teams and just over 200 American Talents had joined the War Effort! Marsden sobered them up quickly though by letting them know that 52 Talents had been Killed in Action and another 29 wounded or mentally shaken up enough to make the likelihood of them being sent back into action rather remote. Almost HALF of the Talents that had served in the SSO were currently either 6 feet under or nowhere near a battlefield....

After THAT interesting trip, they were soon back on the West Coast and from there, onto Hawaii. The amount of ships, planes, troops, etc. they saw was STAGGERING in comparison to what things had looked like just a mere 15 months earlier. America was NOT playing around.....the war machine was in FULL PRODUCTION mode.....

In Hawaii, they briefly spent some time as 'guest instructors' at 'Hell's Motel', currently seeing to the training of SST 19 and they were happy to see now Lieutenant Commander Boyd as one of the senior instructors. He had lost most of his left arm during a mission 'somewhere in New Guinea', but he could still apply his knowledge and was doing quite well, by all accounts. After that brief few days, they were off to the Solomons.....back to Guadalcanal....

When they got there in early April, those who had been there before could not BELIEVE how much it had changed in half a year! The base was massive and almost entirely ARMY now! Shortly after arriving, they were sent to a quiet, comfortable building with a bunk for everyone, INDOORS, and near the beach with instructions for their first mission to be coming shortly. Indeed, not long after, they learned that their first mission was to pick up a Coastwatcher* on Santa Isabel island at night, using a PT (Patrol Torpedo) Boat; as it appeared the Coastwatcher had learned something of great importance and also believed the Japanese were onto him and he couldn't avoid them for much longer...

Sure enough, late on April 11th, they loaded up onboard PT 103, commanded by a young Naval Officer (LTJG) from Seattle named Pete Wilmoth and he and his crew of 10 took the veteran Special Services Team onboard and they quickly headed out into the black night with an inflatable 8 man raft up front in the bow, blocking access to the big 37mm gun that was mounted up there and which SEVERAL of the crew were sure to mention to them....

However, soon, everyone's attention was on poor Corman losing his dinner over the side of the boat and a LOT of ribbing was forthcoming from both other members of SST 4 AND the PT Boat sailors at a sailor who got 'green around the gills' at sea. ESPECIALLY a Corpsman named Corman. Soon though, Wilmoth silenced everyone and pretty soon, everyone was quiet and going about their business VERY efficiently. The men of SST 4 wondered how in the HELL the crew knew where they were on a pitch black, cloudy night like this, but sure enough, after several long hours, they were in position and casting off in the inflatable boat over the side and headed for the island.

Roker was carrying a 'backpack' radio to call for pickup when it was time and not much longer after that, they made landfall and soon were trudging inland to meet their contact. THAT'S when all hell broke loose. They came up to the top of the hill where they were to meet Mr. Morris, but instead he was running up it with tracers following him and he called out to them; "They've got me pegged, we need to get out of here NOW!!!!!"

Acme barely had time to think as the man blundered into their group and gasped out; "THEY BLOODY FOUND me the other day....shot by raido to pieces and killed a couple of the Natives who've been helping me here.....", gasp, gasp...."...I just got away with my bloody life.....they followed me, I've been running since.....maybe 30 or more of the buggers.....we've got to bleedin' leave NOW mate!"

Tucker and Van Horn took a gander at the base of the hill and as a few clouds moved, a small bit of starlight allowed them to see at least a couple of dozen IJA soldiers moving quickly towards them......maybe 500 yards back and closing fast.....

*OOC, Okay, I figured I'd just start things off in Media Res to get things going! This isn't the main mission, just a bit of fun to begin (hopefully fun!) with. The beach is about 500 yards away and it's mostly jungle until the beach.....the PT Boat has to be called and the raft is right inside the tree line by the beach.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#2 Post by Rex »


Gurung goes prone and readies his Enfield. "When in range Sir?" Studying the IJA to determine the ranking officer is possible.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#3 Post by ateno »

Tucker waits for the command, if they are staying he needs to build a protected area, looking around for recently fallen wood.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#4 Post by Urson »

Dutch dropped to a kneeling firing position, bringing his Talent up at the same time. He scanned the enemy with his Heightened vision, looking for officers.
Better move, Cap. We've got plenty of company.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#5 Post by Zhym »

Roker* drops low and fires up the radio to call in the PT boat.

* Who is still getting used to his "Chief Petty Officer" rank, by the way. He was quite comfortable as Radioman Third Class. Hard to get into trouble when you're a Radioman Third Class. It's an easy billet as long as you're on a ship that doesn't get shot at too much. Operate the radio; fix the radio. Man the guns when needed. Eat, sleep. Say "aye aye" every now and then. That was the life! The hard decisions were above his pay grade. But the room above his pay grade has been shrinking lately, and while the extra pay is nice, he kind of misses being a below-the-radar (so to speak) grunt.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#6 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He grabs Morris and tries to get things straight. "Get a hold of yourself, man. Do you have everything you need?" Marvin then turns immediately to Dutch and the others.

"I agree. You said a couple dozen coming fast?" He debates internally for a second and then orders the move. "Let's roll. Back to the beach. You can radio on the raft, right?"

"I need someone to reach out and touch them. Give them a reason to slow down. A couple of shots and then catch up."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#7 Post by ateno »

"Sir I can do that just as well. You want me to?

Tucker brings up his rifle and aligns behind the scope.

Hearing others firing he searches for a sword leader and fires.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#8 Post by Urson »

Dutch squeezes off two shots, trusting his Talent to compensate for the extreme long range.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#9 Post by Rex »


Laying prone for best stability, on Acme's order Gurung flips up his Enfields ladder sight and adjusts for the 500 yard range and begins slow fire.

The Enfields ladder sight adjusted up to a 600 yard range.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#10 Post by max_vale »

North West Coast of Santa Isabel Island, Solomons Islands, approx. 2 AM, April 12th, 1943

Acme comes to a decision and has some of his men open fire to hopefully slow down the pursuing Japanese troops while then moving quickly to the inflatable raft to get out to sea....

Gurung and Tucker take aim, but have serious difficulty in finding a target on the dark, cloudy night, but both fire and both have the satisfaction of hearing surprised and angry calls in Japanese cry out along with the unmistakable sound of troops moving to cover. A moment later, all of the Talents feel/smell/hear Gunny 'Dutch' Van Horn activating his 'Telescopic Hearing' Power and using it to help guide a pair of 5 round bursts from his big Bren Light Machinegun. This results in even MORE angry/worried sounds from the Japanese troops and it's not much longer until the first muzzle flashes from Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Nambu Machineguns bark in retaliation....

It's obvious though that the IJA troops don't have them pinpointed, so Acme uses the moment to call for his team to "MOVE OUT DAMNIT!" and they do so, with Roker in the lead, attempting to move the dials on the backpack radio to make it faster to get in contact with the PT Boat once they get the raft out in the water....

Soon, they are pushing the Raft out into the dark water and everyone scrambling onboard with the Aussie Coatwatcher Morris sitting in the middle. They've paddled about hundred yards off the coast when Roker, who wasn't paddling but rather using the Radio, gets in contact with PT 103. He had just finished telling them to come get them when the first shots from the coast come flying their way. Soon, everyone was ducking and paddling hard as rounds hit the water nearby or zipped overhead....

The beautiful sounds of the PT Boat engines hit their ears at about the same time that a burst from a Nambu clipped the Raft and plunked a hole into Morris' side. Corman immediately moved to him as PT 103 quickly interposed its bulk between the Raft and the island. The roar from a pair of twin .50 cal turrets AND a 20mm Cannon soon assault their ears as several sailors moved to help the members of SST 4 onboard. Morris and Corman were soon down below decks as the Corpsman went to work on the Coastwatcher who called out; "Oi, I'm alright mate, knock it off, wouldja?" as the Marine-turned-sailor ignored him and went to work patching him up. The PT Boat was soon racing back towards the 'Canal and after a bit, LT Wilmoth, CAPT Acme and the others were down talking to a patched up Morris....

He basically told them how he and a group of the natives on Santa Isabel had been watching the IJA recently clear out some trees on a tiny island known as Moto Island* right off the North Coast of Santa Isabella and start to build a small installation and erect some large radio antennae and some other kind of electronic contraption that Morris didn't recognize, but knew was VERY important to the Japanese. It was also quite well hidden from view from aircraft. When asked by Acme to describe it, Tucker immediately knew it was a Radar installation.

Everyone got some rest on the trip back and dawn was just breaking as they returned to Guadalcanal and docked. Acme gave his report to the higher ups and he and the team got a 'Well done' congratulations and then everyone got some rest for the rest of the day AND the next as they weren't given any major duties that day. The 13th passed uneventfully as well, but the morning of the 14th promised that SOMETHING was up as planes carrying some heavy hitters showed up from both East AND West**....

From the East came none other than SSO Pacific boss, Captain Marsden and he quickly gathered up the members of SST 4, a mostly healed Coastwatcher John Morris, several of the 'brass' on Guadalcanal including Army Air Corps Major John Mitchell, the commander of a P-38 Fighter squadron based on the island and the rather eye-opening sight of an Army Corporal who had come in on the plane from the West...i.e. from the U.S. Army units under General MacArthur fighting the Japanese alongside the Australians in New Guinea. The eye-opening part was the fact that the young man in the U.S. Army uniform was Japanese....

Marsden saw the look and quietly explained, "That's Corporal Jimmy Yukinaga, a Nisei or Japanese American whose parents or grandparents were from Japan. Personally, I think it's a crime, but most Japanese American families in the States have been rounded up and put into what we're calling 'Interment Camps', but really are basically just prisons for no other reason than they're Japanese. We're not doing the same to German or Italian families, but hey, I'm just a Naval Officer. Anyway, a number of young Nisei men have flocked to the U.S. military and my understanding is an entire Regiment has been put together in the Army composed of them and being sent to Italy to fight. A few more, like Jimmy, are serving as translators out here in the PTO...risking their lives from BOTH sides. Yukinaga I'm told has done some excellent work in New Guinea interrogating prisoners, reading captured documents and the like....so treat him with respect."

Shortly after, the meeting begins and Marsden lays it out....."Gentlemen...thanks to some VERY SPECIAL intelligence, we have learned that Admiral Isoroku Yammamoto, the mastermind of the attack on Pearl Harbor and in effect, the leader of the Imperial Japanese Navy; is flying on an Inspection Tour of Japanese military installations in the Solomons. We have the PRECISE time-table of his flights and know that in 4 days, on the morning of April 18th he is scheduled to touch down on Bougainville Island at about 9:45 in the AM. The only fighter planes we have with the range to make that intercept are Major Mitchell's P-38s, so they will be the ones to shoot down the 'Betty' transport planes the Admiral and his staff will be flying in. I'm SURE they will be escorted, but the transport planes are what matters Major, is that clear?" "Yes sir!", comes Mitchell's Souther accented reply.

"Now, there's another problem we've only recently discovered thanks to Coastwatcher Morris and the men of SST 4 here.....a new Radar Installation has been constructed by the Japanese on the tiny island known at Moto immediately off the coast of Santa Isabel Island, here..."; Marsden sets down a map and points it out. "Now, it appears a small building hosing the controls for the Radar and associated long-range radio are here, along with a small docking area that holds a Daihatsu landing barge that transports the approximately platoon size number of IJA troops and half dozen to 10 personnel who man the station from Santa Isabella as they have not yet built any barracks on Moto. While aerial photography of Moto isn't entirely reliable, we believe the IJA may also have 2-4 foxholes, probably with Type 92 'woodpecker' HMGs set up in them as well to defend the site."

"With the planning of what's being dubbed 'Operation Vengeance' going on for the Intercept of Yammamoto's flight; one leg of the flight is within the Radar's detection range. Therefore, we must also put troops on Moto and preferably destroy the installation or at least, ensure they do NOT utilize it to detect the Interception and guide fighters to help protect the Admiral or warn him off. This is where SST 4 and you Mr. Morris come in...."

"Now, you said there's over a dozen Native Warriors on Santa Isabel you know personally who would be happy to attack the Japanese?" "Abso-bloody-lutely Mate! They hate the Nips due to the way the buggers treat 'em and I can't blame 'em.....they like to either use 'em as slave-labor or sometimes just bayonet 'em for sport, the evil bastards". "Alright then....we'll get you and a few select troops with a radio and land you back on Santa Isabel soon and when the time is right, you and the natives can move to the shoreline opposite Moto and open up. If you take out some troops, fantastic, but mostly, it'll be a diversionary raid meant to get their attention and hopefully get some of them to use the barge and go chasing after you while SST 4 lands on the opposite side of the island, covertly. You say the Natives can vanish into the jungle and the Japanese won't be able to find you?" "Been doing it for a year and half now mate"...."Excellent."

Marsden turns to SST 4 and gestures for Yukinaga to move over; "Okay then....the last part will be inserting SST 4 and CPL Yukinaga here by submarine right around dawn and once on the island, to wait for the diversionary attack to draw the attention and HOPEFULLY some troops and then making the move to take out the Installation crew and then disabling or destroying the Installation. I know Radarman Tucker has been trained to operate this equipment, so hopefully with his expertise and Jimmy's ability to read and understand Japanese, you guys can figure out the best way to go about it quickly. Chief Roker will also be carrying a Radio to check the status of the plan and if need be, to utilize our backup plan, which is to bomb the island....however, due to the poor ability to see the site from the air AND the chance that any attack would be picked up BY the Radar site; this is obviously a last-ditch effort."


*Moto Island is not a real place

**The Aussies held Port Morseby on the Southern Coast of New Guinea since before the war started and the U.S. moved aircraft there very early in the conflict. However, the U.S. involvement in the land war really started in late '42 with MacArthur's units from Australia making his first Offensive in his quest to retake the Phillipines. By Spring of '43, Allied forces were in control of basically the Southern Coast of New Guinea and had captured Buna and were starting the process of moving towards the Japanese bases at Lae and Salamua.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#11 Post by Rex »


Gurung just nods and waits to be dismissed.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#12 Post by ateno »

"if I may sir, my guess is thats its a early type 13, if I could get cleared to see a picture of the antenna it would help in deciding the best way to mess it up.. The type 13 uses a standard antenna, which means they could have it working again in a hour or two if they are motiviated, easier to fix. I'm here to help, whateveryou need, sirs.."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#13 Post by Urson »

Dutch chuckles. Ve get inside, ve smash things. Easiest way to mess it up.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#14 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He chuckles at Dutch. "What do ya mean, we never smash things! Always precise and delicate operatives, we are."

"I'd love to check 'enemy radar station' off my list of things to blow up. I'm betting Tucker can tell us the best place to place explosives."

"Sir. Do we have reason to believe they will have talents present?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#15 Post by max_vale »

Guadalcanal to just off the North West Coast of Moto Island in the Solomons Islands chain, April 13 thru approx. 4:30 AM, 18 April, 1943

The briefing was quickly concluded after Tucker was able to see the aerial pictures and discovered it was indeed a Type 13 Radar array and Marsden told Acme that they had no Intel any Unit 781 Talents were present at the site. After that, everyone was dismissed and the members of SST 4 and a somewhat cautious Army Corporal Yukinaga followed them back to their barracks room as he had been assigned to their team....

The next couple of days went by in a blur as the Team pored over the pictures, discussed the plan, checked out their gear and got to know Jimmy better. Most of the Team was pretty open minded, but it was still a bit difficult to adjust to somebody who looked like the guys normally shooting at them to be in their midst.....

Roker was given an SCR-300 'backpack' Radio and he made sure it was in good working order and he was also given a lighter M1 Carbine to carry on the mission to lighten the load he was carrying. In addition, Acme was given some explosives to use as a backup/boost for his Talent abilities to ensure the Radar Station was destroyed. Morris was sent back out on PT 103 on the night of the 15th to get in contact with his Native Islander friends and he made contact the next day on Fred's radio and let everyone know that he and his 'troops' would be ready for the diversionary attack. The next day, the members of SST 4 took up their gear and an inflatable raft and boarded the Submarine Ironfish after a hearty meal and a 'Good Hunting!' send off by Captain Marsden...

In the pitch black of a moonless night of 18 April the Ironfish surfaced some 2,000 yards off the North West coast of tiny Moto island and the members of SST 4 and Jimmy put the raft in the water and began the process of rowing to shore. They had barely started their journey when the submarine vanished under the waves again. LCDR Keitel was not anxious to be seen by the enemy.....but he had ensured them the 'boat' would stay in position in these shallow waters to pick them up after the mission was completed by hopefully noon.....

Those who were on the Makin Island Raid had details of that exhausting row in come flashing back to them, but luckily it wasn't raining like it was then and the tide was nowhere near as strong. Still, it was awfully dark and the moving clouds only allowed occasional starlight to illuminate the small island. Acme whispered to everyone; "Alright then boys, let's get rowing...."

It was a grueling hour to row into the island but everyone made it and quickly pulled the raft into the tree line and fell to the ground to get a rest and wait for dawn to break so Roker could call to Morris and his 'troops' to start the diversionary attack. Everyone stretched and rested as much as their adrenaline filled selves would allow and awaited the Mission to truly start.....

Dawn was just starting to peek over the horizon and Roker moved to turn on his SCR Radio when Gurung suddenly made a quick hand motion and let everyone know that something was coming their way. Sure enough, soon the sounds of a pair of Japanese troops walking along the beach and talking quietly could be heard by all of the members of SST 4 and in the near total darkness, they would be coming quite close to their position. While everyone was well hidden in the jungle; the tracks of the raft being dragged to shore was visible and any moment now, the IJA troops would be walking right on it.......
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#16 Post by Rex »


Gurung readies his Khukuri (the traditional one) and prepares to rush the Japanese soldiers, preferably from behind. Once an opening occurs he rushes and attacks, trying for a quick kill.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#17 Post by Urson »

Dutch pulls hs combat knife and joins Gurung.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#18 Post by ateno »

Elias will stand guard, just in case there are any other patrols nearby.

Elias Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#19 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin motions for everyone else to keep a lookout while he joins Gurung and Dutch. He points at Roker's Radio and gives him a thumbs up.

Acme will wait for Gurung and Dutch to strike, then finish off any survivors. Melee style.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Five: Secret Saga of the Solomons

#20 Post by Zhym »

Roker stays by his radio, ready to call in diversion as soon as he can do so without alerting the (hopefully soon-to-be-dispatched) patrol.
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