Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#181 Post by Stirling »

Allerdice Springs.

Evening of Monday 5th May, 1879.

I will summarise the evenings activities for each character.

Jack LaGrone contacts the authorities at Fort Mount Pleasant, informing them of the attack upon the wagon train and the demise of the trooper detachment. He advises the location of the mass grave and the retreat of the renegade warparty into the eastern plains.

Doc Bolt. The hardback volumes and quarterly magazines which gather dust upon the shelves of the reading room contain few items if interest. The 'science breakthroughs' and latest discoveries are things you have already studied, the pages playing catch-up with the lectures and experiments of Salt Lake colleges.

The main subject of conversation between patrons in the room are debates on the boons or ills that Hellstromme inspired devices bring to the civilized societies. One man talks of horseless steam carrages and men levitating across the ground while another disparagingly disputes him with accusations of theatrical 'mirror and smoke' performances. They make mention of the Wasatch railroad which runs from the east to Denver and rumours of lines extending into this territory.

It might be worthwhile just noting in your background some history of why you left Utah and your specific leanings on the man Hellstromme. With your investigations not turning up anything more fruitful, you can engage the men in conversation with any comments or questions and then join the others in the saloon.

Wina picks up on the whispered comments which come her way. Also can you include a Smarts roll in your next post as you catch the melody drifting on the wind from the ghostly siren of Giselle Allerdice.

Malcolm Rap plays a few hands of poker. The games are low key and folk rotate seats as folds, busts and cash-outs happen. Give me three Gambling rolls. Each success wins you d6 dollars, each raise doubles your pot. A fail loses d6 dollars. Also include a Notice check in case you spot the huckster opposite.

Pastor Flanagan. The stragglers mowed down are the escapees fleeing the railroad camp massacre, running for the relative security of the Horseshoe Tunnel. The slowest were overrun by 'a great beast' who's fetid and sulphuric breath literally petrified the unfortunate labourers.

As far as the preaching and itinerant circle goes, you have not been this side of Cheyenne. You may have corresponded with the local minister, a Reverend Luther Neville. So this is new territory as far as established churches go. The church here sits in some landscaped gardens, the manse attached to the rear chapel building.

You do not know the history of the town but conversations can fill you in the basics. Originally the nearby bluff was used as an encampment for a Cheyenne tribe and the Union cavalry raided the place in order to rescue captives, one of whom was Giselle Allerdice. She died during the rescue, along with her children. The town emerged as a result of the creek being refreshed. The waters below the tor spring are rumoured to contain healing minerals though this is also the area reputedly used as the haunt of Giselle's spirit. Whatever the truth of that local legend really is remains to be discovered.

The Denver-Pacific railroad have a line built from Cheyenne (about 15 miles West) which turns northwards here across the plains to Laramie.

As the Pastor shares the experiences of the party from the initial meeting on the train to the deliverance of Bram and the wagon train attack you get some mixed responses. There is alarm concerning the fate of the buffalo hunters who animated as boneless flesh jackets. The likelihood is that they may have been former associates of hunters in the saloon.

The retelling of Bram's manifestation and deliverance is met with the usual scoffs of disbelief and 'amens'. At least your companions can testify their own witness of the ceremony. It is however your retelling of the wagon train attack which causes almost uproar in the saloon. The town is home to the DP labourers who have suffered first hand the attacks of the renegades. The boasting of your victory pales against their tragedy and losses. Some of the men challenge you to step outside, "so we can see what you are made of. " The atmosphere definitely changes to a volatile and confrontational one.

However your charisma is enough to persuade the foreman of your sincerity and he quells the trouble makers.

After you leave the poker table he meets you at the bar and over a beer suggests you may be 'an answer to prayer ' yourself. He offers that your presence among the labourers may provide them with more than spiritual aide, especially as they endeavour to reopen the line. He asks you to accompany the labourers in the morning, "at least to give our fallen a proper committal" and he shares regarding the news he received by telegram from the DP agents earlier.

okay. Everyone post an action and include relevant rolls. Ask any questions and decide on your next steps.

You may continue evening activity in town or follow up and threads.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#182 Post by Rex »


Smarts [1d8] = 7 [1d6] = 5

Wina will investigate the melody and see if she can locate its source or at least where it came from.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#183 Post by Marullus »

Pastor Flannigan remains calm as the laborers accuse him of boasting. "The glory belongs to God, not to me." He thanks the foreman for interceding.

When the DP foreman approaches him for aid, the preacher bows his head in response. "I’m an ambassador in chains for the sake of the gospel." He agrees to accompany the DP foreman in the morning to do what good he can and then shares the invitation with all the others.

He writes a note for Reverend Neville, letting him know that he has almost arrived, but must walk a little further to see these souls cared for before he makes it to the church. He ends with “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine."
he shares regarding the news he received by telegram from the DP agents earlier.
Can you clarify what this lets us know as IC knowledge?
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#184 Post by redwarrior »

Malcom enjoys a few hours of poker, once again deciding to keep it friendly and not cheat. All told, a good game, walking away $17 better than he sat down and enjoying some good company. He succeeds at a basic notice roll, with no raises, He tries to keep his ears open for any good gossip (streetwise), but fails to hear anything that stands out to him.

Following the game, he will use some of his winnings to buy a last round of drinks to the final tablemates ($4 subtracted), then seek out his companions to check in with before calling it a night.

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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#185 Post by ybn1197 »

Doc Bolt engages the men in conversation expanding on the benefits that Hellstromme has brought to society, but not expounding greatly on the man personally. As the hour gets late, he will excuse himself and meet up with the others.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#186 Post by Stirling »

Allerdice Springs

Evening of Monday 5th May. 1879.

Above the ruckus of saloon noise, the wind brings the haunting melody of song, drifting from the far ridge above town and the tor marking the boundary of the high plains. Wina listens intently, cocking her head to catch intermittent song.

You are surprised maybe to hear the voice singing in a dialect of Lakota Sioux, a sister tongue to the Cheyenne. The verses harmonise about hopes of life being dashed in the death of children. A lament. The song carries a message that the singers distress was mirrored by the earth which opened a well of tears to share the grief. It ends with an invitation to wash your own griefs away in the spring waters and receive some augury over your future. Though much of the singing is broken up by the breeze or distance.

From conversations with the locals, you have picked up various rumours regarding the creek waters and the supposed ghost of the unfortunate captive Giselle who haunts the locale. The spring waters stream from a pool at the foot of the tor formed from a waterfall which spurts out from the spur of the ridge. It is a short distance outside of town.

Malcolm Rap and Doc Bolt entertain themselves, eeking out minor rumours, news and a few dollars. There is no specific immediate demand for their unique skill sets and both decide to turn in as the evening soiree draws to a close.

Pastor Flanagan accepts the invitation to accompany the railroad labourers as they restart the track laying to Laramie. The foreman shares the telegram message that a tunnel close to the site has collapsed which needs restoring. The agents of the Denver-Pacific railroad are pursuing the renegades who have captured a railroad surveyor. They mention a temporary grave site.

You pen a letter to the local minister which is dispatched. Quoting the book of Romans to engage in reciprocal fellowship. You are not sure how devout the congregation here is but the landscaped gardens and presentable chapel at least give you confidence of providence and community. You expect a reply at least from Rev Neville.


Sincere apologies for delay.

I will move the action forward to the railroad labourers going to the tunnel next as a whole group unless you wish to catch a train to Cheyenne.

You may also decide to investigate the ghost of Giselle as an evening activity if you wish.

Post any questions or actions.

Thank you for you patience
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#187 Post by redwarrior »

Malcom asks Wina about the words of the song, and suggests that we check it out.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#188 Post by Rex »


"Its a lament, about death and the creek. I need to go to the creek and bathe."
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#189 Post by Marullus »

"It is a native song?" Rev. Flanigan perks his interest.

If Wina wants to explore overnight, I'll go along. Otherwise I am fine moving to the mining site as a group.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#190 Post by ybn1197 »

I'm ok with moving to the mining camp unless everyone else is interested in investigating the ghost.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#191 Post by redwarrior »

I can roll either way. Ready sling some hexes!
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#192 Post by Rex »

Either way.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#193 Post by Stirling »

Allerdice Springs.

Late evening. Monday 5th May.

The intrepid characters shrug off the weariness of a long days travel and the bloody encounter with the renegade band to investigate the source of the harmony brought on the breeze.

Wina brings the melody interpretation and takes the song's invitation to heart, deciding to go bathe in the spring waters. Though the night hours are late, the weather is warm, undoubtedly the waters will be cooler.

The creek runs to the east of the small town and flows from the spur of the tor on the ridge. A ribbon of willow, evergreen juniper and pine border each side, planting deep roots into the thirsty earth. The waters run from ankle to knee deep, smoothing the pebble bedrock.

Above the sound of babbling waters, the ghostly siren sings unseen but Wina is able to track the sound. The trek is not arduous but up an incline and following the contour of the creek, it takes an hour to cover the couple of miles. The evening lights of the town flicker dimly behind you as the populace sleep under the midnight sky. The trees grow denser as you near the tor and as you approach the singing has faded.

Below is a picture of the pool. The waters spurt out of the rockface above you and form a wide pool which ebbs over the lip of the rocks and cascade in ripples to fill the creek. Around the edge of the pool, misty white clouds form and dissipate, carried away by the night breeze. The place is both serene and eerie at the same time for you all get that knot in your stomach feeling, an unseen suspense, as if you walk on eggshells.

Sorry for delay.

Give me an action please. I am assuming you took a towel and the boys will give you privacy to keep your modesty Wina.

Each give me an action and include any appropriate rolls in your post

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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#194 Post by Rex »


Wina finds a good spot for her towel and clothing near the edge, strips down and wades out into the stream for a hopefully enjoyable bath.

"Waters a bit cold, but very refreshing."

She will think about her regrets and sad things she has seen. The fight before coming to town as well. Then she will ponder her future.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#195 Post by ybn1197 »

Doc Bolt wanders the edge of the pool, trying very hard not to notice the bathing Wina. He keeps his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary.

Notice: [1d6] = 6 Wild Card: [1d6] = 1
Ace Roll: 6+[1d6] = 3=9
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#196 Post by redwarrior »

Malcom will look around, in all directions, looking for anything out of the norm. Notice with one raise.

Notice [1d6] = 6 Wild Card [1d6] = 1
Ace Roll [1d6] = 5
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#197 Post by Marullus »

The good preacher puffs, holding up their progress several times. "Not quite as spry as I once was," he apologizes, removing his Derby hat and wiping his brow with a clean handkerchief, glad at least that he changed out of his suit and is wearing only a white workshirt with his trousers and boots.

When they reach the water, he searches around for a comfortable rock and then lowers himself to sit, letting out a sigh. He sips the water, then closes his eyes and listens, the place as peaceful as one could hope. He nods in gratitude to Wina, "Thank you for bringing us thither."Then politely turns to avert himself from her, settling in to listen to the coolness of the breeze on the water. "Nothing better than a place of creation, straight from the hand of God, I say. As Paul wrote, 'For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.' Heathens may not know about the salvation of Christ, but they can see the handiwork of God in creation as clearly as any man." He talks casually, sermonizing himself as much as any other. Then he falls silent, contemplating the works of God in this place.

Detect Arcana.
Contemplating God's Miracles... (+2 and -2) [1d10] = 9[1d6] = 6
Contemplating God's Miracles... Ace Reroll [1d6] = 1
Better roll is a 9.

Normal noticing, too, if needed:
Notice [1d8] = 3[1d6] = 6
Notice (Ace Reroll) [1d6] = 5
Total 11.
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