Gil's Majik's man, mama.

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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#1 Post by Majik »

Looking at the group, it seems they need a thief.
I was considering a 1/2 Orc fighter, but maybe a thief would be a better fit.

So I rolled up a character with the unseen servant roller, and made a background and a reason he is in Greyhawk and perhaps in any bar or tavern.

Im working on an Elf-thief Swashbuckler.
No Elf subrace, Id like to use the 45 racial points to make my Elf.
If that's okay.

DM EDIT : Of course. Figured out how to link the character to the campaign over there? And also how to post the info here?
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#2 Post by Stonjuz »

A swashbuckler is lightly armed and armored hero with a flashing blade and rapier wit. Most at home in a city-based campaign (dungeons tend to ruin their expensive, foppish attire), the swashbuckler seems to have stepped right out of Dumas’ The Three Musketeers. Swashbucklers may be dull bureaucrats, wheezing aristocrats, or meek scribes during the day—but at night they don their fanciest clothes, gird on their blades, and venture out into the darkening city for an evening of raucous revelry, flippant conversation, and a helping of derring-do. Despite a generally flippant (some might say arrogantly sarcastic) attitude, most swashbucklers have a strong sense of honor. Anyone who dares insult the swashbuckler, his comrades, or a member of the opposite sex may well find a blade at his throat.

Social ranks: Swashbucklers are more affluent than common fighters. Roll 2d6 to determine a social rank.
Rank 2–7 Upper Middle Class 8–12 Upper Class

Requirements: Swashbucklers should be witty, and they should be light on their feet for those occasions when their wit goes unappreciated. As such, all swashbucklers need minimum Dexterity/Balance and Intelligence/Reason scores of 12. This kit is closed to the optional player character races, and to rangers and druids.
Recommended weapon proficiencies: Swords are the traditional weapons of most swashbucklers, especially rapiers and sabres. However, they can use any weapons that fit their adventuring professions.
Recommended Nonweapon proficiencies: Tumbling, etiquette, dancing, riding, blind-fighting, musical instrument, appraising, gaming, tightrope walking, jumping.
Equipment: A swashbuckler can wear any armor and weapons allowed to his class, though they should be flashy and of good quality.
Recommended traits: Ambidexterity, artistic ability, glibness, music, lucky.
Benefits: When unarmored or wearing armor no heavier than studded leather, swashbucklers gain a +2 armor class bonus. This bonus is in addition to any other AC modifiers such as a high Dexterity and magical defensive items.
(This is equal to the optional defensive bonus class ability, and the two cannot be combined.)
Also, due to their roguish charm, swashbucklers gain a +2 reaction roll bonus from NPC members of the opposite sex. ;)

Hindrances: As the swashbuckler seeks out adventure, so too does adventure find him. Life, and the DM, should conspire to make reality interesting for the character. :twisted:
For example, if a swashbuckler is fleeing the outraged sibling of one of his paramours, his flight might carry him across the path of a defenseless peasant who is being harassed by a gang of ruffians. Or, if a swashbuckler leaps overboard to escape the buccaneers who shanghaied him, he discovers that the waters are infested with sahuagin riding sharks.

Wealth: Standard for the character’s class, plus 20% to reflect his affluent background.
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#3 Post by Majik »

Ahhhhhhhh, so that AC -2 bonus can't be added to the thief AC -2 bonus. Ok, to bad for me... but it doesn't change my choice.

And I know the -difficult life- thing will be fun, :)
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#4 Post by Majik »

Oh, I haven't tried to send my PC sheet to the game forum yet. If I run into a problem I will tell you right away.

I was looking at the traits and disadvantages, and I was thinking that -powerfull enemy- might be good for a swashbuckling rogue and If I can alter -greed- to -lust- and instead of the PC having an obsession for money or power, he always gets into trouble chasing after women. Is that something I can do?
Change a disadvantages from one "sin" to another?
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#5 Post by Stonjuz »

Elven Swashbuckler thief?....Cool. He should get himself into trouble in no time. 8-)
At least two of the previous players took Powerful Enemy. I could be wrong, but I think they are both dead, or at least never to be heard from again. :twisted:
The players kinda disturbed Iuz, so he's comin'regardless. 8-)
Just kidding, if you want to take that, go right ahead. ;)
Chasing women, hmmm....HELL YES!!!! I never saw Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks or Capt'n Jack Sparrow turn down some strange. :roll: must take human or half elf (DM call)......and you probably dont wanna do that, so.....?. :(

Edit: After sleeping on it and thinking over....I will allow halflings to take LUST too. I sure miss Bazil. I bet he would have taken it.
I can hear him already
,.. "Hey baby, let me show ya my constitution stat." 8-)
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#6 Post by Majik »

If I take Swashbuckler I must be Human, 1/2 elf, or Halfling?

Or if I take "Lust" as a disadvantage I must be Human, 1/2 elf, or Halfling?

I will consider it... but I'm pretty well fixed on an elf-thief.
Let me check out the 1/2 and think about it though.
Human maybe... but not halfling.
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#7 Post by Stonjuz »

Majik wrote:If I take Swashbuckler I must be Human, 1/2 elf, or Halfling? .
Majik wrote: Or if I take "Lust" as a disadvantage I must be Human, 1/2 elf, or Halfling?.

Yes. I changed my mind on the halfling thing. Human or 1/2 elf only
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#8 Post by Majik »

Ah, okay. No lust then. :P
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#9 Post by grey_starr »

Remember that you can use points to buy traits from Elves
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#10 Post by Majik »

grey_starr wrote:Remember that you can use points to buy traits from Elves
Ya, just not the good ones. :p
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#11 Post by Majik »

What I have been woring on so far:

1. Background: Gilnes (Gil = griffin) (nes = hart)

Early life:

Gilnes was born in a now unknown village (about a days ride) north-west of Greyhawk city. He was found in a destroyed Elvin village of unique design where he was born and raised until the age of 55. It was filled with bodies of all kinds of elves of mixed Elvin and 1/2 Elvin heritages. It was clear from the carnage that not all had been killed but most had in fact scattered in the confusion. And it was also clear that it was destroyed by a Drow raiding party.

Gil was found by an Upper Middle Class merchant house (which was the cover for a thieves guild) and raised by the Fredo Clan Thieves' Guild. It was prophesized by the venerable matriarch of the family (who was also a cleric of some minor ability) that a child found that night by the merchants would herald the end to their long standing feud with a rival guild in their home village. The village was called Dorobo, a backwater town about a days ride from the Greyhawk. Two guilds, the Thieves led by Fredo and the Assassins led by Doyle, compete for control of the lucrative smuggling pipeline. The authorities have been ineffective at keeping the peace, and have stopped trying. The current Sheriff, Galt actually seems to be exploiting the conflict for personal gain.

They referred to the child as "Gil" and it was believed he was prophesied to unite the warring Thieves' and Assassins' Guilds. Soon after, Gil was placed in the care of Fagan's Mob, a gang of pick-pockets (that were supported by the Thieves guild as a sort of “training ground” for new talent) and it is they who taught him the ways of thievery. After living as an orphan on the streets, a 65-year-old Gil attempted to pick the pocket of Lucas Fredo, then patriarch of the Thieves' Guild. Lucas took the boy off the streets and adopted him into his own family. This was the second prophesized task the child was supposed to perform according to the now deceased gone matriarch.

Gil’s Elvin spell abilities manifested late 70’s (teen years for a human), although he kept his powers secret from his family and friends, practicing his odd Elvin abilities away from prying eyes. When he was 90, he accompanied his “cousin” Marc on his first "Earning", the ritual initiation test of the Thieves' Guild. However, it went awry as they were assigned to steal from a powerful evil cleric, who quickly captured them. The cleric sold them to the deformed 1/2 Orc slave trader known as Boss Hogg, who planned to sell them and others as slave/soldiers. Gil used his talents to escape their holding pen and in the process free many others including one extremely beautiful girl whom he only saw for a moment before the physically superior Boss Hogg caught up to he and his cousin separating them from the fleeing “slaves”. Gil threw a dagger in the Orc's face, taking out his left eye. Gil and his cousin final escaped Hogg’s cliff top headquarters by diving into a lake, somehow Gil survived long enough to be rescued by the Guild; Marc drowned and Boss Hogg believed them both dead (for the moment)(Powerful enemy).

Later when Gil was 91 years old, he was hired by a bard named Edward Ajax. Ajax wanted his stolen “song lyrics” back from an evil mage. Gil and the Thieves' Guild accepted the mission and sent out Gil to retrieve said songs. Upon entering the facility, Gil noticed several exotic animals and released them as a diversion for his theft (Companion), and returned the songs to Ajax proving his worth as the Thieves' Guild and finishing the final prophesized task to become the next heir apparent/leader/figure head. But this was not meant to be…

In the prophesized attempt to reconcile the Thieves' and Assassins' Guilds, Gil was betrothed to marry Bella, the beautiful granddaughter of the head Assassin, whom he rescued by accident from Boss Hogg at the time of his escape. Unfortunately, he was challenged by her brother Justin (who believed that he could lead the Assassins into destroying the Thieves Guild) to a duel after the ceremony. In the duel, Gil killed Justin, and as a means of re-establishing the truce he was exiled from the town, ending his romantic relationship with Bella, and uniting the two guilds in a now mutual distrust of elves.

Gil eventually found himself in Grey-hawk city, starting his new life as an Upper Middle Class Swashbuckler. He is now free of a controlling guild and looks to find his “fortunes” in a big city, and with any luck also discover his true origins and family...

Gilnes, is lightly armed (frequently without armour) with a flashing blade and sharp wit. Unlike many elves he is more at home in a city (dungeons tend to ruin his fine sliks), During his stays in the city, he sports his finest and fanciest clothes, but when "on a trip" (or leaving the city "for his health") girds on his finely made long-sword, sturdy normal garb if finely made, and ventures out for adventure. He loves the darkening city for its raucous revelry, flippant conversation, and its ample helping of games of chance.

Despite a generally flippant and arrogantly sarcastic temperamental attitude, Gil has a strong sense of honor. Anyone who dares insult the swashbuckler, his comrades, or a member lady of beauty may well find Gil's blade at his throat, or his back.

Detailed notes on Gilnes:
Gilnes is a reluctant adventurer who, “doesn’t wait for it (adventure or battle) to happen… doesn’t even want it to happen… but is determined to be ready for it to happen”. (Thus he fights only when he has to). He is in essence forced to adventure to support his hedonistic desires (wine, women, but mostly gambling).

Gilnes believes that battles/monsters/and adventure “occurs when the old and bitter to trick the young and stupid in getting killed in order to make them rich… and I no longer so young, and so stupid”. Gil’s life goals are to gamble with a pretty girl on his knee, a glass of good Elvin wine in front of him… and luck with the cards. Gil has no war-time experience (per-say) but since his exile has no other choice but to adventure because a quiet life in a safe guild is no longer an option:

So he travels to Greyhawk to find his fortunes and start his search for his birth family. Greyhawk is believed to be a corrupt city, so he hopes to gain status and reputation there. Also, he feels compelled to move on from his origins because of a Powerful Enemy, and the occasional pretty girl left in his wake…. so he knows that in all probability he can’t stay in anyone place too long. Secretly, as much as he hates adventuring it excites him… not combat, but getting into and out of trouble. He feels that the world, especially the human world, is transient and thus hard work is ultimately futile.
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#12 Post by Stonjuz »

Gil awakes in the arms of his latest fling.
He soon stands, dressing by her bed, knowing that Greyhawk has greater treasure.
"Where are you going? Let's cuddle." She coyingly touts.

Oh, and though I really like the intro backstory, the DM gets to pick the Powerful Enemy :twisted:
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#13 Post by Majik »

I didn't notice until after I made the backstory, but yes, the choice of Powerfull Enemy is yours... I think that the story gives a few options though... the drow, evil cleric, the 1/2 Orc slave trader, the evil mage, the thieves or Assassins guilds.

But, I want to ask a question about languages... for my Elf, Elf (common) is -free- yes?
Is Greyhawk -common- also free? Or must I spend 2pts so I am able to speak to the group?
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#14 Post by Majik »

An Elf that doesn't know Elf..... nah. Doesn't feel right.
I'll take Elf and pay the 2 points to know Common.
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#15 Post by Majik »

Stonjuz wrote:The main reason I did not allow Lust as a Trait.....Having no human blood, the elf can resist charms. 8-)
I understand your thought, but I see lust as an internal compulsion and as such isn't a matter of resistance to anothers charms but as an inability to resist your own appetites.

You see lust as an external influence or charm, where i see it as an internal compulsion.
It's okay, I can live without the extra 5 cp and Disadvantages. ;)
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#16 Post by Majik »

So, should we make rolls here using macros like
Social rank: [2d6] =
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Re: He's Majik's man, mama.

#17 Post by Majik »

I'll try and link the character now. I rolled him a little fat, so I "put him on a diet". :x
I hope thats okay.

He's a bit short, for an Elf, but as long as he still moves at a 12 it, should be fine. :D

Also I haven't finished filling in the file. I don't really like it, so I'll also post it, as a text. Aswell

But I don't know where the code #85 should be used. I think I figured out how to post the character sheet, though I don't see the proof for my ability scores (which are pretty good).
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Re: Gil's Majik's man, mama.

#18 Post by Majik »

CP Breakdown:

45 CP – Elf
5 CP - Intelligence
80 CP –Thief Class
6 CP – Weapon Prof. Thief
6 CP – Non-weapon Prof. Thief
5 CP - Level 2
10 CP – Powerful Enemy
5 - level 3

162 total

CP Spent:

15 CP – Spell Ability
10 CP – Infervision (60’)
10 CP – 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells
10 CP – Companion: Cooshee or Elvan cat

Sub total (-45 CP)

Thief Skills:

5 CP – Bribe
5 CP – Climb Walls
10 CP – Detect illusion
10 CP – Detect Magic
5 CP – Detect Noise
10 CP – Escaping Bonds
10 CP – Find / remove traps
5 CP – Hide in Shadows
5 CP – Move Silently
10 CP – Open Locks
10 CP – Pick Pockets
5 CP – Read Languages

Sub total (-90 CP) (135 CP)


-3 CP – Long Swords
-3 CP – Short Bow
-2 CP – One Weapon Fighting style


-2 CP – Tumbling (Dexterity/balance)(rating 7+5=12)
-1 CP – Appraising (Wisdom/intuition)(rating 8+5=13)
-1 CP – Jumping (Dexterity /balance)(rating 8+5=13)
-1 CP – Etiquette (Wisdom/intuition)(rating 8 +5=13)
-1 CP – Dancing (Dexterity /balance)(rating 6+5=11)
-1 CP – Riding, land based (Dex/balance)(rating 7+5=12)
-1 CP – Musical Instrument– Flute (Cha//lead)(rating 7+3=10)
-2 CP – Gaming (2 slots) (Wis/intuition)(rating 5+5+1=11)
-0 CP – Languages, elf (Int/knowledge)(rating 9+3=12)
-2 CP – Languages, common (Int/knowledge)(rating 9+3=12)

Sub- total (-135 CP) (-19 CP)= (-154 CP)


-3 CP – Allure
-4 CP – Keen Eyesight

Sub- total (-154 CP) (-162 CP)
Last edited by Majik on Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gil's Majik's man, mama.

#19 Post by Majik »

Still in the rough but...

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Re: Gil's Majik's man, mama.

#20 Post by Majik »

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