Character Creation Thread

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Character Creation Thread

#1 Post by drpete »

Let's talk about and work on our characters, here.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#2 Post by drpete »

Hi folks!

I know that everyone has their own process for creating a character, but... I'm thinking that a place to start might be to look at the dark secrets and disadvantages, and see if anything sticks in your imagination.

I know that Scott has mentioned he was thinking about a Veteran of the Great War, and rossik has started with this...
Peter Brent

Peter always thought about doing the right thing. His grampa was a preacher and his dad were cops, both died in the same car incident.
After the first impressions about his new job at the prison, he soon figure it out a way to survive there and keep his creed: the prisoners must remain inside the bars at all cost.
Obsessed with his physic, Peter train a lot to make himself a "perfect instrument" to insure the will of law and God. He takes no bribes, often answering that kind of offer with violence.

One day he found plans of escape inside a mattress, and one by one, he corrected all responsible by it.
Any thoughts about these darker sides of the characters, and what that brings out?
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#3 Post by mik »

Here are some initial thoughts for my character.

Finn O’Learly

Irish-American in his early twenties. His parents were immigrants, but he was born and raised in New York.

Dark secret: Family Secret

Disadvantages: Bad Reputation, either Repressed Memories or Nightmares

Both Disadvantages could be linked to the Dark Secret, but the former might be why he has taken a job as a prison guard (to avoid the general public as much as possible).

Finn is a fairly solitary character just trying to keep his head down, stay out of trouble, and make some kind of sense of the dark memories that haunt him.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#4 Post by drpete »

Cool, thanks for kicking things off, mik. Since you have come from the kult discord, I suspect you know the things I'll say below, but the other players are new to the game...

As a sleeper, we will keep the nature of your family secret undefined, for now. As you gain experience, you will slowly remember details about it, and we can bring it into focus.

We should talk about how we'll do that. Rather than having you define it, I'm leaning either towards defining it myself, or having the other players flesh it out bits and pieces once we get there. What do you think?

Bad Reputation looks like this:
For some reason, you have attracted the public’s disapproval – even animosity. Perhaps you’ve been spotlighted in the tabloids as a pedophile or murderer, falsely or otherwise.

In the first game session and whenever you attract the public’s attention, roll+0:
(15+) You blend in. Nobody is out to get you.
(10–14) You have been recognized. The GM takes 1 Hold.
(–9) Several people have recognized you. Anger and fear control their actions. The GM takes 3 Hold

The GM can spend Hold to make a Move representing how your bad reputation sticks to you. For example, people might react with fear and suspicion towards you, a lynch mob forms to bring you to justice, your property is vandalized, your allies turn against you, and you can lose your job, agreements, and relationships.

We should talk about why you have a bad reputation... :)

One thing that could easily have happened is that you could have been singled out by a newspaper for some type of brutal act toward prisoners. The guards have definitely been tightening the screws on the prisoners, so maybe something leaked out into the wider world?

Nightmares is:
You suffer from recurring nightmares, probably connected to your Dark Secrets.

During any scene when you sleep, roll +0:
(15+) You sleep in peace.
(10–14) The nightmares torment you. The GM may make a Move for your nightmares. For example, you are unable to sleep at all during the night (−1 ongoing until you sleep), some-thing follows you back into reality, the nightmares provide you insight into the Truth, or you are forced to process some trauma (Keep it Together) when you wake up.
(–9) The nightmares take over completely. You are trapped in the dream until you find a way to wake up, and everything that happens there also directly affects your sleeping body.

and Repressed Memories looks like:
You have repressed a particularly unpleasant event from your past, but the memory of it sometimes rises to the surface. It could be a crime or some horrible thing you have done, been subjected to, or witnessed. The GM decides the nature of your repressed memory, usually based on your Dark Secrets. In situations associated with your repressed memories, roll +0 to determine if the memories resurface:
(15+) You continue to suppress the memories.
(10–14) The memories partly resurface, taking the form of flash-backs and/or hallucinations. You must Keep it Together.
(–9) You are overwhelmed by your repressed memories, com-pletely losing yourself to them. The GM makes a hard Move and you reduce Stability (−2).

My gut tells me that repressed memories might be a little easier to deal with in the game... you would start out without them, but as the contours of the dark secret started to be revealed (so it would be possible to gauge what would trigger this) they would become more concrete.

That said, I have some good stuff to populate your nightmares with :)
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#5 Post by thenewflesh »

Can you tell me a little bit more about the Marked and Broken disadvantages?

I've a few ideas jiggling around in my brain right now. There's a lot to play with!

I could play some sort of vile, diminutive character who is Jealous of somebody else's job (I don't know how cooperative you want us all to be, but if somebody else picked the Rival disadvantage, well, he could be it). Maybe he made a Pact with Dark Forces to get him there. He might also be Harassed, or Haunted, or maybe Infirm.

On the other end of the spectrum, I'm kind of also interested in playing a giant, cruel monster of a man, who responds to pain by causing pain. I could make him Jealous, as above, or possibly violently Schizophrenic. I think there's some festering wound inside his psyche, that caused this, though. Maybe he's Returned from the Other Side.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#6 Post by drpete »

Well, there had been some discussion about not wanting the characters to be too monstrous, but I dont know if that is still a concern...

On your immediate questions:

You are marked by the darkness. The mark can take the shape of a full-body tattoo, a demonic body part such as a vestigial arm, an extra eye or mouth, machine parts inte-grated with your flesh, or similar manifestations. Whenever you consciously Harm someone, roll +0:
(15+) You are still in control.
(10–14) You feed the darkness. The GM takes 1 Hold.
(–9) The darkness gains power over you. The GM takes 3 Hold.

The GM can spend Hold to make Moves for the darkness living inside of you. For example, the darkness feeds on your life energy to sustain itself, forces you to commit murder in order to replenish its life energy, takes charge of your body and leaves you with only memory fragments of what transpired, forces you to harm someone in your vicinity, or temporarily transforms your body into something inhuman. You may have to Keep it Together to resist the darkness’ influence.

Some experience in your past has broken your psyche so badly you’ve been unable to recuperate from it. As a result, your Stability can never increase beyond Distressed (6).

A lot of the disadvantages have the general form of Marked, but not all. In them, you make rolls as appropriate to see how much trouble I should give you about your disadvantage. Broken is different, and essentially means you are down a few "mental hit points" (stability) at all times.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#7 Post by thenewflesh »

Okay, fair enough. To be clear, I've no interest in playing, like, Jack the Ripper or anything, especially not out of the gate. If you start too dark at the outset, there's nowhere to go.

But yeah, wow, I really like the look of Marked. I'm definitely grabbing that and playing a big lug. I don't know about the rest. For dark secrets, I'm still wavering between Returned and Pact. Maybe I'm Marked because something big has strings on me, or maybe I'm Marked because I stumbled into something I wasn't meant to see.

The Broken disadvantage seems brutal, I won't lie. Among quite a few other things, it means I've just always get -1 to keep it together. But that kind of makes it look narratively appealing. Certainly it goes well with the Returned secret; whatever I saw out there was really, really bad.

I could also just be Jealous, and be doing the Pact thing to get what I want.

Do you have any thoughts, preferences?
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#8 Post by drpete »

I agree! Marked looks pretty... awesome(?)

Chosen one and pact are two sides of the same coin... did you choose them, or did they choose you? You don't have to have sold your soul (or whatever) to have those powers coming after you.

On the dark secret, keep in mind that whatever it is, it is gone from your memory now, but can/will surface later.

Speaking of which, something like schizophrenia might work with your guy. In addition to the pact stuff, there would be elements of the game that were your hallucinations... it would start out gentle, but as your dark secret came to light, they would become more extreme... is it seeing beyond illusion, or your "condition"? Who knows?
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#9 Post by thenewflesh »

Okay, fair enough! Me not knowing what form my dark secret takes, kind of makes my initial idea with Pact kind of moot then, if I can't like explicitly bake it into my backstory. However, Chosen lines up nicely with the Mark. At the moment, that's what I'm leaning towards.

Indeed, Schizophrenia would work really well with my guy. Combined with his size and his penchant for violence, it'd sort of give him a bit of a bull-in-a-china-shop flavor.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#10 Post by drpete »

Alright! (Note, I was just spitballing, so feel free to take or leave anything I throw out there, or tweak it as you line)

If you are going with "Marked", then you need to think about what that "Mark" is. Keep in mind that it's the 20s, things like tattoos generally are the domain of sailors, hobos, carnival folk and criminals. You are also welcome to, like have a mouth on your belly, a boil that has a little face on it, or whatever creepy thing you can think of :)
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#11 Post by mik »

Happy to go with Repressed Memories, and have them gradually revealed during the game.

I am very much a "play to find out" style of player, so won't be going in with a big backstory for my character - I prefer to start with a rough sketch and a few general principles, and then see what they become once we start posting.

Bad Reputation - I've been thinking... I don't think I want to play a character who has done nasty stuff to earn his bad reputation. I think I'd prefer more of a pariah type issue - maybe a family member was convicted of a heinous crime, and my character is considered "guilty by association". Something like that. Also happy for it to tie in with the Dark Secret (which again could be a "your family is no good" type thing).
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#12 Post by drpete »

Sounds ok to me, mik...

The thing I'm having a little trouble seeing (so far) is how member of "the public" would know to react badly to you, which is why my mind went where it did. I think we could make it work, though... hrmmm....

What about something like, hrmmmm... you are identifiably part of some strange cult-ish group... like the people of Innsmouth, or the Branch Davidians... something about you marks you as one of them. Maybe you don't know what they were about, but they were, like, rounded up by the Feds and people "like you" are still viewed as suspicious, even though you have no idea what the adults were up to...?
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#13 Post by mik »

Yeah, "Bad Reputation" does seem a bit more geared to someone who is nasty by nature (or who has been publicly accused of something pretty awful). :)

Feel free to suggest any other Disadvantages that you think might work better.

I'll have more of a think too.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#14 Post by drpete »

Hrmmm... I took a few off of the "list" because I thought "this doesn't make sense here", and there were a few sexual ones, and people had expressed a desire to avoid some of that.

One that stands out that could go with Family Secret is "Lost Identity"

Your true identity has been lost to a [XXX]. You do not remember anything about your previous life.

It's sort of set up as the Wolverine background, with a military program, where you slowly uncover your past. Seems like it could be that you, say, suffered from Amnesia (a war wound, maybe?). Your true identity would slowly reveal itself to you, and from there you would find out what horrifying thing your family had going on.

Or you could go with something like Rationalist, and don't believe in the supernatural to the point where you deny your own senses. That suggests to me there might be a supernatural thing going on in your background that you've repressed...?

There's lots of ways it could go... makes it pretty colorful :)
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#15 Post by drpete »

Mik, NewFlesh,

I like what I'm seeing, so far.

I added some "questions" to ease your characters into the environment here. They are, I suppose, optional, but might help you get a handle on your characters, and help flesh out the environment.

As "sleepers", you have one or more habits that you use to distract yourself, to keep yourself busy. If your character engages in their preferred activity for a few hours, he will regain 1 Stability.

Some ideas:
Reading the Paper
Sports (baseball, boxing)
Card Games
Movies (silent films)
Music (jazz?)
Drinking (note: it's prohibition)
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#16 Post by drpete »

Hi folks. It's been about 3 days since anyone posted, and 2 of you haven't posted at all. Is everything ok?
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#17 Post by mik »

Sorry, been crazy busy with work for the past few days.

I’ve been thinking though. :)

I like your suggestion of Rationalist instead of Bad Reputation - it fits nicely with Family Secret and Repressed Memories.

In terms of the habits you listed, I can imagine my character sitting with a deck of cards and methodically playing solitaire. Links in with the logical and analytic nature of Rationalist. Similar for Reading - perhaps he carts around a dog-eared copy of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species or Newton’s Principia that he reads whenever he can.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#18 Post by drpete »

Sounds good, mik.

Just a couple more steps... :)

1) Think about those character questions, to help ground you in the setting.
2) You need to organize your stats (see the other character creation thread for the list)
3) We need some relations... people that you know and care about. We can do those with other PCs once they come along a bit more. I would also like you to come up with 3 others, with people preferably on Blackwell Island.

First, an acquaintance (level 0 relation). Could be a friend or co-worker. Someone you at least care about enough to not wish them harm.

Second, a meaningful relationship (level 1 relation). Could be a close friend, family member, romantic interest, mentor, etc. Someone you experience closeness with.

Third, a vital relationship (level 2 relation). Could be a passionate lover, your child, an obsession, soulmate, etc.
4) You will need 2 "dramatic hooks"... we'll talk about this in a bit.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#19 Post by thenewflesh »

drpete wrote:Alright! (Note, I was just spitballing, so feel free to take or leave anything I throw out there, or tweak it as you line)

If you are going with "Marked", then you need to think about what that "Mark" is. Keep in mind that it's the 20s, things like tattoos generally are the domain of sailors, hobos, carnival folk and criminals. You are also welcome to, like have a mouth on your belly, a boil that has a little face on it, or whatever creepy thing you can think of :)
Well, I like your spit :)

Sorry about the AWOL! I'm kind of still meditating on my guy, trying to make him clearer in my mind. And I was also kind of waiting to see what the other two players were thinking, too (I was kind of hesitant to hog all the cool disadvantages like Marked and Schizo to myself, honestly). But I guess it's just going to be Mik and I?

One thing I'm really trying to get a grasp on is to what extent I'm happy to collaborate with prisoners where it is to my advantage. I'm definitely a hardass, but can't decide whether I'm a hardass because I'm walking the straight-and-narrow or just because I'm arbitrary and cruel. Where does everybody else lie on this divide? (The other PCs? The other NPCs?)

Oooh - after nights of having no idea what my mark is, I think it's going to be a wound which never closes. It doesn't, like, bleed profusely to the point where it's a hindrance, but the gash is there nonetheless.
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#20 Post by drpete »

thenewflesh wrote: Sorry about the AWOL! I'm kind of still meditating on my guy, trying to make him clearer in my mind. And I was also kind of waiting to see what the other two players were thinking, too (I was kind of hesitant to hog all the cool disadvantages like Marked and Schizo to myself, honestly). But I guess it's just going to be Mik and I?
It's not a problem... it just got so quiet I was worried. I'm used to character generation being a little rowdier (with, admittedly, a bigger group).

I know that rossik was having some internet issues, and hopefully will come back. I believe Scott was thinking about his character, but I'm not sure if that is progressing at this point.
thenewflesh wrote: One thing I'm really trying to get a grasp on is to what extent I'm happy to collaborate with prisoners where it is to my advantage. I'm definitely a hardass, but can't decide whether I'm a hardass because I'm walking the straight-and-narrow or just because I'm arbitrary and cruel. Where does everybody else lie on this divide? (The other PCs? The other NPCs?)
I don't have a problem with you being cruel... I suspect that there will be reasons to be cruel, and reasons to regret being so. I'd say don't go too "stone cold psycho", but you could be like the guard captain in Shawshank Redemption. He would throw a guy off a roof for backtalk, but absolutely took the free tax help.

I mean you're a schizophrenic whose oozing wound makes him kill... you're already pretty "evil"... :twisted:
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