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#1 Post by Magnus »

And so it was that Ten set forth from all corners of Westeros. Word had come from Castle Black that Wildling raids had taken on savage character never before seen -- the usual pillage and robbery had given way to slaughter, cannibalism, and torture. Worse yet, fearsome tribes of Giants and weird beasts had been a part of a seemingly coordinated assault on the edges of civilized lands. The forces had struck in the West, leaving the Nightfort under siege and the surrounding lands burned and bloody.

The King of the North, Rickard Jon Stark, had warned all of the Seven Kingdoms that Winter was coming. Wise monarchs had heeded his call, but the greedy, shortsighted, and ruthless saw only weakness and a time to strike. Westeros bled with their petty feuding.

Night's Watch Lord Commander Hardrada Snow knew the emptiness of any hope of a frontal assault to relieve the tower. Indeed, the Wall's fortifications had grown into disrepair, as a long, plentiful summer (not to mention decades of war) had thinned the ranks of recruits.

Rather, the Lord Commander sought a small group of powerful heroes to drive sharply into the body of the Wild homeland and strike at a vital organ. A band of rangers had discovered at great cost to their numbers a fortress serving as a sort of command center for the raids. Therein was said to dwell Nosra, a loathsome hulking mass, said to have the strength of a giant and cunning of a wildling raider.

And so it was that the heroes came. Some were doing their duty to the Watch, some to their Banners and homes. Others sought riches, glory, or to have their names remembered in the rhymes sung by the Bards. Perhaps the druids were driven only by the dire warnings by the chill winds telling of Autumn's dying breath.

And, a few were driven North with a sword tip pressed firmly between their shoulder blades.

Two were cut down on the Kingsroad, but at least five had made it to CASTLE BLACK. As their horses were watered and the rest stumbled in, the heroes were given free run of Castle Black to rest, learn, and equip themselves before the next day's journey.

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