[002.1] - First Order of Business

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[002.1] - First Order of Business

#1 Post by Faanku »

Wormhole Freight Lines Branch Office, The Spires, Mejo
Tuesday 22-02-3200

The days following the founding of Wormhole Freight Lines are no less tumultuous for the crew than their time on Kakimedes. Meeting up in the mid morning, they arrive at 16 El Yaman Business Park in the Spires to check out their new office and are greeted by a familiar face; Skunk, the young man you rescued from the Flowerbed welcomes you enthusiastically, dressed slightly better than before but still sporting the oversized old jacket handed down from his departed brother. "Thanks again for letting me work here, sirs. You won't regret it!"
After giving you the grand tour of the small office, Skunk winks conspiratorially to Damian. "I'll keep my ear to the ground about anything special, sir. Just like we discussed. Oh and before I forget, I found someone that might be good for that security job, sirs. He should be free if you want to meet him now? Got a good feeling about the guy, but that's just me after all."
Skunk will be your Factor for this branch office, in charge of basic admin and generally being your permanent point of contact for your company's affairs on Mejo.
He's currently on the hunt for archaeotech, as per your instructions, and has also found a certain Sarakoulon mercenary who is looking for work.

In the meantime, Odo's mercantile inquiries reveal a potentially lucrative opportunity; the Magnus Partnership's sudden closure this month has led to many of their assets being auctioned off or sold on at heavily reduced prices. One of Vyrner's contacts has a foot in the door with the megacorp's medical department and can procure first aid kits and pharmaceuticals in bulk. The contact also says that he knows someone looking to offload stims of a more recreational nature, if Vyrner would prefer to deal in the harder stuff. One or two other deals are potentially on the table, but these two seem to be the most promising leads.
The Trade Tables thread has been updated, Odo got lucky and found some of Mejo's most valuable trade goods.
If you wish to go ahead with one of these deals first roll 1d10 for Trouble, then your 3d6 to see what price you can buy them at. Your Expertise is 2 (Trade-1 and Cha +1), and friction will be revealed afterwards.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#2 Post by Enoch »

EDIT: Moved to main thread. Posted here by accident, although Damien would of course receive the message.
Last edited by Enoch on Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#3 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 9/9, AC: 14, Spells: 1st: 5/5, 2nd: 2/2)

Vyrner types in the encrypted messaging app that Damian installed for him, waiting for a response. Damian has been on-board the ship since the meeting with Skunk, closed in his quarters and deep into whatever experiments he's doing. It takes several minutes for the a response to come back. "Both work. Paavis potential pipeline end. Allies for Kak? Ask Romer. Good job, Odo. Make the money." His status then changes to "Busy" with a red dot.

On the Vale of Tears...
When the others come on the ship, they're noting that Damian is almost always there. He's not lovingly checking over the ship systems as you've come to find as "his normal," but an unpracticed eye wouldn't notice anything amiss with the Vale anyway. When in the Galley, he's quickly taking nourishment, feverishly excited about his experiments, but not describing them effectively if pressed. Otherwise, he's in his quarters all day, the door locked. You hear muffled conversation between two people, but it sounds like he's just talking to himself. The whir of machinery and the warbling whine of strange energies is constant during these times, causing the lights to flicker on the ship when he raises the power drain.

Behind the Locked Door...
Six metallic spheres, each glowing a different color, whirl in the air above the unpacked Ithilien Codex. Each triangular leaf of the codex scrolls with numbers and text on its surface, a gentle yellow glow eminating from its center. "The relative proximity of transdimensional co-location remains predictable and stable," says Damian, his eyes clouded and milky as he regards the energies in the chamber.

"Yes, but there is something else, is there not? If we can islolate the variability of this dissonance..." replies the Other Damian, working with the handheld sensors as he sits cross-legged on Damian's cot, now pushed into the corner to make more room in the middle of the floor.

"I don't think it is standard multidimensional space," his voice concerned, and conversing as if such a phrase were normal. "The orthogonal alignment, transverse wave pattern..." Damian squints his cloudy eyes, pulls his hands closer together a few centimeters, the dimensions of the portal focusing and condensing as he does so. The sensors that hang suspended at all four corners of the room from makeshift scaffolding begin to warble in digital tones, communicating their readings to the identical pair of scientists.

"You should have paid more attention to the Scrolls," Other Damian smirks, pulling up sacred knowledge of their Order on the view-screen... "I think I studied more than you." Damian is still for a moment as he reviews the documents through Other Damian's eyes.

"Yes... but their theory is lacking... here... if we can modulate the dimensional interference at this frequency..." The portal shifts, an otherworldly chittering sound coming through...

30 days of Poor lifestyle (basic nourishment, confined to the Vale) = 300 credits
Archanotechnical research supplies, sensors, and dimensional gear = 1,200 credits
...borrowed from corporate expense accounts? I don't have enough individually. If it's individual expense, then I have no choice but to spend 600 credits and take the Experimental test because I can't afford being Dangerous. ;)

3. Looking at the library sizes, if you wished to have it on the ship I'd say you could comfortably house Up to 100 RP (several bookshelves) in your own cabin, and would allow you to store up to 210 RP (a large room) if you fit the Vale with the Luxury Cabins upgrade; instead of "the usual zero-gee athletic courts, decorative fountains, fine dining, and artistic fittings," you could have a fully stocked arcane research centre.
The Ithilien Codex is a repository of 30 RP (the largest man-portable amount, carried as 4 Encumbrance, hence hidden on the ship in the first place). Its knowledge is contained in MES-coded imprinting, and so wasn't recognized when the ship was stripped. If he succeeds on this roll, he's expanding by adding Enlightenment Points, which are research points stored in his own head, which don't increase the size. (That's wierd, but he doesn't need to pay the extra funds/danger for them to be Research Points unless he's collaborating with another wizard.)
Duplicating a text or instrument that gives Re-
search Points is not simply a matter of turning on a 3-D
printer or copying a file. Magically-active instruments
and books must be physically encoded with intricate
metadimensional energy signatures in order to prop-
erly convey the data or instrument readings they offer.
While the physical text or structure of these items can
be copied normally, such inert duplicates are as useless
as a video-only recording of an opera; the viewer can
get a general idea of what it’s about, but the important
parts of it are lost. Crucial data can only be conveyed
through active metadimensional imprints. Any com-
petent mage can create these imprints with time and
effort, but the labor required to do so ensures that the
number of magically-active books or instruments in
the sector is strictly limited.
Research requires a Research month per check and rolls Int+Magic (+3 for Damian).
  • Routine research has no danger, costs nothing, and earns 1 RP on a Diff 9 success.
  • Experimental research costs 600 credits in materials, has a Diff 10 check, and earns 2 RP. A natural 2 is catastrophe.
  • Dangerous research costs 1200 credits in materials, has a Diff 12 check, and earns 4 RP. A natural 2 or 3 is catastrophe.
During this period, Damian is leveling up. He's unlocking level 2 spells (which are hellaciously dangerous) and pushing the envelope for that epiphany.
I'm going to roll for Dangerous Research (the leveling stuff is automatic) but giving a chance that his epiphany comes with extra knowledge in his library, or consequence as he, you know, learns to summon terrible shadow monsters through transdimensional portals. (I think expanding his idiom with Combat Shadow Manifestation is the most consequential thing right now, so I'm choosing that as the story for the downtime roleplay.)

I mentioned in leveling up that I hope that investing in Void Flow Scan (perception of magical energies) can aid in his research attempts. I'm not sure if Faanku allows this, but if it is at least a +1, then he succeeds and gains 4 Enlightenment Points (which count as RPs). :)
Int+Magic Research [2d6+3]=8+3=11
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#4 Post by eirei »

Waking up in a clean room larger than a broom closet is definitely an unusual experience for Silas, but it reminds him that the Neogen deal really did go through. Just in case, though, he re-checks his account balance.

Yup, definitely more zeroes than there ought to be.

Still recovering from last night's celebration, he staggers into the bathroom and makes a few pitiful attempts at shaving, before tossing the nanorazor away with a few choice curse words.

He gets dressed and decides to finally pay a visit to Lightning Fast Vehicle Repairs. Time to see if the vehicle Bao provided is all it's made up to be. Might as well hit the markets on the way there...


Having finished his breakfast - a greasy bowl of pad kimao, a Mejo classic - he makes his way through the narrow alleyways, looking for nothing in particular. In the soldier's left hand is one of his last remaining las-cartridges, and he keeps tossing it up into the air and re-catching it.

I really need to stock up on these things.

Then again, maybe a weapon upgrade wouldn't be a bad idea. After all, Neogen generously provided all those creds...

With still some time to kill, Silas decides to spend a while looking around for weapon merchants and trying to find a new gun. A really good gun. Something with class. Something... pretech. Hell, it's Mejo. Someone's selling it somewhere.


Several hours later, Silas eventually arrives at the workshop. The distinct smell of sweat and chrome is unmistakable, and sure enough, he immediately notices Kiera McInally outside, working on a gravcar way too shiny to belong in her junkyard. "Working on" might not be the correct expression - the gearhead is walking around the car with nigh reverence, barely touching it at all. He walks up to her with a shit-eating grin and taps her on the shoulder:

"Morning, McInally. Heard you got some kind of new machine? Thought I'd drop by and take a look."


As the day draws to a close, the pilot makes his way to the Spires. A cool night breeze blows his way as he exits the gravtrain. Countless corporate drones are marching tirelessly, seemingly without aim. Daylight may be gone, but business never stops in Mejo's financial heart. The elevator that takes him to the Wormhole Freight Lines office is noiseless, and thankfully, there's no one in there to share the awkward silence with. The lights flicker on as he enters the office - it would seem Skunk is still out doing field work.

Shrugging, Silas sits down and opens comms, calling Skunk. He could've just called him from the comfort of his new pad, but hell, he needed that walk.

"Hey, kid. It's Mallory. Listen, last we spoke, you mentioned you had someone applying for a security position. He still interested? If so, send him our way. Might as well check him out, at least. I'll sort it out with the guys."

Assuming the call goes through and the applicant is still interested, Silas tries to set up a meeting with the crew to serve as an improvised job interview.

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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#5 Post by Faanku »

Lightning Fast Vehicle Repairs, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Wednesday 23-02-3200

No sooner has Silas strolled into the yard than McInally's metal arm has grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him a foot above the floor, her adorably oil-stained face creased up with rage. "Where the FUCK have you been, I've been trying to get a hold of you for nearly two days straight. And what the FUCK is THAT..." She thrusts Silas in the direction of the Imani Silverlight, its pristine nanofibre body looking egregiously out of place in the middle of Kiera's yard. "...doing here?! Not exactly the kind of thing I can chop down and make disappear, is it?" She drops Silas to the floor, then continues with a more level tone. "Well, it's not like I couldn't. I'm pretty fucking good at what I do."

Seemingly happier having vented her anger, she sparks a cigarette with a small welding torch attached to her metal arm and takes a deep pull. "Start talking, flyboy. And I better fucking like what I hear."

The following morning, a bleary-eyed Silas finds himself sat opposite a hulking tattooed Sarukolan at their offices in the Spires. Skunk hovers around the pair, seemingly excited that one of his contacts may bear fruit for the team. "Mr Greyson ticks all the boxes, sir. I think he might be exactly what you're looking for."
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#6 Post by Spykee »

Greyson rolled his shoulders and tried not to grit his teeth, irritated by the hovering factor and trying to keep it from his face. He’d spent the last few nights in an unheated Mejo coffin hotel, and his void burn scars were itching in the unaccustomed warmth of the office. Despite his living conditions his appearance albeit not formal, was tidy, although his short military style jacket was beginning to show its age.

Greyson stood in a casual parade rest that would have earned him laps back on Sarokoulo and gave the bleary-eyed interviewer a polite nod as he entered the room. After the mess his last contract had become, he was fighting the urge to look over his shoulder. It would be a relief to find a secure berth again.

‘Prosperity, Mr Mallory’ the Sarokoulon mercenary rumbled, ‘Your factor tells me you need some help with security.’ From a pocket in his jacket, decorated with a pair of knot work ravens, Greyson took a small data slate. Offering it to Silas, he calmly continued ‘Unit and personal citations, letters of recommendation. My resume. I believe I can be of service.’

edited to add tags
reedited to correct tags :)
Last edited by Spykee on Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#7 Post by Marullus »

Sometime a week or so after...

Damian pings Isabella Maria Vasquez to inform her that I'm back in Mejo and request time to consult the painting. He will bring Captain Odo with him to whatever meeting is scheduled as a response.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#8 Post by Enoch »

Vyrner returns to the newly-formed company's base of operations, taking off his coat and tossing it onto the seat of the bench. He nods to Silas. "Ah, Silas. Have you had a chance to check out the racer? I assume our benefactor hasn't skimped." He seems genuinely enthusiastic about hearing about the ship.

He gives a wry grin to their factotum. "Good to see you again, Skunk. Hope this won't be too boring for you, after the excitement of...well." He trails off uncomfortably. "I'm sorry. I'm sure those aren't pleasant memories. I can understand why you might want a change of scenery. Looks like we'll be working closely together. Here are the details of what I expect our first buy to be-" he pulls up the site for the commodities exchange on the wallscreen and highlights the bulk medical supplies- "but I'm not sure yet what the quantities will be. Once we have that I'd like for you to arrange for the fund transfers and oversee the loading of the cargo onto the Vale. Here's the docking bay location and code." He swipes a display card on his personal pad, and it zips over to the wallscreen.

He turns to Greyson. "And you must be the new security officer? Don't let me interrupt." He grins at the Sarokoulon before slumping down on the bench next to his coat, sighing and stretching his legs out in the cramped office.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#9 Post by Faanku »

JeNeSaisQuoi Resort, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Monday 28-02-3200

Why Mr Black, I had almost begun to think you had forgotten all about me. Fortunately for you my schedule is open whilst some things arrange themselves, so I am able to grant you your wish. Come to me here.

"Here" turns out to be one of the more expensive hotel and spa complexes in the sprawling Sleepless Market, an indulgent slice of clinical luxury far removed from the teeming hustle of the Sleepless Market. Damian and Odo attract the attention of the discreet security staff, but a display of cred and the hint of a company expense account is enough to see them welcomed into the facility proper. In one of the large VIP suites, Damian once again meets Ms Isabella Vasquez, casually draped across an expensive chez lounge and holding a flute of champagne, wearing nothing but a loose white bathrobe; her shimmering emerald eyes and soft, sun-kissed skin remind you that the most expensive item in this spa is likely Ms Vasquez herself. "Mr Black, and your assistant I presume. Do make yourselves comfortable, please."

Besides Isabella and some of the hulking professional bodyguards that Damian had previously encountered, with their hair trigger threat of violent response to the slightest wrong move, there is another person present. A strange girl regards Damian intently for a few seconds, then nods to Isabella, who smiles in response. "Oh, this is Lucia, a very dear friend of mine. She doesn't talk much, so don't feel ignored."

At some point before the meeting, Vyrner's contact comes back to him with a price on the Magnus medical supplies. 22500/crate, 10 left on hold for you but pressure to move them fast. Interested?
Entry to the spa is covered by Damian's good life living conditions.

The medical supplies have the compact tag, so each crate you buy only takes up 0.1 ton of cargo space.
You can buy as many or as few as you want, you don't need to grab all 10 (nor can you with your current funds).
There was no trouble on the deal.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#10 Post by Enoch »

Vyrner runs some quick calculations and places an order for four tons of medical supplies. He transmits the docking location of the Vale to the Porter's Guild and sends a message to Skunk to expect delivery and to oversee the loading of the cargo.

As he and Damien arrive at the spa, Odo shrugs off his long coat and drapes it over his forearm, straightening his collar. As the introductions are made, he states "You may call me Mr. White."

4 tons of postech medical supplies purchased for 90,000cr.
Party funds -90,000. IIRC Damien has spent 1500cr from company funds and Silas has spent 750. Balance: 7750cr.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#11 Post by Faanku »

JeNeSaisQuoi Resort, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Monday 28-02-3200

"Mr White... how very droll." Isabella says with a polite smile, though it's clear her attention is focused on Damian.

Skunk acknowledges the order, then sends a second message a few hours later confirming that the crates have been loaded into the Vale's cargo holds.
All accounted for, sir. I'll be back at the office if you need me.
90k has been deducted from the company account, the Assets thread has been updated.
Note that the medical supplies are Compact, which means each unit is only 1/10th of a ton. It doesn't make much of a difference with the sheer size of the Vale, but it might come into play if you need to offload the crates in a hurry.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#12 Post by Marullus »

Damian has cleaned up and showered for the occasion, seeming more confident after his seclusion on the Vale. He dresses in black slacks and jacket with a black shirt for the occasion, unbuttoning his collar as he enters the spa, reconsidering. He then pushes his hands in his pockets and tries to relax his posture upon entering the room. He nudges Odo discreetly for mentioning the corporate expense account at the front desk, hurrying him on before any details are revealed. He misses a beat at Ms. Vasquez in her bathrobe before resuming a confident and collected demeanor.

"I could not presume to forget you, Isabella," he smiles warmly, pulling a chair from the wall to mid-room, relaxing onto it facing her, casually crossing his ankles. "Your offer to collaborate on the study of your painting collection retains my curiosity. I am glad my travels have returned me here, that we might engage thus. I am assuming you've completed your own study? I assume the works are," he sweeps his gaze over the spa, a non-conventional meeting place, ...near at hand?"

He astutely avoids looking at the strange girl, avoiding the bait. Likely here to detect psionic activity, or pluck facts from my mind, he speculates. Perhaps bringing Odo was a mistake in that case, but I doubt revelation of his abilities would do more than enhance her curiosity. Inwardly, he guards himself, steeling his mind in case of attempted intrusion, ensuring he doesn't think about the experimentation that has occupied him obsessively these past few weeks.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#13 Post by eirei »

With the mechanic now calm(er), Silas explains to her how he came to possess the sleek gravcar. Naturally, he embellishes the story a fair bit, making it seem like Bao was just barely convinced to part with what was probably one of his favourite vehicles.

"And then I thought, who better to take care of this gem on wheels than my darling Kiera?"

The pilot puts an arm over her shoulder and points towards the stars with the other one. Possibly towards Lorina, but just as likely not.
"So what do you say? Wanna win the Silver?"


At the impromptu interview, Silas skims through the papers brought to him by Skunk before tossing them onto the desk.
"Skunk has an eye for talent, I see. I think your skill set's a natural fit for our company. Assuming my partners agree, you can start working as early as tomorrow. And while we wait... Skunk, my boy, where are our manners? Get our guest a drink!"
He looks the Sarukolan up and down while they wait, before finally saying: "It will be good to have a fellow military man around here. I used to serve myself - flew for the Antakis Navy. Though you wouldn't know by looking at me," he adds with a grin.

Enoch wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:52 am Vyrner returns to the newly-formed company's base of operations, taking off his coat and tossing it onto the seat of the bench. He nods to Silas. "Ah, Silas. Have you had a chance to check out the racer? I assume our benefactor hasn't skimped." He seems genuinely enthusiastic about hearing about the ship.
"She's a beauty, Vyrner. Can't thank you enough. I'll give you a ride one of these days!"
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#14 Post by Faanku »

JeNeSaisQuoi Resort, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Monday 28-02-3200

Isabella gauges Damian's reaction, then sighs. "I believe it is time to drop pretences, Mr Black. Or would you prefer I use your real name?" The Giran heiress sips from the crystal flute in her hand. "I know who you are, Mr Black; WHAT you are, and also what it is you are searching for; I..." she glances to the girl opposite her and corrects herself. "...WE desire the same thing." Isabella stands, sashays across the expansive room to a huge panoramic holoscreen designed to imitate a window, a serene alien landscape visualised beyond. "Your drive is very real, Mr Black, and I detect a ruthlessness in you that would make you troublesome competition. I intensely dislike being troubled, you see, and I tend to put a most thorough end to anything I dislike." She turns from the holoscreen to lock eyes with Damian, then smiles. "Though the thought occurs that perhaps we may work together to achieve our goals more efficiently, and to avoid troubling each other at all." The statement is left hanging, Isabella raising an eyebrow and seemingly waiting for Damian's response.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#15 Post by Marullus »

Damian does his best to keep his face, and his mind, from betraying him. He simply nods to Isabella, and replies. "Very well. What are your goals that you would wish me to aid?"

He reaches out to take a glass of cucumber water from the adjacent tray and takes a sip. "I have very little pretense, and know it is folly to challenge you on matters of means. You hold the advantage in that you acquired the painting -- and the others you have alluded to hold -- and also have the means to accomplish your goals. I have an advantage in that my skills as a scientist are more or less unique. I agreed to this partnership already and came in good faith." He motions to the room, which he already noted has no paintings.

"Your first concern was that you must be cautious in who you associate with, and I respect that. I had no doubt that you would do your own well-funded research, of course. Keeping all association as Mr. Black and now, Mr. White," He gestures to bring attention to Odo. "allows protection you requested, and also of ourselves, from those who may not wish us joint success. While I am sure we have fruitful opportunities ahead, I have no wish to be embroiled in the matters that concern your station, nor you with those below it as we are. My interests are purely scientific, where Mr. White handles all other matters of business."
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#16 Post by Spykee »

Giving Vyrner a polite nod, Greyson replies to Silas ‘I did some anti-piracy ops alongside your boys before that radiation business in ‘93. Your Ships were classy. Can’t compliment the marines though, Sarukolan tradition’ he drawls, starting to relax.

To Skunks’ enquiring look the tattooed merc adds ‘Friend told me I’ve no palate for ‘good’, so I’ll have whatever’s local’.

Turning back to Silas and Vyrner, he continues ‘I can be on site tomorrow. When will you hear from your colleagues? You’ve a spare bunk on a ship, I can watch it and your cargoes?’ And its easier to cover my back, he adds silently.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#17 Post by Faanku »

JeNeSaisQuoi Resort, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Monday 28-02-3200

"Must I repeat myself, Mr Black? My goals are your goals, or rather the singular goal that is the the Articifer's Vertices." She watches for the expression on Damian's face as she continues. "Lucia came to me some time ago regarding this legendary artefact, and even one as taken to such fanciful relics as myself required proof that it could possibly exist. And proof she provided." Isabella smiles at Lucia, whose blank expression doesn't move in inch. "Indeed, were it not for her I would never had believed that such things as fantastical and ill-defined as "thaumaturgical" abilites could exist, but suffice to say I am now assured of the Vertices' existence, and of the fact that I shall be the one to uncover its location. Tt has been decades since I last felt this exhilarated in the pursuit of discovery."

Isabella walks seductively back towards Damian, something that seems to take no conscious effort. "So. Our cards are on the table, so to say. All that remains is for you to declare yourself either an ally in our search for this wondrous monument, or as... trouble." The last word drips off her tongue like venom from a viper's fang, almost whispered into Damian's ear.

Meanwhile, back at the company offices, a message arrives addressed to the management of Wormhole Freight Lines, forwarded by Bao's secretary.

Code: Select all

-- The reward was registered to the Ogilvy, though Mr Bao insisted that the money is yours to claim. 

This is an automated message from the Exchange of Light Bounty Office.
Your actions within the Jodhild System have led to the arrest and/or execution of registered bounties issued by the Kakimedean Planetary Government.
Your reward is being held in accrue. To claim your funds, please access your Exchange Bounty Account. Alternatively, please visit an Exchange Branch Office to formerly register.
Thank you for your service.
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#18 Post by Marullus »

So, a pretender, then. Damian thinks as further revelation is given about Lucia. He quirks an eyebrow, the only betrayal of surprise at her words.

"Tin tríti forá pou akoúgetai i foní," smiles Damian. "I say again, I am gladly an ally in the search for the monument.
I would be a fool to oppose you."
He sips his cucumber water. "As you say, the exhilaration of discovery. That is certainly something we can all share together."

"Perhaps, in this common search, you can express what you... or Lucia, have learned from the painting already? Is it nearby, that I could try to discern further, as we initially agreed? ...and what is the best way that we can aid each other in this journey of discovery? I fear your hand is still full, despite the cards on the table, as it were. I am glad to work together, and Mr. White can ensure our logistics as we begin speaking more clearly about our next steps."
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#19 Post by Faanku »

JeNeSaisQuoi Resort, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Monday 28-02-3200

"The painting is yours, Mr Black. Lucia has already extracted the coordinates from it, so it holds no value to me. Such a gaudy discharge of artistic impotence."

Lucia fixes Damian with a glance at the mention of her name, her face as passive as ever, though he gets the feeling that this is the woman as openly interested as it gets. After a few moments the painting is carried into the room from one of the many antechambers and presented to Odo and Damian, almost dumped on them like an old piece of rubbish. Isabella has returned to her lounging on the fine sofa, a thin glass of a clear liquid appearing in her outstretched hand via an attentive lackey. "Of course, the numbers are all meaningless until we can find more of these pieces. Tell me, my dashing young protégé; do you have any leads?"
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Re: [002.1] - First Order of Business

#20 Post by Marullus »

Finally. Damian holds the sides of the painting, now finally in his hands after having it scooped out from beneath him.

"As I said, the advantage is yours, given that these are the first moments I've had with the painting." He reverently lowers it to his side. "Without further disclosure, I will need time to study it myself before I can answer your question." He finishes his cucumber water and sets down the glass. "I will press you no further. If Lucia's work has not given you the next steps, I will contact you when I have found them."
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