Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

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Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#1 Post by ybn1197 »

As Laurel is observing the people in the club, she feels a presence behind her. "Evening cous, ladies. This rounds on me, what'ya having?" Leo says with a smile on his face.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#2 Post by schmer »

There's a split second when the presence behind her amps something in Laurel internally - and it takes a moment after the voice registers for her to pull her heart out of her throat at that. Still, she manages a smile for Leo, even as she playfully shoves at his arm. "Way to sneak up on people."

Pushing off the split-second of panic that she just had, Laurel figures now that she's not preoccupied looking around, or trying to spot Leo, she can focus on enjoying herself. At least trying to anyway. "I'll just take whatever's on tap. You're lucky I don't go crazy after scaring the hell out of me, though." She teases, rolling her eyes.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#3 Post by shaidar »

Leo flashes his best disarming smile "Sorry, I guess I'm just a naturally good sneaker. Tap it is"

He heads over to the bar and orders two local brews on tap. Returning to Laurel he passes over her drink "So, how's things in the land of smart people?"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#4 Post by schmer »

Naturally good sneaker isn't exactly the first thought that Laurel'd put toward what talents Leo possesses, but in this case the shoe managed to fit. Waiting for him to return, Laurel does have a moment where she realizes she's glad she didn't just stay at home with a hot mug of something and find something to pick apart and work on even further. Everyone deserves a night out, and she's determined that she can have fun too.

"Thank you!" Her voice sing-songs as she takes her beer, giving a bit of a facial shrug. "Busy, but you know me I can find something whether I need to or not." And god isn't that the truth. She would literally be at home doing exactly that if she hadn't come here. Laurel takes a sip, her keen eyes focusing in on Leo. "What about you - how have things been, how's it going?"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#5 Post by shaidar »

Leo takes a big swallow of beer and shrugs "The business is doing well, although Dan looks after most of the boring day-to-day stuff. The guys at the gym keep telling me to go pro with the boxing, but that's not why I do it, and it'd take time away from my pride and joy. There's some big races coming soon. How's your parents, still warning you away from this black sheep?"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#6 Post by schmer »

Laurel can practically hear her dad's voice in her head - the one that almost has her saying what he'd say (that if Leo learned the day to day stuff he'd be able to get ahead further in his business), but she holds it back and nods instead because Leo is the one who knows best what he needs for his business - and that's all there is to it. "Boxing isn't your passion - even though obviously you're impressing the guys." Laurel shrugs, getting that it's hard to pursue something that isn't what you love. She wouldn't be as happy, as set, as she is if she'd forced herself to pursue something else just because she happened to be good at it.

Still, it's not quite the same given what her cousin happens to love.

"They're good, keeping busy - so less time to ward me away." It's a joke, but it gets old hearing the same thing time after time...especially when it hasn't worked in the least. Laurel makes her own decisions, even if she doesn't love going against what they've said by meeting up with her cousin in situations like this, but the realization that her parents aren't always right came right along with slipping into adulthood herself. They don't know him, really, and haven't given him a chance. Sure, Laurel still has her moments where she slips into judgement, but unlike her parents she does her best to check herself when she can.

"Have you ever been to this place before?" She asks, taking another look around - figuring that getting away from the subject of disapproving parents might be for the best considering they're here to have fun. It's definitely not her usual scene, but Laurel is willing to give things a shot. Y'know after some goading and prodding. Usually.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#7 Post by shaidar »

Leo gives Laurel a shrewd look "You're really quite perceptive, aren't you?" he smiles "Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy boxing, it gives me focus and I'm damn good at it, but nothing can beat the feeling of being behind the wheel of a car when I'm racing, sticking it to the man"

He looks around "I've been here a few times, when I'm in the mood for something different, but never when they've had live music"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#8 Post by schmer »

Laurel shrugs, a half smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. "Guilty." It comes easily to her. She can't quite hold back her eyeroll, though - 'sticking it to the man' isn't exactly what she would call thrilling, personally. Then again, Leo and Laurel are both pretty different. They always have been. Different isn't necessarily bad, though. "I can't really say I get the feeling, but I know that you can't help what you really love doing. Though, on a lighter note, you really just said stick it to the man." The tease comes easily, Laurel looking over her beer at him as she takes another sip.

"Can't say the same, this is all new for me." The admission is easy enough, but she's still willing to give it a shot, truth be told. Not only because she's here, but it isn't necessarily bad or anything. And there's potential for fun.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#9 Post by shaidar »

schmer wrote:"I can't really say I get the feeling, but I know that you can't help what you really love doing. Though, on a lighter note, you really just said stick it to the man." The tease comes easily, Laurel looking over her beer at him as she takes another sip.
Leo cringes "If you promise not to tell anyone then the next round is on me as well, and I'll get some shots"
schmer wrote:"Can't say the same, this is all new for me." The admission is easy enough, but she's still willing to give it a shot, truth be told. Not only because she's here, but it isn't necessarily bad or anything. And there's potential for fun.
"Hey, as far as I'm concerned new is always good, otherwise things can get boring very quickly. Don't knock it 'till you've tried it. This place is OK. For the kind of bar it is, I've never seen any trouble"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#10 Post by schmer »

"Your secret is safe with me." Laurel laughs, but brings her free hand up to her lips and makes a motion as if she's zipping them up playfully. Her parents probably would be quick to run and tattle, and at one point maybe her too, but she's grown up a fair bit from the obedient litttle thing that she was once upon a time - and she's learned to think for herself since then too. "Jokes on you, though, I'd have done it without the bribe, cuz." Though she's not turning it down either; she hasn't exactly graduated to start making the big bucks just yet, so she's still eeking by to make it to graduation.

"I'm trying it - I'm trying it." Laurel reassures, it's just that she wouldn't have if it weren't for being cajoled, that's all. "And having fun so far, complaints on my part." She gives a little bit of a shrug, it's definitely been worth the effort as of so far.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#11 Post by shaidar »

Leo takes a long drink and glances around the bar to see if there are any ladies that catch his interest, before returning his attention back to Laurel.

"You've come a long way in the last few years, cuz, since you went to college, you've found your own path. Will I be getting an invite to your graduation? I'd love to see the look on your parents faces" he pauses for a few seconds, with a completely straight face before continuing "Don't worry, I'm not serious, I wouldn't want to ruin your day by having an argument with them"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#12 Post by schmer »

Larel has done better in college, on her own, than back when she was still living at home. She's gotten her future figured out, figured out what she really loves, and she's definitely grown independent. Sure, she's not perfect, but she has definitely grown. And yet she still freezes for a moment at his question. Graduation, no matter how close it is looming, still seems so far away even with her already planning her steps afterward.

"Yeah, I don't even want to start that fight, I'd rather just invite you to whatever party my friends and I wind up having after all the pomp and circumstance - I think we'll all have more fun then, anyway. The whole walking across the stage is more for them than me anyway." She shares, not that she's said it aloud to anyone else at this point, but really she's ready for the other things, the internship, the starting her career, the getting started outside of an academic environment moreso than the big day of celebration.

"The bartender is cute." Laurel points out, hidding a teasing smile behind her beer - she's teasing moreso than serious. The bartender probably gets hit on all night, but she did see his casual peek around.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#13 Post by shaidar »

Leo glances back over towards the bar and smiles "You're right, she is. So, are you ready for those shots, I know I am?", he stands, "What's your poison? And shall I bring them over or do you want to head over to the bar?"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#14 Post by schmer »

Laurel laughs, a bit of a smirk pulling at her mouth. "As great a wingwoman as I am I'll leave you to do your thing alone - I get the feeling you don't need the leg up." She doesn't really want to think about that, but the tone is still playful, nonetheless. "As for the shot - definitely ready. Tequila is good."
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Leo & Laurel]

#15 Post by shaidar »

Leo chuckles "The night is young, I've plenty of time to work my charms. Tequila it is, back soon"

He saunters over to the bar, and waits his turn to be served by the young woman "Two beers, 4 shots of tequila and whatever you're having" he says with a friendly smile.

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