Setting Information

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Setting Information

#1 Post by Marullus »

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Kaerhavn, City of Coal and Diamond
You are residents of Kaerhavn, the northernmost city of the realm, nestled in a pocket where the northern mountains meet the sea. Protected from harsh storms and north winds in the lee of the mountain peaks and warmed by the southern ocean currents, the city fared better than the surrounding lands.

Originally a small human settlement, it was the arrival of a dwarven enclave which brought prosperity for the past two hundred years. The dwarves mined coal and diamonds which abounded beneath the mountain, attracting trade vessels to the deepwater port, turning the settlement to a noteworthy city. All races, occupations, and aspirations came and melded into the tapestry but the city was always held together by the cultural weft of the orginal northmen.

North into the mountains and beyond is wilderness and wildness, the home of dragons, giants, and goblinoids who cause problems of some kind at least once every generation. East and southeast is the inland tundra - vast and arid, sparsely populated without rivers or streams to sustain settlement. The coastline runs south, a narrow ribbon of civilization clinging to the habitable ports and beaches, marked by small keeps and holdfasts between Kaerhavn and the warmer, temperate southlands. Civilization moves on the sea, and the northmen conquests over centuries makes much familiar on the islands and coastal villages anywhere within a week's travel.

The Coming of Change
The reptilian races live across the arid wastes to the southeast, known in the northmen tongue simply as "The Empire." Kobolds, dragonkin, and drakes of animal intelligence were rare enough to not threaten this city which always looked westward ot the sea. Over the few score years, however, the influence of secret cults has spread - fanatical doctrine of the Empire's religions taking great interest in the massive, intelligent dragons that brood and breed in and beyond the northern peaks, in the Valley of the Withered Heath.

They had little impact on the daily life of most in Kaerhavn, and those who ruled raised no alarms. The esoteric religious beleifs were a curiosity of the most scholarly and the secret cults remained hidden among the populace.

The Red Morning
The attack was sudden and unexpected. The bells rang, beating a brazen clamor of alarm across the city only moments before the wooden buildings of the inner keep exploded in bloody red flame. The pair of scarlet dragons, long and lithe as they soared through the air, breathed gouts of flame down the length of Worldtree Plaza, the Avenue of the All-Father. The watchtowers were already burning like torches, signaling to all in the city that the battle was already lost, no hope would come. Armed and armored squadrons of reptilians and human fanatics bearing the sigil of a red flame appeared in the streets without warning, coming from inside the city. The walls are useless. Slaughter and screams seem indiscriminate and everywhere.

You had only a moment. You grabbed that which you could, which most precious to you, and have only moments to try and escape through the bloody streets before you will surely be overwhelmed and the next victims of the attack or burned alive in your homes...
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Setting Information

#2 Post by Marullus »

Gods and Patrons
Gods are of immutable power and accept the worship of mortals (but typically not their pandering or bargaining). The primary gods of Kaerhavn and the North are the Norse Pantheon. The Gods Skadi, Njord, and Odin were particularly revered in Kaerhavn, a metropolis where the mountains meet the sea.

(Anyone picking to be a cleric of a god can negotiate appropriate weapons to the God's domain and I will add them here when relevant.)

Odin, god of knowledge and war
Balder, god of beauty and poetry
Forseti, god of justice and law
Heimdall, god of watchfulness and loyalty
Njord, god of sea and wind
Sif, goddess of war
Thor, god of storms and thunder
Tyr, god of courage and strategy

Frey, god of fertility and the sun
Freya, goddess of fertility and love
Frigga, goddess of birth and fertility
Hermod, god of luck
Odur, god of light and the sun
Skadi, god of earth and mountains
Uller, god of sports, hunting and winter

Aegir, god of the sea and storms; Tempest
Hel, goddess of the underworld
Loki, god of thieves and trickery
Surtur, god of fire giants and war
Thrym, god of frost giants and cold

For those native to other kingdoms further south, other pantheons are widely considered.
  • Amon Tor - all things surrounding this God are, of course, a mystery. His direct worship is venerated far to the south among the dark- complected desert dwellers, but his priests seek knowledge in all ports touched by ships. In Kaerhavn, he was associated with Mimir, the Titan who wielded such ancient knowledge and mystery that Odin himself plucked out an eye to be worthy of even a portion of it. While Odin is revered as the Wise most ardently, those that seek Mimir / Amin Tor directly desire a deeper source.
Beings of great power, but not admitted to the pantheon of the Gods. These beings are willing to barter or haggle with a mortal, which is generally beneath the dignity or attention of what is considered a "full" God. By those wise and knowledgeable, this is often recognized as a matter of preference and pride rather than one of innate power and capability.

All of the patrons in the main DCC book are viable.

Additional or expanded patrons will be listed here with links as necessary:
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Re: Setting Information

#3 Post by Marullus »

The Near Beyond: By Land

The Trade Road leads south from Kaerhavn, the lands wild and generally unsafe. Merchant caravans move together for safety with their own hired guards, making their own camps as few inns or wayhouses dot the way. Civilization exists in towns and villages, clustered around or within keeps and fortifications which can provide protection in times of need.

The nearest such village is several days south along the road, the town and keep of Krossavik. Krossavik is built atop a hill, giving it vantage down to the sea some 20 miles to the west and to the forests in other directions. It lies above the Trade Road, able to watch those upon it travelling through the vale several miles away.

Beyond Krossavik, the road angles southeast, further inland from the coast, to where the larger cities have formed along major rivers.

The Near Beyond: By Sea

Kaerhavn marks the northernmost safewater port on the coast, where the mountains touch the sea. Beyond that east-west mountain range lie the frozen wastes, the withered heath of the dragons and the lands of giants. The waters are tretcherous with ice for those who attempt the waterborne way, even in the summers.

The rocky coastline provides the eastern boundary of the sea, winding north-south with pockets of coves, the mouths of streams and rivers, and wide fresh- and saltwater marshes. To the west lie the Isles of the DreadLords, pirates of both infamy and power and the domains they claim and rule as their own scattered across islands in the ocean. Beyond this string of islands lies the Far Sea, wide beyond imagining, and beyond that lies the legendary homeland of the elves. The elves, with a strong seafaring tradition, guard their seaways from other races, ensuring what is described as lands of legendary immortal tranquility. It is with surprise that Olga examines the map which slipped from Fungo's dying fingers into her own, an ancient vellum scroll written in elvish which shows the waymarkers for the elven journey to the home of the Elfking.

The safest ways, known to all navigators of the Western Sea, are those sea ways north and southward within view of the coast. It is over 200 miles south from Kaerhaven, past innumerable miles of marshlands, before reaching the port of Gnupfell a fishing port nestled behind a sheltering peninsula at the mouth of the Silver River. Another 100 miles beyond that on the Jut of Brill, at the mouth of the Dreadwood River, lies the town of Holmr. Protected now by erected sea walls and home of the recently-growing royal navy of Gutland, the next kingdom to the south, this vessels of this port try to contain the Dreadlord pirates that lie to their northwest, protecting the ships that try to navigate the lanes between. The navy is successful, at least, at keeping the southward sea lanes safer than the northward ones.

Beyond Holmr, the coastline curves southeast, until the Sea of Aegir spreading east/west and meeting the western ocean, separating the Northlands from the arid lands of Enkherun which lie on its southern shore.
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