The Gnoll Problem

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#41 Post by Spearmint »


Considers Truna's counsel. He leaves enquiring of the Mystics in their tower for another time having committed to helping the red haired Fochelle and red-beard Rardi on the Gnoll issue.

So, he follows up on his second action, an extra beer and a comely wench if such tavern delights abound.

He is geared up and practically ready to leave town as soon as needed.
This concludes my action for the first night in town. Do we need anything before we set off? Is Elesyr coming with us too?

Do we need to go get a ranger to guide us or was that taken care of in the ooc post? If there are Henges along the trail we could check them out. They might be likely spots for bandit gnolls anyway.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#42 Post by Stirling »


I posted this in the ooc thread.
to go find a ranger to guide us. How much would a ranger cost to hire? Is one available?
but to answer Spiridon
Do we need to go get a ranger to guide us or was that taken care of in the ooc post?
"We can go in the morning. I would expect rangers to be up at dawn and we have Von Saultier's decree so I would think one might be assigned to use for a few gold."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#43 Post by Tamerlaine »

Trusting Fochelle's judgement, Han inquires as when they will leave and what provisions may be needed for this 'adventure.'
Stirling wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 2:27 pm Fochelle

"We leave in the morning. So drink your fill and buy whatever supplies you personally need. I think we might be gone at least a week. I will hire a ranger and any men-at-arms who can torchbear for us and recoup that cost from the trove we amass."
In looking for a ranger to hire, a bit of asking around is done before the red head is directed to a man sitting in a far corner. He's slowly smoking from a long-stemmed clay tavern pipe, an empty mug on the table beside him. As you get closer, he's an older man; slender yet wiry with a drawn face that looked as if carved from wood. A hair of sharp eyes peer out from white beetling brows and while he had little hair on top, his cheeks are generous with frost colored bristles. Auge is the only name he offers and with some prying, he boasts of knowing the forests north and south of Thatchum, the mountains, rivers and lakes. He's come across the spoor and sign of the Blackfangs and knows well of their growing reputation as bandits, slavers, and blackguard murderers. Barely escaped with his life just three days ago, says Auge, after a close chase. He's willing to take you to where he ran across them, help pick up their trail and track them back to where they're holed up.

Spiridon, ready to go, has yet another beer and later drowns himself within the pillowy bosom of a tavern wench.

Rardi is raring to go kill some 'gnoll beasties' and calls it a night, going upstairs to get some rest before morning comes.

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#44 Post by Spearmint »


Refreshed and weary in equal measures, the halfling prepares himself and his gear for a day of adventure.

He lets Fochelle complete her organising of the party by hiring guides and equipping the help sent from the Manor House. Meeting by the large statue and for luck, throwing a bit of salt over his shoulders.

When the team is ready and buffed out with ranger and supplies, he leaves, listening to any stories or advice that Auge might have in regard to the dog-faced humanoids.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#45 Post by Stirling »


"Okay Auge, you are hired. Take us to these locations. I am expecting actually to conduct a number of patrols. Our first assignment to locate a bandit camp, scout any headquarters and prepare intelligence on the actual tribe forces.

If we can liberate slaves along the way, all the better. You will be familiar with Von Saultier's decree. We take no prisoners, ask no quarter. We also leave no man behind."

She pays him in advance any retainer fee and agrees he can take an equal share in any trove we find.

After contracting him, she will go to the mystics and present her letter from the Baron for the supply of potions.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#46 Post by kwll »

Han makes himself ready by the agreed time, trying hard not to lose balance when using the stairs to the room in the inn. He welcomes the ranger when he sees him: "Nice to see someone familiar with the woods. Have you heard about these standing stones, by any chance?" he asks him.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#47 Post by The_Wanderer »


Snowdrop accompanies Fochelle to the mystics and will subtly case the place, looking for potential opportunities to "borrow" product in the future, should the need arrive.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#48 Post by Tamerlaine »

Early in the next morning, the would-be adventurers rouse from their warm beds and begin the day's first tasks after a hearty breakfast. Fochelle and Snowdrop make their way to the the only tower in Thatchum. Located within the walls of the village, it is round tower with a peaked roof. It appears older than anything else in Thatchum, the stones of the structure worn and weathered by time. A low fence surrounds the tower, revealing a garden and pens for a couple of goats. In his robes is an old reed-thin man in a wide straw that had seen better days tending to his plants and muttering to himself. The pair's shadows cross his vision and the old man with his flowing grey beard turns his head, sharp broodings eyes peering out from deep wrinkles.

"if you've got the knowledge of any proven means to kill sternorrhyncha salis, then please enlighten me. All these years puttering about my alchemy table and I've yet to find a way to manage this seasonal assault on my potatoes. If you've come soliciting then continue on about for I have no time for thee. time."


Arranging supplies for the journey into the woods, Spiridon and Han watch as Auge appears. He's wearing a leather jerkin, loose trousers tucked into a pair of turn down boots and a worn bycocket hat complete with a hawk's feather. The ranger has both a longbow and quiver of white goose fletched arrows while an old sword hangs from his belt.
kwll wrote: Mon May 30, 2022 3:59 pm Han"Nice to see someone familiar with the woods. Have you heard about these standing stones, by any chance?"[/dialog] he asks him.
Auge takes a moment to scratch his unshaven chin. "I know evry inch o' the Brine an' then some. I've seen them stones wi' me own eyes. the Lost Souls and Brodgurs both." The ranger grows quiet as if reliving a memory.

Auge gives both a hard glance before hawking up and spitting out a glob of thick mucous. "They're no place for us common folk. Built long 'fore anyone came 'ere by who or what no one knows wot fer. They're haunted and tainted by dark magic and people foolish enough to stick 'round them stones have disappeared."

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#49 Post by Spearmint »


"Right, ho." he says listening to the ranger. He looks at the rangers longbow. Obviously to tall for him to manage comfortably, mind you his shortbow can be used mounted which could be an advantage should he ever get a pony to ride.

"These Gnoll raiders. Are they nomads in the forest or have a village somewhere? Do you know how far we are trekking? Two days, three, more?"

He makes a bit of small talk while the team gather.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#50 Post by Stirling »


"Am I talking to the head gardener or chief Theurgist of the Mystics?

I solicit not, rather I am under authority as one charged by His Lordship Von Saultier with securing the frontier caravan routes and ending the brigand menace.

You noble alchemists are likewise charged with supplementing our needed supplies at his expense so that he may also make a seasonal assault. Now I would hate to quibble whether your potatoes or gnolls heads are the dish best served up to his Lordship but I would rather not serve them cold.

Would you mind?"

Okay, she is arrogant, rude, braggish but also not one to be brushed off or shelved because of her perceived femininity. She offers the signed scroll requesting potions and a warm smile.

Fochelle tries on some Charismatic charm vs 14 [1d20]=1
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#51 Post by tarlyn »


The Dwarf joins the party after eating a substantial breakfast, satisfied.

Belching loudly, she pats her stomach and grins. "Let's go kill us some ugly dogmen!"
"I drained the soul of a monk once....... It tasted like Chocolate."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#52 Post by kwll »

Han takes good note of Auge's description of the standing stones. He wonders if the ranger knows about anyone who tried to investigate them, but waits for him to answer his companion's question.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#53 Post by The_Wanderer »


Ignoring Fochelle, Snowdrop says "We are not the source for your knowledge but surely this sterhinoceros can't be so bad for your plants! And if it is and you can't solve it, surely you do then have time for us...since you won't be busy solving your potato problem. Right?" There is absolutely not malice in this statement. Just genuine wonder.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#54 Post by Tamerlaine »

Spearmint wrote: Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:50 pm Spiridon

"These Gnoll raiders. Are they nomads in the forest or have a village somewhere? Do you know how far we are trekking? Two days, three, more?"
"Them mangy bastards have been coming down out from the Skyfall Mountains northeast from 'ere fer years. Used to be just raiding parties, hit the outlying settlements hard and fast, take the survivors back an' sell 'em as slaves. Keep some fer themselves they do. Now...well there's a group of them been sticking 'round 'ere permanent like hitting the caravans an' the farms fer loot and slaves. They don't sit still in one place fer long. I'm fixing to take you to where I was a few days ago when I got chased. Probably take no more'n a couple of days at the most."

Rardi joins up after a sizeable breakfast and tells anyone within earshot that she's read to 'kill some ugly dogmen' after a rather funky belch. Of course she did, she's a dwarf!


"Such impertinence!" exclaims the wizard, his wizened face betraying his annoyance at Fochelle. "You are rude and boorish and if you didn't have this piece of paper from the Baronet, signed and sealed, you would be a toadstool at this moment. I am Wannistal the Wonderous, the head of the Order of Mystics. I do not run and fetch paltry potions for roustabouts, mere puppets of the baronet who deign to swing swords and cast novice spells."

"Paldret!" he then roars. "Paldret, blast the lazy sod...PALDRET!!"

Two long seconds later a young man wearing the garb and accoutrements of a beekeeper comes running around from the other side of tower, clearly witless and confused. Wannistal then shoves the paper roughly into the boy's hands. "See what we can spare in the way of healing potions. Off with you, quickly now."

He turns to both of you and listening to Snowdrop, replies. "It's not sternhino..." Wannistal stops and closing his eyes, sighs. "At least your manners are le already.agues ahead of your...ahem..comrade. Both you, please leave me to salvage with what time has been wasted. Wait by the door, you shan't wait long I'm sure. Ta."

Its long that long at all when Paldret opens the door, his face red in embarrassment. "Forgive me ma'am, sir...I have only two potions to give. I...uh...well..I had four to start with, but two and they shattered on the floor. I'm so sorry. Please, please don't tell my master!"
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#55 Post by Stirling »


She holds back her smile at provoking the senior wizard, especially as he reveals the titbits of contempt in which he bears towards Von Saultier.
She follows the gopher and waits patiently until ...
It's not that long at all when Paldret opens the door, his face red in embarrassment. "Forgive me ma'am, sir...I have only two potions to give. I...uh...well..I had four to start with, but two and they shattered on the floor. I'm so sorry. Please, please don't tell my master!"
"Well that is going to make me look a right c@#£ isn't it? Here you are thinking about your self preservation whilst tucked into a warm bed, supping cocoa and studying your tomes while I'll have to explain to His Lordship why his commissioned expedition broke ranks and fell before the Gnoll hordes, prevailing not to rescue slaves because we succumbed to mortal wounds and poisons that might otherwise have been glossed over."

She takes a potion, tying a leather cord around the flask's neck and slipping the loop around her own so that the glass dangles, tucked away snuggly between her cleavage. She pats the potion comfortably giving the second into the care of Snowdrop.

"Let us hope that neither of us slip on a banana skin then." She pokes the boy in the chest, "If I am to keep quiet, holding your misfortune close to my chest, then you, 'Butterfingers' Paldret owe us a favour too. Dwell on that while you mop the floor."

Leaving the apprentice dazzled and goggle eyed, she goes to join the group by the gates.

"Excellent Snowdrop. I am well pleased. I thought the Baron might send me away empty handed yesterday so gaining these boons could serve us very well. And we begin to curry favour with the Mystics; you with Wanni, Paldret with me. That could work for future advantages.

Two - Nil to the girls I think. Let's hope the men folk are as enterprising."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#56 Post by Spearmint »


The halfling listens intently to the experience of the ranger Auge. He determines to follow his guidance and wisdom. Luck plays a part in people surviving ambush but so does skill and experience and the ranger surely excels in that above his own.

He is ready to set off once the ladies return from the Mystic tower.

"All set. Great let's go." He keeps his bow handy once we hit the forests.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#57 Post by The_Wanderer »

Stirling wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:29 pm "Two - Nil to the girls I think. Let's hope the men folk are as enterprising." [/dialog]
"Well...I'm not so sure 'Wanni' necessarily 'likes' me so much as he doesn't actively dislike me." She stares a knowing look at Fochelle and then continues. "You're right of course. These may be the only things that keep two of us alive! Shall we join the others and prepare to depart?"
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#58 Post by Tamerlaine »

OOC: I'm going to get things moving along. If there are any vignettes left to play out (han, Ely, go ahead and post them with a Backstory header. N.ow on with the story!

Once everyone comes together in front of the Wanton Wench, the groups meets another kindred soul in search for adventure; an elf by the name of Elesyr. There's a last check of equipment; sword belts tightened, bow strings waxed, rations counted, etc.. Auge simply watches, both hands holding the tall longbow upright while his jaws work a cud of chew.

"If'n you ladies are ready, let' get a movin.' Sunlight's wasting," the ranger quips before starting off through the gate leading out from Thatchum. The day is bright yet cold and breezy as the party heads a bit north before turning to the northeast. Farm fields and meadows are crossed and once and a while Auge stops to talk to a farmer for information about the going-ons in the area. Onwards still, its late afteroon when the party reaches a shallow hill and the ranger points at it. "Yonder is the Henge of Lost Souls, the stones are at the top. People 'round 'ere say its haunted and foul things come to practice their vile rituals." Auge then turns his head to spit a stream of brown juice at the ground, as if offering his own opinion.

You want to carry on or go up and have a look?"

OOC: Okay guys, I need a marching order for outdoors and a watch rotation, if any.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#59 Post by Stirling »

"If'n you ladies are ready, let' get a movin.' Sunlight's wasting,"
She will keep close to the ranger during the trek, walking behind him. At the Henge,

"Sure, we can take a break and investigate these ancient stones."

as far as guard watches, we should do an hour or hour and half each. Make it easy, start in Alphabetical order then move it by one name each day so over time folk rotate guarding early and late times.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#60 Post by Spearmint »


The halfling archer will be fine bringing up the rear of the group. He lets the ranger and Fochelle sort out camp duties. We all take an equal share so he will just take any appointed time.

At the Henge he will help search the area.
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