The World As You Know It

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The World As You Know It

#1 Post by Gomezthebarbarian »

Peoples and Races


Archonteans (Ar-KON-tee-ehns): Properly the term refers to the humans from the great city of Archontos, capital of the empire and dominant center on the island of Mithruin, but it has come to refer
to any citizen of the empire, regardless of where he/she resides.Archonteans are typically medium height (5’4” to 5’7”), with black or dark brown hair and slightly olive-colored skin. They are naturally arrogant when dealing with ‘barbarians’, even while deferring to the myriad social hierarchies that govern Archontean society. Archontean society is highly ordered, with a strong belief in the ‘city’ as the natural building block of civilization. While Archonteans do farm, the elites typically run their plantations from the nearest ‘civilized’ location. As a result of their urban focus, the Archonteans have been great builders, of towns and cities, bridges, aqueducts, roads, and fortifications. Archonteans are modeled on the ancient Romans and Byzantines. In antiquity, their names were Latinate, typically with two names (e.g., Priscus Pulcher, Marius Tricotor). About a millennium ago, however, their names have shifted to a more Greek, or Byzantine, style. Hence, the names of the powerful clans Basileus and Ligareus shifted to become Basileon and Ligareon; similarly personal names have ceased to favor names like Priscus, Marius, Julia, and Licinia and instead favor names such as Alexios, Georgios, Marcion, and Theodora. Modern Archontean male names typically end in -on, -ion, -os, or -ios, while female names typically end in -a or -is. Modern male Archontean names: Alexios, Anaximander, Basil, Belisarios, Hector, Heraclion, Iskander, Kallion, Lukon, Marcion, Melchior, Paullor, Teodor, Uriel, Valerian. Modern female Archontean names: Alexia, Basina, Berenice, Callista, Eudocia, Helena, Megaris, Petronia, Sarabel, Syagria, Theodora.

Thorcinga (thor-KING-ga): The origin of these inhabitants of the western continent of Irthuin is opaque. Physically they range in size and coloring, a fact that outsiders use to claim that they are a hybrid people. Some Archontean sages, in fact, believe that the Thorcinga are the descendants of the ancient Archonteans abandoned on Irthuin when the empire pulled back to Archontos about 1,200 years ago. Whatever their origin, however, the Thorcinga have established their own distinctive culture. Although the Thorcinga did occupy the old Archontean cities and maintained them as trading depots, the Thorcinga prefer a rural life. A hereditary aristocracy (the thegns) holds title to most of the cultivated land and other rights of wealth; lesser folk living in villages or manors owe taxes (in kind) and service to their local thegn. Since the return of the Archonteans to Irthuin 350 years ago, and the re-establishment of imperial exarchates at Narsileon and Arcturos, many Thorcinga have chafed at the reappearance of
imperial law and bureaucracy. A Thorcin Recovery League (TRL) has sprung up, led by a possibly mythical figure known as Eadric Strigona, with the purpose of permanently driving the Archonteans from Irthuin. Thorcinga is the collective noun; Thorcin (THOR-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely derived from the stock of English names of the Anglo-Saxon period. Male Thorcin names: Aelfric, Aethelred, Colmund, Edric, Godric, Horsa, Swithun. Female Thorcin names: Aethelflad, Cyneburga, Eadgithu, Ebbe, Thalia.

Wiskinga (wis-KING-ga): Inhabitants of Borealios, the Wiskinga are typically tall, blonde or red-haired, and fair-skinned. Their society is more tribal than that of the Archonteans, being based on small kinship groupings clustered around a chieftain’s hall. Wiskin society values physical skills and ability, and reaving is an ancient and well-respected tradition among young Wiskinga. It is also common for young Wiskinga to journey within the Archontean empire, seeking glory, adventure, and wealth before returning to the ancestral steading. Wiskinga is the collective noun, Wiskin (WIS-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely based on Old Norse naming conventions. Male Wiskin names: Bjorn, Hjalti, Njal, Olaf, Thorvald. Female Wiskin names: Birte, Freya, Gudrun, Gunhild, Hallgerd.

Khumus (Koo-moose): The Khumus are a nomadic horse-people. They inhabit the far western side of Irthuin, and their Khor-ate is separated from the Thorcinga and Archonteans by the vast forests
of central Irthuin. The Khumus are small (5’1” to 5’5”), swarthy, and typically expert riders and bowmen. They are only rarely encountered in the Archontean territories. Khumus is used both as a noun and as an adjective. Male Khumus names: Arslan, Batengis, Batu, Ganzorig, Nergui. Female Khumus names: Enegen, Gerel, Khulan, Sarnai, Sube.


Dwarves appear cold, distant, and avaricious to humans. By nature, they are clannish, wary of outsiders, and extremely vengeful, to the extent that they frequently seem xenophobic. Sarcastic jokes about ‘the generosity of dwarves’ are common in Archontos. Dwarves are reputed to be masters of stonecarving, metalworking and enchantment; still, as a rule they refuse to offer their goods for sale, so few are able to evaluate these claims. In keeping with their flinty, avaricious natures, dwarves are often teetotalers, as they fear that the effects of alcohol may render them open to being tricked or cheated. They prefer dour black clothes, sometimes embroidered with silver or gold thread. Some warrior clans favor beards, but most dwarven craftsmen do not.Dwarven society is two-tiered. The upper tier is composed of the established clans, most named after a type of rock or similar substance (e.g. Malachite); members of these clans are the elites, and enjoy special privileges within dwarven holds. It is said that members of a clan will go to any end to rescue a clansman, or at least to recover his/her body and life-stone. The lower tier of dwarven society is composed of the clan-less. Some of the clanless were born that way, others were exiled from their clans for misdeeds, while still others are survivors of clans that imploded or were eliminated in factional politics.The clanless do much of the mining and shaping, usually under the supervision of a dwarf from an established clan. When dwarves die, they are said to ‘take to the stone’; whether this is literal or figurative is an open question among human sages, for
the dwarves are particularly tight-lipped about such intensely intimate practices.

The Archonteans know of only two dwarven settlements, although its sages suspect that other holds exist on Irthuin and in the southern jungles. One known settlement is Durildor, or Deephold to humans; this small settlement is set in the mountains of Mithruin. The dwarves of Durildor are technically citizens of the Archontean Empire, although they are quite reclusive. It is said that ancient Emperors swore terrible oaths of support to persuade the dwarves to come to Archontea, and that the price of their arrival was near immunity from imperial rule and law.The other known settlement is Kazildor (Dwarfhome), a major hold lying beneath the mountains north and west of Narsileon. The dwarves of Kazildor have refused all requests on the part of the empire to exchange ambassadors, so little is known of Kazildor itself. Perhaps to fend off more such requests, the dwarves of Kazildor have recently established a small permanent embassy in Narsileon. In return for certain advice and smithy work, the exarch has allowed the dwarves to operate their own trading factor in Narsileon, and has granted them certain monopolies. Dwarven names are usually derived from types of rock or stone, and/or stone-related crafting, mining or related skills. Given names vary widely, but clan names (if a dwarf has a clan) are relatively few in number, and are of great antiquity. Dwarven clan names: Gest, Granite, Jade, Malachite, Obsidian, Tapper. Dwarven male given names: Etsil, Gedric, Grist, Jasper, Scoria, Utor, Zhorak. Dwarven female given names: Bressia, Dunita, Grishia, Hergist, Norita, Sable.


Elves are rare in the human-dominated areas of Magae. The largest and best-known elven enclave is the realm of Lady Ellagel and Lord Gallador, located deep within the central forests of Irthuin. Those elves that travel in human society frequently do so for highly specific, temporary reasons (searching for a specific object or piece of knowledge); on occasion, they reside as advisors in the courts of human lords. Most humans have never seen an elf, and will treat elves with fear and caution.Elven society is broadly collective, with younger elves associating themselves with seniors who have established reputations for great deeds, excellent craftsmanship, or particular wisdom. Elves prize core balance in all things. Those elves who are able to blend their emotions, magical sensibilities, knowledge, and connections with nature are held as paragons. Elves are curious and inquisitive, but do not care to reveal themselves before strangers (and especially non-elves). Most elves pursue a highly specific intellectual interest, as well as a specific interest in magic of some sort, whether as a practitioner, theorist, or amateur. Elves are particularly attracted by wisdom, by knowledge, by beauty, and by magical lore.Elves have two names, one given name and one that describes one of their parents. Given names vary widely. The second name invariably is composed of a parent’s name with the suffix -son or -dottir. Which parental name an elf adopts as his/her second name is a personal choice, one marked by much symbolism (as the elf is thereby linking his/her future to that of the selected parent).Only the most venerable and powerful of elves dispense with the parental name. Male elf names: Erist Ellagelsson, Gallador, Gelanchian Gellisson, Jiltorin Trillissason, Lellagalon Begelsson, Nagellor Belladorson, Nisdis Jeronsson, Seldorin Seldorsson.
Female elf names: Aelin Gillesladsdottir, Ellagel, Gilleslad, Noredden Galesdottir, Pelissa Halbestdottir. Halflings are uncommon, and largely found in segregated agricultural communities.


Most halflings known to the Empire live on the Grain Islands to the east of Archontea, where their agricultural prowess provides important food supplies to Archontos itself. These halfling communities are largely selfregulating, although they are under the loose supervision of the imperial strategos and his legion. Local halfling lore does not fully account for their existence on the Grain Islands, being content to distantly recall the Great Voyage on the Big Ships.Although most halflings are content with their rural lives, a few bold sorts attach themselves to the staff of the Strategos and end up traveling ‘across the water’ to Archontos. These halflings are seen as exotic and rustic, and they tend to suffer some general paternalistic patronizing from Imperial citizens. Imperial officials treat halflings in a genial but patronizing way, and will assume them to be political naïfs. Ordinary citizens of the Empire treat halflings as great curiosities, and will often approach them, pinch
them, and ask them simplistic questions. Halflings have given and family names. Family names are typically derived from botanical or agricultural features. Given names vary widely, but are typically English in origin. Male halfling names: Harry Berrymash, Jenks Pipeweed, Phlebotomas Plumthorn, Rosco Barleystalk, Williston Appleroot. Female halfling names: Alice Goldengrain, Gail Winebottom, Livinia Greenthumb, Lucy Rosepetal, Petunia Turnstile.

Institutions & Organizations

The seven collegia effectively monopolize the formal training in magic use in the Archontean empire. Originally there was but one collegium, the Order of Thoth, and it was strictly limited to the nobly born. Resentment of this stratification was one of the causes of the infamous War of the Sortians and Theosophs, which nearly destroyed the empire some 1,200 years ago. A result of the war, alongside general imperial retraction from Irthuin, was that magical training became more egalitarian. Seven collegia now exist, each with its own identity and/or specialty:

The Order of Thoth: generalists; the original order, and still politically powerful

The College of Perception: illusionists and magic users interested in illusion

The Imperial Academy: generalists; few in number; snobby, limited to uppermost nobility

Collegium of Macrina: academics and researchers; their members produce the largest number of new spells

New School of Arcane Might: generalists and necromancers; follows a philosophy of domination

Order of the Fifth Circle: summoners and those interested in the planes

Collegium of Cinders: elementalists

A few well-placed magi suspect that an eighth, secret collegium exists. That secret, ‘eighth collegium’ is in fact the Order of Priscians

Benevolent Brotherhood: The Brotherhood is the empire-wide thieves’ guild, active in all major Archontean cities and towns. Members are ranked: Little Brothers are the rank and file thieves; Brothers run cells within a given area; Elder Brothers are those with a certain geographic jurisdiction and authority over 7-10 cells; Eldest Brothers are a shadowy handful of senior thieves who coordinate empire-wide activities as needed. In sizable population centers (e.g., Narsileon), the Brotherhood operates a public ‘front’, where those in need of the Brotherhood’s services may deposit requests for service with a named Brother (or with a randomly-chosen one, if none are known to the petitioner). The imperial authorities normally do not intervene in the daily affairs of the Brotherhood, leading many to speculate that the Brotherhood pays regular ‘tithes’ to avoid scrutiny.

Azure Shield, Knights of the: A knightly order that is more militarized than the Black Legion or Sacred Band. It is divided into septs of twenty knights (each with squires). Septs typically act as independent units
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