OOC Thread

Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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Re: OOC Thread

#121 Post by Bluetongue »

I am sorry you think that way. For myself I posted after every update and posed lots of questions and suggestions to take the game forward roleplaying wise.

Play by post can be slow and it is up to the GM to moderate that but often waiting for your posts, meant we took a month of real life just to get to the end of a corridor and open a door.

I think a couple of times suggestions were made that while character players were 'back in town', recruitment for new players could be done on the LfP forum to bolster numbers after player dropouts.

Barrowmaze as an adventure could be really well produced in PbP but it needs players committed and like you say, an invested GM. If you are frustrated fine. I am okay with ending the game. I appreciate the invitation to play and the time and effort required to proactively manage players in a creative and challenging game.

I hope you can be encouraged to stay on the forum. I remember you sharing this was your first attempt to run a game. The are many encouragements and good advice in the Tips for DM's section and lots of creative DM's on site who run games that have great pitch, pace, suspense, challenge and roleplay. I hope you can read through and learn some extra skills to invest in new enterprises on the future.

Thank you again for the game. I am disappointed it ends but I understand the situation behind the call.


Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: OOC Thread

#122 Post by Stirling »

Another one bites the dust.

Okay well I will go ahead and archive my character.
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