Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

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Day 5: Shift 2: 4 Bells

#61 Post by atpollard »

Jacques Bonnet, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith (Hotel Gwynedd)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5: Shift 2: 4 Bells [Hamlet of Gwynedd: 45N,25W]

The group gathered their “supplies” and followed the main walkway to a ladder, then the ladder to the gravel beach that Mercuito remembered only too well from his earlier encounter. Caela led you along the between the posts and in darkness beneath the walkway where the stars and streetlamps cast no light.

“There” Caela whispered.

Lamplight from the balconies of the Hotel Gwynedd illuminated the rocky beach. In the starlight, one could make out the shadowy form of a dock beneath the overhanging hotel balcony and hugging a dark grey wall supporting the structure above. A plank walk bridged from the beach to the dock.

The voices of two men, speaking French, could be heard approaching.

"Vous l'avez frappé assez fort."


"Tu crois qu'il est mort?"

"Non. De plus, on nous a dit de ne pas être gentil avec celui-ci. Il a une grande gueule et la ville a besoin de craindre ces criminels que Gottard attire."

"C'est vrai. Ça a été une très bonne nuit." The man is holding a large purse of coins in one hand and jewelry in the other. "Aujourd'hui, les pièces valent peut-être plus que les bibelots"
(translation for French speaking characters)
"You hit him pretty hard."


"Do you think he's dead?"

"No. Besides, we've been told not to be nice to this one. He's got a big mouth and the city needs to fear those criminals Gottard attracts."

"That's right. It's been a very good night." The man is holding a large purse of coins in one hand and jewelry in the other. "Today, coins may be worth more than trinkets"
The group watches safely hidden in the shadows. Finally, the two men emerge from beneath the walkway into the light of the beach as they head towards the plank leading to the dock. One man is carrying a club stained with blood (both old and new) and the second is holding a purse of coins in one hand and jewelry in the other.

Mercuito is almost certain that these are the men that attacked him earlier and the man with the jewelry was carrying a pistol the last time.

The group can attack them immediately near the elevated street, you can wait a few minutes and charge them when they are on the narrow plank, or you can quietly follow them from a distance. [Or something else that you think of].

Josephine, having already been shot once this week, will allow everyone else to go first. :)
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#62 Post by Urson »

Jo scowls, trying to pick out the few random French words she knows- but the men don't say 'please', 'thank you', or use any of the profanities she knows.
She holds her pistol awkwardly in her uninjured hand, staying to the back.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#63 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"They just robbed someone. And beat him." He whispers to the others. "We can catch them with the goods if we hurry."

He looks to Remy. "What do you think?"
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#64 Post by atpollard »

Jacques Bonnet, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith (Hotel Gwynedd)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5: Shift 2: 4 Bells [Hamlet of Gwynedd: 45N,25W]

"We can catch them with the goods if we hurry." said Jacques.

The group rushed from cover to surprise the pair of French muggers.

The man with the bloody club instinctively raised it to attack … and instantly found himself with Remy’s sword tip lightly pressed against his throat. He carefully lowered the club and made no sudden moves.

The second man dropped the jewelry and drew a small pistol almost impossibly quickly. However, the sight of so many guns pointed back at him quickly encouraged him to surrender the weapon grip first to Jacques.

Both prisoners quickly had their hands bound behind their backs.
Next action by the party?
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#65 Post by Urson »

Jo collects their loot from the ground. Someone should backtrack to find their victim. He will be glad to have his goods returned.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#66 Post by ffilz »

Does Linkletter recognize any of the jewelry? Is it jewelry someone would have been wearing at this time of day or more likely robbed from someone's home?
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#67 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"At last we meet. Very smart of you to relinquish your weapons without bloodshed. Hopefully, your wits will not abandon you now." Jacques motions at the others, including Caela.

If he gets a blank look in English, he'll roll his eyes in exasperation and continue in French. "You are giving our people a bad name, oui?"

"You know who we are, I assume. And I assume that you know Caela here. She's done the smart thing and is working for us. Your current boss is finished, it's only a matter of time, and you may be looking for new employment." Jacques winks at the pair.

"Help us and things will proceed much smoother for you." He glances at Remy, Jo, and Mercutio. "Some of my fellows have serious grievances with you."
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#68 Post by Zhym »

Mercutio hurries off in the direction from which Frenchmen came, in search of the victim who must certainly be in need of medical attention.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#69 Post by atpollard »

Jacques Bonnet, Remy Hernandez, Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith (Hotel Gwynedd)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5: Shift 2: 4 Bells [Hamlet of Gwynedd: 45N,25W]

Josephine collected the jewelry from the ground and sent Mercutio off searching for the victim in need of medical attention. She and Linkletter examined the jewelry. It was a collection of both men’s and women’s, yet most of it was items that might be commonly worn.

Jacques questioned the men as Remy scowled and pointed a sharp object menacingly in their direction to dissuade any foolish actions.

(Jacques) "At last we meet. Very smart of you to relinquish your weapons without bloodshed. Hopefully, your wits will not abandon you now."

(Thug with gun) "Done no bad." he replied in broken English.

(Thug with club) "On trouve des choses sur la plage." ("We find things on the beach.") he mumbled in French.

(Jacques) "Vous donnez une mauvaise réputation à nos gens, oui?" ("You are giving our people a bad name, yes?")

(Thug with club) " Ce n'est pas notre mauvaise réputation." ("It is not our bad reputation.") he chuckled.

(Thug with gun) " Les chiens anglais sont élevés pour se battre. Pourquoi les pièces anglaises ne devraient-elles pas remplir les bourses françaises?" ("English dogs are bred to fight. Why should English coins not fill French purses?")

(Jacques) "Vous savez qui nous sommes, je suppose. Et je suppose que vous connaissez Caela ici. Elle a fait la chose intelligente et travaille pour nous. Votre patron actuel a terminé, ce n'est qu'une question de temps et vous êtes peut-être à la recherche d'un nouvel emploi. Aidez-nous et les choses se dérouleront beaucoup plus facilement pour vous. Sinon ... Certains de mes camarades ont de sérieux griefs avec vous." ("You know who we are, I assume. And I assume that you know Caela here. She's done the smart thing and is working for us. Your current boss is finished, it's only a matter of time, and you may be looking for new employment. Help us and things will proceed much smoother for you. Otherwise ... Some of my fellows have serious grievances with you.")

(Thug with club) " Si c'est fini, c'est fini. Laisse-moi partir et tu n'entendras plus parler de moi. " ("If it is over, then it is over. Let me go and you will hear from me no more.")

(Thug with gun) "Bien sûr! Brillant! Nous allons tromper les Anglais et voler la banque en premier! Compte sur moi." ("Of Course! Brilliant! We will overtake the English and rob the bank first! Count on me.")


Linkletter discovered a pocket watch among the Jewelry that had “LH” engraved inside the cover. Josephine remembered that Logan Howard at the Foundry used a pocket watch to time the metal for the casting molds and his son, Logan Howard Junior worked at the Grogg and Tankard with Urs (the mute boatwright).

(Break for player input.)
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#70 Post by Urson »

Jo's eyes go blank as she listens to the Frenchies chat in French. She notices the 'LH' pocket watch. Excuse me, Doctor. I think I recognize this watch- or at least know of one like it. Logan from the foundry uses one like it- this may belong to him, or to his son.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#71 Post by ffilz »

We should check on their safety then.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#72 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Jacques smiles slightly as the gun thug puts an idea in his head. He looks over to Remy to see if he understood as well.

"Ah, je savais que tu serais raisonnable! Nous avons beaucoup à discuter. Je soupçonne qu'il me reste un jour ou deux jusqu'à ce qu'ils entrent par effraction. Ou peut-être plus, maintenant que vous travaillerez pour moi à la place?" (Ah, I knew you would be reasonable! We have much to discuss. I suspect that I have a day or two until they break in. Or maybe more, now that you will work for me instead?)

He lowers his voice and talks directly to the thug. "Mes amis, aussi anglais qu'ils soient, tardent à reconnaître une opportunité. Ils suivront, bien sûr, mais nous devons veiller à ne pas bouleverser leur nature simple. Ils n'ont pas besoin de connaître tous les détails, n'est-ce pas?" (My friends, English as they are, are slow to recognize an opportunity. They will go along, of course, but we should take care not to upset their simple nature. They need not know all the particulars, yes?)

He addresses the group in English. "These gentlemen are going to help us with the bank job. Let me get the particulars and then we will decide on a course of action." He notices the watch and nods. "Ok. We will make sure to deal with that as well."

Back to the thugs. "Je suis Jacques. Un plaisir de rencontrer des gens partageant les mêmes idées. Maintenant, dites-moi quand ils ont l'intention de voler la banque et quel rôle vous jouez. J'ai besoin de comprendre comment je peux modifier leurs plans à notre avantage." (I am Jacques. A pleasure to meet like-minded people. Now, tell me when they plan on robbing the bank and what part you play. I need to understand how I can alter their plans to our benefit.)
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#73 Post by Urson »

Jo looks baffled at the comment about a 'bank job,' and starts to speak- but then closes her mouth and turns away.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#74 Post by atpollard »

Jacques Bonnet, Remy Hernandez, (Hotel Gwynedd)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5: Shift 2: 5 Bells [Hamlet of Gwynedd: 45N,25W]

Josephine and Linkletter ran off after Mercutio in search of the victim and the owner of the watch, leaving Jacques and Remy to deal with the captured Frenchmen.

(Jacques) "Je suis Jacques. Un plaisir de rencontrer des gens partageant les mêmes idées. Maintenant, dites-moi quand ils ont l'intention de voler la banque et quel rôle vous jouez. J'ai besoin de comprendre comment je peux modifier leurs plans à notre avantage.” (I am Jacques. A pleasure to meet like-minded people. Now, tell me when they plan on robbing the bank and what part you play. I need to understand how I can alter their plans to our benefit.)

(Thug with gun) "Je suis André et voici Gaspard." ( I am André and this is Gaspard.)

(Gaspard) "S'il doit y avoir trahison et guerre entre gangs rivaux, alors je préfère simplement y aller. Je suis venu pour un simple travail de craquer des têtes et de voler des bourses." ( If there is to be betrayal and war between rival gangs, then I'd rather just go. I came for a simple job of cracking heads and stealing purses. )

(Andre) rolled his eyes "Faites pousser une colonne vertébrale. Les grands risques apporte de grandes récompenses. Une banque a plus de pièces que de nombreux portefeuilles." ( Grow a spine. Big risks bring big rewards. A bank has more coins than many wallets. ) Andre turned to Jacques "Nous n'avons pas beaucoup de temps. L'éleveur de chèvres doit en avoir terminé avec le tunnel d'ici la fin du troisième quart de travail ce soir. Ensuite, nous avons dû cambrioler la banque demain sur le deuxième quart de travail alors que toute la ville était en réunion pour voter Gottard hors de l'île. Nous devrons cambrioler la banque lors du premier quart de travail pour battre M. Edwin, ou nous devrons tuer discrètement Jules quand il arrivera pour voler la banque et attendre le début de la réunion." ( We do not have much time. The goat farmer must be done with the tunnel by the end of the third shift tonight. Then we had to rob the bank tomorrow on the second shift when the whole town was in a meeting to vote Gottard off the island. We'll have to rob the bank on the first shift to beat Mr. Edwin, or we'll have to quietly kill Jules when he arrives to rob the bank and wait for the meeting to start. )

Last edited by atpollard on Tue May 04, 2021 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#75 Post by atpollard »

Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith (Grogg and Tankard)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5: Shift 2: 5 Bells [Hamlet of Gwynedd: 45N,25W]

Mercutio had traced their path along the beach as far as the footbridge from Company Town to Industry Park and was heading towards the Grogg and Tankard to see if the victim might be from there. Samuel and Josephine caught up and shared the discovery and information about “LH” and the two Logan Howards … including one that worked at the Grogg and Tankard. Hurrying to the Tavern, you quickly learned that Logan had not been seen all day, nor was he expected back until Urs was healed and they could work on boatbuilding together.
"I know where the other Logan is." shouted Jo as she led the way over the footbridge and into company town.

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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#76 Post by atpollard »

Mercutio Routledge, Samuel Linkletter, Josephine Baxter-Smith (Foundry)
Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5: Shift 2: 5 Bells [Hamlet of Gwynedd: 45N,25W]

Arriving at the Foundry (#28) in Industry Park, you found the door ajar. Entering the place had been vandalized with molds broken and tools scattered about. The body of a man face down on the floor in a pool of blood was located behind a large piece of equipment … he was still alive.

The doctors quickly went to work and stabilized him. Closed up his bleeding head wounds (from which Linkletter recovered a splinter of wood that could probably be matched unquestionably to the Frenchman’s club). Mercutio set multiple broken bones and taped several cracked ribs. Howard would clearly need a long time to heal from this attack.

Josephine headed up the stairs to check on the upstairs apartment where they lived and found the house ransacked with the contents of draws spilled in piles on the floor and cushions thrown from the furniture.
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#77 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He smiles widely as Andre sets a timetable. "Excellent. Nous avons encore du temps, et pas besoin de trop se dépêcher. Je n'aime pas creuser, tu sais?" (Excellent. We still have time, and no need to hurry too much. I don't enjoy digging, you know?) He laughs and winks at Andre.

Turning to Gaspard. "Aucune guerre n'est nécessaire si nous le chronométrons correctement. Mais vous êtes un homme libre, vous pouvez faire ce que vous voulez. Bien sûr, maintenant que vous savez ce que je prévois, je crains un peu que vous le disiez à Edwin." (No war is necessary if we time it right. But you are a free man, you may do as you please. Of course, now that you know what I plan, I am a bit concerned that you will tell Edwin.)

"Remy. This one may have other thoughts. Keep on guard."
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Re: Cycle 1063 (Winter): Day 5

#78 Post by atpollard »

Moving things along to Day 6.

Continue here if there is something important that you want to do, otherwise, let's get ready for the final showdown.
You have 12 hours on day 6 before the vote!
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