Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

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Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#1 Post by sirravd »

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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#2 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Takes a breather as we crest the hollow and look down towards the path leading to the tomb we entered.

"We have less numbers than before so I advise we stick together and move quickly. I think those standing stones and long grass will be ideal spots to ambush us so let us all be armed and ready."

I don't mind leading the way and will go straight to the entrance.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#3 Post by Bluetongue »


Helps pull the sled up the various inclines with Tyson.

I agree with getting through the mist and under cover as quick as possible. We never discovered of those skeletons which attacked just wandered in or have some undead lair nearby. So sword out and ready to tackle any creatures assaulting us.

Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#4 Post by sirravd »

Fortunately, you make it to the barrow-mound without incident.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#5 Post by Bluetongue »


Well let's get straight to it. Secure this upper room,.so make sure no creatures have hidden inside and someone check out
that the block and pulley is still working and secure.

Are the skeleton bones and zombie dead still there or have they been removed during the few days break?
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#6 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

I will check the pulley system and repeat what we did before by attaching a second rope to one of the alcove pillars so that we can descend in pairs.

Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#7 Post by sirravd »

The bones are still there. The pulley system appears to be in good working order.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#8 Post by Bluetongue »


After securing the entrance tomb I will lower a dimmed lantern as before to light the room below.

"We need to bring Tyson too and the equipment sled. Okay so same way as before. We do everything in pairs and rotate around to share the risks out."

I am going to suggest Vann Hector & Quall go as lead pair, then myself with the dog & the cleric then Toke & Jacor. Is that okay for everyone?

Check out the corridor and then choose to go through a door on the south or into the far east room.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#9 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Descends on a rope as before, stepping down the 35'ft drop using the hand and foot loops. I will wait for Quall so we act together. Following the suggestion then:

Once at the bottom we will check out the corridor, turning to the left and making sure the skeleton room door is closed and then going down the main corridor as far as the east door. If all is quiet beyond that door and the two doors on the south we will return and signal for the others to descend.

Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#10 Post by sirravd »

What's your marching order this time?
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#11 Post by Hadarai »

Toke Tostigson

Once given the signal Toke descends into the tomb and draws his pick and shield, quickly surveying the corridor to get a feel of the construction.

Toke only has 2 hp so perhaps a spot in the midle to counter charge any enemies we engage with? Hopefully he'll toughtbit out better than Brother Blaive.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#12 Post by Bluetongue »

the present marching order for the corridors is:

Vann Hector & Quall
Harker & Toke
Tyson the mastiff
Jacor & the cleric.

As we descend. I want to bury under the rubble of the first room a rope and grapnel so that if ever the pulley gets taken down while we are below we have another way to access the above room.

Secondly can we revisit the secret room. I would like to store the excess equipment there rather than drag it around unnecessarily.

As Vann Hector is on point, he can decide wether we go beyond the east door or through one of the south doors.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#13 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Assuming we make it below without incident, the elf decides to go through the eastern door and beyond the north door of the room the pair got killed in.

He carries a flaming torch in one hand and on a whim decides that as we found the short sword here, he will 'blood' that weapon this time.

We had already checked for traps prior so no more wasting time, we will explore beyond.

Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#14 Post by sirravd »

As you've explored it, I'll let you go back at 3x speed.

You get there in 5/12 of a turn. The northern door opens. Beyond, a corridor, 10' wide, stretching north 30', then is lost in the darkness. 10' north, the corridor splits off, and a corridor leads to the east.
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#15 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Goes down the corridor and peers around the first corner. Checking the all clear he will advance further north, his flaming torch lighting the way.

someone ought to carry a lantern also.

In case he meets some undead creature lurking in the dark, I will include an attack roll.

Vann Hector short sword melee (THAC0 19) to hit: [1d20] = 19 damage: [1d6] = 6
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Re: Chapter 3: Return to the Barrows

#16 Post by Bluetongue »


Hushes the dog, giving him a random bone to gnarl on as we investigate the rooms. He advances behind the front duo, halting at the corridor turn while they advance north to the next intersection. Do I see any movement down the east corridor?

did we manage to store stuff in the secret room? I presume that we checked in on the room we found the three skulls and the alcove room is also as we left it.

Also, we're we able to discern where the zombies who attacked us came from? They didn't just teleport in which leaves they entered behind us from one of the two southern doors or a secret entrance we don't know about. Important to know as there may be more of the creatures wandering about.
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