Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

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Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

I had in mind the four horses would go one to each of the group which leaves you selling the collected weapons.

Bogtown Bazaars and basic Trades.

Gunter and Sidkrake liquidate a few collected assets, selling the bandit weaponry to some shifty looking backstreet bazaar. Would be ironic if it was the same bandit guild.

The items are checked over for quality and balance. "Good iron always welcome. Plenty of huntsmen will have a good eye for these." the trader comments on the swords and bows. You haggle a price, the half-book original offer countered with some blag and offers of further trade should other stuff fall your way.

Gunter: trades with Bogtown bazaar vs Charisma 13 [3d6]=12

"Well, I garner stuff and have some good repeat clients. I can sell this among the new miners or lumberjacks too if I journey out. How about 92gp all in?

Ivan the Ironmonger offers a deal, taking the weapons he can refurb, leaving you the coins and a horse each. It seems a fair deal considering.

"I got a couple of nice 'under the counter' for sale. If you know what I mean. Fancy little dirk with a sharp point and all twinkly silvered should you need to poke an undead critter and I traded a dwarven throwing axe that has a superior crafting." he says trying to tempt some interest.

Gunter you can add and split the +92gp
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#2 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Bazaars and basic Trades

Gunter Red Shirt

“A fair trade then,” Gunter spits in the dirt to seal the deal then shakes hands with the ironmonger and takes the proffered coins. Suddenly remembering his own wayward axe throw on the way to Bogtown he asks, “Prolly too rich for a simple soldier like me, but whatcha askin fer the dwarf thrower?”
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#3 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Bazaars and basic Trades.

Ivan the Ironmonger, rubs his chin. "The axe, worth more than my house, let's say a four figure of gold to be sure. I would need a deposit to secure that item as it is not something I just wander town with. But the silvered dagger you can have for thirty gold seeing as I already half-inched the jewel from the hilt."

He responds to Gunter.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#4 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Bazaars and basic Trades.

Gunter Red Shirt

Tell you wot Ivan, how about 25 gold and you put this here where the gem used to be. Smiling wickedly, Gunter produces Rosario's gold tooth from his boot heel, holding it between his thumb and index finger like a macabre OK sign.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#5 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Bazaars and basic Trades

Ivan the Ironmonger takes the gold tooth in hand. "Charming I'm sure. Let me see." he sticks to his price but that includes insetting the gold tooth in a metal surround, perhaps a small silver ring to offset its glister and then mount it in the hilt.

"Perhaps you ought to give the blade a name. Make one for yourself? Biter? Incisor? Kill a couple of wights and ghoulies and blag in the tavern?"

-30gp for the gold toothed mounted silver dagger.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#6 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Bazaars and basic Trades

Ivan The Ironmonger

Gunter Red Shirt

“All Right then mate, easy come easy go I suppose. Here’s your 30 royals.

Methinks I’ll call this one Hubris on account of the man that inspired the beating wot produced this ‘ere tooth.”

Satisfied with his purchase the trio make their way back to the Toasted Troll to share out the coin and decide their next steps.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#7 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Well

Finishing liquidating assets, the quartet team up to go investigate the well. Rebuilt and dedicated just a few weeks ago by Elder Barraclough, minister of Cromm Cruach.

The well is actually is easily pointed out but not the style you think. In Helix and Ironguard, 'the village well' may have meant a round stone wall about waist high with a roofed wooden frame and spindle that lowers a bucket to its murky depth. But here in Bogtown, the well is of a more fantastic nature.

The well shaft is several feet wide and winding down around it are steps that spiral some 100'ft. Built into the wall are large alcoves, some big enough to hold man sized statues.

You learn the recent history was that the fresh spring water ran dry and the cistern basin was cracked so whatever water was produced never kept long enough to be collected. The villagers just 'made do' with boiling fresh water from the creeks until the minister came to repair and bless the construction.

Here is a pic:


You go to walk down the very narrow steps that spiral the deep shaft but almost before you start a couple of guys halt you

"Can't you read? We got civic rights on carrying the water up and down. Can't let any folk go just wandering down. There's a toll to pay an' Rodders here will fetch all the water you need. 2cp a pail. Fresh and clean and save yourself carrying and spilling half the load."

Two guys stand by a chain stretched across the steps, making it clear they earn a living acting as Waterboys. Wether there is an actual Bogtown jobsworthy doing this or a couple of shifty characters have cornered a niche market you will have to ask.
Bogtown Well
Bogtown Well
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#8 Post by Bluetongue »


Wow. The cistern and well is certainly not what I was expecting. The cleric eyes up the two ruffians try to blag a few coppers. Maybe they are the real deal, certainly paying a coin to get someone to 'Jack n Jill' pails of water, up and down seems reasonable.

"Guys, we aren't looking for trouble. I am a cleric of Cromm and looking for my colleague Barraclough who dedicated the reopening of this place a few weeks ago.

Have you seen or heard of him since the ribbon cutting?"

He gives them a gold coin for their time and any discreet information. He also makes it quite clear we are going down, "perhaps you might torch-bear for us in lieu of a bucket of spring water?"

He asks them regarding more detailed knowledge of the well. How it was originally built, why is was left in repair, how long the refurbishment took. He will pay a few extra coins subject to the specifics and helpful details given.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#9 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Well

Gunter Red Shirt

Peering over the edge Gunter frowns as he eyes the spiral stairs leading down into the gloom.

"Oy Sid, I was expecting a well, not an...entrance" How old is this well anyway?"

He checks his gear and makes sure his armor is secured tightly and weapons are in easy reach. His eyes widen a bit at the princely sum Golgarth gives the water bearers for "escorting" them down to the bottom.

"After you lot then," He says waving them forward with a smile.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#10 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Well

Dellboy and Rodders light a torch each. By habit one takes a bucket. They lead the way down narrow steps, wide enough for single file. The steps are centuries old though you can pick out newer laid bricks that must have been replaced by the missing minister.

Peering over the edge into the shaft you see that the bottom is covered in a mosaic tile work that has a pictorial design of spring water flowing down a snow capped mountain. Also spiralling down in parallel to the steps are alcoves which contain bird nests and detritus tossed in from well users.

The bottom opens out into a cavern. The floor is wet, water streaming across its surface from bubbling springs that overflow stone basins inset into the wall where several water spouts emerge from cracks and erosion in the wall.

"For years the spring was halted, no freshwater here, folk had to boil what they took from the creeks. The minister untapped the rocks again but not too much lest he break the reservoir. " one guide talks of how the mineral water is filtered and this spring flows reputedly from the Moon Peaks rather than the nearby Moorwash or Moor waters, hence it's purity.

"Dwarves initially came here, mining the shaft, looking for something. A dragon I heard or a motherlode of silver. They found water instead. Built the shaft and founded Bogtown but their presence long gone. They retreated after the Desolation back to the peaks and other prospectors took over".

The cavern below the pool is wide, maybe 150'ft in diameter. The mosaic covers about 20'ft and is located towards to north end of the cavern rather than the well being in the middle. The springs bubble from the north and you can feel underfoot a slight incline as the water flows over the tiles and rock floor to drain away to the south.

"We don't go exploring. Just collect water and walk back up. Gets spooky here on your own. Cavern plays with your mind. Folks say they hear voices." one guide gestures to his head, a frown on his face. "That's why the well was left, folks thought it safer to drink the cank from the creeks." The two jest with each other one saying it is all to scare 'the tourists away and the other saying he is not afraid of fairy stories. Still, in the silence above the trickle if water, if you listen closely you hear faint whisperings of sounds like the breeze in the trees.

Solly tastes the spring water confirming it is fresh and fine. No odd tastes or sulphurous smells.

actions in the well please.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#11 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Well

Gazing about the gloomy cavern Gunter feels goosepimples rising on his neck.

Turning to their townie "guides", "Since you two have made a more than a tidy profit today, how about you leave us a few torches while we look about for any sign of the old Cleric?"

Gunter will try and only walk on dry ground if possible and is keeping a sharp eye for trip lines and seams or cracks that may indicate pits in the ground or blocked doors or passages in the walls.

He doesn't like being underground at all and his boyish manners are replaced by those of a wary campaigner in enemy territory.

Gunter holds a torch in his shield hand and his handaxe in the other.

"Why don't we start at the closest wall to the stairway in the cavern and walk a circle until we're back. That way we're sure to find anything along the walls. If we see any passages we should wait until we finish our walkabout of the cavern before deciding what to do next."

"Me and Sid 'ave the front. C'mon Sid, keep you're eyes and ears open. We'll move cautiously and deliberately like we was hunting. No telling what's down here in the dark and try to stay out of the water if ya can."

About to hawk and spit into the water, Gunter remembers it's a well and thinks the better of it. The party moves into the darkened cavern, torchlight leading the way.
Last edited by Hvalreki on Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#12 Post by Bluetongue »


Good idea. Solly can pair with me and we check the other side until we meet in the middle. I tell the water carriers to stay there until we are finished.

I can cast Detect Evil once per day so this could be a suitable time to do that.

At least having this shaft and cavern makes more sense for the minister to refurbish the cistern.

"How did he open the springs if it had ran dry?" he asks the pair.

I also think these guys need to do some repairs if their own. Cleaning out the alcoves so the waters are not affected by bird shit and putting up some netting so creatures, birds and bats, cannot fly up and down. He will add that on his 'to do' list.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#13 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Well

In the cavern at the well shaft bottom, the group pair up to explore the niches and corners of the cistern. The bubbling water runs under their feet draining towards crevices in the floor by the southern walls.

Inspecting carefully as they wander, Gunter and Sidkrake find the walls covered in moss and lichen, small lizards scuttle on the edge of their torchlight, little salamanders just a few inches long. The ceiling is not too high, a few stalactites drip mineral water in slow teardrops to 'plink' into puddles.

Golgarth raises his holy symbol, going forward with fire and faith, testing the radiance of any evil machinations that might be detected. Getting close together, the flames on your torches temporarily flicker, like a candle almost snuffed by a strong gust. The tongues of fire from the firebrands dance wildly, you feel a chill breeze.

There are several small crevices in the wall that you can poke a sword or staff into. Most hit the back of the rock wall but one crevice, an angled slim passage shielded by an outcrop seems to lead deeper.

At the springs, the two guide wait, retiscient to explore beyond the known bounds and comfort zone of the upper cavern area.

Checking the crevice it might take some degree of dexterity to squeeze through, certainly not much room for armoured men.

actions please
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#14 Post by Bluetongue »


Tries to squeeze through the gap but his years of good hearty living rather than fasting has trimmed his figure for mud wrestling not gymnastics.

Golgarth Dex check vs 11 [4d6]=22 [1d100]=5
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#15 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter Red Shirt

"Here Sid, be a good sport and hold me kit."

Gunter tries to squeeze through while Sidrake holds his backpack and heavy crossbow. He's skinny but not willing to try armorless just yet, he'll see if he can make it with just his basic armor, small shield, torch and dagger drawn.

Dexterity Check vs 15
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#16 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Well.

More agile than the pie eating cleric, Gunter contorts himself to snake through the slim crevice. Sidkrake follows behind but Solly is as stuck as Golgarth.

They begin to scour the walks for other cracks and tunnels that might give entrance to caves beyond.

The two ahead creep through and after much squeezing emerge in a narrow winding passage, cut through over the years by the erosion of water. The passage is slimy with lichen, fetid smelling of rot and decay. Water drips and soon your firebrands are struggling with the eerie damp and your steps echo hollow.

Turning a passage you have a surprise. Four skeletons in rotten rags kneel or sit cross-legged on the floor. They look frozen in time, poised in acts of reverence or meditation. The dead are not aware of your presence. They just sit in a circle, water dripping upon them, pooling in yellowish puddles at their feet as the minerals calcify the bones together in flaky deposits.

Beyond them the passage continues, a narrow, dark slit to the subterranean voids beneath the village above.

actions please
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#17 Post by Bluetongue »


Hisses a warning for the duo not to progress too far. He calls the guides over, asking them where the place leads and why the cavern has not been made more internally secure.

"One of you follow them, the other help me search these crevices and ledges".

He is particularly concerned when he hears reports of weird skeletons. Sounds like they are in a trance or stasis, not just buried bodies of miners or former warriors.

He uses his Cromm Cruach gift for masonry, construction and building to assess the area.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#18 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Well

Skeleton Room

Gunter Red Shirt

Leading the way, Gunter halts abruptly at the scene before them as he turns the bend.

"Be wary Sid" gesturing towards the skeletal remains with his torch. "Let's have a look about but don't disturb the fallen."

Careful not to disturb the bodies, Gunter searches the area with Sid for any sign of what may have happened and will try to asses the race and age of the dead.
Are they Human sized bones or dwarven?. Is there any meat on the bones or do they seem like they've been here a while?
Unwilling to venture further into the caverns without the rest of their group, Gunter ushers Sidrake back into the passage they came from and they worm their way back through to where Golgarth and Solly await.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#19 Post by Spearmint »

Sylvester's Emporium.

Jade, one of the tavern landlady's daughters takes Sigrid, Harmony and Leibish to the dwelling of a local mage.

Sylvester runs a small expeditionary outfit, collecting relics and antiquities and seems to have a special interest in elemental wizardry. "Earth, Wind, Water and Fire" proclaims an add in a glazed window.

You enter. Gazing around you see various trinkets, bine wind chimes, lucky charms, hand cut gypsum rocks, rabbit feet ... "Unlucky for the rabbit. The rest of him went in to the stock pot." says Sylvester, noting your interest.

"How may I help?"

Sigrid & Leibish actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#20 Post by Darithe »

Sigrid is like a kid in a candy store, examining each object she finds, fingering the chimes playfully as she hums along to their music. For now she says nothing, her eyes too filled with wonder to speak. She will let Leibish do the talking at least for now.
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