[002] - Out of the Frying Pan

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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#261 Post by eirei »

Silas was already going through the launch preparations, and is nearly done by the time he receives the go-ahead from Damian. The hangar doors open and he fires up the thrusters, carefully maneuvering the vessel out of the facility.

Once the Vale is in the clear, he switches to cruising speed and turns her towards the Resistance base before turning on the ship-wide intercom:
"We might have a few minutes before they realise what's happened - I'm taking us back to the HQ, we can pick up the rest of the guys and get whatever supplies we need. Just make it fast, because they definitely won't make breaking orbit easy."


A few minutes later, the ship is close enough to the base and Silas hails them, asking where to land.

While the rest of the crew disembarks and presumably gets their missing comrades, he seeks out Sokolova to explain the situation to him.
"Thank you for your assistance, brigadier, and I hope we've at least managed to put that facility out of commission for a while. We have to be on our way as soon as everyone is on board but... is there any way you could arrange for our vessel to be sent back to Mejo once she's spaceworthy? Our employer will be wanting her back."
He thinks for a bit and adds:
"We have space for a few more people on our ship. If there's someone you need to get off the planet... let us know. We'll be heading straight to Mejo. As good a place as any for a wanted man, I'd say."


Once everyone's boarded and all the requisite cargo is secured, he takes the ship into orbit.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#262 Post by Faanku »

Outer Ankanju Ratri, Deep Space, Jodhild System
Wednesday 16-02-3200

The journey to Belokurikha was swift, but brutal. Conflict had erupted all across the capital as the Loyalist ships broke atmo, mag weapon fire peppering the Vale's hull as Silas steered her onwards, banking skilfully to avoid surface-to-air missiles sent up by some of the better armed HF teams. The intensity of the fighting died down somewhat as they approach the location of their comrades, though the pronounced snap of mag rifle fire punctuated the incessant hum of combat close-at-hand as the ship landed. Sokolova was happy to see you, or as close as could be expected. He managed to spare you a few words as he helped spearhead the the Loyalist invasion, even spared you some staff to help load your unconscious team members on board the Vale before wishing you well. "If we find her, we'll let you know." he confirms in relation to the missing Ogilvy, before thanking you for your help and returning his attention to the war.

With the airspace above Kakimedes firmly in control of the Loyalists, Silas took the Vale out into the black comfortably, and towards the edge of the system. Around 24 hours later, the sedatives used on Katya and the other psion seem to have worn off, leaving the two close to waking from genuine sleep as opposed to a medically induced fugue. The Vale is ready to make the 3 day drill to Mejo, so there would be plenty of time to get acquainted...
Silas trims the course for the intrasystem travel and the spike drill automatically (both below DC10) so you'll be making fine time. Feel free to introduce yourself, Viktor!
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#263 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros is home. Or at least the closest thing he has had to it since taking to the space lanes. He spends some time studying in his room, keeps an eye on all the patients in medbay, and goes over the whole ship bow to stern to find any modifications they made since it was last in his tender care.

Beyond that... he is happy. He is relaxed and even cheerful in a way the others haven't seen during the last few weeks of their acquaintance. When not keeping busy, he chats with the others in the ship galley and enjoys tinkering with the coffee machine. The few days respite on the way back to Mejo are welcome indeed.

He is relieved that the hectic departure prevented confrontation with Ivana. It is unfortunate to not have a longer interlude planetside, but...

When Katya awakes he makes sure to speak to her. He hopes to find what connections made her worth the expense of this mission. Perhaps also if there's connection to the mysterious Isabella Maria Vasquez...
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#264 Post by Faanku »

Vale of Tears, Drill Space, En Route to Ankanju Ratri System
Thursday 17-02-3200

Damian finds nothing untoward as he examines the ship, no hidden devices or modifications to the Vale he remembers, and most importantly he has reclaimed possession of the Vertices. Perhaps it is lucky that the relic does not appear to be valuable at a glance, as it seems that most of the Vale's old cargo and general supplies had been looted by whoever impounded the ship all those months ago. As he nears the end of one of his inspections, his compad notifies him of an alert from the medbay; Katya's vitals indicate that she has awoken.

The doctor finds the young woman sat up in on the recovery bed she was moved to, still dressed in the monotone jumpsuit provided by the holding facility. She pulls the cot's bedding to her chest defensively, and her eyes display a mixture of fear, confusing, and curiosity.
"Who are you? Where is this?" Her accent is thick, almost confusable for Kakimedean.
Still no word from Viktor, unsure if I should open the game to someone else?
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#265 Post by greyarea »

Romer approaches Katya slowly, and stops sitting with arms open and non-threatening across from her. He smiles reassuringly and speaks in a quiet (and hopefully soothing) voice.

We have rescued you from those that sully the Kakimedean name with their hatred of those who are gifted, he says, his eyes meeting hers. We were hired to find you and bring you home to Mejo, so that you are out of danger. Are you injured? Is there anything we can do to help?

talk [2d6] = 10 assuming this is relevant...
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#266 Post by Marullus »

Damian keeps his face stoic as Romer does the talking. The doctor watches Katya and the medical monitors, carefully observing for any twitch that might betray duplicity as the conversation continues...
Using the already-in-place bio-senosrs as a polygraph, particularly when she is told about going to Mejo and when she answers about why they want her...
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#267 Post by Faanku »

Vale of Tears, Drill Space, En Route to Ankanju Ratri System
Thursday 17-02-3200

"No... I'm fine. You could say I'm something of a fast healer." Apprehension is still apparent in her voice, but already you can sense a relief at having been freed from that prison. Damian notices her vitals even out as you explain the situation in more detail; she's readily accepting of the destination, and explains that she has family on Mejo. "My parents both moved there for work some time ago, before all this Humanity First bullshit got any real traction. I was happy with my work though, and still would be if I hadn't been snatched like that..." She takes a deep breath, then sighs before asking about the state of her homeworld. Her fists clench as you explain your role in the recent Loyalist invasion and the outbreak of open warfare in the cities, and she stays silent for a little while to process the gravity of the situation, Damian noticing her emotions rampaging via the bioscanner readouts. "If I were there... I could be..." She takes another deep breath, sighs once more. "No, I should be thankful I made it out of that place. Why were they taking me to Mejo anyway?" The sudden question sounds as if it had been at the back of her mind the whole time, asked to the world in general as much as addressed to either one of you.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#268 Post by Marullus »

"Someone was moving the moon and stars to get you out safe," Damian Stavros replies. "I am glad to hear it is likely your parents. It was clearly personal. It was also without thought of the expense. You have friends on Gira, too?"

His eyes flick back to the monitors as he casually drops the questions, again judging reactions.

After she answers, he also shares, "The ship you are on is our own, belongs to Captain Odo. Luckily we were able to get it back from impound on Kakamedes for the escape. Our medical transport -- we were coming as a relief vessel hoping to find you -- was shot down as soon as we entered the atmosphere. To rescue you they sent us in an 'Eriboen military boat' that was upgraded with no concern for expense -- cellular conservers, haema-replicators and other advanced Giran devices that one would not expect to find on an Eriboen vessel built before the Thorhill Surge. Straight into a war zone, knowing it might not come back. If your parents didn't have that kind of money, you should know they have friends now that do."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#269 Post by Faanku »

Vale of Tears, Drill Space, En Route to Ankanju Ratri System
Thursday 17-02-3200

She smiles as you mention her parents. "They would do that, too. But chartering a ship like that? It's impossible. My father makes decent money; he's biopsion like I am. But there's no way they could afford to send some special boat out just for me, as much as I know they'd like to..." She frowns, lost in thought moment. "Oh, and I've never been to Gira in my life. That doesn't add up either." You exchange more words with Katya, mostly about her recent past leading up to her arrest. She had been in the thick of things, using her MES powers to heal the wounded Loyalists in Belokurikha until she fell foul of an HF patrol and was taken to the facility around a week ago. Things are blurry from there, but you can tell she is glad to be free of that place. The conversation dispels and concerns Damian had regarding her health; the woman is perfectly fine physically, and it seems she has the mental fortitude to make a swift recovery from any mental trauma resulting from her time in captivity. Katya is discharged from Dr Stavros' Flying Clinic and takes the first opportunity to find a shower and a change of clothes, as the Vale continues its hyperspace journey.

Estimated Time of Arrival: Saturday 19-02-3200 - 22:01
If there's anyone you want to talk to or any downtime projects you want to put some time into, you have 3 days to spend as you wish (4 if you count to journey to Mejo once you drill out). Otherwise we'll skip ahead to getting back home to Mejo.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#270 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros is relieved that his suspicion of the nefarious appears incorrect on all fronts. Katya simply has loving parents (how unexpected!) and if she is walking into a trap she is alerted but unaware and unconcerned. Nothing was done to his ship, nothing apparent to void this payday, and his belongings are restored.

He ensures the other patients awake equally well and monitors the condition of his closest friend, Vyrner Odo.
Marullus wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:51 pm Beyond that... he is happy. He is relaxed and even cheerful in a way the others haven't seen during the last few weeks of their acquaintance. When not keeping busy, he chats with the others in the ship galley and enjoys tinkering with the coffee machine. The few days respite on the way back to Mejo are welcome indeed.
Happy to engage others who want some RP to processwhat we just lived through.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#271 Post by Faanku »

Vale of Tears, Deep Space, Ankanju Ratri System
Sunday 20-02-3200

It's been almost a day since you drilled in at the edge of the system, Silas' canny captaincy pushing the Vale beyond her ordinary limits, and now Mejo finally looms on the bridge's long-range visual. You have been in time-delayed contact with Kal Kisama since you left drill space, and the man is positively ecstatic that you've managed to find Katya unharmed. After confirming your ETA and docking location, he tells you to take it easy and to enjoy pondering how you'll spend your money. "See, I always come through for my people, eh? And if you need anything special, anything that needs a certain special approach to acquire, well... you just let me know. I'm sure you'll find my finder's fee most agreeable, second only to my discretion."

Katya herself seems to be back to what you assume is her usual self. After refreshing herself and changing out of the prison-issue jumpsuit she seems much more alive and vibrant, and you found her to be pleasant company over the last few days. The rest of the crew enjoy a rare moment to bond, sharing old stories, amusing anecdotes and other pleasantries during meal times in the lounge, and it seems that everyone is more than capable of working together in future.

"Vessel JXS-IX-013, the Mejoan Automated Customs System has cleared you for landing. Please proceed safely to your docking bay. Welcome to Mejo." The cheerful, robotic voice of the MACS gives you the message you were hoping for; no deeper cargo scan or on-board customs search will be forthcoming, and Silas is free to take the Vale down to Bay 19 at the Helden Lane Starport. In less than half an hour, they'd be home.
Apologies for the delay, I was hoping someone might take Damian up on his offer!
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#272 Post by Marullus »

... Anyone else jumping on this? :)
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#273 Post by eirei »

Been a bit, uh, busy with Path of Exile the last week (and then some), whoops.

With the flight back fortunately being uneventful, Silas spends most of his time drinking and socialising with the rest of the crew, occasionally returning to the pilot's seat to correct the drill calculations. He's glad to see Katya's imprisonment left no lasting scars on her, physical or otherwise. As they discuss their previous exploits, he raises a glass and says to Damian:
"Twice unto the breach, and still breathing. You reckon we're immortal, or something?"


With the docking procedures also proceeding smoothly - almost suspiciously so - Silas brings the Vale down in a matter of minutes, and the crew is free to disembark as the subtle whirr of the engines dies down.

Once on solid ground once more, he asks Katya: "So, will you be coming with us to see Kasama, lass? Or do you know your way around Mejo?"
Before she can answer, he turns to dr. Stavros and adds: "We should probably take our friends over there as soon as possible and see if he can't arrange proper medical care. He did basically say he'd do anything, eh?"
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#274 Post by greyarea »

Romer is pleased to put Kakamedes behind him yet again, and tells the others this over drinks on the ship. I’m glad we were able to help Katya and stick it to those back there, but others still suffer. Alas, I’m not sure there’s much I can do to make a difference, unless we want to try to create an underground spaceway for the gifted to escape. Or, better yet, overthrow that government once and for all.

Anyway, I think I need more experience before I’m ready for either of those ventures. And this group feels good. Better than any I’ve ever worked with before, that’s for sure.

He’s looking forward to the next job.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#275 Post by Marullus »

eirei wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:02 amAs they discuss their previous exploits, he raises a glass and says to Damian:
"Twice unto the breach, and still breathing. You reckon we're immortal, or something?"
Damian Stavros contemplates his own glass, still half-full of its current pour. “The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” he muses, then, lifting his eyes, returns the salute with his glass, joining the toast. "We are on the precipice, my friend, and there are wonders ahead that will not be believed."

eirei wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:02 amOnce on solid ground once more, he asks Katya: "So, will you be coming with us to see Kasama, lass? Or do you know your way around Mejo?"
Before she can answer, he turns to dr. Stavros and adds: "We should probably take our friends over there as soon as possible and see if he can't arrange proper medical care. He did basically say he'd do anything, eh?"
"If you don't mind, we would deeply appreciateyou comingalong to meet our benefactor, " he adds to Katya. "We are being paid for your safe return,
and I have no reason to doubt his or his associates good intentions towards you, but I would hate for us to fail our mission and payment because you got lost at the spaceport."

Silas references Vyrner Odo and the others, still unconscious in the med bay and Damian 's face grows sad and troubled. "Yes... yes indeed. Kasama's associates should have little trouble providing the best care, given the cellular conservers, haema-replicators and other advanced Giran devices they essentially threw away on this gambit. But I am not ready to take their gurney off the ship yet." He reaches out and wraps on the bulkhead. "Captain Odo stays with his ship until we know for sure."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#276 Post by Marullus »

greyarea wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:26 am Alas, I’m not sure there’s much I can do to make a difference, unless we want to try to create an underground spaceway for the gifted to escape...
Perhaps it is that Silas has gotten more alcohol into Damian than he is accustomed to, or being back on the Vale has made him more comfortable, but the erstwhile scientist shakes his finger at Romer as he siezes on this idea.

"That! That, that is a capital idea that just might work... he sketches exuberantly on a piece of fabric, talking about the Webway Gates of Daphion in the Paphos system, some complex theories of metadimensional transport across coherent single dimensional space/time, and a number of things that make no sense at all. At the end he looks up at Romer with an inebriated but confident grin. "Yes, yes indeed. Stick with me on this, and we can absolutely teleport them from the war zone to safety through a stable set of portal relays, a consistent doorway... an 'underground spaceway.' Fuck those bastards."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#277 Post by greyarea »

Romer tries to focus on Silas with bleary eyes, Is this possible? Who might be able to construct such a pathway?
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#278 Post by Marullus »

Damian gives an enigmatic smile. "Me. Only me."

He then conjures a demijohn of exceptional red wine in the middle of the table to finish out the night.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#279 Post by greyarea »

Romer's head hurts...
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#280 Post by Enoch »

The ship's intercom crackles to life, and Odo's voice issues from it, weak and querulous, but clearly alive.

"Uh, hello? Nurse? Is this the call button for the nurse?"
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