Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#121 Post by Rex »


Wina will try and help the settlers load up and get on their way. She talks to the Pastor at some point about heading west again, after witnessing the miracle she prefers to travel with him going forward so she will wait for him.

Prefers to get the group back together.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#122 Post by redwarrior »

Malcom assists the exhausted Pastor Flanagan back to his bunk following the exorcism. You did good work tonight and gave that boy a fighting chance, nothing more can be asked of you right now. The Unseen moves as it sees fit, "in mysterious ways", is how I think your good book says? And it is indeed fine that the credit go to God and his servants. He smiles a little bit as he says that last bit.

The next morning, over breakfast with the preacher, he continues It was a great thing you did last night. Here's hoping that that boy and his Mother can lead a normal, peaceful life from here on in... I wonder what became of his father? Anyway, they have a chance now. I guess it's up to them to keep to a solid road. You book says something about "by their works, you shall know them?" or maybe I'm getting that wrong? Religion never was never quite my thing, but you can't argue with results.

Malcom will lounge about on the coming days, attempted to strike up a card game or two as time and tempers permit, and generally keep his eyes and ears open for anything interesting.

Notice [1d6] = 5 Wild Card [1d6] = 6
Wild Card Ace [1d6] = 5
Notice success with one raise

Streetwise [1d4] = 1, WildCard [1d6] = 6
Wild Card Ace [1d6] = 2
Regular Streetwise success

When the topic inevitably turns to what to do next, Malcom is open. He is curious about the skins, curious about the Werewolf's father, as well as what other weird things may be around the bend. He would be fine with taking the scouting role, accompanying the settlers, or any other role. While he is dying with curiosity, there are just too many options. As long as THEY take a path, he is fine. And that's the key with Malcom, he has stood and fought with the Preacher, Doc Bolt, and Wina twice and he plans on staying with them, come what may.

Also, want to get the band back together.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#123 Post by redwarrior »

After a day or so of rest, Malcom gathers up the preacher, hoping some of his moral authority will lend credence to his arguments.

Major, surely you have your duty to the government, this fort, its people, your troops, and your conscience. You have demonstrated that you are a fair man, and as such I wish to discuss the matter of young Bram and his mother with you. Truly, we have witnessed some strange things in the last few days, which I am at a loss to explain, they are beyond my understanding. But there are some facts, which I know plainly, and will state them as such. First, this Fort is under your command, and is not subject to the Marshalls out of Denver. Surely, they are your neighbors and likely good and honest men. But that doesn't change the fact that it is your word which is law here. Second, they were looking for Drace Lineacre, a man who is NOT here and, as best we know, was not on the train to start with. Whether he was, or was not, he is clearly not here. It is manifest that a man, or boy, is alone responsible for his actions. Likewise, it is unjust to hold a man - or a boy - accountable for the alleged actions of another. I don't know whether this Drace has done the things claimed or not. In any case, it would not be right to hold the boy to answer for another's misdeeds. Unless I have missed something, the only misdeed of the boy was to bite some cowboy who grabbed him on the train. I don't think he even broke the man's skin. In any case, the man is not here to press his claim. Bram was touched by something, it is true, your strange invention and the evidence of our eyes leaves no doubt. But the Preacher has driven that away. Now what remains is just a boy and his mother. IF the boy were in any way involved, it would have been the -- whatever -- that the Preacher drove off. It would be just as wrong to hold the boy accountable for the actions of that -- thing -- as it would to make him answer for his father' misdeeds. I ask you, other than an animating desire for vengeance for the innocent men killed at the college, is there even a shred of evidence that would hold up in a fair court that this boy was in any way involved? Given the desire for vengeance, is there a chance that the boy would face a fair court? Our survive the mob outside if he did? I propose that sending him back to Denver is as good as stringing him up here in the middle of the Fort. I think you are a better man than that. Especially as you have an option. The Preacher has talked to Mrs Lineacre about taking a job helping your chaplain maintain your chapel. The boy is surely of an age where a way for him to meaningfully add to the life of the Fort? Think about it Sir, what does your conscience direct you?

Persuasion [1d4-2] = 3-2 = 1 Wild Card [1d6] = 2
Well, I tried....
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#124 Post by Marullus »

The Pastor comes along as requested. "The gentleman has a point; you are looking for Drace Linacre; while his wife and son are useful as potential material witnesses, they are not in fact subject to any warrant or need for rendition. It is your purview to interview them and relay any pertinent information back to Denver, but you didn't in fact locate the subject of the inquiry and beyond his possession and manifestation of evil passed from his father, there hasn't even been a line of inquiry to establish if the boy was involved in any way with the actual murders. I appreciate you providing a soldier to witness the exorcism and your promise that he will go and give testimony of the boy's rendition from his piteous state."

"But beyond the dictates of law, there is duty to benefit our fellow man. What do you return the boy to, in Denver? Regardless of the trial, it was a life and influences which led him to literal possession by the Devil. His house is swept clean, but he needs a better path to remain in Grace. Cannot he and Mrs. Linacre find a better life in employ here?" He pauses, then the charismatic preacher says the last. "And, if your goal is to apprehend Drace Linacre per your remit, he is more likely to come and speak to you. Aiding his family encourages his surrender more than guns on a train."

Persuade [1d8+2] = 5+2 = 7[1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#125 Post by Marullus »

We are just holding for an action from Jack LaGrange, right?
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#126 Post by Stirling »

Fort Mount Pleasant

Doc Bolt gathers the scattered sheaves of paper and various files of Maester Billingham.

You study them. Some are diary events and letters sent to persons of note in the man's life. A daughter back east, correspondence with fellow alumni, essays from science lectures. Two specific items stick out from the mundane. The rare Aconitum napellus (wolfsbane) is harvested in some rural settlements along the broad tributaries of the Platte River valleys. He names a local herbalist and phlebotomist Martha as a point of contact. She has a bazaar in Cheyenne.

Secondly it seems the Maester had been in the employ of the Union government and part of a research and development faction. A memoir notes an old prisoner of war camp, Stinking Waters' in Nebraska as a locale he regularly reports to.

He has a cane stick which is used similarly to a cattle prod, a small trigger in the handle delivers an electric shock at the copper capped foot of the cane, enough to shake and possibly incapacitate a person touched.

Wina and Jack LaGrone are approached by Lieutenant Biley with a view to hiring them on as scouts to the cavalry. "You have seen first hand the death and destruction waged upon decent men by these savages. Our mandate is to preserve the peace accords but we cannot condone such actions and leave the bandits at large. Should you wish to help, your skills will be a valuable asset to our noble cause." He leaves it with you if you wish to take the offer up.

The general feeling is that the Pawnee tribe who have little sway or influence in the top echelons of Sioux Nations hierarchy may be planning a 'land grab' to enlarge the native territory by cutting out a swathe of unsettled plains in the area. How hostile they are or what resources back them up are yet to be discovered. Anything that threatens the main Oregon and Overland trails must be halted.

Malcolm Rap and Pastor Flanagan advocate on behalf of Mrs Lineacre and Bram. They put forward persuasive arguments to counter the demand for the couples rendition back to Denver.

"Well the nature of the crimes in question are a serious issue but I agree that without proper factual evidence to correlate the boy's implication we only have circumstancial truths. A student at the same boarding college. Though it may be argued reasonably that in the aftermath of such dread murders any loving mother would wish to relocate her child to study elsewhere.

It is known however that Mrs Lineacre's husband is a wanted fugitive and this Drace the Menace has terrorised communities before in his blood lust and lupine passions.

This whole events is 'sour grapes'. Yet though this Drace has bitten his cluster it should not be the son's teeth that are set on edge. The 18th chapter of Ezekiel would substantiate your claims Reverend.

With Billingham's demise and his contraption ineffective, a prosecutor can no longer test your cleansing of the boy's soul.

I therefore conclude the matter over. Mrs Lineacre and the boy may continue their journey. I would counsel her though, this liberty has been granted for a new start in life and any approach by her fugitive husband will be dissuaded."

Mrs Lineacre is happy with the verdict and after the Sabbath service and baptismals will look to depart. She will join the settler wagons taking the northwards stretch of the Overland trail. It passes the closest station of Allerdice Springs by a few miles so a wagon will divert there to drop them off.

A small squad of cavalry will accompany the wagons part way.

give me any actions or posts, any other questions.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#127 Post by Marullus »

Reverend Flannigan is pleased to see a suitable end to the matter, praising the Lord and the wisdom of Lieutenant and Major in his sermon that Sunday. He baptises Mrs. Linacre and Bram -- a full dunking in the river in the same manner as that performed by John the Baptist upon the Lord Jesus -- as well as the soldiers and settlers who have been led to faith in Christ. He is glad for the brief, peaceful time in the fort, seeing to their needs until the wagon moves. He dries his clothes on the line, changes into a fresh suit, and packs the others away in his steamer trunk, ready to make the next leg of God's journey.

Rested and recovered from the ordeal against Satan himself, the preacher thanks each of his companions personally. "I can't tell you how grateful I am that you, meeting me as a stranger, have followed this path and witnessed the works of God." He takes a hand and cups it between his own. "Even Jesus couldn't have asked for better companions. I'm glad to go on with you, and hope our paths remain together. All things come from the Lord, and I'd reckon that includes you. I couldn't have faced that beast alone."

If it is enough time, I consecrate holy ground centered on their chapel. (Normally takes a week and with a 50 yard radius for the faithful preacher, gives the soldiers a leg-up in their effort to face supernatural evils.)
Sanctify (+2 -2) [1d10] = 10[1d6] = 1
Sanctify - Ace [1d10] = 7

Whether that time was spent or the wagon leaves earlier, the good preacher says his goodbyes, hefts his trunk onto the wagon tailgate, and moves on with his new companions.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#128 Post by redwarrior »

In the time remaining, Malcom will see if he scare up a game of chance to build his stake a little more.
While he skips the sermon, when the time comes, he is game to travel with the preacher.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#129 Post by Rex »


Wina will thank them for the offer but plans on departing with the preacher.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#130 Post by ybn1197 »

Doc Bolt will spend his time in study but will graciously accompany the preacher and the others when the time comes to leave, packing the gizmos he has collected with his things.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#131 Post by Stirling »

Wagon train to Allerdice Springs.

Morning of Monday 5th May. 1879.

The settlers, refreshed in provision and soul continue their westward journeys to the promised lands of the new Territories. That journey of a thousand miles begins with more rotations of wagon wheel along the Overland Trail, travelling in a north-east direction away from the Fort.

There are eight wagons, individual families filling cases full of hopes and dreams and wagons overflowing. Some have tied oxen to traps along behind. Bram runs along, mixing with other youths. You feel that is a good sign of childhood recovering. Accompanying you are a squad of Ohio 3rd.

By midday the fort is long gone. Pastor Flanagan may invisibly feel crossing the threshold as a wind chills your bones. "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." You contemplate on some scriptures. Sharing your space in the wagon is Malcolm and Doc Bolt.

Wina and Jack sharing facilties with the next wagon along.

Suddenly several visible silhouettes are seen, riding horses across a ridge of hills to your right. Maybe half a dozen, semi-naked natives trot parallel to the wagons. They follow you for several minutes without halting or closing any distance. Always observing.

actions please.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#132 Post by Marullus »

Pastor Flannigan

The preacher rides along on the wagon's bench, his travel-trunk added to the back with the pioneer's goods and his shotgun resting across his lap. He prays to himself and flips pages in his bible as the wagon jostles along the beaten trail.

When the natives appear on the ridge, he is disquieted, his thoughts going back to the slaughter and walking skins of their last foray on the plains. He remains silent, adjusting his glasses and trying to spot anything telling that might indicate their ties to the occult heresy that happened in that grove.

Notice [1d8] = 4[1d6] = 3
Knowledge-Occult [1d8] = 5[1d6] = 4
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#133 Post by redwarrior »

Malcom will sit and ponder the figures, trying to dredge up anything that would explain their actions, either from his general knowledge or what his uncle taught him.
Briefly taking a break from turning cards, he will make sure that his gun is easily accessible.

Notice [1d6] = 3 Wild Card [1d6] = 4
Knowledge-Occult[1d6] = 4, Wild Card [1d6] = 5
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#134 Post by Rex »


Wina keeps her eyes open and scanning all around, her trusty Winchester loaded and in her lap.

Notice [1d6] = 6 Wild Card [1d6] = 1
Ace Die [1d6] = 3
Notice = 9
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#135 Post by ybn1197 »

Doc Bolt, sitting in the back of the wagon pouring over his notes and the notes he collected from the fort, stops for a moment to look up at the riders.

Notice: [1d6] = 2 WC: [1d6] = 4
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#136 Post by Stirling »

Wagon train to Allerdice Springs.

Afternoon of Monday 5th May. 1879.

The small group of natives are easily spotted, riding parallel to the northward rolling wagons. The Indians keep to the very edge of rifle range and often disappear over the edge of the ridge only to appear again a few minutes later. The squad of cavalry accompanying the settlers become increasingly nervous but their attempts to drive off the shadowing party are futile. The nerves begin to unsettle the families in the wagons, the lead pair jerk in their horses into a faster trot. It is an unwise move as the rear wagon, herding some oxen look as though they may be cut adrift.

Thus the natives make their move. Screaming wildly in a charge down the ridge incline, they whoop excitedly, waving short lances as they attempt to quickly overwhelm the wagon and steal some of the oxen. The cavalry troops head at them from the front of the line, exchanging gunfire. One Indian is shot twice and falls limply across his horse before being dismounted by a final bloody wound from a settlers shotgun. Still the natives herd away a couple of oxen and begin to shepherd them as they bellow in fright towards a small hollow behind.

In a rage the troops follow. The settler wagons bunch up abd slow the pace. The troops enter the hollow on the heels of the Indians, another falling to the ground, shot in the back. Out of sight you here and exchange of gunfire. Then silence ....

actions and any questions everyone please.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#137 Post by Marullus »

As moments pass without the soldier's return, Rev. Flannigan looks around at the others. "They may be wounded," he says to Malcolm and Doc Bolt beside him. He looks, however, to Jack and Wina on the wagon behind to set the action, ready to follow their lead.

Adding a notice roll, too.
Notice [1d8] = 6[1d6] = 3
Last edited by Marullus on Sat Jun 13, 2020 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#138 Post by Rex »


Wina tries to see what has happened and if she sees any wounded. She also stays alert for a second war party in case the first was just a distraction to draw off the cavalry.

Loudly, "Everyone alert now, lets get people watching in all directions."

She keeps her Winchester at the ready.

Notice [1d6] = 4 Wild Card [1d6] = 3

Added Notice roll.
Last edited by Rex on Sat Jun 13, 2020 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#139 Post by redwarrior »

Malcom makes sure his gun is loose in its holster and looks toward the rise. He is burning with curiosity to see what is going on, but also feels an obligation to stay both with the settlers that they are accompanying/protecting as well as his new traveling companions. Ultimately, though it comes down to the fact that the troopers chasing after the natives are on horseback, while he has no horse. He keeps his seat and a keen eye out for any threats coming towards the wagons.

url=http://www.unseenservant.com/default.as ... 26&macid=0]Notice [1d6] = 1 Wild Card [1d6] = 1[/url]
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Re: Ride to Fort Mount Pleasant

#140 Post by ybn1197 »

Doc Bolt

Grabbing his bolt gun, Doc looks around for another injun war party in case this is an ambush meant to pull the cavalry away. He will also look at the number of horses present in the wagon train to find spare horses. Maybe enough for he and his companions to ride after the cavalry once they are sure the main train is safe.

Notice: [1d6] = 6 Wild Card: [1d6] = 4
Notice Explodes: [1d6] = 1
Total of 7 for Notice
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