The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

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The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#1 Post by Grognardsw »

“The faithbot Romtifex grew convinced that the various major religions were alternate paths to the same goal. After experiencing each of the major religions over several centuries, Romtifex concluded that there existed an essential unity among them. He programmed, “God has made different religions to suit different aspirations, times, and cultures. All doctrines are only so many paths; but a path is by no means God Itself.” A more contemporary version of this argument runs as such: All religions are like the components upon a circuit board, each working in tandem toward a goal but all connected to the same motherboard. The question, of course, is can this be right?”
- Romtifex the Illuminated, AI-IV

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Re: The God Conscience

#2 Post by Grognardsw »

The God Conscience


Chapter One: Decisions


Pzion, 7th Planet of the 7th Sun
10.230 C.A. (Collective Age)

Bartholomew Silva stared up at the night sky, a dark heaven unfurling the planets and stars of the Plurality. The shepherd sought the quiet of the night to calm the growing turmoil in his mind. To make decisions.

“You must help us.”

In a world where bodies were interchangeable, memories were for sale, and the concept of consciousness was debatable, the state of the human mind and soul was in peril. So said many, and Bartholomew would not argue otherwise. These many may speak with concern, but their actions spoke something else. Those who would enact change were too few.

“Our conscience dictates we take action.”

The changes came slowly, then quickly, as much in life does. The technology spread over decades among the many planets of the Plurality. Its lure was undeniable, the effect profound. Body and soul.

“We cannot let this happen.”

Body. To escape the limitations of the self, to visit or live forever in another body. Did the artificiality of the Shell matter? Apparently not. The societal ramifications were still playing out on Pzion.

Soul. To live outside yourself, escape the bounds of reality. The Shift enabled the mind to experience the memories of others, from fleeting experiences to the totality of life. To play there, to work there. Some would even live in other people’s minds if they could. People believed in the Shift. And belief is a powerful force.


Such was the state of Pzion and the worlds of the Plurality when the gods came to visit.

The whisperings were just starting: Life after death experiences, miracles, visitations from the deities themselves. All for one to see, hear, experience, to live, for the cost of black market Shifts. It was said some of these were shared for no cost except belief and joining.

Here was proof, the zealots would proclaim. The friction of faiths would ignite like in the days of past, darker ages. These were deep waters, and many among the Syncretics felt Pzion could drown.

“We must investigate and understand what is going on with these religious experiences,” Derellik Novell, Bartholomew’s mentor, had told him two nights ago. “What are now isolated incidents will grow commonplace. Dec-centuries have shown us the perils of such paths.”

Bartholomew had never seen the First Mind of Syncretism so insistent upon a position. The old man, now in his second century, was probably nearing the end of his long life. Drugs and nanobytes could only bring one so far. Novell had refused a Shell, as most Syncretics did.

The shepherd recalled the teachings of Syncretism. An ancient religious belief system that had grown from the earliest days of the Plurality, syncretism was today a life-philosophy movement that encompassed politics, religion, art and culture. It combined different beliefs while blending practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism involved the merging or assimilation of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying unity and allowing for an inclusive approach to other faiths. Syncretism also occurred commonly in expressions of arts and culture (eclecticism) as well as politics (syncretic politics).

“Will you help?” asked Derellik Novell. “I know you are not what you once were, but still you believe. The heart is there. I feel it.” He grabbed Bartholomew’s hand and squeezed it. “Your mind, your skills. We need them now.”

The peaceful night sky clicked off. Bartholomew removed the virteality visors, took a deep breath, sipped the glass of vhiske, and looked at the cityscape outside his window. He had made a decision.
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Re: The God Conscience

#3 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Shepherd Silva looked at Prelate Novell and answered with a question Should we investigate from the outside or from the inside?[/dialog] He ponders for a moment. I'm convinced that I cannot be so untrue to myself that I could investigate effectively from the inside. That takes a level of deceit that would be self-destructive. So from the outside.

Reaching for the bag under his bunk, he packs a spare suit, some religious texts (just in case his memory of them should fail) and, in case the nature of things should find some unquiet creature to assault him on the path, protection in the form of a trusty weapon from the Armoury. And Shots for it. It had been a long while since the temple had been attacked - but the memory of the uprisings still lingered in the institutional recesses.

Decision made, he seeks the blessing of the Prelate and enquires...

And where to begin? Shall I undertake this alone or seek companions? Should I seek amongst the mighty of the Humble? It is a vast universe and surrounded by others equally vast. I would seek solace in prayer - yet that would only be avoiding the call. To the Virtuous or the Damned? Derellik - what shall be my first step?
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Re: The God Conscience

#4 Post by Grognardsw »

The First Mind of the Syncretics had pondered Bartholomew's questions. "Wisdom will guide your path. Your first step though will be The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur, in Zibylon, where we know heretical Shifts are secretly traded and a kult may very well be operating. Tread carefully."



Zibylon stretched before Bartholomew Silva. The sprawling city was a seemingly unending mass of metal and glass and light, people and Shells and artificials, a repeating fractal of chaotic life. The Shepherd did not often come here, preferring the more solemn sister city of Zjadrak.

Silva made his way by slide walkers and jump booths to the 6th sector and its neighborhood of escapisms. The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur was exotic in name only, a dark building that had seen better days. It was nestled among sniffer joints, helix parlors, 'netic vendors and exo-shops. The Shepherd was only propositioned twice.

The entrance to the Shifter palace was a holographed brain. Silva stepped through it and saw the real door dilate open. Inside was a large two-story hall with a half-circle counter behind which uniformed men and women dealt dreams and marketed memories. Customers loitered about, talking with clerks and reviewing catalogs. There were rows of numbered doors along all walls, behind which customers Shifted. Stairs at each corner led to a door-lined second floor balcony, which encircled the second floor of the two-story hall.

Silva's eyes were drawn to one person in particular, an elaborate Shell.
"May I help you?" asked a female clerk, approaching Shepherd Silva.
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Re: The God Conscience

#5 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I am but a soul passing through.

He regards the clerk directly

Where do the peddlars of dreams, such as yourself, go to escape the unreality of this place? The distractions here must make any hope of a meaningful connection almost impossible. The brash bright lights and shouted dialog will drown out what I seek.

He surveys the room

And who wears that Shell? Striking and a bit incongruous in this shadow land - a vision realised and definitive not the usual unsure and ambiguous.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#6 Post by Grognardsw »

The clerk regarded Bartholomew Silva.


"Reality is what one makes of it," she replied ambiguously with a smile. "Here, our customers can find what they seek, be it bright lights and excitement or quiet repose and peace. What do you seek?"

She glanced over at the exotic Shell.

"Why that is Tobias Arun, co-owner of the Dream Palace of Arun-Tur," the clerk answered.

"Now, would you like to see our catalog of Shifts?"
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#7 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I should certainly be interested in the list.

And taking it, her peruses for a moment

My interest here is not so much in the Shifts - but in the psychology of those that pedal them. It pays to understand ones environment, but one does not always wish to stick ones head into the Lion's Mouth.

Handing the list back to the clerk

And are you, too, part of House Arun? Or are you one of those that are drawn to the flame like a moth while you work days as a student or some such?

"Go to the dream palace of Arun-Tor" is all very well but I'm not likely to be a punter, have no authority to investigate officially, no contacts and no backup legally or in the local community...I'm treating this as a recon run to just locate the place but am intending to back out gracefully while I establish a more firm foundation. If something is going on here then talking to the staff out of their work context would seem a way forward. Whipping out the religious text and preaching hellfire and damnation would, I suspect, just see me ejected or arrested

However, as "the Narrative" is involved, I suspect things will become clearer
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#8 Post by Grognardsw »


The clerk handed Shepherd Silva a screen scroll. Its stylized e-ink described categories of Shift experiences: dangerous adventure, arousing encounters, alien revelations, trans living, magic and the impossible, nostalgia and days gone by, professions of the world, master and servant. The menu went on ad nauseam. Each category had a sub-set of Shift scenarios and corresponding prices. Credit was accepted, subscriptions were available, and installment plans could be arranged.

Bartholomew’s eyes were drawn to one category in particular: religious epiphanies and the euphoria of faith.

“I like to think of this place as an oasis drawing in the thirsty, not a flame drawing in the moth,” replied the clerk. Her name tag read Kirylla. She seemed well trained. She smiled. “You sound like an old man in a body younger than his wisdom portrays. The job pays well, better if one is good at it.”

“There is no better way to understand the psychology of someone than to get into their head. Shift and tame the lion. Would you like recommendations?”

She stepped closer to Bartholomew, angling her head to the screen scroll and pointing at it. He was very aware of her presence. “My name is Kirylla,” her voice softening.

The Shepherd could smell her perfume. Alluring; or was it phero-influencers? “Would it help if I said I am a struggling philosophy student working to earn my advanced degree?” Beckoning.
Yes the stories are open ended but regardless of what one does, interesting things will happen. Which is another way of saying that hopefully you don’t feel the narrative is a rail you’ll be forced to follow. Whatever course you take is fine.

There wasn’t a lot of character history discussed prior, so feel free to fill that out as you go along. Being your homeworld, it would be logical that you have friends and contacts. Besides your personal possessions, your relationship with the Syncretics could open up considerable resources.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#9 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Ah - And that is a difference without a distinction - Immolation or inundation: Neither a welcome ending.

And "the means" may use the same tools even if the desired "ends" are very different.

For instance, Working here to earn an advanced degree is a means. To what end?

And the initial end and what turns out can be very different - "If you are to sup with the devil, be sure to use a very long spoon". Strangely a slowly shortening handle often seems to feature. So be careful Kirylla lest you come within reach. It isn't only your mind they appreciate here.

Anyway - I am here to see what challenges my congregations face. "Lead me not into temptation" one prophet requested.

Would you be willing to discuss philosophy and teleology away from this place and the more subtle influences it can bring to bear? Somewhere Neutral and Public? For here and now you may be able to be anything I desire and I would prefer that a more objective perspective be achieved.

Sadly, in this land of make-believe, ever conversation and feeling must be viewed with suspicion bordering on paranoia. I fear this place could easily offer "all the kingdoms of the earth". Your list is but a small introduction, surely?

He breathes out slowly, almost regretfully.

I should be fascinated to know what you have learned from this place for the rumours and the reality are hard to decipher - as is no doubt intended.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#10 Post by Grognardsw »

Kirylla glanced backwards. To see who was observing?


"Why, Mr....? I don't believe we've been properly introduced, and here you are asking me out?" She smiled and seemed in thought for a moment. "If I were to go, should I bring a very long spoon?

"Yes, special customers can have bespoke Shifts created if our many existing options are not quite right."

"I can see you are more thoughtful and inquisitive than our usual customers. While my boyfriend may not like such a rendezvous, a business meeting to consult on the philosophy of Shifting would be acceptable. Such counsel would naturally require renumeration. A girl must pay her tuition afterall."
Please roll percentile vs. (Charisma x5) to supplement your smooth talking request. Also, a roll vs. (Con. x 3) to resist (should you want to) the phero-influencer perfume and her counter-proposal.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#11 Post by BackworldTraveller »

How many d what for each?

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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#12 Post by Grognardsw »

BackworldTraveller wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:41 am How many d what for each?
It would be 1d100, attempting to get lower than the your Cha. X 5 (95). And a second such roll to get under Con. X 3 (54).
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#13 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I ask as a friend not a client.

That is why I ask for outside the hours of your business.

And with that he leaves the name of a local 24-hour noodle bar.

At what time might I expect you, Kirylla?
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#14 Post by Grognardsw »

Kirylla, perhaps intrigued by Bartholomew's words or his resistance to her suggestion, nodded her head.

"I can't very well meet someone whose name I don't know. What is it?"

"This evening at 7:00. Perhaps."

As the Shepherd made his way out of Sector 6, he received a message on his Know. A traditionalist, he carried the device version instead of the cybernetic impant. He glanced at it and saw an ecrypted message from the Syncretic Ascendency. After his retinal scan, Bartholomew read the message written in the private Enlightened Script. It appeared Derellik Novell had anticipated his Shepherd's needs. It was a list of Shift parlors and owners, known Shift manufacturers (non-black market), kults of concern on the Syncretics radar, kult leaders of interest, and links to media articles on Shifts and extreme religious experiences.

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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#15 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Having given his name to Kirylla, he leaves the parlour and carefully checks his watch...Plenty of time...and then gets his messages. While a trawl of parlours and suppliers might be interesting, the news feeds imply that there are others that care. He checks through the names on the By-lines.

He looks at a number of articles by different journalists - selecting those with a passion for the subject rather than just a slick style. The guys on the less prominent sites that the big-names follow and feed off. Having selected his prospects he starts to try and find contact details - While they will have published everything that they could substantiate, there is always more - things that may be something in the future.

"Hi I saw your piece on..." and if they don't just hang up "I'm looking into this too, from the theological perspective, and wondered if you might care to..." and assuming that they don't just cut me off "...and of course, when it comes to publication you will have all the credit. I have no interest in breaking the story."

He also flicks through the list of kult leaders - half expecting Tobias Arun to be on the list - but probably not prominently so.

And since he's arranged to meet Kirylla later he checks out the all-hours cafe that has been chosen to find a quiet table and ensure that the proprietor, a member of the local congregation - if not always of good standing, knows that there's a shepherd going to be having a quiet chat in the corner with a young, but potentially compromising young woman - and that they should keep a quiet distance to act as witness in case of later accusations. He asks if they have the tall cups and the really long-handled spoons to stir with!
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#16 Post by Grognardsw »

The glare of peculiar neon lights gave Silva a whiter complexion. ;)

Bartholomew scanned the media feeds of his Know, and even checked a few hardcopy news sheets, seeking just the right contacts. The mainstream outlets had the typical shallow treatment of subjects. But several of the smaller trade sources that explored the intersection of technology and culture had intrigueing critiques. Those writers, and some of their cited sources, could be helpful.

A number of headlines drew particular interest:

"Shifting Realities: Religions' Claims of Miracles Convert Nonbelievers," by Sybil Xerian.

"Credits and Souls: How Shifts are Big Business for Religions; Jumpstart Kults," by Pon Tifex

"Redemption on the Cheap? Shifts Solve the Mystery of Faith, but Leave this Believer Cold," by Jyn Wan-Soyxn

"Who Prays for the Prayers? When Faith is in the Mind of the Beholder," Data Stream X-12.64.8

Bartholomew reviews the list of kult leaders, recognizing none of them at this point. Tobias Arun is not on the list.
Please make a a 4d6 Charisma check for how well you convince reporters to talk with you. Going forward I'm using the 1e method (much of which GW emulates) instead of converting to percentile.

"Ah yes, Shepherd, I have just the table," said Jul-Chyl, owner of the Gourmelorian Cafe and occasional Synctretic supplicant.

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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#17 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Roll [4d6]=14
No idea if that's over or under that you need.
Bless You. That table will be fine. Now - What is the best value on this menu. I feel the need for some sustenance before the challenges for this evening.

Your bar, it seems is the resting place for the shift-pedlars staff when they finish a long day. I guess that they are little trouble. But do you get many coming here?
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#18 Post by Grognardsw »

The attribute check mechanic is a roll against a particular attribute, for example Charisma, in which one wants to roll lower than the attribute number for success (or a range of success.) So your 14 against your Cha. 18 succeeds; the lower the roll, the better.

Sybil Xerian, writer for the TechMinds stream and author of the "Shifting Realities: Religions' Claims of Miracles Convert Nonbelievers" article, answered her Know. Bartholomew's persuasiveness, born of natural skill, years of theological debate and occasional sermons, smoothed her initial reticence. His connection to the Syncretic Ascendency helped too. She seemed willing to talk, but asked as many questions as the Shepherd did.

"Yes, many of the churches I spoke to found the Shifts helpful," she answered. "It is hard for them to police the nature of the message. Some do say there is a monopoly, others don't. Translation is important. Language is a barrier, but the emotions still come through. I don't know if I believe. Some are corrupt probably."

Sybil countered answers with questions. "What is the Syncretic Ascendency's position on Shifts? Do you intend on creating and distributing your own official Shifts? Do you feel threatened by the uptick in religious friction among the worlds of the Plurality? How do you spell your last name?"

We can play out fully the Know conversations if you want to follow thoses lines.

Pon Tifex, reporter for Voice of the People, author of "Credits and Souls: How Shifts are Big Business for Religions; Jumpstart Kults," seemed willing to talk after being convinced that Silva really was part of the Syncretic Ascendency. "We can't talk on the Know, it may be tapped," they said worriedly. "I'll need verification of your identity if we meet." They seemed a bit paranoid.

Bartholomew reached the Know Where for Jyn Wan-Soyxn, so he left a message for the Galaxies Magazine writer of the "Redemption on the Cheap? Shifts Solve the Mystery of Faith, but Leave this Believer Cold" article.

Data Stream X-12.64.8 was a news AI for the AINetwork. With typical efficiency, it took Bartholomew's ID# and offered to schedule a meeting with him at any Know console via video. Silva wondered how well an AI could understand the issues it wrote about in its "Who Prays for the Prayers? When Faith is in the Mind of the Beholder" article. At least it was impartial.


Jul-Chyl handed Bartholomew a menu. "All our items are natural and soil grown - no hydroponics or cloning. I recommend the grilled free-range zxen sandwich, sauteed in all natural krawn juice, on freshly baked densible bread, with a side of steamed declawed ciriliad, sans eyes."

"Yes, we get some of them. Not the most talkative bunch. Always in their Knows."
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#19 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I suspect the contact conversations would be banal and semi-circular. The follow ups with the journalists & bloggers will be tomorrow - one person at a time. "Treat each soul met with the reverence of one created in the image of god"
I shall accept your recommendation, but please - recommend nothing too fancy. This city seems determined to tempt me from the path with luxury and self-indulgence; and I am determined to resist for at least another day.

And with that, he settles in to await his guest.
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Re: The God Conscience (Bartholomew Silva)

#20 Post by Grognardsw »

Bartholomew pondered for several hours, people-watching through the window,


making calls, reading articles, considering strategies.

Kirylla eventually arrived, her hair down for after-hours.


She smiled and took her seat at the table.

"Good evening Mr. Silva."
Last edited by Grognardsw on Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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