Action Thread #9 - The Forest

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Re: Action Thread #9 - The Forest

#181 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin, who was unusually silent, has obviously recovered from the shock of the heavy wounding and the impact of the poem. After thanking Ogirdor for his healing spells, he helps the others in building the pyre.

"I fear that we will encounter more creatures like these, who were once normal people and have now fallen under this dark curse and who have taken on other shapes and turned to madness or evil. It also seems clear to me that we are the heroes that the prophecy of the singer speaks of. My suggestion would therefore be that we set our priority now to lift the curse off this once beautiful land and return peace to it and its inhabitants, hopefully not by killing them all..."
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Re: Action Thread #9 - The Forest

#182 Post by Stonjuz »

As details begin to unravel regarding the poem, Stonjuz says, "Wait. Wait. We should write this down. What do we have for writing materials? I'm sure I got something, somewhere. Me and Turtle's memory aint what they used to be."

Do we need a roll for poem content percentage that is remembered?
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Re: Action Thread #9 - The Forest

#183 Post by zebediah »

ChubbyPixie wrote:Ogirdor, I'd be careful with that. Those poor girls were clearly cursed... And they're all wearing the same necklace...? Seems like some cause and effect to me. Oz takes a few steps away from the jewelry.
Indeed, we should not wear these. I will keep them, though, it might prove to be relevant somehow. Later we can find a way to identify if they have any magical properties.
Stonjuz wrote:As details begin to unravel regarding the poem, Stonjuz says, "Wait. Wait. We should write this down. What do we have for writing materials? I'm sure I got something, somewhere. Me and Turtle's memory aint what they used to be."
She sang about an isle on a lake that was beyond a river.
Eye upon an isle shining
Isle upon a lake a-resting
Lake beyond a river flowing
And band upon a forest questing
And later she also gave indication that the chosen ones should follow the river to find those she wanted punished.
Who shall gather the secrets, and mysteries that need finding?
Who will sail downriver, along the flow that's winding?
Who will punish the Dark ones, who once their kin were killing?
Who shall see the Serpent's Eye, and with brave tales returning?

Soon, so soon they will be on you, KNAVES!
Through a Serpent River, and fight you with RAGE!
Now, I am not keen on cutting the throats of children as she suggested, nor am I taking other's grievances and vendettas as mine without good reason. If Heironeous or any other god has brought us here to fulfill her call then they will also ensure that our acts meet the foreseen ends. It seems that her words pointed us in the same direction we were heading, so I am not opposed to seeing how this will play out eventually. However, this means we must be prepared to meet those she called dark ones at some point.
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Re: Action Thread #9 - The Forest

#184 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor Sael / elf prestidigitator

"Aye, let's fulfill the poem's prophecy but also find our way home," says Thurinor. He examines one of the necklaces, concentrating and bringing his elven detect magic ability to bear on the jewelry. Regardless of result, the elf will keep one of the necklaces.

Thurinor then takes out his parchment and quill and writes down the group's collective recollection of the poem, for future reference.
Detect Magic is listed under 'Special Ability' section on his sheet, not a spell. A house rule ability I assume?
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Re: Action Thread #9 - The Forest

#185 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Day 6, Early Afternoon: The Forest Clearing

Ogirdor examines the necklaces more carefully, trying to remember if he's seen anything similar in his past experience. He recalls hearing tales of the wild magicians and barbaric holy men of scattered tribes who it is said could call the spirits and ask them to imbue objects with charms and curses. Ogirdor Religious Knowledge Roll: [1d100] = 14 (45% chance)

Ogirdor Spoiler:
Beyond mere knowledge, you sense the fleeting remnants of a chaotic power that is wholly opposed to the precepts of your own deity, Phyton. Whoever or whatever fashioned the necklaces did so for some wild purpose your god would see thwarted.
Ozborn warns Ogirdor about handling the necklaces, and the general sentiment of the party is to take care with them. Thurinor uses his "second sight" to examine the necklaces, but pronounces them void of any magical auras even as he carefully winds and spirits one of them away among his belongings. Whatever magic or curse the necklaces may have held seems to have been leached away, but the elf cannot guess the nature of that magic. Thurinor Sorcerous Knowledge Roll: [1d100] = 69 (39% chance)

As Ogirdor and Ozborn finish building the funeral pyre for the six unfortunate harpy "sisters," Malone keeps an eye and ear trained toward the river, and all, prompted by Stonjuz, begin piecing together and writing down the verses given by the sister who apparently was some kind of oracle. Though Thurinor does not quit writing until the entire song is recorded, all can tell that the verses have been imprinted on their memories, unable to be forgotten, at least for the present.

The adventurers hesitate only a moment before lighting the pyre and heading back to the river to continue their way down this third valley below the nest of the giant winged creature that brought them here.

Edit: Go to Action Thread 10 - The Mine, for the rest of the update...
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