Action Thread #2 - Goodbye, Cadsandria

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Action Thread #2 - Goodbye, Cadsandria

#1 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 0 - Early Night - Outside Cadsandria/Eastern Road

"And thus it was that Earl Aubec and Jhary-a-Conel departed the city of Cadsandria so untimely and sooner than expected, leaving behind them a trail of death and destruction. That old city would not know them again for some time, and before their return the duo would have seen sights long unseen but to a few eyes for many a year."

Musical Theme: Riding out from Cadsandria

The stars shine in the nighted sky, the moon's orb illuminates, the wind blows, the world turns, the Gods laugh, and Fate shalt not be denied.

Two figures atop muscular horses ride as if the very Dukes of Hell were hot on their heels along the Eastern road leading out of the city of Cadsandria. They are Earl Aubec of Malador, the exile of Lormyr and Jhary-a-Conel the Companion of Heroes.

Some would say such speedy night ride foolish, but fortunately it is almost a full moon tonight, so the steeds can gallop at fair pace with low risk of tripping and having a hole finding a hoof.

As the outline of the city and its walls fade to darkness on their backs, it doesn't seem to Aubec and Jhary that a pursuit party has been launched after them. Neither do they recall seeing any horses or a stable near the Old Eastern Gate. Still, they do not slack their pace.

Then, without exchanging words both men realize they traveling in exactly the opposite direction they should. The bay of the Istmus of Agresh and their mission for Myshella lies days to the West. Against their expectations the pair has been denied the pleasure of a true bed tonight, and their horses their well-merited rest after they galloped an afternoon to get them to Cadsadria earlier.

How much things have changed in but a few hours...what shall Earl Aubec and Jhary-a-Conel do now?
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Re: Action Thread #2 - Goodbye, Cadsandria

#2 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / outside Cadsandria

"Well the Fates must be laughing at us now," says the Earl of Malador, slowing his horse down to a canter. "First a bloody brawl with gatekeepers and then a desperate gallop in the wrong direction. Let's pause to bind our wounds, rest steeds, and determine true direction."

The hero of Lormyr dismounts, helps bind his and Jhary's wounds, and pats down his horse. He looks to the stars to confirm correct direction to the Istmus of Agresh. Aubec asks his companion his thoughts on Lady Myshella's mission for them. Has the worlds-traveler heard of this Iron Galleon, or the Horn of Fate? Who does he think sent the Warriors at the End of Time against us? Do you have mystic means to ask such of the Dark Lady Myshella?

After the conversation, Aubec says: "What say you Jhary? Shall we ride a wide berth 'round Cadsandria to reach The King's Road, our right path to the Istmus?"
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Re: Action Thread #2 - Goodbye, Cadsandria

#3 Post by Computer +1 »

Jhary winces as his wounds are bandaged. I do not care for the hospitality in our last stopover, a wide berth may indeed be best. He makes a annoyed face A long stay in a bed would have been nice.

He pauses as the thinks deeply The Horn of Fate is familiar, there are stories mentioning it that have been passed down and spoken over and over again. How much of the story is true and how much is embellishment from each teller is unknown. But indeed if this quest has been put before a Champion then the Champion must complete it.

I will get that sheet done! My BAD! :oops:

Also, I believe that Jhary is a bit more in tune with his role as the companion and Aubec's role as Champion, how much of that kind of knowledge do you want me to play with?
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Re: Action Thread #2 - Goodbye, Cadsandria

#4 Post by Grognardsw »

Aubec / on the road

After only a brief rest, for Dark Myshella advised reaching the Istmus in two days, Aubec and Jhary set out again at a brisk pace. They swing wide of Cadsandria, eventually reaching the King’s Road quite far from the city. His mind turns on the words of Jhary.

Aubec is cautious on the road, traveling on the right edge should they need to make their way into the forest quickly. He would not be surprised if they are being sought after by the Argimilliarians.
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