Memorials and Tributes

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Memorials and Tributes

#1 Post by Marullus »

This thread is to handle collections and planning for memorials and tributes. The first post will be updated with the various items that have been placed, including dates completed. Players should post here if they're beginning collection for a Memorial or Tribute.

See the rules for Memorials and Tributes here.

A candle burns by a plaque in the Chapel of Baudh, reading, "Evangelist Kellstrom, servant to the Holy Baudh to the end of his days, slain by magical abominations on a quest for the church, 11 May 2021.


The Minstrels and Tales (May propagate to all taverns in game)
The children of the town play-act as the heroine Foxy, Flame of the North, inspired by the dramatic tales and reenactments of the event, using inscribed wooden toy bows and arrows.

Regis the Bard composed the song of Alcide: River Ranger to honor the local-born timberman after he assisted Earc Orctongue and Blackjack Amistad in slaying a a trio of trolls which plagued the ford settlement along the east river.

The Kindness of Clay is spoken of amongst the farmers in the tavern, speaking of Clay Weatherwax, Young Cleric of Beith, who donated handsomely to the benefit of farmers without thought of reward and who deals fairly with creatures of the world.

The Tale of Six and the Last, a heroic ballad repeated often in the tavern, tells of the six adventurers who crossed the east river on a mission for the Church of Baudh, faced spectres and horrors and ogres, and returned to tell the death of the clerical companion.

Trolls on the River Gaul, a heroic ballad of Earc Orctongue, Amistad, Alcide, and Achaedany slaying four river trolls in defense of the Frogmorton Ford community.

City of Gaul
Bianca's Berry Patch, on the east side of Gaul, provides a source of plentiful berry forage across the spring, summer, and autumn for free to the denizens of the city.

Apple Orchard: Next to the berry patch is an acre of young apple trees with a sign indicating donation by Willow Fairweather, Cleric of Beith.

A large copper statue of a mighty dwarven warrior stands outside the southern gate of the city. The dwarf has an impressive beard and is dressed in resplendant armor. On its shield is the phrase "Welcome Mighty Warriors" is written in dwarven runes. The plaque at the stone statue base reads: "May the Ale be strong and your Axes stay sharp. Neegan Battleborn, Blackhelm Clan"

Golden Tooth Tavern
[url=]A plaque behind the bar in the Golden Tooth Tavern memorializes the rescue of the Farrow children by Foxy O'Hare and Clay Weatherwax.

A large bronze bowl is carved to look like a lumpy river troll's head, hollow like a jack o'lantern and engraved, "to the end of the river trolls, slain by Earc Orctongue, Amistad, Alcide and Achaedany, May 2021." It is donated to the Golden Tooth Tavern by Mr. and Mrs. Frogmorton, where it is kept on the Adventurer's table and filled with free toffee candies by Mrs. Frogmorton for all adventurers to enjoy.

A sign over the doors reads, The Stancell Green Honorary Latrine: Leave your own Marked One in comfort and style, designating the new, fancy, and exceedingly comfortable six-stall outhouse behind the The Golden Tooth Tavern. (Honorarium paid for by Lord Commander Bremen)

A hippogriff-feather mobile hangs over the bar with a small plaque, showing Bandobras Sandybank's affection for the lost hippogriff, Bucky.

The Chapel of Baudh
An honorary plaque engraved on solid gold hangs on the wall next to an immense six-pointed sun in the Chapel of Baudh. The plaque reads: This artifact of Baudh recovered and restored from ancient ruin for the blessing and protection of Gaul. This act honors Stancell Green, known as the Marked One, who served Baudh.

Foxy's Betrothal Archway. It is a fine piece of stone work and craftsmanship which may be found at the end of the 'Lovers Lane' in a snug tree covered grotto behind the Baudhic Cathedral. The keystone of the archway displays the relic of Foxy's very gauntlet still grasping in melted fingers the charred lance with which she valiantly charged the dragon Scatha to defend the honour and maidenhoods of the maidens of Gaul. Under the archways the young suitors should lay down a gauntlet of their own and in return the maidens take a lock of their hair as a sign of their betrothal for marriage.

The Frogmorton House
The Sandybanks Longsword hangs in a place of honor in the Frogmorton House, honoring their cousin, Bandobras Sandybanks.
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#2 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Foxy leans laconically upon the bar at the Golden Tooth Tavern, swigging from a bottle of finest Southron red. She passes to My Hyde the proprietor a small bronzed scupltured statuette. It is of a grasping tree root curled around a bow and three arrows. Foxy O'Hare and Clay Weatherwax have their names engraved on it and it is stamped with the date that the rescued girls returned to the Farrow Farm. Mr Hyde gratefully receives it, polishing it will a glass towel and puts on display as a trophy.

Elsewhere in Gaul, performances are being held in market streets and at city gates as Idriss the circus performer recounts tales of bravado through mime, dance and song to the enthralled crowds of onlookers. He hands out gift arrows to wide-eyed children, each one carefully engraved with the signature,
Foxy: Flame of the North

Foxy leans in to Mr Hyde and other listeners at the bar as she begins to recount the tale of her heroism and The Rescue.

As you recall I visited the Infirmary to pay my respects and give my humble contrition. It was there I heard of goblin raiders who pillaged the farm, killing many and taking these young girls captive. I rent my heart to hear so but even more when I knew the duke and his men were to coward to go and these noble Templars of grace, saw such a task as not worthy of their merits, preferring to keep their virtue behind the safe walls of Gaul. this should not be, I was stirred with a compassion for these girls and one whose father lay mortally wounded.

I came to the tavern to map the farm and recruited an aide in the form of a young boy, Clay. So appropriately named for he worships the earth mother. Steel I would have preferred but those who call themselves by that name had wrung their hands and hearts. So we set off following the trail to farrows farm, avoiding a huge ant colony excavating a new burrow. We found the farm and found the farmers all low in spirit. Clay laid hands on Mr farrows leg to heal his wounds and I laid hands on his soul, stirring him to believe his daughter was not lost and hope was at hand.

So we set off in pursuit of the raiders who captured his daughter, following bent grass and twisted twig. It lead us to a small cave, barely a niche in the rocks out of which came a goblin horde. They had some menfolk prisoners in chains, and hauled them off into the night. I took the chance as they left to assault the cave hoping to find the girls still chained therein but alas no trace was found. The two with me wanted to rest or return, forlorn of hope but I roused them to follow and we tracked this horde to a plain above the hills. I sniped one goblin through the eye with my bow, killing him dead before he even hit the floor. This halted their move and as they turned Clay called forth vicious grasping roots to snare and entangle them. As Mr farrow and Clay moved among the roots to beat back the goblins and free the captives I exchanged fire with three archers. see look at this wound I took from a poisoned arrow to my shoulder. I slew two of them before the last fled naked and bleeding into the night fearing to confront my scimitar in melee. We freed the men and took the boss captor captive himself. I stripped him of his armour and swords and we chained him. He begged for mercy saying he would help us find the girls. I had to trust his word and so we followed his trail which lead to the palisade warded fortress of the goblin HQ. It was surrounded by goblin riders on huge ferocious wargs.

I left the men to recover their wits in the cave we found for they were exhausted and fearful. We encouraged their spirits with communion and interrogated the prisoner. This boy wanted to let him leaves after spilling his guts on the goblin plans, returning to him armour and sword. I would sooner have thrust the sword into him and made him spill his guts for sure. The goblin Balex, begged for mercy again so we left him tied in the cave.

He informed of of the Red Robed mages, an evil cult of necromancers who had plans to trade evil magic and relics for the bodies of these precious Gaul maidens. We could allow such to go unpunished and found the trail these mages used taking a place to ambush them as they traveled. Soon enough these mages came to celebrate in the goblins gloaming, riding warhorses and accompanied by fearsome hounds of hell who breathed bouts of lava and flame, snarling and rabid they were. We trapped them in one fell swoop, Clay causing the ground to tremble and snare these mages. In panic the horses reared and we rolled logs into the beasts to crush them and I fired volleys into the fray. One evil mage, Longshadow is name, escaped the entanglement crawling on his knees for safety before he intoned a divination causing sulphuric gas to arise from the bedrock. It poisoned the farmers with my but I withstood its' affect, continuing to slay beats after beast with my bow. Clay foolishly went to flail at this man but his lost his wits as the mage laid an evil touch upon him. Clay deemed the man his friend but i was strong in spirit. I stood from afar and carefully aimed like the huntress waiting for the slightest hesitation and movement. As Clay went to help his dog it gave me the gap to let fly an arrow. i wanted this mage alive so we could get him to sing. My bowstring sung first and my aim was true. Longshadow got hit in the leg incapacitating him and caused him to release Clay from his fell mind grip. He limped off into the night as he in desperation called on diabolical forces to raise the dead bodies of his comrades. Skeletal hounds and grim fleshless men assailed us.See the wound I took from one lich mage as he sought to strangle me. I took his head off and claimed his severed hand to lay upon the altar in the Infirmary as a token of our victory over these undead warlocks. I believe Bro Mylo has the relic in his office.

After this we pursued the last mage as he fled in fear to return to his gothic temple. Invisible he was but I saw through his illusion to corner him by a boulder where he acknowledged his betterment. He lay downs his arms and pleaded for mercy, giving up his evil spell tomes and telling us of the goblin trade plans. I let him go back to his ruin telling him I will come follow and kill all those who would delight in the slavery of young girls. He fears his seniors will take his skin to mould a book, I will take his skin and stretch it over a drum to beat a victory dance upon.

So we take their robes as a disguise and entered through the palisade beneath goblin spear men and archers. Only Clay and another faltered at the site of sacrificial bonfires and fled to the cave upon the words of a dire priest. The goblin we had captured must have escaped but I caused him to be burned as an offering to his god upon the very bonfires laid out for the Farrows' men. He screams echoed across the hillside and caused the goblins to fornicate and mate right beneath us. I ordered goblins to stable our horses and we were received into the banqueting halls of the goblin king. He was impressed by our triumph over these dread mages and called forth the girls we sought. they were starved and hooded, contained within crates of iron, chained and abused. We traded with the king and won his word that he would never raid the farms again but he sought to betray his word and slay us as we left. We fought in the corridors and caverns until I had to stop to hold the ground whilst Mr Farrow took chance to flee with the girls. With blade in hand I fought until my blood dry. I fell amongst scores of bodies only for Mr Farrow to carry my near lifeless form despite his wounds. They dressed my pierced lung, see here the wicked scar to my back from the thrust of a spear. I was sedated on my journey home, comforted by Eruannas' shining dove and the knowledge these girls had been rescued safely.

I think that is most of it, I will leave it to young Clay to embellish further if he wishes for vanity does not befit a lady as myself."

In the corner of the tavern by the fireplace, the bard begins to strum a few chords on his lyre and performs:

Flame of the North: a rock ballad...

'Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where are the knightly Templars
to fight the rising odds?
Isn't that my heroine
upon a fiery steed?
With bow and blade she cuts them down
Making all my captors bleed

Saved by Foxy,
do do do , wa wa wa wa, Wow! Pow!
Flame of the North

I'm holding out for a hero
at the end of the night
Foxys' s gotta be strong
Foxys' gotta be fast
Foxy's bow shoots flame into flight.

I call on Foxy

I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
She's gotta be pure
She gets her revenge
And she's gotta be Flame of the North!
Flame of the North

Do do do, wa wa wa wa,
Wow! Pow! Flame of the North

She hails a trusty sidekick,
who makes the mountains reel
He calls forth earthen roots to grasp,
Laying hands on you to heal,
He hugs the trees, calls flocks to mass
He sorts through ladies clothes,
He fought beside this heroine,
when skeletons arose.

Clay and his fat ass.

Do do do, wa wa wa wa
Wow! Pow! Clay and his fat ass.

In your darkest midnight
Beyond your wildest fantasy
Shadow mages run to hide,
Using bones of necromancy,
Goblins priests and kings will quake
Their end is just a burning lake,
Because Foxy sets you free.

Racing on the thunder and rising like the dawn
She's gonna take a super shot
To knock them off their feet.

Foxy to the rescue.

Do do do, wa wa wa wa
Wow! Pow!

Flame of the North, do do do, wa wa wa wa ,
Wow! Pow! Flame of the North.'

Clap along if you feel happiness us for you... :D
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#3 Post by Spearmint »

The Bard

strums his lute and introduces his new tavern song, one of many to be penned by the expeditIoners. First in his repertoire the:

The Ballad of Alcide: River Ranger.

Alcide walks under a wandrin' star,
Alcide walks under a wandrin' star.
Trees are made for fellin'
Axes are made to whack.chop, chop hand motions
I've never seen a troll that didn't look better burning black.
Alcide hunts under a wandrin' star.
Orcs make you prisoner and the Morlocks can bake you fresh.
Wugs' can burn your eyes, but only Rivertrolls eat your flesh.
Al is made for huntin' them, his dreams all comin' true chop, chop, hand motions
The river ran with red blood when before it ran clear blue.
Acide traps under a wandrin' star,
Alcide traps under a wandrin' star.
Do I know where Cabbagehead is, Fattypants or Lumpyguts too,head falling off motion
Heaven is not their place forever, they are growing back for you.
Alcide ranges under a wandrin' star, the river ranger star.

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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#4 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

It took a while to find time to post this, but:

On the 15th of May, several men from the Farrow farmstead walk into the Goldentooth Tavern and greet Mr. Hyde amiably. When asked how the farm is faring, they speak happily of the return of the two girls, Clarabelle and Annabelle, rescued from the Goblin King. We had a right party the other night, too. And the whole feast was provided by that young Cleric of Beith, Clay Weatherwax. Done paid for it with treasure he found with our very own Gus.

The feast also marked the return of Carabelle's father from the town infirmary. They feasted on breads baked with walnuts and dried fruits, several southern cheeses, soups flavored with sausages, As much damned dried fish as you could wash down. And what with all the wine he brought, that were a fair amount, I'll tell ye.

The men related stories from Gus, telling tales of Clay's unhuman-like friendship with not only his great mastiff, Morr, but also the donkey, Asala, and an owl, Maurice, with whom he can speak fluently. Gus says that that dog and owl kept them safe from all manner of beast - from giant insects to panthers to little dog-headed goblin-things.

Foul, them's sounded, adds another. But that young man didn't just go killing them. He thinks they might be okay, he does. Clearly, his belief's of compassion extend to foul-looking beasts, too.

When Mr. Farrow mentions Clay seeing Clay on the wagon with a load of adventurers, the farm hands indicated their belief that he hired the group of adventurers to make the lands around the farm safer for them, noting they have already seen fewer goblin raiders in the past two weeks.
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#5 Post by Marullus »

Expedition Tribute, sung by Irving the Handsome.
Expedition - Markd/On A Mission From Baudh - 08 May 2021

The Tale of Six and the Last

The six set out on blusterous day,
Under grey and grim skies heavy with rain
To unearth what man had locked away
Long since and hidden neath mystery and shame.

Once-bright cities that shone with Baudh's light
Fallen on shadowy miserable days
Called out to Baudh's priests come over the mount
To restore the lost holy ways.

In ancient tower was hid an icon
of gold and gilt with Holiness round;
Six souls set forth under hooded skies
And here's what they found.

Under a hill in catacomb deep
Were legions of unholy dead that would creep
From their tombs to prey upon the life of the living
Or to listen to speeches some ghosts were giving;

The wretched refuse of the living were fought;
Vermin and oozes festering with rot,
Destroyed good and all in holy Baudh's name
For the faith, for which they all came.

Nothing to be found
In that hole in the ground
But mysteries wrapped with enigmas tight round
A fair fairy queen with no head crying luminous tears
As her suitors and enemies hold court through the years.

Upon a high hill stood a circle of stone;
A resting place for some ancient bones
And a circle of tombs guarded well by fell beasts
That descended and slew the impetuous priest
Who dared to defy their unholy might
And was sent 'fore his time past the reach of the night.

In the air, in the wind did the weeping and dirge
Rise like an ancient soul's vital urge
Against the fell darkness of that timeless land
Lead our heroes from woe by the hand.

And so they returned.
Along ways not yet trodden by men or by beasts,
Simply monsters begotten of darkness and blood.

And so it was,
As the perilous ogre swept forth from the dim
With a horde of cruel kobolds, their spears flashing grim
Laid about him with a tree drawn up by the root
In an orgy of blood laid them out at his foot.

Dwarf, stony-faced, loyal and true;
Captain, with voice of command he is due;
Monk, his hooded face shining with light
And the half-man, with blade burning bright.

All save the last. Irving, the shield
of the fallen, who would not yield.
With a clatter of sword upon shield he cried out
"You, ogre, turn your backside about!
Or prepare for a slaughter, yours and your mates!"
And the kobolds fled, left the ogre to its fate.
With a turn and a twist and a mighty blow
he turned tree-trunk aside and laid the beast low.

Once darkness lifted
Through grace Baudh had gifted,
Irving, the Last, drew the fallen about him
And waited, in the last light of day, as it dimmed.
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#6 Post by Marullus »

Expedition Tribute, sung by Regis the Gray.

Earc sits with the bard over a few drinks on the afternoon of their return and they hash out some of the details of the song. Earc purposefully keeps much of it vague, but the bard is finally able to pen a fabled song.

Trolls in the River Gaul
Coming back from 'venturing
Down the river Gaul
Blackjack, Earc, and Alcide
Ran into a wall

The wall was green and towering
With pointed teeth and claws
A troll had grabbed ahold their raft
To make them pay their tolls.

They fought it on the river bank
With sword and spear they toiled
And finally managed to bring it down
Using fire and a little oil

They told their tale later on
To the smallfolk at the Ford
But the halflings showed great concern
A'fearing there might be more

So the three great hunters headed out
To search for other trolls
Along with another pair of hands
Achaedany made four

They tracked the trolls to their lair
Set traps and lay in wait
In the dark of night two more came
Taking the human bait

'Jack's axe did its damage
Alcide's spear did more
Soon another two piles of ash
Meant they'd almost settled the score

One more troll remained
The largest and meanest of all
It took everything our heroes had
To finally make it fall

'Dany sliced it with her javelin
Earc blinded it with light
But once again 'twas oil that
Brought an end to the final fight

Now sailing up and down the Gaul
Much safer do you feel
But before you let your guard back down
Beware the screeching eel!!

And, just for fun, he also makes up a limerick...

A troll from the river of Gaul
Caught a raft up in its maw
But after a huge fight
And a bonfire of light
Felt it wasn't a good meal after all
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#7 Post by Marullus »

Bianca's Berry Patch (East Side of Gaul)
Outside Gaul's East Gate is a simple wide plot of land surrounded by split-rail fencing. Furrowed into near rows with vine trellises over each, cuttings of blackberries, raspberries, and climbing grapevines. A wooden gate in the fence and a worn path from there to Gaul's entrance provide a welcome pathway for the children and ladies to find easy passage. The tree symbol of Beith is engraved on the posts beside the gate, the fence rails carved with words of blessings to Beith's bounty. A carved plaque on the gate reads "From Bianca Dewslinger and the Sisterhood of the Twilight Eyes. May your spirits ever be high and your bellies full. Sweet blessings."
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#8 Post by Marullus »

Bandobras' Hippogriff Memorial

Hanging from a rafter over the bar in the Golden Tooth Tavern is a mobile constructed of four hippogriff talons and four dangling hippogriff feathers. A plaque reads,
"To my friend Bucky, may your wings never tire."
- Bandobras

Seeing you look at it, Hyde the Bartender tells you, "Yeah, that's my friend, Bandy... such a soft heart, yeah. He's a good pal. Loved a young hippogriff, not like that, but, you know, and it got killed by some real bad guys. Made that memorial and I said I'd hang it, yeah."
Bucky Memorial.jpg
Bucky Memorial.jpg (12.38 KiB) Viewed 3749 times
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#9 Post by Marullus »

Neegan's statue memorial to the Blackhelm Dwarves

A large copper statue of a mighty dwarven warrior, a green patina forming on its shiny surface. The dwarf has an impressive beard and is dressed in resplendant armor. On its shield is the phrase "Welcome Mighty Warriors"is written in dwarven runes. The plaque at the stone statue base reads:
"May the Ale be strong and your Axes stay sharp.
Neegan Battleborn, Blackhelm Clan"
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#10 Post by Marullus »

Willow Fairweather's Apple Orchard
Next to the berry patch outside the city is an acre of young apple tree seedlings, growing to provide free fruit to the residents of the city. A small wooden sign on a post reads:
"An apple a day
keeps the bugbears away!"
- Willow of Fairweather
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#11 Post by Marullus »

The Sandybanks Longsword, displayed at the Frogmorton House
Alethan wrote:A week into his stay, one night over dinner Bandy retrieves his father’s longsword and sets it on the table.

”Madoc, I cannot thank you and your family enough for the hospitality you’ve shown me over the last week and even the last few months. I don’t know if money can repay you for the healing and recovery and sense of well being I feel when I’m here. But maybe this can.”

He slides the sword, a family heirloom, over to Madoc.

”I have no children. I’m not sure if I’ll ever settle down. This sword has been in the Sandybanks family for three generations now. I would be honored to see it continue in our family through our Frogmorton cousins.”

With the family sword’s lineage continued for at least two more generations, Bandy relaxes and tries to enjoy his time there. He studies his map during the day and in the evenings he practices longsword fighting with the Frogmorton children.

Hanging over the mantle on display hooks is a well-worn and well-maintained longsword with a plaque that says "Sandybanks." "That's the Sandybanks Longsword," pipe up the children to tell any who will listen. "Cousins to the Frogmortons on Mother's side. That sword was wielded by Bandobras Sandybanks in brave battles against ghosts, gargoyles, and scorpion-men across the river!"
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#12 Post by Stirling »

Just doing some re-reading and found this epic plagarised poem was not put in the tribute so Foxy pays bard to recite it again in prep for fall festival joust tourney.

-100gp paid to Regis the bard to sing epic rousing choruses regarding:

 Foxy's Charge of the Dragon Scatha

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the Knight Valiant

“Forward, the warhorse Galavan!
Charged for the Wrym” 
Into the valley of Death
Rode the Knight Resplendent.

“Forward, the Maiden Tribute 

Undaunted and unafraid
Hers not to make reply.
Hers not to reason why,
Hers but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the Knight Vengence

Claws to right of them,
Teeth to left of them,
Horns in front of them
Lightening raged and battle thundered;
Stormed at with talon and spell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the Knight Heroic

Flashed the knight, her lances steel
Flashed as they fought with sabre and shield,
Charging a dragon who exhaled fiery breath
Was our heroine crisped to death? 

All of Gaul wondered while it
Plunged in the dark smoke sundered, 
the Duke and Templars begged surrender,
until at last Gaul's hope dawned, behold. 
Alive and unyielding
Rode the Knight Victorious

Scatha the Wrym.
Reeled from the scimitar stroke
Shattered and sundered through the lance's poke,
It flew back in wounded shame, as
Dwarves and men charged to the game
Roaring cheers, announcing Fame,
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Re: Memorials and Tributes

#13 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Jernau35 wrote:Having been paid his fee and had several days to learn the epic song, Regis the Gray enters the tavern one busy night, ready to tell the tale of the slaying of Scatha.

Scatha the Evil Dragon
(To the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon”)

Scatha the Evil Dragon
Lived in a cave
And waited for Adventurers
Whose hearts were bold and brave.

Baxtaw, Lug and Bremen
Dorbeck, Stanz and Piers
Clouson and Osuna
Rowine and Crowager

They travelled ‘cross the mountains
Attacked by evil birds
They shot the birds with arrows
And dispelled with Holy Words


Through the hidden doorway
And down the secret stair
Our adventurers walked forward,
Brave folk, they felt no fear

At the bottom waited goblins
Behind their barricade
The adventurers charged forward
And put them to the blade.


They searched on through the tunnels
Seeking the red Wyrm
They vowed to end his evil
Their resolve was steely firm

Ambushed by great spiders
Whose evil webs they burned
Then attacked by yet more goblins
While their backs were turned


A nasty traitorous goblin
Told of a secret way
Into the lair of Scatha
Whom they had vowed to slay

As they searched the hallways
For the secret door
A volley of goblin arrows
Left Dorbeck dead upon the floor


Then from out the darkness
Scatha came to feast
Our heroes turned to face their foe
And slay the fearsome beast

Brave Piers lured the dragon
Out into the light
Clouson chanted Holy Words
To aid them in their fight.


Missiles from Osuna
Stanz, Rowine and Crowager
Sliced into the dragon
As more warriors drew near

Bremen smote the dragon
With the Hammer of Baudh
Lug struck with his dwarven axe
As his battle-cry rang loud

His sword made from the dragon’s tooth
Up stepped the elf Baxtaw
He drove it through the dragon’s heart
And Scatha fell down upon the floor.

Scatha the evil dragon
Lived in a cave
And was slain by adventurers,
Whose hearts were bold and brave!
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
Posts: 12704
Joined: Sat May 14, 2016 5:42 pm

Re: Memorials and Tributes

#14 Post by Spearmint »

Dolph's Memorial Gate:

Erected in memory of faithful brother-in-arms who felling defending the city of Gaul against Infernal influences as he assailed the labyrinth to close the Demon Portal.

Sept 2nd 2021
Dolphs gate.jpg
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