Raiding Season

The Bindoner
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Raiding Season

#1 Post by The Bindoner »

Every season is Raiding Season on Oghma, but the year turns on the Winter Solstice, and that festival has ended. The hangovers are clearing, it is time to start planning the next expedition.

Lord Hallsteinn Ásgeirr summons his trusted Jarls and Sturaesman and Hersir to assign ships and objectives.


The outer chamber of the Great Hall has become uncomfortably empty. The other Jarls have been called in, in groups, given their assignments, and departed.

Finally it is your turn.

Lord Ásgeirr sits in his throne at the far end of his Hall, its size testament to the power he wields. Empty of the crowd a clan-hall is designed for the space is intimidating. Attended by his wife Vígdís, his Thane and his technical slaves, apparently absorbed in recording and consulting data, their figures lit by the blues and greens of the holographic display they are consulting.

Hallsteinn is a stocky middle-aged man, fit enough to stand in the forefront of battle despite his greying hair, and proudly bearing the scars of battle that he could easily afford to have removed. Looking up he addresses you:

Ridley Korvus, Raven Sorrow, Kal Tollerson, thank you for attending.

As you can tell, you are not going with the main warbands. This is no sleight. I have an important job for you. You are skilled and valued people, with many years of loyal service. I put my trust in you once again. I have new warriors, and I need experienced people to train them. I will give you one of my ships to fly, and free rein with it. A band of Svein and their Hersir will join you. Take them, find targets, fill your hold. Turn them into Swords for me.

Not ordinary Swords though. If I wanted more of the same warriors I would put each one in a different ship, as always, to learn what everyone knows. I want a new warband, able to do new things.

I have chosen you for this ship because you are more flexible in your thought that many of my Jarls.

You, Kar Tollerson, have given foreigners unusual licence.

Vigdis interjects, approvingly: Friendship, I think.

Hallsteinn continues: Others see that as weakness, we do not. It is a rare talent, an asset I can use.

Korvus Cat-Speaker, you have that talent too. Not many on Oghma would learn the tongue of aliens, as you have. You also know the paths between the stars, and can follow them beyond Marduk and Borite. I will ask you to that in future. Then there is Blackrock. You have visited that place many times, you know people there, and how to talk, deal with them.

Vigdis adds: One particularly well. I would like to see that turn into friendship. For you and our clan.

Hallsteinn interrupts her: My wife believes we will be stronger if we have outsiders as allies. I am minded to test that.

Raven Sorrow, you have learned the tongue of the Imperials well. For this voyage that is a vital talent, as valuable as you acumen on the field of battle.

Vigdis observes: I believe to know the words of these foreigners is to understand something of their thoughts. Your insights will be key to the success of this scheme.

Hallsteinn considers for a moment, then continues:

I will not tell you where to go, or where not to. This is for you to decide. I will make some suggestions though. The Warbands will hunt as usual, raiding the larger settlements on Marduk then moving to Borite if they fail to fill their holds. Which is likely. It is also likely they will raid Marduk again after Borite. The people of those worlds, they have learned to recognise our ship's arrival in their skies, predict their landing place. That could be useful to you. You, with one ship, can use the fleet as a distraction.

Of course, with your small force of inexperienced warriors, you may want to start with a simple target before raiding a village. There are fishing vessels on the seas of Marduk. They belong to the Starport people, but they sail far from the protection of the Starport's warships and missile batteries. Those vessels are off-worlder technology, worth taking. They will have good slaves on them too, people who know about engines. They will have off-worlder weapons, of course."

The Warband will only visit the Mainworld in each system. You may want to hunt the outer orbits. There are Belters among the asteroids. Hunting them is not easy, but if you catch them, you will have good slaves and the stripping of a ship or habitat. With raw youngsters that is a difficult task, but it will teach useful skills.

Now, I have shown you the shape of a task. Before you accept the burden of it, you should weigh it.

What more would you have me tell you?

OOC: You have indeed all served this man, the leader of your clan, for many years. He is a pragmatic man, not bound by "the way things have always been done" - he will try new ways, and abandon the old if the new prove better. This is apparently another of his "new ways", to send a band of young warriors off to learn together rather than sprinkle them among the warbands. It seems a strange thing, but there must be a reason. Hopefully a good one. Anyway, he has entrusted you with the trial of this new idea. It is a sign of his faith in you, and an opportunity. It is also a grave risk. If you fail, it will be your failure, not the fault of his "new idea".
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Re: Raiding Season

#2 Post by hardrocks »

With a respectful inclination of the head.

"You do us great honor with this task Lord Asgeiir and of course we will gladly see it done".

Looking to his companions, for anything they may wish to ask.
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Re: Raiding Season

#3 Post by Tiglath »

Raven bows her head in proper respect and then raises the fierce eyes of a warrior to her Lord. “Lord Hallsteinn Ásgeirr, Lady Vígdís I hear your words but I do not yet see how we will find allies among our close neighbours when we offer them only war. We will have to travel beyond the range of our usual raids to forge alliances and hope that a distant ally may still be of use”.

(OOC: She can't and won't say no but she's very aware that this is a daunting prospect).
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Raiding Season

#4 Post by The Bindoner »

Raven bows her head in proper respect and then raises the fierce eyes of a warrior to her Lord. “Lord Hallsteinn Ásgeirr, Lady Vígdís I hear your words but I do not yet see how we will find allies among our close neighbours when we offer them only war. We will have to travel beyond the range of our usual raids to forge alliances and hope that a distant ally may still be of use”.
Lord Hallstein smiles approvingly: Your vision is clear, and you look ahead, this is why I have chosen all of you, you see beyond what we have to what we might be.

You are right, Raven. We cannot make allies of our prey. Nor do I want to. I look for help against these arrogant "Imperials" who plant their Starport in the light of our sun, and Marduk's, pass their ships through... Ach! We need strong allies, and better ships. Our hunting grounds cannot provide them. I will ask you to take my ship beyond our neighbours to seek such alliances. When you have a trained band. For now, make warriors. When you have them, we will decide where to take them.

Lady Vigdis speaks, stepping forward to stand close beside her husband:

Those who seek allies we must offer strength to add to theirs, as well as ask it.

Looking around to encompass the others Lord Ásgeirr continues: There is more than prey within our grasp though. We already have friends, of a sort. Korvus Cat-Speaker, you know Blackrock well, do you not? Kal Tollerson, your friend Manfred, the Raider from Theev who flies with you, you met him there too I believe. Yes, Blackrock, that is a place to find friends.

Vigdis , as usual, adds her comment:

Those friends have enemies, or at least rivals. Removing them would be a favour, and I am eager to have offworlders owing our clan favours.
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Re: Raiding Season

#5 Post by hardrocks »

You, Kar Tollerson, have given foreigners unusual licence.
Vigdis interjects, approvingly: Friendship, I think.
Lord Ásgeirr continues: There is more than prey within our grasp though. We already have friends, of a sort. Korvus Cat-Speaker, you know Blackrock well, do you not? Kal Tollerson, your friend Manfred, the Raider from Theev who flies with you, you met him there too I believe. Yes, Blackrock, that is a place to find friends.
Vigdis , as usual, adds her comment:
Those friends have enemies, or at least rivals. Removing them would be a favour, and I am eager to have offworlders owing our clan favours.
Kar ponders his Lord and Lady's words. A slight frown, almost imperceptable, crosses his otherwise impassive mien.

"I am lucky to be of a clan who has leaders that ask the questions that i have found myself considering these last few years. I'am also grateful that you have put me with such some stalwart shipmates, some I have served with, and some I have heard of their repute sung lustily in the long house."

Pausing, as is his wont at such moments.

"By your wisdom and honesty we are doubly honoured.
Again i say to you, we will see this new way through"
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Re: Raiding Season

#6 Post by coastguarder »

The Bindoner wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:01 pm
Raven bows her head in proper respect and then raises the fierce eyes of a warrior to her Lord. “Lord Hallsteinn Ásgeirr, Lady Vígdís I hear your words but I do not yet see how we will find allies among our close neighbours when we offer them only war. We will have to travel beyond the range of our usual raids to forge alliances and hope that a distant ally may still be of use”.
Lord Hallstein smiles approvingly: Your vision is clear, and you look ahead, this is why I have chosen all of you, you see beyond what we have to what we might be.

You are right, Raven. We cannot make allies of our prey. Nor do I want to. I look for help against these arrogant "Imperials" who plant their Starport in the light of our sun, and Marduk's, pass their ships through... Ach! We need strong allies, and better ships. Our hunting grounds cannot provide them. I will ask you to take my ship beyond our neighbours to seek such alliances. When you have a trained band. For now, make warriors. When you have them, we will decide where to take them.

Lady Vigdis speaks, stepping forward to stand close beside her husband:

Those who seek allies we must offer strength to add to theirs, as well as ask it.

Looking around to encompass the others Lord Ásgeirr continues: There is more than prey within our grasp though. We already have friends, of a sort. Korvus Cat-Speaker, you know Blackrock well, do you not? Kal Tollerson, your friend Manfred, the Raider from Theev who flies with you, you met him there too I believe. Yes, Blackrock, that is a place to find friends.

Vigdis , as usual, adds her comment:

Those friends have enemies, or at least rivals. Removing them would be a favour, and I am eager to have offworlders owing our clan favours.
Indeed Lord Ásgeirr .... blackrock a place i am equanted with .... advantages can be taken here ... a strong leadership you have chosen for this new initiative , your faith in us will be repaid .
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Re: Raiding Season

#7 Post by Tiglath »

Raven declares "Then we have an agreed strategy. If the ship we are generously granted by Lord Ásgeirr is prepared and our crew are aboard then we can ride it on our mission!"
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Raiding Season

#8 Post by The Bindoner »

Lord and Lady Ásgeirr exchange a smile, evidently pleased at how this meeting went.

Hallstein beams at the three of you : Excellent! Come, I will show you the ship. It is fine old vessel, I have raided in her myself.

Turning to his chief advisor he tells him: Thane Hrut, finish the loading of the fleet without us, you know what we are doing.

Calling back over his shoulder as he leads everyone out of the Hall an afterthought: Send a good beast and a barrel of the winter-brew to the Cunning Serpent

Following the Warlord and his wife you leave the Great Hall, donning your respirators at the sally-port airlock, and cross the wide Festival Ground, surrounded by its Sacred Stones. The clan gathers here to send off the fleet, and celebrate their return.

At the far end of the field two huge pillars stand at the entrance to the Ship Fields. Coiled around each pillar an intricately carved and brightly coloured serpent stands guard.

Passing between the Rune-Serpents you pass into the Clan Ship-Yards. They are busy with Thralls and their overseers moving provisions and munitions to the ships of the Raider Fleet in the individual bays ringing the landing field.

Each bay has its own Sentinel Stones, some carved with mythic beasts, some with wolves, eagles or other predators ( equally mythological on Oghma, a barren icy waste ).

Lord and Lady Ásgeirr stop before a bay not far around the perimeter. The Sentinel Stones flanking the entry bear winged serpents, and the prayer-ropes binding them are hung with the thanks-offerings and totems of many Raiders and Corsairs.

Inside the park-bay is a Threshing Oar Class raider. The hull is painted in greys and blacks, a sinuous winged serpent in iridescent deep blue with golden eye and silver fangs on each side. Runic wards in red and white invoke protection from the hazards of the void and announce the ship's name.

Vigdis smiles affectionately at the ship: She is old *. I was privileged to fly her for a while.

It is Hallstein's turn to add to his wife's words, teasingly: Until we caught that Offworlder ship, the Marava, and you left us to learn it's ways. Now, let us show these people their new home.

You have all served aboard these ships before, and the layout is as always. Each has its own character though. This one is clean and well-cared for. It has many carvings, paintings of scenes from its history, runic inscriptions and trophies throughout. The Raider Barracks is a proud sight, the walls and ceiling covered in a layer of actual organic wood and hung with many trophy weapons, items of armour, and sections of hull plating.

As the tour ends and the party leaves the ship Lord Ásgeirr announces: Provisions are coming. Bring your people, crew the ship. The warband of Svein arrive in the morning, settle them in. Tomorrow is the Setting Forth celebration, and we will be with you for your sacrifice in the evening.. **

( The day of Setting Forth is a party, the people of the clan seeing off their warriors. The night is for religious observance, including the sacrifice of a food animal. That animal provides meat for the crew's last meal on Oghma, for the fleet rise up with the dawn and seek their fortune in the worlds beyond – hopefully literally. )

* this is a mark of distinction in a Threshing Oar, proof that it is a well-built and/or lucky ship

** Usually only the leader of a fleet of ships or an important Jarl would have their Lord attend, individual ships would only merit a priest(ess)
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Re: Raiding Season

#9 Post by The Bindoner »

The slaves commanded by Korvus and Tollerson arrive, along with some Warehouse Thralls and the supplies for the ship. While the Skilled Slaves familiarise themselves with the ship the Thralls efficiently handle the loading, under the eye of their Oghman Overseer. He obviously trusts his crew because he merely gives orders and watches them carried out.

As well as the food and drink a Raider requires there is a barrel of strong Porter and a fine bullock. The animal is tethered to post at the ship's prow while the Thralls load supplies. The barrel is set on a trestle beside the rear ramp and a firepit is built nearby.

Regina arrives from Kal's holding , dropped off by a "taxi". She walks demurely up to Kal and, eyes cast down addresses him: Master Tollerson, I am here to serve. May I inspect the systems?

There is something subversive in her tone, a sense of equality that a slave should not have...
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Re: Raiding Season

#10 Post by Tiglath »

The Bindoner wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:10 pm Regina arrives from Kal's holding , dropped off by a "taxi". She walks demurely up to Kal and, eyes cast down addresses him: Master Tollerson, I am here to serve. May I inspect the systems?

There is something subversive in her tone, a sense of equality that a slave should not have...
Raven stops watching the loading process and stalks over to Kal and Regina. She is still wearing her battle finery from the meeting and so she looks like either the glory of Oghma or, if you are from Marduk … a thing of nightmare. Her black hair is swept back to facilitate wearing her raiding helmet and a band of black warpaint is sprayed over both eyes.

Although she has set down her rifle the handle of her war blade projects over her left shoulder as just yet another weapon carried over her armour. An oversize automatic is strapped to her right thigh and a military shoulder rig carries another auto pistol. The shoulder holster’s original green is showing through black dye with wear. At her waist a pair of oversize pistols rest in cross draw leather holsters.

She states “I am Raven Sorrow - if you have ears you will have heard of me”. She simply continues on Prisoners with jobs should not be … familiar. At least not on Oghma and in the hearing of strangers. Svein’s warband are soon due. I may have to fight one or two of them. I’d rather not do that carrying wounds picked up defending my crewmates just because they couldn’t be careful”.

(OOC: Hello there! This is the closest I could imagine Oghman folk get to "small talk" or idly discussing the weather! ;) :) )
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Raiding Season

#11 Post by hardrocks »

Regina arrives from Kal's holding , dropped off by a "taxi". She walks demurely up to Kal and, eyes cast down addresses him: Master Tollerson, I am here to serve. May I inspect the systems?

There is something subversive in her tone, a sense of equality that a slave should not have...
Kar watches Regina approach, a twitch of a smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
Suppressing the urge to grin at her insolence.

"Serve you shall. See to our quarters first, then the systems before The Setting Forth"

Seeing Raven coming over, Kor dismisses Regina with a curt nod.
She states “I am Raven Sorrow - if you have ears you will have heard of me”. She simply continues on “Prisoners with jobs should not be … familiar. At least not on Oghma and in the hearing of strangers. Svein’s warband are soon due. I may have to fight one or two of them. I’d rather not do that carrying wounds picked up defending my crewmates just because they couldn’t be careful”.
Keeping his tone light but steady.

"Well met again Raven.
Indeed we all have our jobs to do. You have a warband to beat into shape.
And I have a ship to run."

With a genuine smile.

"I won't presume to tell you how many bones to break...

Wanting a closer look at their ship, Kar takes his leave.

"See you at the feast, Raven Sorrow"
Last edited by hardrocks on Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raiding Season

#12 Post by The Bindoner »

Another transport arrives, bringing a dTon of miscellaneous spares and a new Skilled Slave. The Overseer of the transport directs his thralls to start unloading and leads the Slave out. Looking around the Park-bay he fixes his attention on Raven Sorrow and approaches her, showing the proper respect a Landsman owes a Starfarer:

Lady, I bring this slave, as our Lord commands. He has great knowledge of the star-drives, I am told. Will you give me your Rune for him?

He presents his data-tablet, hoping to discharge his duty without having to find the ship's Captain.

Remington, standing beside the vehicle as people get on with whatever it is they are doing, looks over the ship in it's bay. Familiar. Standard Oghma design. Basic, reliable, robust. Some think that uninteresting. Perhaps it is the ideal platform to experiment with.
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Re: Raiding Season

#13 Post by Tiglath »

Raven replies “I’ll make my mark and take the slave but you must report your delivery to the Captain”.

Raven introduces herself to Remington (as above) and says “As a knowledgeable artificer you need to know only this: your drives need only to bring us close enough to the prey so we can take our blades to them!”

That might be a hint of humour in her black eyes but given she’s an Oghman raider of some repute the odds are perhaps more in favour of deranged psychosis.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Raiding Season

#14 Post by Gorethirster »

Remington looks up, startled, when the raider signing off on what he thought of as his "bill of goods" addresses him. He can't tell if he's supposed to be threatened or reassured by Raven's introduction, but when he hears that she's only interested in the drives as a means to get her to blade range, his mouth runs before his brain can catch it:

"Oh, absolutely, don't tell me anything. No reason to think knowing where you're trying to go might be just a little useful to, I don't know, not dropping out of jump space into a star."

Four years as an Oghman slave and these outbursts still happen. He blanches as he realizes what he said, but the cat's out of the bag now. Hopefully that little comment doesn't earn him a beating, but he isn't optimistic.
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Re: Raiding Season

#15 Post by The Bindoner »

The overseer, who has been grumbling to himself as he sets about having to find the Captain anyway, turns back and tells Raven, in the tone of someone who has a signed deposit slip and doesn't consider it his problem anymore: That one's sent by Lady Vigdis. Probably best not to break him. She thinks he says interesting things about the Drives. He glares at Remington: Not that that's a license to talk without without being asked.
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Re: Raiding Season

#16 Post by Gorethirster »

Remington does his best to look chastised, though there's something like resentment still simmering in his eyes. "Yes Overseer. Sorry Overseer." Early in his "career" he might have added "It won't happen again," but he no longer does so. The fact that his captors let it slide when he stopped saying so is a minute victory Remington still savors.

Turning to Raven Sorrow, he says "I will do all within my power to deliver you upon your prey." He's not sure it's exactly right, but he thinks it's close enough to the proper Oghman response to avoid any more trouble.
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Re: Raiding Season

#17 Post by Tiglath »

Raven rounds on the Overseer and glares at him "This is the Lady's gift and it slipped your mind to say so? Do you seek to make me seem ungrateful to Lady Vigdis?"

Unless the Overseer wants further trouble she then commands "Leave the parts on the ramp - I'll deliver him to the Captain".

She simply nods at Remington's reply and then looks at him with an appraising eye and says "I see Lady Vigdis' touch on the crew here. It seems you'll fit right in but be respectful to the Captain. If you're not he'll feel bad, Lady Vigdis would feel bad and I would feel bad on their behalf. By that I mean socially awkward - you would actually physically feel bad".

Having addressed the issue of social interaction and its potentially violent pitfalls Raven leads Remington off to meet the Captain and casually drops into conversation with him "I didn't realise you were valuable - your head must be full of "necessary nonsense". What are you called?"
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
Gun Cbt 3 (Rifle 2, Pistol 1), Melee Cbt 1 (Axe), Pilot 1,
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Re: Raiding Season

#18 Post by The Bindoner »

Raven rounds on the Overseer and glares at him "This is the Lady's gift and it slipped your mind to say so? Do you seek to make me seem ungrateful to Lady Vigdis?"
The man is shocked and fearful. He starts to reply But her names on the... , then the realisation he's talking back to a truly dangerous individual silences him. Sorry, I meant no disrespect.
Unless the Overseer wants further trouble she then commands "Leave the parts on the ramp - I'll deliver him to the Captain".
Thank you, of course. He hurries away to direct the unloading, eager ( and thankful ) to get away.

Remington notices that this Raider woman speaks Galanlci very fluently, without the heavy accent and limited vocabulary of the typical Oghmite. That threat for example, very much how a civilised person would have phrased it, none of the explicit descriptions of things done to non-essential body parts that he has become used to.
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Re: Raiding Season

#19 Post by Gorethirster »

"I see Lady Vigdis' touch on the crew here. It seems you'll fit right in but be respectful to the Captain. If you're not he'll feel bad, Lady Vigdis would feel bad and I would feel bad on their behalf. By that I mean socially awkward - you would actually physically feel bad".
"Don't worry" Remington replies, "even where I'm from they teach you not to piss off the captain of a ship, especially when you'll be aboard for a while. I'll do my best to make a good first impression." The ironic note in his voice might be self awareness that he's already blown the chance for a good first impression with Raven Sorrow, or the more general self awareness that he's never been good at first impressions.
"I didn't realise you were valuable - your head must be full of "necessary nonsense". What are you called?"
"Way back when, people who knew nothing about jump space called me doctor Fairgates-Carter. Once I 'fell in' with your lot they called me Remington. When they wanted to be nice for some reason it was 'Doctor Remington'." Remington rolls his eyes at this. He'd failed students for failing to address him properly, but he knew in the present circumstances he had to pick his battles very carefully. It wasn't worth a beating to insist on a title his captors probably didn't appreciate anyway.
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Re: Raiding Season

#20 Post by Tiglath »

Raven smiles at Remington - it's only mildly unsettling. She says "First impressions are indeed important. You would pick a fight when you have nothing to fight with which is either brave or foolhardy. Yet you are some "drive shaman" valued for your intellect by Lady Vigdis and also by the Imperials if they granted you the title of "Doctor". Neither of those things saved you a beating - but being brave did".

She adds "Names are earned in Oghma Doctor Fairgates-Carter Remington. Can you work with less?"
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
Gun Cbt 3 (Rifle 2, Pistol 1), Melee Cbt 1 (Axe), Pilot 1,
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Enemy: Imperial Navy (Lunion) Ine Givar(?)
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