The Crossroads (Introduction)

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The Crossroads (Introduction)

#1 Post by Paladin »

Welcome to The Crossroads, my friends. Gather here to learn the latest happenings and seek information.

The campaign ID is 876.

We are using the core books + Unearthed Arcana.

Stats are rolled using 4d6, discard the lowest and arrange to taste. If you have special requests regarding stats, PM me.

Select or create one magical item for your character to possess. Try to keep it in the general vicinity of something a 3rd-level character might have. Nothing earth-shattering, please.

Take 500gp and max HP at first level. Roll hit dice normally for each level thereafter. Reroll 1's on hit dice. If you begin with multiple HD at 1st level, take max on the first HD and roll for the second.

Use your 500gp to buy any equipment or other items you'll need. If an item isn't listed in the book, find a reasonable price or ask me to name one.

Advance characters to 3rd level.

Clerics and magic-users have daily access to all known spells at will, up to the number of spell slots available. I leave that to players to track.

Wounds may be bound after a battle for 1d4 hit points once per day.

Encumbrance is also the player's job to track. I'm not a stickler, but keep it reasonable. If it gets too crazy, I'll let you know you're overburdened.

I'll call for any rolls that need to be made. Post the results with your action. If you prefer that I make all the rolls and you just tell me what you'd like to do, that's fine, too.

Ability checks will be handled by rolling 3d6(Normal), 4d6(Hard), etc.

I encourage trying cool things. Can't promise it'll always work out in your favor, but I genuinely enjoy enabling players to attempt crazy things. Sometimes there will be small, secret bonuses that I add to your rolls to reward creativity, ingenuity, or sheer guts. Call it fate smiling on your character.

We'll shoot for a posting rate of 2-3 times per week. My aim is to update on M/W/F. Life isn't as crazy as it has been for me, so I can devote more time to gaming. (Huzzah!)

More coming.
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Ranger Lord
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Re: The Crossroads (Introduction)

#2 Post by Paladin »

We are adding a wizard to our fine fellowship, so this is a good chance to talk about magic here.

I am house-ruling quite a bit on spells. There will be no limit on the number of spells you may learn of each level. Every time you gain a level, you may go back and dice for any spells you failed to learn last level.

I'm also granting him a spellbook with all cantrips copied into it and unlimited access to them. The goal is to encourage creative play and it's easier to be creative when your wizard isn't completely hamstrung by stingy limits on spells per day. If it proves too much, we'll scale it back.

More to come.
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