Oggle > Riders of Nesme

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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#81 Post by hedgeknight »

AQuebman wrote:Oggle goes to open the door of the big gray block on the map.
The door is engraved with the names Verduun and Gola Mikolos and opens easily. (Roll Wisdom Check)
Lower Mausoleum - Side Tomb 1.JPG
Lower Mausoleum - Side Tomb 1.JPG (23.23 KiB) Viewed 810 times
Three steps lead down into what must be a private vault. A skittering sound comes from somewhere within, but it fades quickly. To the east stands the statue of a man in robes, his eyes downcast. His marble hands hold an open stone book. Two plain sarcophagi are also here, their lids sealed. The stone here gleams as if it was polished yesterday, and no sign of vermin or dust is anywhere. Tiny niches are built into the masonry in a sparse but orderly pattern.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#83 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander moves to the statue and looks at it a moment, taking mental note of the stone man and the woman of the fountain. He says to Oggle as the dwarf inspects the room, "Strange that this room is well maintained. I am not in the habit of disturbing the dead, but I believe it prudent in this case to be sure nothing from beyond the grave hides in those tombs". He looks to Jase and Lewis, "Unless either of you are aware of a care-taker".

Wisdom check: [1d20] = 16. Wis 14
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#84 Post by hedgeknight »

Fearghus wrote:Lysander moves to the statue and looks at it a moment, taking mental note of the stone man and the woman of the fountain. He says to Oggle as the dwarf inspects the room, "Strange that this room is well maintained. I am not in the habit of disturbing the dead, but I believe it prudent in this case to be sure nothing from beyond the grave hides in those tombs". He looks to Jase and Lewis, "Unless either of you are aware of a care-taker".
Lewis shrugs and shakes his head, peering down the hallway beyond the stairs to the door. Jase, however, says, "Never needed caretakers as far as I know. I've heard people talk about the "menders" before, but I don't know nothing about what they are talking about."
AQuebman wrote:Oggle one by one investigates each niche ready to thrust his sword if anything moves within them.
As soon as you step beyond the door and into the private tomb, you hear a whirring sound. Four tiny creatures flit into the air. They look and sound like wasps, but each has a humanlike metal face and two minuscule limbs.
They immediately buzz your head and face and arms as if trying to sting you...and one of them does, delivering a very painful sting! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4138195/
Recoiling, you feel almost sick from the whelp on your arm that is throbbing painfully...
(Roll save vs. Poison)

Initiative and Actions!

Oggle - down 5 hp
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#85 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander wades into the melee in order to assist Oggle against the flying attackers. The paladin thrusts over the dwarf's head at one of the creatures, attempting to run it through.

Initiative: [1d10] = 4. Factor is 8 (if used). 4 base, 12 with speed factor.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#86 Post by hedgeknight »

Go ahead and roll your actions too... ;)
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#87 Post by AQuebman »

[1d20] = 16 Oggle's Poison Save 13 is the DC
Oggle recoils in pain grabbing his face as it immediately begins to swell. Oggle looks as if he is about to speak but only mumbles and grunts of anger spew forth as he starts whirling his blades at deafening speeds before slashing out quickly with two heavy sword strikes in an x pattern at the nearest bug creature.

[1d20+3] = 14+3 = 17[1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21 Oggle's First Round Attacks
[1d8+3] = 6+3 = 9[1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10 1st Round Damage

OOC: I rolled damage for medium assuming that was their size.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#88 Post by Fearghus »

Attack and Damage: [1d20] = 8[1d8] = 4

No bonus to attack or damage, so not looking good!
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#90 Post by hedgeknight »

The tiny wasp-like creations zip in and around you, attempting to sting you again, but your armor effectively wards off their attacks. Lysander wades in to help Oggle, trying to skewer one of the critters with his sword, but missing.
At first Oggle recoils in pain from the sting, but then his anger overrides any discomfort and his whirling blades shatters two of the tiny creatures; they burst apart into several metallic pieces and fall to the floor. The other two tiny creatures fly to the sarcophagi and hide, peering over the large tombs at the dwarf and the human who have invaded their domain.
"What's going on in there?" Thurgrum says, pushing his way onto the stairs, warhammer in hand. Jase and Lewis are behind him, but can't get around the stout dwarf.
"Ah, so those are the menders," Jase muses, his head poking past the doorway. "I hear they are only aggressive if you disturb the tombs they are guarding."

As you watch, the two menders (as Jase calls them) flit to the broken bodies of their companions and gather up as many parts as they can to carry them back to one of the sarcophagi. Busily, they begin to repair them...ignoring you completely.


Oggle - down 5 hp
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#91 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"You mean to tell me folk have those creatures to watch over their tombs?", he says with his shield held at the ready. "If that is the case I see no further reason to interfere in this chamber".
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#92 Post by AQuebman »

"NO! We can't risk leaving any sarcophagi untouched. I'll not risk undead sneaking up upon us or surrounding us. "

Oggle then turns a sharp glaring look at Jase "Next time you know about defenses that might attack us how about opening your damn mouth, you could get us killed."

Oggle then moves over and tries to hack down the remaining bots.
[1d20+3] = 1+3 = 4[1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22[1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18 Oggle's second round attacks
[1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10[1d8+3] = 3+3 = 6[1d8+3] = 1+3 = 4 Oggle's second round damage
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#93 Post by hedgeknight »

Cowed, Jase looks away and returns to watch the hallway. Oggle easily destroys the other two "menders" shattering the tiny mechanical bodies all over the room.
"Now what?" Thurgrum growls."Ye gonna open every damn tomb there be? Will take us forever!"
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#94 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

Lysander gently sighs, understanding of the dwarf's frustration, but not wanting to desecrate the final resting place of the deceased. The paladin sheathes his blade and pulls off his helm and coif, "Oggle, give me a moment before you continue". Lysander closes his eyes while standing in the doorway and focuses towards the two sarcophagi and invokes Tyr, "Even-Handed one, if you see fit to guide our efforts, make the purpose of the restless in these tombs known".
Attempting to detect evil intent. Justifying to myself since Oggle has already encountered some undead, but I still don't want to go open-season just yet on all the tombs. Hell there are likely mechanics that say detecting intent can't happen through stone anyway, but Lysander doesn't have a PHB handy. ;)
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#95 Post by hedgeknight »

@ Lysander:
Your mind clears and you feel the familiar tug of Tyr's presence...and you sense no evil in the room at all.
Thurgrum waits and looks around the room, not sure what to expect next. Meanwhile, out in the hallway, Jase and Lewis keep watch...
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#96 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

The paladin opens his eyes and breathes deep. He looks to the enraged dwarf and says, "Spare these dead your wrath, Oggle. They rest in peace".

Lysander pulls on his coif and returns to the hallway. He pauses a moment to don his helm and draw his sword; looking along the unexplored corridor.
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#97 Post by AQuebman »

hedgeknight wrote:Cowed, Jase looks away and returns to watch the hallway. Oggle easily destroys the other two "menders" shattering the tiny mechanical bodies all over the room.
"Now what?" Thurgrum growls."Ye gonna open every damn tomb there be? Will take us forever!"
Oggle growls back at his fellow dwarf You know damned well the evils that lurk in the world and you come at me with nothing but impatience!? We must be thorough so yes every damned tomb must be checked.

He then looks over at Lysander with a more calm neutral look "If your god can grant you insight into evil's that may lay within then by all means do so. I don't wish to disturb them if we don't have to."
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#98 Post by AQuebman »

"Let us continue through the unexplored doorway. Thank you Lysander that will be of great value as we explore this mausoleum I don't doubt. Could you use it from behind a closed door to make sure were avoiding any traps? "
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#99 Post by Fearghus »

Lysander, Paladin

"It is not the sort of divination that lets me see all paths fate lays before us. Sometimes it simply reveals an entities intent, but then only if it can be considered evil by the judgement of Tyr. Caution is still our best means of searching this place".
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Re: Oggle > Riders of Nesme

#100 Post by hedgeknight »

It takes a good hour to give the tombs a thorough search, making sure there are no further undead surprises. And then you walk into the side hallway...
The color of the stone here is a darker gray, and the shape of the blocks making up the walls changes. Two small staircases descend to a stone door that has a strange image engraved on it.
"This stonework is dwarven make,"Thurgrum murmurs and then falls silent, gaping at the image on the door.
Beholder Room door.JPG
Beholder Room door.JPG (36.41 KiB) Viewed 753 times
"By Moradin's forge! What do you make of that?"


Oggle - down 5 hp
Thurgrum - down 4 hp
Lewis - down 1 hp
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