Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

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Lysander & the Forgotten King's Tomb

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Here is what Lysander sees:

Shattered stone and fresh dirt cover the slick floor of this devastated chamber. Judging by the remnants of masonry and floor tiles, this area was once part of the tomb complex. A rope ladder hangs near the broken door, leading up into the darkness. Just beyond it to the east, the slippery floor gives way to a shallow pool.
Lower Mausoleum - Broken Chamber.JPG
Lower Mausoleum - Broken Chamber.JPG (27.18 KiB) Viewed 1454 times
All seems quiet within the broken chamber...

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#2 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"Oggle. I cannot see another means of exiting the chamber behind this rotting door. What say we inspect it now before progressing elsewhere?"

If Oggle is in agreeance, Lysander will force the door.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#3 Post by AQuebman »

Go for it, just don't get yourself killed. I've lost enough men the last few weeks I don't need to lose another. Oggle stands protectively covering Lysanders flank with both swords drawn.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#4 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:Go for it, just don't get yourself killed. I've lost enough men the last few weeks I don't need to lose another. Oggle stands protectively covering Lysanders flank with both swords drawn.
No more have the words come out of Oggle's mouth than a giant toad come out of the rubble near the door, hopping and biting Lysander around the head and shoulders!
Giant frog attack: [1d20] = 20 Bite dmg: [2d4] = 6
Double dmg on critical: [2d4] = 5 Total dmg: 11 pts!
Surprise roll: [1d10] = 2

Oggle watches Lysander fall, his mouth agape in shock and awe (yeah, had to try and rhyme that :P ), and as his mouth works soundlessly to call for help, another giant toad leaps from the rocks and attacks! Giant toad attack: [1d20] = 14 Bite dmg: [2d4] = 7 It chomps down on one of Oggle's arms, trying to swallow him whole!!


Lysander - down 11 pts...dying...again!
Oggle - down 7 pts
Lower Mausoleum - Broken Chamber Toads.JPG
Lower Mausoleum - Broken Chamber Toads.JPG (32.27 KiB) Viewed 1444 times
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#5 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

The paladin crumples under the throaty attack of the toad.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#6 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle barely finishes his sentence when the frogs drop in out of nowhere and the mad dwarf sees yet another companion fall. "NO!!!! Bahamut Guide my Blades I will NOT SEE ANOTHER MAN FALL!! Oggle goes berserk going after the first frog he comes to with all the might of Bahamut his blades can muster.

[1d20+3] = 9+3 = 12[1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23 Oggle's first Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9[1d8+3] = 1+3 = 4 1st Round Damage
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

With blades whirling, Oggle skewers the giant toad affixed to his arm, running it completely through, killing it instantly! Thurgrum and Jase push into the chamber, coming to the aid of Lysander. The priest of Moradin smacks the toad with his hammer, dislodging the giant amphibian from Lysander's head. Thurgrum's attack: [1d20] = 18 dmg: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4
Jase lunges at the toad but his blade glances off its rubbery hide for no damage. Jase attacks: [1d20] = 12 sword dmg: [1d8] = 5
The toad croaks and leaps at Thurgrum, hoping to swallow the dwarf in one gulp, but Thurgrum brings up his shield and wards off the critter. Giant frog attack: [1d20] = 9 Bite dmg: [2d4] = 3


Lysander - down 12 pts...dying...again!
Oggle - down 7 pts
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#8 Post by hedgeknight »

Addled by the shield bash, the toad hesitates and Thurgrum steps forward and bashes it in the head with his hammer for the killing blow! To hit: [1d20] = 20, damage with hammer: [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

He then quickly administers to Lysander, stopping the bleeding (stabilize) and then casting a curing spell upon the paladin in Moradin's name: CLW: [1d8+2] = 4+2 = 6
And another on Oggle: CLW: [1d8+2] = 2+2 = 4

This roughly hewn chamber is all quiet now...with a rope ladder leading up into darkness...


Lysander > at 6 hp
Oggle > down 3 hp
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#9 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander's eyes open quickly as Thurgrum channels the healing power of Moradin into his dieing body. He groans as he rolls to his side and onto his hands and knees. Using his sword to assist in standing he says while wincing, "Thank you, Ilmater ... Broken One ... for teaching this humble servant of endurance".

He stretches, picks up his shield, and looks to Thurgrum. "Thank you, Thurgrum. And praise to Moradin for his kindness to bless one that is not dwarf".

The paladin looks up the ladder and to the landing from which the rope-bridge exits. "Well, since we're already here. How about up?"
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#10 Post by hedgeknight »

"Moradin trusts me to use me best judgement on those he heals,"Thurgrum says with a wink. "But that ladder...I'm not much fer the look of it."
"I like climbing,"Jase says. "Let me go first...okay?"
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#11 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander concedes to Jase's request to lead up the ladder. Once the young man makes the ascent the paladin asks, "Can anything be seen? Look all around from the ladder before clearing way".
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#12 Post by hedgeknight »

Fearghus wrote:Lysander concedes to Jase's request to lead up the ladder. Once the young man makes the ascent the paladin asks, "Can anything be seen? Look all around from the ladder before clearing way".
Looking up the shaft where the rope ladder ascends, Lysander can see Jase's legs as he climbs into darkness. "Smells horrible up in here," Jase replies, "but I don't see anything yee-EEARGH!"

The young ranger's scream jolts each of you watching below and the rope ladder is jerking as Jase suddenly is climbing down very fast. "SOMETHING BIT ME! SOMETHING BIT ME!" he yells as he appears on the ladder. In the torchlight, you can see two large bite marks on his neck, oozing blood and some type of greenish fluid. "I...I don't feel so good,"Jase manages to say before collapsing, his muscles locking up, his body going rigid.

Thurgrum runs over to Jase's body...and suddenly a huge spider leaps upon the dwarf's back! Thurgrum howls and tries to throw the spider off, but it sinks its fangs deep into his backside. Spider attack: [1d20] = 17, damage with bite: [1d6] = 4

The spider suddenly rears up in the light of Lysander's torch, as big around as the paladin is tall!


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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#13 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"Cursed beast!", he screams while thrusting his sword into the creature. Lysander advances on the spider in an attempt to get its attention and keep it from biting Oggle.

Round 1: [1d20] = 13; [1d8] = 7 or [1d12] = 9.
Round 2: [1d20] = 4; [1d8] = 4 or [1d12] = 8.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#14 Post by hedgeknight »

Lysander's sword digs into the huge spider's hairy body causing it to shriek and pull back from the brave paladin. With a roar, Oggle descends on the spider, his twin blades flashing as he cuts through legs with one attack and skewers the huge spider in the head with a second attack! To hit: [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21, [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21, damage with sword: [1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9, [1d8+3] = 3+3 = 6
As the spider curls up and begins to die, Thurgrum murmurs over Jase, watching the young boy closely, checking for signs of his breathing. "Don't think he be in danger o' dying, Moradin be praised! Guess the poison just causes paralysis - he should be okay in a few minutes."


Lysander > at 6 hp
Oggle > down 3 hp
Jase > down 5 hp
Thurgrum > down 4 hp
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#15 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander kneels next to Jase, "Brave soldier, that should have been me". Lysander removes his gauntlets and lays his hands on Jase, easing some minor effects of his wounds (2hp).

"Oggle, Thurgrum, if you would, keep watch over him a moment. I will ascend the ladder again to make sure no more of the spiders are in wait for us". Lysander lays down his shield and sheathes his blade before climbing the ladder. "Hand me the torch", he commands while half-way up.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#16 Post by hedgeknight »

"Careful now,"Oggle says, handing Lysander the torch. "I'm coming up after you!" Lysander ascends the passage, holding the torch above him to burn away any cobwebs and help him see a bit better. The passage is long, nearly 200 feet, and Lysander's arms are shaking with exertion when he finally reaches the end of it and pokes his head out for a look.

You emerge from a hole that is surrounded by earth and rock. The ladder you're climbing is fastened to a post just a few feet beyond the opening, near an immense plinth of stone. Above you looms a weathered statue. Overgrown with creeper vines, it depicts a crowned and bearded man who is
regally dressed and points his drawn sword to the east. Some trees nearby are taller than the statue, which has no inscription that you can see.
forgotten king.JPG
forgotten king.JPG (16.35 KiB) Viewed 1361 times
"See anything up there, Lysander?" Oggle calls from below.
Actions? Your current position is at the red dot on the map.
forgotten king forest 1.JPG
forgotten king forest 1.JPG (39.18 KiB) Viewed 1361 times
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#17 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander climbs all of the way out of the passage to allow Thurgrum and the others to exit and observe the statue. The paladin makes a cursory inspection of the area to make sure it is reasonably safe to put more attention to the statue.

"Are any of you familiar with this area or this statue? We shouldn't be terribly far from the cemetary".
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#18 Post by hedgeknight »

It takes awhile for Thurgrum to climb up, and then finally Jase; Oggle decides to remain below and guard the ladder and your return.
Jase is awestruck by the statue and confirms what Lysander already suspects. "We are indeed close to the cemetery. I'd say about a half mile or so above the town! To think this has been here all my life...and I never knowed it."
"Take a look over here," Thurgrum calls from underneath the large tree just north of the statue. Looking, you find the remains of a campsite, including a fire pit, a cracked chest, a pile of meat, and an open barrel. The chest contains a suit of plate mail, seemingly in good condition. Rainwater fills the barrel.

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#19 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"A peculiar place for a camp. And with ease of access to the tomb. I wonder if this is the source of the trouble below?", he wonders aloud. "Let us return to the depths and finish our inspection. We will make note to return to this camp". Lysander moves to return to Oggle below.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#20 Post by hedgeknight »

"Lots of tracks up here,"Jase muses, holding the torch over the ground. "I'd say the group used this camp is at least twice our number."
Shrugging and taking one last look at the looming statue, Jase follows the others back down the ladder.

And when you reach the bottom...there is no sign of Oggle.
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