The Gnoll Problem

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The Gnoll Problem

#1 Post by Tamerlaine »

For all IC remarks, use the dialog button.
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OOC: Please refer to the map in the Maps thread.

Its been over a fortnight since you set out, falling in with a caravan from Threshold or just braving the trip alone (or with companions). You’re in the Principality of Brine, or ‘the Brine’ as people call it. The Brine is a frontier where ruffians, criminals, and adventurers seek to flee the central authority of the city of Threshold while mixing with simple townsfolk, frontiersmen, barbarians, lumberjacks, rangers, and salt harvesters. It is cold and remote and as you wearily follow the muddy ruts that score the dirt road, it is a dark and overcast day and you’ve been suffering a cold drizzle for the past day and a half.

Trudging over a rise, you finally see the tip of what appears to be round tower with a pointed roof. As you get closer you note a low elevated ridge closed off by a stone wall covered in places with scaffolding where the wall is being repaired. Another section of the wall shows a gap filled in with wood and rock, a temporary repair one would hope. Not far from the wall on one side of the road, you can see teams of horses dropping off felled trees, the lumbermen preparing the wood for shipment back to Threshold.

The guardhouse itself is still in construction but includes two towers opposite the main entrance. Archers are positioned at the top of both towers and as you approach, guards wearing the livery of Brine over chainmail and wielding halberds block your way in. A big guard with a large walrus moustache speaks to you in a deep baritone while holding one gauntleted hand out. He is distinct from the other guards as he is wearing a plain iron gorget.

“Hold up there. What’s yer business in Thatchum?”

This an opportunity to reveal something about your character; an mannerism of speech, a physical trait, a method of dress, etc..

Last edited by Tamerlaine on Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#2 Post by Spearmint »


A halfling with stylised beard and moustache though not as grand as the walrus lipped guard. Brown hair, tan skin from living outdoors, brown eyes, a thick leather gambeson that cover him knee to shoulder, brown also.

The archer approaches. "Glad to make civilization at last. Two weeks between here and Helix. Seeing as how the merchant caravan has got here relatively unscathed and my services no longer needed, my first business is probably a beer, a bath, a soft bed and softer wench to go along with it.

Then I'll be looking to offer my bow and blade to whoever needs help in this frontier.

Perhaps you can be kind enough to point out the first four recommendations?"

He says, trying to sound jovial. The man is much taller than him, possibly twice his height and girth but he looks up without feeling intimidated.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#3 Post by Stirling »

Fochelle de Coulthard.

The red head, tall for a female, just an inch under six feet though she would not admit that, her boots have 'fashion heels', adding that extra short dimension to her stature. They also have spurs on but she has no horse.

Leaning on a slim feathered spear, a giveaway token that even if not of clerical class she defers to Syldana, nominally at least.

She tries to come up with some quip but ends up just scowling at the guards in the ramparts.

"I'm with him" she says gesturing at the halfling, "and with them." she gestures at the line of wagons and other adventurers.

"Got any bounties that need hunting? Dead or alive? Ain't here to dance on tables, I can skin a bear or break in horses. I'll geld your young men too if they get cocky."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#4 Post by Tamerlaine »

Spearmint wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 9:00 pm Spiridon

A halfling with stylised beard and moustache though not as grand as the walrus lipped guard. Brown hair, tan skin from living outdoors, brown eyes, a thick leather gambeson that cover him knee to shoulder, brown also.

The archer approaches. "Glad to make civilization at last. Two weeks between here and Helix. Seeing as how the merchant caravan has got here relatively unscathed and my services no longer needed, my first business is probably a beer, a bath, a soft bed and softer wench to go along with it.

Then I'll be looking to offer my bow and blade to whoever needs help in this frontier.

Perhaps you can be kind enough to point out the first four recommendations?"

He says, trying to sound jovial. The man is much taller than him, possibly twice his height and girth but he looks up without feeling intimidated.
Looking down, the guard lifted a hand to one end of his 'stache, fingers stroking the red hairs. "You've come a long ways, fer sure. O' course Thatchum 'ere is a long ways from any place. Fer beer there's the Inn of the Wanton Wench. Truna DunDonnel runs the inn and is known fer its honey mead, a local favorite. The bath, a bed and a wench to warm it, all at the same place. Truna's got three girls there. See 'em, chat wi' 'em and you'll see why the inn's called the Wanton Wench, eh?" He gives Spiridon a conspiritorial wink before waving him through.

He calls out after him. "Mind you, we've got the law 'ere. Thatchum's got a lord now and the place is not so lawless these days. It's the Baron's justice 'ere and so you keep that in mind."

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#5 Post by Tamerlaine »

Stirling wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 9:32 pm Fochelle de Coulthard.

The red head, tall for a female, just an inch under six feet though she would not admit that, her boots have 'fashion heels', adding that extra short dimension to her stature. They also have spurs on but she has no horse.

Leaning on a slim feathered spear, a giveaway token that even if not of clerical class she defers to Syldana, nominally at least.

She tries to come up with some quip but ends up just scowling at the guards in the ramparts.

"I'm with him" she says gesturing at the halfling, "and with them." she gestures at the line of wagons and other adventurers.

"Got any bounties that need hunting? Dead or alive? Ain't here to dance on tables, I can skin a bear or break in horses. I'll geld your young men too if they get cocky."
The last brought a chorus of catcalls and whistles along with some vulgar yet good-natured comments from the archers above. It's obvious the monotony of their day was dispelled by the salty mouth of the redhead below. The head guard's face reddened at the ribaldry and roared out, "Silence! Shut yer gobs or I'll do it fer you!"

When the men went quiet, the head guard turned to brazen redhead and composed himself. "If any bounties are available, I suggest you check with the Baronet's Seneschal. You can find him at the manor-house further up on yon hill in back."

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#6 Post by Spearmint »


With a few coins in his pocket, wages from serving the caravan travellers, he decides it is time to venture for himself.

"Honey mead eh? I'll be sure to tell them you recommend it." he imagines thick syrupy ale of an amber colour and heavy on the sediment and sugars. He pats his waist, the extra holes cut into his belt tell he has lost weight so putting on a few pounds is not something he should worry about.

He looks at the 'twice as tall as he' shield-maiden standing beside him. On the travels he kept pretty much to himself. "Perhaps Fochelle I can buy you an ale and hear your story. We have ventured thus far together. Finding bounties or hunting might be my kind of work too."

He notices she also carries a bow, a short one like his. Ideal for using while mounted. "Good archers are sure to be in high demand."

The halfling steps inside the stockade, registering his name on any gatehouse customs paperwork if needed and heads for the tavern.

any other journeymen guards or pilgrims want to come too?
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#7 Post by Stirling »

Fochelle de Coulthard

"Thank you kindly Captain", she says as he admonishes the baying mob. She reaches out to adjust the gorget on his breastplate, "my, I do say what a dashing officer you make. That moustache must tickle the girls so." she pouts and then heaving her shield over her shoulder walks on following the little man halfling under the gatehouse construction, (putting just that extra little sway in her hips as she does so to illicit a few wolf whistles from the rampart above).

Inside 'The Wanton Wench Tavern'.

At the tavern she looks for a quiet table, insisting to Spiridon that she can buy the ales. She waits for an attending wench to come over.

"Honey meads and some food please. I don't see a menu. What do you have? I have had nought but jugged hare or rat-on-a-stick for two weeks and fresh breads and hot stew would be fine. And fries if you have, taters roasted in oil and salted." She looks at the halfling's newly notched belt. She has known hunger and want herself though her well fattened arse and waistline that has more than comforting love handles betrays her no so fastidious dieting regime.

"Two plates please."

Looking around, watching the patrons of local merchants and fellow adventurers, what does she see?
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#8 Post by kwll »

Wearing a long cloak and a quite full backpack, Han the druid follows the red haired and the halfling warriors by a few meters. He acknowledges the guard, frowning a bit at all the metal covering his body. Trying not to show how strenuous the effort he makes to carry his backpack is, he smiles: "We all came to seek adventure. I myself come from a wood village you wouldn't know to do the same, but I found Threshold to be too big a city for me. Hopefully this place will be... less busy."
Last edited by kwll on Thu May 05, 2022 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#9 Post by Spearmint »


He has coins but it would be rude not to let the lady pay on a first date, accepting Fochelle's offer of a plate of stew (at least he thinks it is an offer and not two plates for her).

He watches too the stick thin, druid fellow walking after them as if he constantly trips over his own boot laces. If anyone needed a plate of food to fill him out it was him. He orders an extra platter when the waitress attends.

"Mr Fumjax, won't you join us in the tavern and discuss plans. I doubt you prefer to venture into the wilderness on your lonesome.

Maybe between us we can find a suitable endeavour, wether hunting bounties, taming local beasts or exploring a ruin for buried treasures."

He pulls a chair up at a table, setting his pack and bow aside. Truna DunDonnell and three wanton wenches. They must be easy to spot and hopefully eager to serve.

While formalities are conducted he studies the other tavern patrons, getting a handle on noisy rabble rousers that might be adventurer types, local merchants discussing trade issues and those odd loner's you might get such as the hooded rogue in the dark corner or some scroll studying mage.

Certain ones might have valuable information and advice that we could garner.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#10 Post by kwll »

"You can call me Han" answers the druid. "And I don't mind the wilderness, not at all. But you are right, M. Spiridon: I heard it is quite dangerous around here." He sits down on the offered chair, and orders food for himself. While waiting, he discreetly observes the surrounding people as well.
Last edited by kwll on Fri May 06, 2022 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#11 Post by tarlyn »


Following the others , the lady Dwarf remains silent. That is until the guard asks their business. Biding her time, she is sitll fuming at not being able to just enter

the place as is her usual temperament.

"I be Rardi Stormbreaker an' I's with these lot. Nuthin' ter declare cept me good ole battle axe Thumper here an me back pack full 'o me

stuff. Bodyguard and Master Brewer, but then again ye prolly think alla us Dwarves mine an does nuthin' else."

She unstoppers a wineskin and takes a swig of some strong smelling alcholol, belching rather loudly. Putting away her wineskin she waits.
"I drained the soul of a monk once....... It tasted like Chocolate."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#12 Post by Mica »

(apologies for being late to the party)
Last in line, Elesyr barely notices the guard, so lost is he in his own day dreams. The guard's shouts snap him out of his reverie. Barely. "What? Oh, uhm, my business. Right... Research. Yes." He cranes his neck in the direction of the others and points. "The lot are off for some food? I shall follow then." He readjusts his pack and renews his daydreaming.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#13 Post by Tamerlaine »

The Wanton Wench

The Wanton Wench is a small cozy inn with a large stone hearth. The place is busy with all manner of clientele represented; salt miners, lumbermen, farmers, tradesmen, merchants, and a guard or two. There are three comely wenches deftly maneuvering through the crowds with frothy steins of ale and mead and trays of mouthwatering meals. You meet the proprietor, a short burly dwarf with a braided reddish-auburn beard as she announces herself. "Truna DonDonnel is me name and I welcome you to the Wanton Wench." Her smile is expansive and genuine as takes in the lot of you. "The Wench is mine alone and you kin call me Truna or nothing at all for I don't stand on ceremony. Your faces are new as I've seen everyone that comes to Thatchum, so your first drink is on the house. Anything else, just ask one of my lovely girls, eh?"

As you sit at your trestle, some of you overhear some of the talk around you...

A tribe of gnolls inhabits The Timberland of Gheal. They war on a small elvish tribe that lives somewhere in the far east of the forest.

Villagers fear the standing stones. They believe the stones possess strange magic.

Never trust a wizard, especially the Mystics.

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#14 Post by Stirling »

When the men went quiet, the head guard turned to brazen redhead and composed himself. "If any bounties are available, I suggest you check with the Baronet's Seneschal. You can find him at the manor-house further up on yon hill in back."

Enjoys a welcome beer in the tavern. As a wench comes by with the trays of ordered food she enquires regarding accommodation and standards of upkeep.

"I need a room, single bed not a dormitory with unwashed vagrants and a locker to secure my personal equipment. I will need to stay a couple of days while I sort my bearings in Thatchum but I would take a longer tenancy as the need arises." She asks, getting in first so that she can take the limited deluxe upkeep rather be forced to bunk with strangers.

Once that is sorted she will explore the village confines. like any woman, looking at the shops and markets and checking out the latest linens or fur fashions, perusing 'sparklie' trinkets and perfumes. Yes, even on the frontier, one must look her best. So she tours the village using the posted Map.

Eventually she will arrive at her first goal, the Seneschal of the Manor House. Approaching him, she enquires regarding the local banditry and any specific endeavours that need addressing.

"I have heard of gnolls harassing communities that come under your jurisdiction. What bounties do you pay for scalping these bandits? And for those renegades who attacked the town wall?

I have a few stout fellows in town who will undertake a commission if one is available?"

She presses her willingness to aid, for a price rather than just goodwill. She looks at any notice board as well to see if any 'Wanted' posters, 'Missing persons ', local news and information can be found.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#15 Post by Spearmint »


Tavern rumours and gossip. Never sure how much is true and how much is blagged. "A one armed man can never show you how big was the fish that he caught."

He enjoys the beer and is happy to socialise with those caravan comrades who like him, have ventured in the Principality of Brine looking for adventure.

"Coins and cleavage. Big cuddly mountains of both that I could snuggle my face into and enjoy some pleasant dreams.", his ambitions are rather carnal and short term.

"I have heard but never seen for myself this wondrous sight of drifting lands, floating above as clouds in the sky.

Please tell me more about them."
he asks Truna or one of the more obvious local ranger types.

Standing Stones, henges, menhir and dolmens. Ancient places of worship and wisdom. Of more interest than squabbling tribes. Visiting one to see for himself might go in a 'to do' list.

"Han, what do you know of the ancient faiths and ruins around here. Herne shrines, Silvanus groves, old temple ruins? Maybe we can hire a ranger to guide us to these ones the villagers fear."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#16 Post by The_Wanderer »

Snowdrop stealthily weaves her way through the tavern, keeping an eye on her fellow travelers. She rubs her hands through her blonde hair, tied up in a pony tail and listens in for a few minutes to their conversation before turning toward the table and making her presence known.

She pipes up to the others in a peculiarly high pitched voice, "I kind of hate gnolls. I knew one once who tried to stick me with his spear. That's when I learned that it pays to run faster than the slowest among ya."

She looks momentarily flustered at having barged into the conversation so she says, "Oh Hi. I didn't get a chance to meet all of you on the way over but I'm Snowdrop." She blushes and smiles at the rest of the party.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#17 Post by kwll »

Amused, Han looks at Fochelle the fighting woman coming in, drinking, and leaving just as fast to go around the village. "She sure knows what she wants!" he thinks to himself.

Hearing Spiridon talk he turns to him, all the while attempting not to spill his mug on the table or his lap. "I don't know anything about this place" he answers, "but standing stones are definitely the kind of things that would interest me. I am keen to go and have a look."
Last edited by kwll on Tue May 10, 2022 6:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#18 Post by tarlyn »


The red haired dwarf eyes everyone and as she sits, looks around. Noticing the beautiful red haired woman she smiles but says nothing, yet nodding.

She orders "Bring me a plate o' food an some ale. I be needin' a room as well. An offer that red haired lass a meal an drink on me behalf."

After listening and observing she speaks....

"Gnolls eh? T'aint no worse then Drow or Kobolds in the Underdark... I'd go help them pointy ears meself. Killin' some beastie Gnolls sounds like fun

if yer ask me."
"I drained the soul of a monk once....... It tasted like Chocolate."
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#19 Post by Mica »

Elesyr makes his way into the loud, bustling inn, weaving his way among the crowded tables. His hopeful gaze scans for one with a spot left and eventually he's rewarded. With a sigh, he removes his pack and parks himself beside Rardi, Han, Fochelle, and Spiridon.
After waving Truna over, he asks for a mead and a bowl of stew, and then listens in on the conversations flowing among the tables.
Can I make an INT roll to see if I have come across any lore regarding the local standing stones or the Mystics from my studies?
"I have heard but never seen for myself this wondrous sight of drifting lands, floating above as clouds in the sky..."
I was wondering, would we have already heard about the drifting land? Or is this something that isn't known about yet?

Overhearing Han's words, he turns to him. "The standing stones would be of great interest to me as well. I would be happy to accompany you, if you so wish. My name is Elesyr, from Threshold." He holds out a hand.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#20 Post by kwll »

Han takes a long, somewhat surprised look at the elven kin sitting next to him and offering his hand. He smiles and eventually takes it -- after missing it the first time. "That would be fun, I guess, to go and investigate this phenomenon together! You can call me Han."
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