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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:04 am


#1 Post by wolfpack »


Kingdom of Arisland – The country to the south of the great desert, Arisland has grown in size and power over the last 55 years under the rule of King William Aristor. The kingdom consists of 4 large cities with small villages dotting the countryside. Arisland is home to the largest standing army in Aroth with over 1500 regular troops and far more men as reserves. There has been growing tension between Arisland and the kingdom of Volgne over this fact and that Arisland has also replaced Volgne as the primary trading partner of the city state Starlorn.

• Oslodin – Largest of the Arislandian cities this is also the capital and home of the king. It is located near the River Fane and is an important part of the trade route. The city is home to a large number of merchants and men at arms. It is filled with shops to supply just about anything a traveler may need or want (legal or illegal).

It is also home to the lands largest cathedral of the kingdoms patron god Odin, and the weaponsmith guild The city is surrounded by large stone walls 20’ in height with 3 gated entrances to the south, north, and east.

• Jeferend – A medium sized city to the North of Oslosdin, Jeferend is known for its tall buildings with spiraling tops. Jeferend is the closest city in Arisland to the great desert and is often the last stop of civilization for those daring to adventure there.

The city has shops that sell many exotic rugs and clothing in the style of the people of the southlands. The cities ruler Lord Jafar Matafie is himself from the southlands and was an adventuring companion of the king.

• Markainus – A large walled city to the south of Oslodin and near the kingdom’s established border. Markainus is renowned for its warrior training centers. Experienced and aspiring warriors travel from all over Aroth to attend the vaunted academies. It is also home of the Blacksmith and armorer guilds.

Because of the close proximity to the Heartwood forest it is not unusual to see many elves and Rangers in the city as well. It is said if you are looking for a excellent tracker there is no place better to go.

The city is ruled by Lord Milkar Therodes, a large gruff man known for his great strength and fighting ability who is a long time companion of the king.

• Abinadra – Often called the spell city, this small city is located to the East of Oslodin. This is the home of the Kingdoms school of magic. Two large towers lay at the cities center. The Tower of Masters, and the Tower of Apprentices.

The Tower of Masters houses the magic schools teachers, the class rooms and labs. The Tower of Apprentices houses the schools students and study libraries.
The town is known for its wizard’s row shopping market, where all manner of wizardly supplies and scrolls can be found.

The city is ruled by Lady Karen Golden a wizardess and advisor to the king.

• Rashtan - A village near the Lonely Wood along the Travelers Way, Rashtan was until recently a forgettable hamlet until and ancient gold mine was discovered in the Lonely wood near the town. Since then the sleepy hamlet has become a busseling town.

Desert of Shifting Sands - Great desert in the middle of the continent between Arisland and Volgne. This desert stands out as odd in a temperate climate. It gets its name as the sand dunes will often be seen shifting like waves on an ocean. History says that this desert was the sight of the great city states of the god kings who angered the gods and was the center of their anger at the Turning. Rumors have great ruined civilizations full of magic and riches lost deep in the desert, but most who venture in never return. Many nomadic tribes live in the desert nearer the edges.

Starlorn (the first city) - This ancient city sits atop a small flat mountain that overlooks the Lake of the Immortals. Popular tales say that it was the first city to be built by man, and that the ruling family is a direct relation to Poseidon , hence the many temples built to the sea gods honor, and it was the god himself who flattened the mountain top so the city could be built. The city is ruled by His High Lord Majesty Piponin Posdin. Who is the 120th ruler of the great city.

At the bottom of the mountain at the edge of the great lake is the port city of Saferdin. Although truly a city unto itself the port is considered part if the first city. The fishermen here brave the cold waters of the great lake to catch the Hufner fish.
This fish is considered a great delicacy across the land and is known for its special property of not spoiling. The fish can last up to 3 months with out losing texture or taste as long as it is kept in a dark place.
The day to day activities are overseen by Hamlin Pandaf a cousin of the High Lord Majesty . The fisherman’s guild holds much sway in the port city.

Starlorn is well renowned for its art, culture and magic, however in truth its glory days are behind it. With the rise of other kingdoms and a series of bad rulers this once grand jewel of cities has begun to lose its luster. The current ruler Piponin is known as a selfish man who has raised taxes to the breaking point; this has caused much unrest with the citizens.

Piponin has also spend much of the last 15 years he has been in power building great statues and monuments to himself. Including a 150’ foot statue of him that stands over the entrance to the bay of the port city, with one great foot planted squarely on the outcroppings of land leading into the bay.

The Lonely Wood – This forest lies along the Travelers Way from Markainus to Starlorn. It is a small forest when compared to The Heartwood. The Traveler’s Way road runs through the forest itself, when first built guard stations were set up to protect the road, but after 18 years of heavy traffic most of the creatures that would threaten a caravan have either left or been dealt with.
There is a small village of elves who call the forest home, these elves tend to be more nature oriented than those within the large elven city in The Heartwood. They will sometimes venture to the small villages that have sprung up along the road, but for the most part keep to themselves.
On the eastern side of the Lonely Wood stands the Forgotten Hills, the two are within close proximity of each other and the Travelers Way road runs through both.

The Forgotten Hills – This series of rolling stony hill land lies east of the Lonely Wood. It is a sharp rugged terrain that is the home to many less desirable species. The Travelers Way runs along the northern end of the hills and is generally considered safe, although there is the occasional attack on caravans.

Lately attacks have been on the increase as a large clan of humanoids, mainly hobgoblins and orcs, have banded together. Some say there is a powerful evil cleric behind this.
Other rumors about these hills are
• There is a large series of underground caverns that go deep into the world.
• There are small bands of giants that live in the hills and sometimes harass near by villages and travelers.
• There are the ruins of a once great city buried somewhere in the hills after it was destroyed by an earthquake.

Volgne (the Old Kingdom) – For 600 years Volgne was the major power in the land. However over the last two centuries its power has waned. First 150 years ago a section of the kingdom led a successful rebellion forming the Duchy of Thesely, and as of late the rise in power of Arisland has cast a shadow over the once great empire.

The kingdom is ruled by King Harold Dumars the fourth whose family has ruled the kingdom for 300 years. There is a lot of tension between the King and King Aristor. There is also tension with the Grand mayor of Thesely. Volgne’s primary export is agricultural as there is much fertile farmland within its borders. There are 7 major cities that make up the kingdom outside of its small farming villages.

• Castlehome – This is the capital city of Volgne and home of the King and his court. It is in the center of the kingdom with the other cities surrounding it like spokes on a wheel.
It is the largest of the cities in the land and at its center is the great castle where the king dwells.
It is also home to the kingdoms magic school, farmers and stone workers guild.

• Varnerwald – This city to the north of Castelhome is ruled by the Baron Marconis, a cousin of the king. It is a typical city surrounded by ramparts. The city guard is known for its bad temperament and disdain for strangers.

• Pasdale – This city the Northeast of Castlehome, it is the furthest city from the capital and the closest to the barren plains that lay between Volgne and Thesely. During the war of succession the then ruler of Pasdale sided with the rebels. After the war was over his family was executed for treason and the rulership of the city was handed to the Hugo family, cousins of the king. Duke Dennis Hugo is the current ruler and is not well liked by the people. Many families within the city had relatives who sided with the rebels, and still today there is some what of a connection felt with Thesely.

• Royalton – This small but affluent city holds the vacation home of the king. Because of this status many nobles have homes here and the city regards itself as 2nd only to Castlehome in status. It is the closest city to Castlehome laying to the Southeast of the capital.

• Midground – To the south of Castlehome is the small city of Midground. This is a young city in comparison to the others in the kingdom being only 75 years old.
The city was originally founded by Rolif Aristor, a trusted advisor to King Harold the Third. There was much jealousy towards Rolif from many of the long time noble families for his closeness with the king. When the king died (under mysterious circumstances) and his son took over the throne, he shut Rolif from his court. Not long after Rolif was assassinated while on a hunt. His wife took what she could load into a wagon and her two children, William (now king of Arisland) and Maria and left the kingdom for fear of their lives.
Harold the fourth put one of the longtime Volgne noble families, the Turblets in charge of the city.

• Farhome - This medium sized city lies to the southwest of the capital, it is a city of earthen works surrounded by a large stone wall. The area around Farhome is excellent mining land and there main export is iron. The city is home to a large number of dwarves who do the majority of mining in the area, it is ruled by Thomas the bearded who is the brother in law of the king.

• Hampney – This city to the northwest of the capital is ruled by Corin Dumas, the half brother of the king. Corin is an ugly hairy man whose personality is even worse than his appearance.
The city serves as the home of a large number of mercenaries and is also home to the blacksmiths guild.

The Barren Plains – To the east of Volgne lay the Barren Plains. This area was once a fertile plain until the war of separation between Volgne and what is now Thesely.
It is the site of the wars final and greatest battle.
The Great Volgne general Thallis Mandrake favored of Ares led the kings army to meet the rebels in what was to be the deciding battle.
The Volgne army was 4000 strong and the rebels had 1/2 that number.
However, Thallis while loyal to the king was torn. His family was from the rebel provinces, and many relatives still lived there.

The night before the battle Thallis dismissed his 3 commanding officers and replaced them with 3 he believed incompetent to lead.
His hope was that this would lead to a stalemate in the coming battle.
However he had misjudged one of his new commanders who was more than competent. As it grew close to dusk on the 3rd day of the battle the Volgnean forces were closing in on victory.

Thallis summoned the young commander who had been doing so well to his command tent. While the officer was sitting Thallis cut his throat from behind, he then stabbed him self in the side and yelled for his guard.
He told them the story of an assassin hiding in his tent who had attacked the himself and the officer unaware.

As the hunt was on for this “assassin” Thallis called his two remaining officers in and ordered them to sound a retreat of all forces, which they did without hesitation.
Ares had been watching the battle from his training ground in the heavens and grew angry. Angry at the cowardice displayed, as well as the less than valiant effort being put forth by one of his chosen.

In a moment great anger Ares caused the ground to quake and open swallowing Thallis’s command post. He then sent a great fiery wind sweeping across the plains killing the members of both armies.
The once fertile plains became a barren rocky wasteland.
Now nothing will grow on the hard packed clay soil, and it is said at night eerie lights can be seen hovering in the distance and that the dead warriors from that great battle restlessly walk the plains.
Legends also say Thallis dwells beneath the earth, unable to die he sits with his two commanders for all eternity as punishment for his betrayal, and it is his anger that poisons the earth so nothing will grow.

Duchy of Thesely – This area was at one time part of the Kingdom of Volgne before winning their independence. Resentment with the kingdom is still strong among the people of the Duchy.
Thesely is made up of a number of small towns and villages each with its own mayor elected by the residents. This collection of mayors is known as the Thesely council. Every 5 years the council votes on one of their own to hold the position of Grand mayor.
The Grand Mayor presents new laws, and recommends changes to existing law that the council then votes on. The Grand Mayor resides in Gattlenbol, the only major city within the Duchey.
Thesely has a standing army of only 400, but many of the residents have received minor military training and act as a reserve. The pioneer nature of the people, make them a strong and determined force when gathered.
Thesely is also home to many individual adventurers. The independent and self reliant nature of the Duchy lends itself to the adventuring type.

Thesely has a “settler’s rights” law which allows anyone to claim a parcel of land that is not within 20 miles of an established settlement. This has led to a few warriors building keeps within the Duchy, the Keep owners are sill subject to Thesely laws and taxes, however they do not have to purchase the land they build on. Small villages tend to spring up around these keeps as smiths and traders come to service the lord’s men at arms.

Thesely is also home to a number of rangers who prefer the open rolling plains to the woodlands. These rangers tend to establish homes away from civilization using the settler’s rights law. They also patrol the lands making sure they are free from creatures or humanoids who may cause trouble. These rangers often will call on each other if help is required and have formed a loosely based organization known as the Range Riders.

15 years ago the Range Riders where responsible for stopping an Ogre army that tried to invade the Duchy (many believe the invasion was organized by elements within Volgne).
As a result the Riders are very well respected and loved within the Duchy, and will never have to worry about food and shelter when in any village within it. They are recognizable by their symbol a green glove with a gold embroidered bow notched with a stalk of wheat. Anyone trying to pass themselves off as a Rider who is not one will be dealt with swiftly by the organization. Rumors say there are between 100-200 in this organization.

• Gattlenbol – The only large city within the Duchy this is the home of the Grand Mayor and the base for the Thesely guards. Like most large cities, almost any supplies needed can be found here. It is also home to the only organized wizard’s guild in the Duchy which is smaller than in most large cities.

• Stallington - A small farming village that is unremarkable except for the fact that the village is near a rather large spring whose surface is as reflective as a mirror hence the name Mirror Spring. Every year the hold a extravagant spring equinox festival. Recently the town was plagues by a demon but was freed with the help of a group of adventurers.

Jutted Hills – These large hills in Volgne are close to the city of Farhome and are rich with ore. The hills were cleared of beasts long ago and are home to large mines.
Rumors persist of lost cities buried under the hills, and some of the dwarves who mine the hills have returned to Farhome after finding items that appear to be thousands of years old.

Rackleaf Forest – Located in Volgne this medium sized forest is prized for its native Rackleaf tree, a tree that grows extremely fast and provides a very strong wood.
It is also home to the silver beaver, whose pelts are also prized, which builds its dams along the small creeks running through the forest.
As of late a number of woodsmen and trappers have disappeared after entering the forest, and others having been telling stories of hearing ghastly moans echoing through the trees.

Bubbling Bog – Where the Heartwood meets the wetland this vast swamp sits as a reminder that not all of nature is kind. The swamp is rumored to be filled with all kinds of beasts great and small. It is known that certain humanoid tribes call the swamp home. The Elves of the heartwood have constant patrols to ensure that the creatures within the bog do not filter into their woodland home, and there are often skirmishes along the swamps border. Legend states that before the turning the bog was a large lake, and with the rending and shifting of the earth it became a wetland. As the heartwood expanded into the wetland and the humanoid races moved in, it became what it is today.

HeartWood- This ancient forest or towering pines, sturdy white oak, and beautiful maples is located south of Markainus and is the largest forest in the land. A number of rangers and druids live on the outskirts of the forest, and in its heart is the great elven city of Sulandria. The wood is filled with all manner of creature great and small. The elves have regular patrols to ensure the creatures inhabiting the Bubbling Bog on the eastern edge of the forest do not try to make their way in.

Sulandria (Elf Home) – This great elven city resides in the HeartWood. While legends among men state that the city is a magical place where elves fly about the trees, and that it is invisible to all but other elves, the truth is the city is well camouflaged. As the elves built it where the forest grows thick, and planted tall trees close together to form a sort of natural wall. There are homes on the ground and in the trees, all connected by a intricate series of rope bridges and elevators using ropes and pulleys.

Only elves are allowed to live within Sulandria. Sometimes those who have proven to be friends to the elves and performed services to help them or protect the HeartWood are allowed in for a few days, but those who gain this privilege never speak of the city to non elves.

In an effort to protect their home and forest all male elves who are Sulandria residents, once they hit adolescence, must spend a decade serving as city guard.
They are trained with short bow and short sword and patrol the forest around the city.
Those who show great aptitude and are willing are trained to be Sulandria scouts.

Scouts must serve 30 years and receive advanced training.
These elves patrol the greater reaches of the forest, they will sometimes be gone for up to 4 weeks at a time. They patrol the border of the Bubbling Bog making sure none of the creatures there take up residence in the forest, they will also track anyone they find entering the HeartWood. In the cases of humans and other demi-humans they will most often follow and watch them to be sure they are not causing harm, or getting t close to Sulandria itself. In the cases of humanoids or other creatures they will often attack without question.

All scouts are highly skilled with the short bow, as well as in the arts of tracking, hunting, camouflage, foraging, and as bowyer/fletchers. They work in groups of 5 with the following breakdown. Two will be rangers, 2 will be multi-class fighter/thieves, and one will be multi-class fighter/magic user. Each will have with them a short bow, 6 silver tipped arrows, 14 normal arrows, a dagger, and either a short sword, long sword, or spear. Scouts are also given special elven leather armor which offers good protection while offering no encumbrance (so that even the fighter/mage may wear it), however they do not carry shields.
These scouts often work with the rangers and druids who make their homes near the outskirts of the forest.

It is tradition that after having served a decade in the city guard, that young elves will leave Sulandria to explore the world. Many return after a few decades although some choose to remain in the larger world.

Finland Swamp – This small swamp land is located 4 days ride to the northeast of Oslodin across the River Fane. One of the small swamp/woodlands in Arisland there are several small villages within a weeks ride of the swamp. Before the area was settled and claimed by King Aristor the Finland swamp was home to two distinct goblin tribes. These two tribes would war back and forth with each other fighting for dominance. Every so often the tribes would cease their fighting and attack the human settlements in the area. Once King Aristor took over the land his army cleared the swamp of the humanoid tribes. No one has seen or heard from them in 10 years, however lately there have been rumors that something strange is happening in the swamp.

Draken Helm- To the west of Arisland along the River Fane sits the mighty citadel city of Draken Helm, home of the Drake Knights.
Draken Helm is 2 mighty Iron Citadels, one on each side of the river, connected with a large bridge that stretches across the two strongholds high in the air near the top.
The two citadels are surrounded by high stone walls, and there are medium sized bustling cities behind the walls around both structures. There is also a land bridge connecting the two cities. Duke Vizcain Steelhold is the current ruler of Draken Helm, and leader of the Drake Knights.
Laws, while fair, are strictly enforced and all citizens are treated the same even Drake Knights.

• Drake Knights - The Drake Knights are an ancient order of warriors and priests dedicated to Marduk. They rule Draken Helm with strict law and order, they also strive to keep the forces of humanoids from the Fallen Valley from extending their reach.

Formed 800 years ago by Jansen Drake the Drake Knights were gathered to fight an incursion by an army of hobgoblins that had formed in the fallen valley.
Jansen Drake was a nobleman who was widely respected for his honesty and martial prowess.

He managed to gain the pledge of other noblemen in the area to send there forces to fight under him against the humanoid threat. Through his leadership the human army was successful, and even after the war had ended, and the humanoids had retreated back to their dark valley, many of the warriors pledged their allegiance to Jansen instead of returning to the service of their former nobles.

This caused much anger among the nobles as they eyed Jansen with fear and envy, and some of the nobles joined together and built the stronghold of Fellhold.
In the meantime Jansen set about drafting a set of rules and codes for his new followers to live by that would be called The Codex. The Codex would become the rules for the order of the Drake Knights for the next 800 years.
Every 2 years members of the knighthood vote for members of the Draken Council, this council of 7 men make all decisions regarding the major initiatives of the knighthood. The Draken council also appoints the Duke of Draken Helm. This is a lifelong position, however if the Duke is failing in his duties the council may remove him and appoint someone else as the new duke.
The Drake Knights consist of 3 orders, Order of Right, Order of Steel, and Order of Divinity.

The Order of Right are elite warrior members of the knighthood, these knights have proven their service multiple times. To become a member of the Order of Right a knight must have completed several major assignments for the knighthood, and be invited by an existing member of the order, then voted on and passed by a majority of the order. Most of the leadership within the knighthood come from this order. A knight must be of at least the rank of officer to become a member of this order.

The Order of Steel make up the great majority of the warrior knighthood. They are the backbone and fighting force of the knights. A member of this order may not advance beyond the rank of Lord.

The Order of Divinity are the priests of the knighthood. They follow the typical Hierarchy of the church of Marduk. Warrior Knights will always lay down their lives to protect one of their priests. Although they hold great sway among the knights, the priests have no actual decision making power, that rests with the council, and decisions made for the city of Draken Helm come from the appointed Duke.

Fellhold (Fallen City) – Established hundreds of years ago by enemies of Jansen Drake Fellhold is often called the fallen city. It is a dangerous place filled with all manner of thief, marauder, outcast, outlaw, and even humanoids. The city is controlled by a powerful thieves guild that has trade agreements with the denizens of the Fallen Valley.

Law and order are rather scarce in Fellhold and normally only come into play if a crime is affecting trade, commerce, or one of the more wealthy or powerful citizens in the city.
Not to say that people are running around killing in the streets for fun, although a murderer not getting caught is certainly not unheard of.

Fellhold is one of the very few cities where slavery is tolerated, and it isn’t unknown for humans to be sold as slaves to humanoid tribes in the Fallen Valley.

There is a large amount of animosity between the people of Draken Helm and the people of Fellhold. It is only the backing of the tribes of the Fallen valley that keeps the Drake Knights from burning the evil city to the ground.
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