Colony subsector

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Ranger Lord
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Colony subsector

#1 Post by ateno »

Spinward of Capital subsector
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Ranger Lord
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Colony worlds - a short explanation

#2 Post by ateno »

Pervayatyurma 0201
Prison Planet, usually life sentences or people considered escape risks. No communication, no trade.

Tyurmadva 0201
The administrative planet for Pervayatyurma, also has prison for people with declared sentences. There is a small community of previous colonizers that live here under the rule of the prison administrator.

Svoboda 0202
Where people are put after their sentences are finished but still considered a danger to society. All goods and exchange are carried out remotely, No liberty, no weapon or restricted commerce.

Starkamanniskor 0205
Colony on a high Gee (1.78) world. They live in clans and extended family groups given that flat arable land makes normal farming impossible. They are fairly peaceful and know to get along with almost anyone.

Ensam 0206
An all water world. The Hydrodome cities built at tl9 are about 150 years from failure. Very little economic backbone coupled with no landing facilities for spaceships bigger than 20 tons, and only one a city at that has led to a lonely self-depreciating lifestyle. Though the pollution is increasing due to breakdown of recycling machines, the fish is still great and plentiful!

Tillverkare 0207
One of the few seemingly successful colony worlds, a group of several territorial government that function on working with each other, though there have been increasing kidnapping of scientists and other professionals. They produce a wide variety of industrial and agricultural goods for sale. They will buy just about anything. Unfortunately sporadic sulphur dioxide blooms cause the need for filter masks.

Vorota 0302
The lead Scout base in this sector, also main judicial center. All major cases or ‘crimes against the government’ are brought here. The local population are old stock from the capitol and very entitled, in fact some rich people form the capitol sector has a vacation home here.

Alleendok 0304
Main Naval base in the area, asteroid world. Many asteroids are tunneled out to provide space for everyone. Large amount of ‘free’ water available in frozen chunks. A few hundred belters operate in this area, otherwise, it is naval.

Svar 0306
A world of trenches and underground. Due to the small amount of soil and lack of deep oceans, the world is awash in methane producing swamps. They live on a combination of swamp lizard’s, plants producing fruits/roots/flowers and farmed mushrooms. Unfortunately the relatively high tech level is canceled out by the need to live.

Vattenkott 0307
A seemingly garden style world full of various styles of seafood and other delicacies. Unfortunately the world is almost all corporate. Dozens of competing companies offer and fight for the planets resources. Mercenaries are hired as a protection force to compliment the imperial troops stationed here. A large water creature beaches itself to die, a complex chemical process produces bacteria that is very difficult for human to get out of their respiratory system. Though it is not 100% prevalent, filter masks are required.

Stenhem 0406
A small amount of people live underground mining volatile chemicals and living on algae and hand grown food stuffs. They will trade handsomely for food and survival equipment for their chemicals.

Whaiaro 0408
A beautiful garden world with thousands of tropical islands and few predators. Wild pigs are a favorite sport (and food) and the friendly people help you enjoy yourself in many ways. Technology is kept low outside the starport due to the populations’ actions. They are working on upgrading the starport to A and have built a couple jump 1 capable ships.

Yeuhng 0502
Restriced Red Zone! Used to be a mining colony, was shut down by government 75 years ago. Quite a high volume of patrols thru this area. Hints of rebel living in asteroids and hidden bases on the ice capped world.

Aadhaar 0504
Main military base for protection and regulation of the ‘bread basket’, run by a military general who overthrew the miner’s collective with nary a scratch.

Affar 0507
A marketplace of many things, electronics and consumer goods are produced, unfortunately the planning for pollution is behind and the atmosphere is starting to get nasty. Famous for a computer game, “Yellow Star’ about finding your way in a multi alien universe of worlds.

Kopol 0508
Remnants of a mining concern live here in a huge underground complex with areas for parking large starships also underground. There was a supply of rare elements but it has got too expensive to mine commercially. These people are decades away from death and they know it.

Phal 0603
With many flat open plains the world is perfect for growing. Various fruits and nuts grow under well-kept orchids. Run by the parliamentary agricultural branch, people here are about 2 steps above a company slave. Working for them is about the only game in town.

Saag 0604
The thick atmosphere and abundance of water makes this planet a bale producer of greens and root vegtables. There is a group of grape growers in the western peninsula who produce the fruit for the capitol. Again, it is run by the parliamentary agricultural branch.

Grans 0606
Grans is called the gateway to the colonies. Highly populated (625Mil), the highly active volcanic islands produce a large amount of phosphorus, which breaks down to phosphorus prevents further colonization of this otherwise rich land. Filter masks are required. One of the first real attempts at terraforming, colonization was intermittent and badly handled. Even the Parliament and Prime Premier have given up on any real control of the government. They control the major starport and country of 15 million. The other governments are hardscrabble and doing trade with everyone else.

Postkorskott 0607
Many volcanos have dotted this land. The Empire has not had a serious attempt at colonization, therefor freedom seekers have come here for mining and whatever else they can find. Many live in primitive huts with leather seals to keep out the volcanic ash. A bathing culture has emerged to keep it out of the house. People join with other people and they appoint representatives and groups of representatives appoint senators and senators approve a leader. High quality woven masks are made for purchase.

Sakra 0608
A world of fiercely independent people who primary only live in family units and the town they are close to is only for essentials. They are outdoorsmen who live close to the land because they love it. Fit and healthy. Pollen during spring and fall triggers even the most immune person. Filter masks are required.

Mugi 0701
The ban on weapons has not stopped the black marketers. There is a moving ‘station’ of interlocking ships where the gun makers and market operates. It is usually easy to find and if the Imperium attempts to interfere they split up and hustle all different directions. The government on the planet reports to the capitol they run things for the locals.

Salamdeul 0701
Amber zoned, vestiges of the last rebellion lie in this population. Manual labor is cheap, educated people are expensive. The scout base watches over the population and people coming and leaving. Not a lot of trade, in or out.

Sijang 0702
A world of market, not all black, think Persephone of Firefly. Anywhere a ship can land is set up with a market town nearby. May things are available and a good streetwise will get you far. There is a lot of open land, but there are people living there that might not want you nearby.

Anaaj 17 0704
The rich soil and plentiful clean air makes all types of grain an easily growable resource on this world. Again under the control of the capitol, all decision are made for the citizens. Other items are being made available, there are many opportunities on this rich world.

Prasanskaran 0705
The major processing area for the breadbasket, everything comes here for freezing, boxing, bagging, crushing and prep for shipping. The majority goes towards the capitol area, but some overflow is available from an occasional shipping agent. Pollution reigns in the downtown areas.

Tillgang 0708
A designated bureaucracy world, besides keep many records here, it is here where many licenses and documents are gathered. Boring and everyone seems to watch you. Very thick atmosphere, filtermask keeps heavy inert gasses out of respiratory system.

Banyeogja 0801
Site of the battle of the rebellion 75 years ago. Filter masks required for excessive dust due to planet plantary bombardment after the ambush did not work. Imperials continue to control actions, but numbers are dropping. And certain area have been allowed self-rule.

Krshi 0803
Many bulk farming communities under computer control are being experimented with here, many varieties of plants are available. Planet controlled by Imperial in a colony situation. There is an abundance of predators on this planet.

Maans 0804
Bulk meat farming is done on this planet controlled by the government. Very careful about infecting the herds of animals. Rural like towns dot the land with little communication besides government ships travelling for pick up and drop off of supplies.

Paaravahan 0805
The world everyone has to go through leaving to or from the capitol district. The Parliamentary police run transport and customs on this world. They also issue the one time codes that allow non-aggressive reception anywhere in Tussen or the capitol sector.

Narmast 0808
The premier colony world of the government, decent standing of living even with the high population, minimal antigovernment feelings. Is able to order directly from the bread basket.

Tussen 0906
Upper middle class members of the empire live here, mostly self sufficient with the laborer class living in lower class housing. Does not like non cleared ships arriving, unless it has something for them, luxury goods, rare items, etc.
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