Storyverse 69 ~ Visuals & Errata

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Re: Storyverse 69 ~ Visuals & Errata

#121 Post by Grognardsw »

The Old School Board Game Parlor

Join in virtual play of classic old school board games! Primitive by today’s standard’s, these rare oldies-but-goodies bring back memories and kindle that OSR feeling.

How it works: Play order determined. Roll the dice (roller) in turn. After each game piece move, a picture will show the board. Repeat, etc. Intra-game conversation welcome. Handling of more specific rules will be done within each game.

Up first: Warlocks and Warriors, the 1977 game by TSR. Great vintage art from TSR artist Dave Sutherland.


And Star Trek, the vintage 1974 game from Hasbro. Beam me up!


Interested? Sign up and take a seat!
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Re: Storyverse 69 ~ Visuals & Errata

#122 Post by Grognardsw »


After 240+ chapters, the epic OtherWorld Saga concluded.

Current Magic Items
Unless ownership is noted, the items are in the Bag of Holding.

scrollbook of Derro savant : affect normal fires, hypnotic pattern 2, blink, levitate, ventriloquism 2, spider climb, minor creation 4, wall of fog 1

scroll of protection from elementals
- Necklace of Prayer Beads (DMG p. 151) (Amarantos)
- Torc of Truth (detects alignment and lies. Works on charges. Unknown number left.) (Kalious)
- Ring of Growth (like the potion, DMG p.126) (Wex)
- Potion of Rainbow Hues (UA, p. 91) (Deuce)
- Dragon face bone mask. Speak any dragon language. +2 on Saves vs. dragon breath.) (El-Kern)

- Eye piece of temporal projection - See one round into the future
- 8 necklaces with continual light cast on them - with leather covers and straps to tie (one for each party member.)
- scroll case with coin with continual light cast on it was given to hermit by Kalious

- Buckler Wand (Kor)
- scroll case with:
clerical: stone tell (Amarantos)
magic-user: geas (El-Kern)
druid: repel insects (Amarantos)
- scroll of limited wish (El-Kern)

- 4 silver tipped arrows +2 with Elven runes, suspected to me magical but not used yet (Kalios)
- bracers of defense AC 5 (Kor)
- a +2, +3 vs Kith purple hard stone dagger: (El Kern)
- dragon face bone mask (El Kern)
- skull of demon (El Kern)
- Rings from the Last Man - said to invoke powers of the multiverse (Wex, Ludrig, Kalious used theirs. Kor, El Kern don't have. Deuce didn't use his before his disappearance.)

- very small 1” miniature flasks - filled with clear liquid. (Deuce)
One vial is the urine of an angel, said to be a valuable component in the creation of certain golems. It has a pleasant scent and taste, according to one overly inquisitive sage.

The second vial is the tears of a virgin daughter of a powerful wizard. It is magical after all. This is a potion of sorts, the effects depend on whether they are tears of joy or sadness. The sages don’t know which it is. If joy, it dispels fear, confusion, sadness, and gives +1 to all rolls. If sad, it makes one depressed, -1 on all rolls, and a fumble causes one to contemplate suicide (percentage = intelligence, if successful then make suicide attempt.) (Deuce)

- 3 books
lexicon of languages (El Kern)
books to the afterlife (El Kern)
how to create stuff (El Kern)
Current Party Treasure
Updated by Stephen 3/25/20

Party Treasure
10,113 gp in cash

17,240 gp in gems
• 55 gems (10 gp each)
• 3 gems (50gp each)
• 21 gems (100 gp each)
• 12 Gems worth 200gp (each player — Kalious, Kor, Wex, Elkern, Duece)
• Large necklace (250 gp)
• 9 coin necklaces (10 gp each)
• 10 bracelet obsidian (10 gp each)
• Jewelry (2000 gp)
• 2 Silver platter (need Value to add to total above)
:x Lost Magic Treasure in the Destroyed Bag of Holding :(


Unless Otherwise Noted, Item is in Bag of Holding. Items claimed by specific party members are on their lists.

Monster Summoning III[
Polymorph Self
Blood of Bleeding Mistress
Goat Form
Protection from Petrification
Ray of Enfeeblement (Kalious) (used on green dragon)

Spider Climb
Purple potion from witch-man's cabin

From “alchemists” lab off balcony of level three in Barrier Peak dungeon:
• Two vials of clear liquid. One is acid that Ludrig sampled.
• Ceramic vial with liquid, color can’t be seen.
• Three vials of powders: green, white, pink. (DM reminder: see p. 5 for reference.)

5,030 sp
750 gp
Cubes of gold and silver (200 gp)
100 pp
Harpy treasure: 200 gp in coin and small gems
700 gp from Lurker Above

From Golonov for return of egg:
50,000 gp in gems and jewels for Kalios, donated to dwarven village
10,000 gp for Deuce (he took more than his share into Bag of Holding)
30,000 gp for Ludrig

Gems and Jewelry:
5,000 in rubies of various sizes
Golden dragon head bust (40 gp)
“Trinkets” (500 gp)

Other Magic Items:
Cobra Crown of Visions (Gives the wearer strange visions involving them, or their friends, family or loved ones. Experimentation by the elves was inconclusive as to whether the visions become reality, for the subjects in the vision were not on hand to ascertain if they experienced what the crown wearer saw in his mind.)

Enlarging bread (now stale, perhaps moldy)

The Helm of Multiversal Perspective enables the wearer to view what they see in different, alternative realities and times. By manipulation of the two dozen, multicolored lenses in different combinations, the wearer can see various “versions” of what they behold. It is suspected one lens combination enables the viewer to see the past and/or future of the scene in their own reality, essentially serving as a time travel vision. Longer term experimentation will be needed to find this combination.

Spectacles of X-Ray Vision
Ring of Transmogrification Dismissal
Ring of Speak with Dead when used in conjunction with the Ruby Enchanters book
Map of Otherworld (3 starred locations: Port of King Volcano, Weird Woods, Oberon’s Palace)
2 white papers (tickets)
Purple scarf of constricting(cursed. Used against green dragon. Is gone now.)
Tattoo of Greed (on Ludrig. Got it at King Volcano carnivale celebration.)
Bracers of Defense AC 6 (from witch-man)
Staff of Jolting (2d6 electric damage upon successful hit. Elithorn has it. Disappeared from Elithorn's hands when thrust into the misty portal.)
Oil in skin (from witch-man)
Earring of Hearing (doubles hearing, reduce surprise, etc. Wex has it.)
Twig of Plant Control (6 charges used.)
Pouch of Atomie-Weaved Cloud (5'x5' cloud. One pouch per party member.)

Magical Grimoires
Tome of Tetrology (book of monster creation from church stash)
Ruby Warlock's Book of Blueprints
Ruby Warlock's Tome of Transmogrification (used in conjunction with rings noted above.)

Ruby Warlock's Traveling Spellbook: list at ... sp=sharing

Philosopher-Mage's Spell Book: list at
El-Kern, alaghi wizard
STR: 18 (16+2) +1 to hit; +2 damage; 750 weight allow.; 170 max press; 1-3 open door; 16% bend bars/lift gates
DEX: 15 +0 reaction; +0 missile att.; -1 AC
CON: 12
INT: 16 (18-2) 5 add lang; 8th level max; 65% chance (check failure at next spell level); 11 max # of spells per level
WIS: 13 +0 magical def
CHR: 12 5 max # henchmen

Paralyzation, poison, or death magic: 11
Rod, staff, or wand: 7
Petrification or polymorph: 9
Breath weapon: 11
Spell: 8

Thieving Skills: base +2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 total
Move Silently 40 +55 0 95%
Hide in Nature 35 +55 0 80%

Alaghi, common, neutral, brownie, elvish, nymph, pixie, sprite

Weapon proficiencies (-3 penalty for using non-proficient weapons):
*staff (7th level proficiency)
+2, +3 vs Kith purple hard stone dagger (use as last option)

Racial Abilities:
2 attacks using fists: 1d6 each +1 to hit, 1d6+2 (use as last option)

Magic-user spell book
1st Sleep, find familiar, burning hands, armor, grease, write, comprehend languages, detect magic, ventriloquism, feather fall, spider climb, light, read magic, shield
2nd Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter, vocalize, Melf’s Acid Arrow, mirror image, levitate, invisibility, continual light, detect invisibility, scare, pyrotechnics, audible glamer, rope trick
3rd Fireball, dispel magic, lightning bolt, hold person, blink, fly, sepia snake sigil, haste, suggestion, water breathing, phantasmal force, Maximillian's Earthen Grasp (this is second level), Alternate Reality
4th Polymorph self, polymorph other, wall of fire, charm monster, wizard eye, dig, magic mirror, stone skin, Turn Pebble to Boulder, dimension door
5th cloudkill, magic jar, wall of force

Wears a vest and something like a kilt; glasses; hat; in the outdoors – robe with hood (and belt)
Outsider to his people; strong but rejects use of strength; brains over brawn; using brute force or strength means he failed to use his intelligence – magic and knowledge: knowledge is power; will only use brute force or fighting or strength if there is no other option
About 6 feet tall, short neck, barrel chests, wide flat head, short thick legs; large hands and feet, thick charcoal grey hair;
312 pounds
Forest dweller lived as outsider; misunderstood – civilized people assume he is uncivilized and his own people see him as a coward
Love riddles and games of strategy: chess
Although he has overcome alaghi opposition to magic, he still struggles with armor and metal

Secondary Skill: woodworker

Alaghi, common, neutral, brownie, elvish, nymph, pixie, sprite

Weapons and Equipment:
5 stone daggers

Hemp rope
Large sack
Large belt pouch
Small sack
Small belt pouch
Dry Rations, preserved (7 days)
Waterskin (2)

Spells memorized for 11th level:
4 1st: feather fall, grease, comprehend languages, sleep
4 2nd: mirror image, levitate, invisibility, invisibility
4 3rd: haste, dispel magic, water breathing, fly
3 4th: polymorph other, stoneskin, dimension door, dimension door
3 5th: cloudkill, cloudkill, wall of force,

(with level reduction, lost 6th level invisible stalker spell capability

Use many stoneskins, etc to beef up the defenses of his friends; recast armor spell

Wall of force: useful in many circumstances (no saving throw)
cloudkill vs smaller HD creatures
Levitate for enemy or for utility

At this point, El Kern will try to avoid melee fighting. Instead, he will use his intelligence, love of figuring things out, great vision and superior hearing to be helpful. If necessary, he will reduce himself to using his +2 dagger or 2 attacks using fists: 1d6 each +1 to hit, 1d6+2 (use as last option)

El Kern will not put his owl at significant danger. Use him for safe recon or to keep watch at night.

Special skills (in practice, this is what he was doing towards the end of the battle against the bishops, when the owl reconned the final group of bishops approaching):
Move silently (anywhere): 95%
Hide only in nature: 90%

Key items: demon's skull (fully charged), large jade thumb ring of sustenance (worn), scepter of magic missiles, dragon face bone mask, Mad Max mask (useful for breathing filter & can't be seen but can see), jade ear plugs, +2 purple hard stone dagger, scroll of protection from elementals, scrollbook of Derro savant, ring of illusion appearance for self only, continual light pendant (covered by leather tied)

neutral, magic-user, alaghi
HP: 45
Armor Class: AC 2 when armor is cast until 20 points of damage is taken: 8 left (when 20 HP is taken armor spell fails and AC returns to 3);
stoneskin cast on myself
natural armor: 4 AC & -1 for 15 DEX
Level 111: wizard

large screech owl:
2 hps; abnormally intelligent; AC 7 (AC is 6 with armor cast)
converse with; serve as guard/scout/spy
***will keep the owl hidden inside my backpack or have him fly off while in invisible - do nothing to get him killed
stoneskin on it
armor cast on it (AC 6)

El-Kern's night vision equals human daylight vision; superior hearing

Continual lights wooden pendants on necklace covered by leather with easy tie

dragon face bone mask magic
I can talk and understand Dragon
large jade thumb ring magic: test to see if it provides breathing as well

small scepter: magic missiles (volley of 5 missiles): great for if stuck in melee or need quick action attack

Ring to change my appearance

scrollbook of Derro savant : affect normal fires, hypnotic pattern 2, blink, levitate, ventriloquism 2, spider climb, minor creation 4, wall of fog 1

scroll of protection from elementals - El Kern

+2, +3 vs Kith purple hard stone dagger: magic
+3 to hit, 1d4+4
2 attacks using fists: 2d6 each +1 to hit, 2d6+2 (will not use)
staff: +1 to hit, 1d6+2 damage

jade ring: provides sustenance, maybe breathing or whatever
dragon face bone mask is magical
Mad Max mask: not magical but breathe through tube and can see out while no one can see in
skull of a demon (gifted to you by a satyr sorceress whose life you saved from a band of dastardly highwaymen) that imparts hidden wisdom. It will answer three questions a week; the nature of the answers may not always be direct, but will convey germane and beneficial knowledge. After three questions have been asked, the skull must be submerged in the blood of a being with a soul to replenish its energies. In the past you have used the blood of vanquished monsters (of the humanoid type that you assume have a soul.)
Used 1 of 3 (can be used 2x more before requiring blood)
***make a point to submerge in blood whenever there is the chance

lexicon of languages
books to the afterlife
how to create stuff

book: lexicon of languages, book to the afterlife, how to create stuff
large screech owl:
my night vision equals human daylight vision; superior hearing
2 hps; abnormally intelligent; AC 7
converse with; serve as guard/scout/spy
stoneskin on it
armor cast on it (AC 6)

Grim, werebear fighter (NPC)
Rokol, dwarf fighter, polymorphed into a silver dragon by El-Kern in to save the party and escape from a crashing spaceship. Personality subsumed by the dragon and never returned to dwarf form. Last seen high in the Ancestor Mountains on the Purple Planet.

Teratin, elf apprentice, freed slave NPC. Accidentally killed by magic bolt from gun by Rokol.

Spindle the Weaver - atomie thief, killed by quickling in arena battle at carnivale celebration at King Volcano's court.

Elithorn: Killed by blue dragon in gnome vale in the mountain ranges near the lost caverns of Tsojcanth:

Verthicha: Killed by alligator in lake under Caverns of Tsojcanth:

Killed by shapeshifter, who took Mizkastus' form and then murdered Gwin the druid

Killed by the dome.

Last edited by Grognardsw on Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Storyverse 69 ~ Visuals & Errata

#123 Post by Grognardsw »

Echoes of OtherWorld

The new campaign, from the human perspective.

Party Magic Items & Treasure
Items from Ghost Tower of Inverness

15,000 gp (left over from 43k after ship and provisions)
Book of Vile Darkness (buried in Greenwood fae glade)
Scroll of Protection from Breath Weapons
Scroll of Protection from Poison
Scroll of Rope Trick
Scroll of Protection from Magic Weapons
Plate Armor +2 (Boris)
Darts +1 (11. Lilith)

- Dradle of Protection (Lilith)
- Magical eggs from the Chicken Coop of Elemental Evil. Unknown effects, but one showed necromantic magic.
Lilith - 2 eggs
Emorie - 1
Mara - 1
Boris - 1

Lemuria items lost from side-effect of Wish are struck through.

Apparatus of Kalish (carried by Boris and Mara)
Ring of the Djinn (o wishes. Lilith)


1) Oil of sharpness (silver)
2) Water breathing (blue)
3) Fire resistance (red).
4) The cologne is perfume of Disenchantment.
5) Potion of Healing (2d8) for each, given by the Aquilonian Duke for saving his daughter.


1) Protection from Undead
2) Protection from Normal Missiles
3) Darkness 15' Radius.

Other Treasure

1) golem heart gem (2,000)
2) Zippo lighter
3) screw driver
4) staple gun (1d2 damage, 2x attacks per round. Lilith.)
5) 1,000 gp each from Aquilonian Duke for saving his daughter.

Lilith, witch
Additional Items: Book of Vile Darkness (buried)

Emorie, healer

Mara, duelist


Boris, fighter

RIP: Maria, assassin (assassinated by Mythcoat in the Greenwood)

RIP: Haley, thief (killed by a Sister of Mercy in Greenwood)
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