STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#121 Post by max_vale »

The Game Chambers underneath Moff Bandor's Palace

-Everyone except Zuul

At the edge of the cavern, the party of Rebels-turned-traders study the room and several things can be observed....

From this range, the bodies and skeletons seem to have been mostly shot and/or stabbed, sliced or bashed with melee weapons or in some cases, smashed by large rocks. Clark notices several nearly invisible trip wires and some suspiciously lined up right above the wire rock formations on the ceiling. Vale doesn't think the falling apart clothing is due to any kind of parasitic or acidic moulds; but he's not really sure...

Suddenly, metallic steps can be heard echoing behind them and as the party wheels around; a humanoid droid that stands about 1.5 meters tall and who has a macro binocular like head and a grasper hand holding and pointing a blaster carbine and the other 'hand' ends in a large, box-like weapon fist with a large port comes clanking into their midst.....

"I am NIL-8; prepare for your deletion"; it calls out in an eerie mechanical voice and it cuts loose a blast from the Carbine that slams high into the right side of Jackson's chest; causing him to spin around and fall to the ground. It also cuts loose a spherical blue-white energy blast from the other hand and this sphere smashes into Kit* and arcs of electricity and the fried hair can quickly be seen/felt/smelled by everyone as the Wookie lets out a roar of pain and anger.....

OOC: The Droid is in the tunnel about 5 meters away and moving forward...there's not cover in the tunnel, but plenty in the cavern....but also the trip-wires....

*Kit is suffering from painful electrical shocks; in game terms she's going to be at -2D to all actions for the next 3 rounds. Jackson is in an unknown state of health, he fell to the ground after getting shot and isn't moving much...but enough for you all to know he's alive

-Zuul and Vaarhallis:

The Barabel and Nikto gather up the two Blaster pistols; that of the human male is damaged from the blast while the Sullustan female's is in fine working order. The former Mercenary Vaarhallis expertly removes the power pack and does a quick test and sees the really low amount remaining and re-inserts it and hands it to Zuul saying; "Four to 6 shots, I'd say".

Returning to the earlier moment of Zuul asking if it was for betting or sport; the Nikto shrugs and says; "I wouldn't put it past the Moff to be putting bets on us and the Prey with his cronies; but mostly, I think this is just a sick, twisted amusement to not to think on it too much." He points out the other mines and trip wires in the room and asks in a practical tone; "So.....stay here and wait for more prey or press on?"
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#122 Post by Rex »


Kit attacks the Droid with her Gaffi stick. One strike only.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#123 Post by Starbeard »

Vale rushes forward and attempts to slide behind the droid, so that he can pivot back use his gaffi stick like a crossbar, using the droid's forward momentum to shove it into the trapped chamber.

(OOC: I think that's two actions? I will dodge if targeted for an attack)
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#124 Post by ateno »

Kael hopes he does not get hit and grags Jackson and looks for trip wires and pulls him into the room hiding around the edge of the doorway. Flips him over and tries to cover burns or stop bleeding.

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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#125 Post by kipper »

Clark will take aim with his hunting blaster rifle, firing at NIL-8 when he can do so without endangering his allies.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#126 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He thanks Vaarhallis for the blaster and grins. "He iss not an ambush hunter. He likess to hunt. Lead the way."
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#127 Post by max_vale »

The Game Chambers underneath Moff Bandor's Palace

-Everyone except Zuul

The tunnel and cavern area exploded into the sounds of chaos as battle was joined between the assassin droid NIL-8 and the Rebels-turned-Traders....

Reacting with perhaps Force-enhanced speed; Vale spins into the tunnel and quickly slides behind the vicious droid and then attempts to utilize his Gaffi Stick to shove it into the trapped cavern, but his unfamiliarity with the weapon instead causes him to miss the moving target and fall to one-knee from being off-balance. In response, NIL-8 almost contemptuously moves the weapon-block arm back and at point-blank range launches a spherical white-blue ball of energy that slams into the Jedi Student with enough force to drop him on his back with a screech of pain as his hair suddenly stands on end and painful arcs of lightning dance all over his body*....

Kael drags Jackson into the cavern, deftly avoiding the trip-wires that would send heavy rock crashing down on them and he takes a look at the Engineer's wound and sees quickly that it's quite serious, but not yet life-threatening. Unsure of what he can do, he looks around wildly and sees that a skeleton nearby with falling apart clothes and equipment seems to have a pack of some kind that's half-peeking out of the rock and something shiny is catching his eye inside of the half-open container....

Professor Clark sighted down his Hunting Blaster and stroked the trigger, sending a bolt into NIL-8's midsection that blew thru the armor and caused sparks to clash out and the Droid to stagger for a moment, but it remained standing and it pointed is arm carrying the Blaster Carbine back at the Academic Rebel/Trader and fired a bolt in return. The Bolt PROBABLY would've hit the middle of his torso, but due to his own shot hitting the Droid; instead it was off-line and 'merely' hit his side; with enough force to draw a curse and hiss of pain from Jones**....

Finally, poor Kit'katarra, involuntarily moving with hurky-jerky motions due to the electric shocks still coursing through her system, attempted to use her Gaffi Stick to smash the Droid in; but her swing was wild and failed to connect with the assassin Droid.....

OOC: *Vale is shocked and at -2D to all actions until treated or the charge 'shorts out'; **Clark is wounded and at -1D to all actions until treated. NIL-8 is definitely damaged, but still on its feet......the pack with unknown objects that Kael sees is about 5 meters away and he can get there and avoid the trip wires if he so chooses...


Vaarhallis nods his head at the Barabel and says, "Very well....this way....", and he leads him down one of the tunnels leading out of the chamber and explains; "This tunnel leads to a large room with a checkerboard of purple and green squares. STAY ON THE PURPLE squares...the green are pressure plate traps that cause darts tipped in toxins to launch from the walls and poison you....frequently with lethal results." Zuul nods and soon the pair come to the end of the tunnel where a large blast door opens for them, showing them a massive 30 by 30 meter wide room with the checkerboard patter the Nikto had mentioned, along with several 2 meter tall, humanoid looking 'game piece statues' standing on several of the purple squares.

As the two step out onto the floor on purple squares; Vaarhallis says, "Hmm....these are new" and then the blast door shuts behind them, leaving them in the deadly 'game chamber' alone. Shortly thereafter, from a hidden PA box on the wall comes Moff Bandor's voice; "Yes my hunters.....there are NEW yourselves" with an oily, creepily amused tone to it. The Nikto just glances over at Zuul and sighs with disgust. "Well, the door behind us will be locked and sealed....we have to go forward", and he sets off, sticking to the purple squares as he does so. The Barabel does the same thing....

Soon, they come close to squares with the 'game pieces' on them and as they walk past the first couple, nothing happens. However, when they come to the NEXT pair, the 'statues' suddenly have a trio of mechanical 'arms' spring out and spin around like a saw, each arm ending with engaged vibroblades. Zuul is able to duck back AFTER having his new blaster pistol sliced in half by the whirling blade and he manages to SOMEHOW leap back onto another Purple Square, seeing the arms stop spinnings and quickly snap back into the game piece. However, he looks over and sees his Nikto friend has NOT been as lucky and bleeding profusely from torso wounds, he staggers for a moment and then collapses onto a Green square and a series of darts zip out of holes in the wall and several slam into the Mercenary's body and the shudders for a long moment and then falls unmoving to the ground.....
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#128 Post by ateno »

Kael will low crawl towards the pack, hoping it's a med pack, he will reach in and pull it out a bit to quickly.

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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#129 Post by Rex »


Kit grunts and growls through the pain and swings the gaffi stick again.

Spending a Force point.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#130 Post by Starbeard »


"Thhhuurrrrrg-shh sptptpth bwaaaaah!" Vale writhes on the floor trying to speak, but his tongue has lost all sense of control from the shock.

But soon he gathers his wits and weakly stumbles to his feet, swinging his gaffi stick drunkenly and goading the droid to attack him again so that the others have a better chance at striking it down.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#131 Post by kipper »

Clark tries to ignore his wound as he takes aim and fires again.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#132 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"What iss the point of thiss?" He calls out to the voice in the box. "He can't kill prey for you if he getss killed!"

Zuul carefully tries to examine and loot the fallen body of his guide, along with attempting to collect any loose poison darts.

After gathering any scraps, he focuses on the problem. Now knowing the height of the arms, and the delay, he tries to activate it without being hit. A dart up and back. If it activates, he will wait and then try to kick it over.
If the pieces are too secure, he'll activate it, wait, and then climb on top of the human-like piece, perching on its shoulders. Then jump to the next clear purple space.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#133 Post by max_vale »

The Game Chambers underneath Moff Bandor's Palace

-Everyone except Zuul

As the deadly fight between the Rebel-turned-Traders and the assassin/Hunter Droid known as NIL-8 continued; one Rebel scrambled amongst the trip-wired filled cavern to attempt to find something useful in a pack that caught his attention in an attempt to save the life of a badly wounded companion.....

As Kael carefully moved to the rotting pack, he was delighted to find that it contained a trio of Medpacs, but the shiny object that had caught his eye was a Silver helmet still attached to the skull of a humanoid that had been smashed by some of the boulders. Hidden by the rocks from view and near the skeleton's hand was a dusty Heavy Blaster Pistol as well....

Vale, his hair standing on end and his movements resembling those of a drunken man badly attempting to walk a straight line; rose up and attempted a swing at the Droid in an attempt to get its attention away from his companions. He succeeded, though not in the manner he anticipated. His feeble swing with his Gaffi Stick missed the Droid by a good meter, but when it swung around and attempted to zap him with the built in stun blaster that comprised one of its hands; the bolt missed due to Vale collapsing to the ground in a heap due to a complete inability to retain his balance....

Kit'katarra rose up; ignoring her own shocked nervous system and briefly felt the connection between her and the Force strengthen and she was able to get a good, firm grip on her Gaffi Stick and with a roar, she brought it smashing down on NIL-8's grasper claw-hand that held a blaster carbine with enough force to smash the weapon out its grip and cause the Droid to stumble back for a moment.....

Ignoring his wound the best he could; Professor Clark lined up his Hunting Blaster Rifle on the Droid and when it stumbled back, now without a Blaster Carbine due to Kit's strike; he took a breath, released it and stroked the trigger. The bolt smashed into and thru one of the large, macro-binocular looking 'eyes' of the machine and it staggered for a moment every which way as sparks danced all around its head. Then it went completely still and fell forward to lie unmoving on the ground in a heap of parts.....


Zuul was able to move to the body of poor Vaarhallis and he could quickly see that the Nikto had a belt that held an intact Blaster pistol and a Vibroblade; but nothing else of any real value. A small holo-card in one pocket showed an image of the former Mercenary with several other beings of various species who all had a similar 'military' bearing and whom Zuul guessed were his former Mercenary unit buddies. His armor-jacket was shredded to pieces from the whirling vibroweapons and the Barabel quickly did a couple of maneuvers to see how fast the 'pieces' activated. Getting the timing down, he attempted to kick one over, but ended up with just a sore foot as he quickly determined the 'pieces' were quite heavy and bolted to the floor.

As he was doing all this, the amused and quite probably insane voice of Moff Bandor came over the PA; "Why my dear alien THING.....if I don't occasionally test the mettle of my Hunters; how will I know if they will be good matches for the Prey, hmmmm? Hahahahaha", he laughed maniacally and trailed off....

Meanwhile, Zuul timed it right and did a MUCH more athletic quick leap than most would have believed the Barabel capable of and he leaped atop one of the 'piece's' shoulders and then to another safe square and then another and then he was out of the chamber and into another cavern tunnel. The Blast door shut behind him and he was left to wander down the tunnel until it came to a 'Y' branch with tunnels going to the left and right.....

OOC: Okay, NIL-8 is destroyed....Kit and Vale will shake off the effects of the shocks quickly and be fine; Kael has a pack with 3 Medpacs; a Heavy Blaster pistol and a Silver Helmet he can remove from a skull if he so desires in easy range to pick up...

For Zuul, he now has a Blaster Pistol with somewhere around 5 shots and a Vibroblade to go with his Slugthrower and 2 Knives....
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#134 Post by Rex »


Kit rushes to Jackson and tries to stabilize him best she can.

She is a combat medic, Medicine 4D.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#135 Post by ateno »

Kael hands the med pac to Kit, unless he is needed he will gather the helmet start to clean it and ask about the pistol.

Is anyone else higher skilled than me, I've had basic training and know how to use it.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#136 Post by kipper »

There is also NIL-8's Blaster Carbine for someone to claim. If no one else wants to use it, Clark will be sure to pick it up!
He doesn't know anything about Kael's newfound helmet (I assume?).
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#137 Post by Rex »


Kit can use it but Clark is better then her with it. She will take the remaining 2 med kits after she uses 1 on Jackson.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#138 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Taking the picture as well, Zuul starts talking to himself and the air, assuming that others are listening. "What sport! Do him a favor and place a large bet on him. How would you like the next victim to be killed? Blaster or blade? Place your choice now!"

At the intersection, he chooses left. As he moves along, he tries to spot cameras and speakers.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#139 Post by Starbeard »

Vale shakes off his daze and goes to Kit's side, ready to help Kael any way he can. He calmly passes on the opportunity to take any of the gear. "Others need it more than I," he says.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#140 Post by ateno »

If he has a chance, Kael will look at the helmet to try and figure out what it is.
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