Cyberpunk History

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Ranger Knight
Ranger Knight
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Cyberpunk History

#1 Post by Harpoonrgm84a »


2001 – September; terrorists make infamous attacks against the United States. U.S. Armed forces are sent out to get justice. Second wave of attacks on America create a wave of dissension among the populace.

2003 – Major bombing hits London, taking out several royal members. During the upheaval, major cyber attacks cripple England's infrastructure and puts them in chaos.

2008 – American second civil war eupts causing the coountry to split into four hostile nations competing for control of the continent. <Tortuga, Free Democratic Republic, Northeaster Conglomerate, and Delta States>

2012 – Russo-China war erupts. Numerous African states fall into chaos. The first mega-corporation, Reichstag, forms in Europe.

2014 – Russia and China use tactical nukes on each other. Both sides suffer more than 30 million casualties. Four more mega-corporations emerge: Microsoft, Pax-Italia, Tokyo-Tek, and Seoul-Sim.

2021 – Russia and China both collapse from the war. More than 30 mega-corporations now exist. The first “internet node” is created. Ireland helps Britain get back on it's feet and the two nations merge to form the North Atlantic Commonwealth.

2025 – 46 nodes exist now exist around the world. Economic collapse looms on the horizon. The mega-corporations offer an out to the world if they switch over to Bitcoin currency.

2035 – Nations that were world leaders have fallen to second rate states in the world as mega-corporations take over the roles in the world.

2040 – Artificial limb technology makes a leap in sophistication and now are actually better than the limbs being replaced. Interfacing directly with computers has now become reality through the use of cybernetic implants.

2045 – Mega-corporations now hold sway over resources around the world. Armed conflicts take place between the corporations using enhanced soldiers. Although intense at times, the world sees that these conflicts are more humane that the global wars of the past.

2046 – Fossil fuels have run out. Vehicles around the world have switched over to total electric power. The first bioelectric gel pack is introduced. Fusion power becomes reality and the power shortages begin to ease around the world.

2050 – Current time period...
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