Outbreak Level 2: Induction

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Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Outbreak Level 2
It is apparent this is a severe crisis. Most people have at least heard something is wrong. The threat is escalating, and most people are abandoning their posts if not obligated by the military or government. If they haven’t already been jammed, cities no longer have passage via major freeways and most side streets are likewise unnavigable. Public utilities start to become unreliable at best.

Outlook: Grim
As the sun rises on Tuesday June 11, 2019, things look bleak and turn even worse before the sun has a chance to set. Massive insects swarms, ranging in size from that of a mid-sized SUV to several city blocks, slowly move about the city proper and then begin to make their way out to the burbs, sucking and eating their way through anything that moves. Businesses are forced to shut down by mid day, followed shortly thereafter by police, fire & rescue. Fires erupt inside the 270 loop while the outer cities and burbs hunker down under the dense swarm of flying and crawling insects. Some reports come across local radio stations of dead bodies littering streets, sidewalks, and yards. Other reports state giant rats have been seen roaming the inner city devouring everything in their path, alive or dead, and surprisingly unaffected by the swarms. One report stated that Chesterfield Valley, and adjacent Missouri River Valley Delta, was one massive swarm of insects, both in the air and on ground (unconfirmed). Some citizens have reported that even indoors isn't safe. The insects are able to find their way indoors if precautionary measures aren't taken. For the moment, most communication and utility services are still online, outside of the 270 loop. Nothing is for sure within the loop. No one has gotten communication of any kind from within the 270 loop since early this afternoon. Pillars of smoke and swarms of insect above the skyline are the only knowns at this time.

The outlook for tomorrow seems bleak at best. Local news stations and online news threads state that the president's office is expected to make an emergency press conference at 9 PM EST.

What's Next
  1. Survival is now a reality. What will you do, how will you survive? Will you strike out in search of safe haven, or hunker down and wait out the storm?
  2. From this point forward we will be in Objective/Task/Mission Mode.
  3. As individuals, if you are in fact alone, and not with the rest of the group or portion thereof (I'll let you decide on this), you will state your intentions (your most immediate objective), along with major tasks you believe that would involve. (we will work on this together for the first few weeks in the OOC thread until we develop a rhythm)
  4. We'll assign level of effort, risk, and resource allocations to those objectives and associated tasks (if required. We'll use this more so after things progress). For now just state your intentions and actions.
  5. I'll post more about this as we progress through the week.
  6. Start putting your resource lists together if you haven't already done so. We'll be using these soon enough. You can post in the CharGen Chatter thread if you like, or the H-Chat Thread ;)
  7. We'll use this thread for physical actions and face to face interactions. Use the H-Chat thread for other types of communications such as Text, Phone, Email, Social Media, etc. Basically anything that isn't in person/face to face
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#2 Post by Antman9 »

Day 4
Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 5:45 am CST
Outlook: Grim, but not Hopeless

In the early hours of the morning, after a night of glowing orange apocalyptic sky and the rolling din of explosions from the Roxana Oil Refinery, the buzzing drone of insects has only gotten louder, even becoming difficult to talk over at times. The swarms have begun to inundate the entire St. Louis Metro area. The SE winds have managed to push most of the smoke and fire of the refinery fires eastward, but the sky is cloudy and filled with the impending doom of massive insect swarms. The swarms now cover an area 25 miles wide by 45 miles long.
Swarm_1.PNG (97.87 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
Wolfpack, Scott, and Gerrin wake up to discover that masses of crawling and flying bugs have inundated their neighborhoods, crawling over windows, lawns, pretty much everything. The occasional scream from nearby neighbors breaks through the buzzing din outside. Somehow the bugs have found their way into your homes, buzzing and crawling about. For the moment they seem to be nothing more than a nuisance…for the moment. They appear out of vents, registers, outlets, and fixtures. An occasional sizzling and popping sound emits from various outlets, followed by small tendrils of dark smoke, and your homes begin to smell of burn popcorn, tires, and skunk. For those in the swarm, the expected warm rays of sunshine have not come. For those to the west of the swarm an eerie dark orange light fills the clouds overhead making them appear as if on fire.

If help is on the way, if President Trump delivers on his promise of “lots and lots of pesticide,” now might be the time to come through. For the moment power and internet services are still live for the survivors (all of you playing in this game), and the internet is aswarm with reports of similar happenings across the country.

Many of the major cities in the U.S. have been inundated by swarms, civil unrest has broken out in neighboring burbs, and all sorts of strange stories have begun to crop up on the web. Everything from people being sucked dry of blood, to vampires roaming the streets, the dead zombie-like corpses coming to life, and massive hordes of giant rats devouring everything in sight in New York and Chicago. Smaller outlying cities have reported people being attacked by crazy bloodthirsty birds, and animals not normally seen very often such as deer, rabbits, raccoons, and other animals only seen at night, have begun to appear in yards, the streets, and in public spaces. Several videos show parking lots with half a dozen animals such as deer and raccoons milling about in confused states. One particularly disturbing video shows a young man poking a small band of raccoons with a stick. The raccoons seem unresponsive at first, but then the swarm him with a raucous piercing screech and begin eating him alive as he falls to ground screaming and flailing. The footage, which appears to be from a cell phone, jerks back and forth from light to dark with the sound of panting and heady footsteps and what seems to be the voice of a young woman sobbing and crying for help.

If there was ever a time for a plan of action, now might be it. But nothing is ever certain, sure, or absolute. Sometimes inaction is the best course of action, and sometimes it’s not…
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#3 Post by Scott308 »


I dump out all the stuff in my gaming backpack and start putting gear in it. After it's stuffed, I grab a hockey stick, chef's knife, my GPS, put some Gatorade in a bag, and grab a 24 pack of Coke Zero. Wearing my fleece jacket and light duty work gloves, with phone and iPod in a pocket, I say goodbye to the animals and am out the door. Getting everything in the passenger side, I quickly go round to the driver's side and get in, trying to get my door closed as quickly as I can. Not worrying about my seat belt (yet), I start the engine and pull away. After I feel safe doing so, I buckle up and plug in my phone and iPod. Amon Amarth cranking, I drive. I want to get out of the bug infested area as quickly as I can. Heading to the meetup point in Pacific is my secondary concern.
Contents of backpack:

Couple changes of clothes
Phone charger
Outlet adapter for USB cord
Duct tape
Electrical tape
Pruning shears
Acetaminophen/ Ibuprofen/ Naproxen
Antibiotic ointment
Toothbrush/ toothpaste
Hand sanitizer
CPAP machine
Last edited by Scott308 on Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

https://www.extra-life.org/participant/Scott Peterson
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#4 Post by wolfpack »

Jeep is already packed with listed items grabbing a rucksack of clothing I will head to nicks to pick him up then head to the meetup in Pacific.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#5 Post by Monsieur Rose »

I spend the time before people show up to gather supplies from the house and pack things. Packing into multiple bags and tiers of items, I have a total of one backpack, one go bag, three duffel bags, a large tent, and a 55 gallon drum of water.

That was a fun exercise.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#6 Post by Antman9 »

Day 4 – Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 7:45 am CST
Outlook: Getting’ the Eff Out of Dodge!

Upon discovering the state affairs in the early hours, the Survivors coordinate on a plan to meet up at Pacific, outside of the Swarm radius, then head for the their Bugout Loc (37.6362° N, 91.0018° W). Wolfpack, Ogre Mage, and Rex head to Nick’s place (Mansieur Rose) to re-group and head toward Pacific to meet up with Scott and Gerrin.

All major freeways outside of the 270 loop are clogged with cars…Folks with the same sudden realization that the shit is real and the best course of action might be to escape the wrath of the Swarm. As a result all Survivors are forced to take side roads to get to their destinations. Travel times, due to the flood of people trying to escape, have more than doubled. Wolfpack arrives at Nick’s place first, in about 40 minutes, followed by Ogre Mage at 65 minutes. The Survivors do their best to stay in touch via cell phone, but service is spotty with the Swarm so close on the horizon and much of the inner 270 loop burned and in chaos. But they manage to talk sporadically.

Rex comes to the realization that he might not be able to make it to Nick’s place before the Swarm, and makes his way to Pacific to meet up with Scott and Gerrin instead (Commute would have been more than 2 hrs. I made a ZM decision, let me know if you disagree and we can adjust :) The Swarm seems to be moving/expanding at the rate of 2 miles per hour, and by the time Ogre Mage arrives at Nick’s place the Swarm is looming overhead and just beginning to crawl across the street toward the house.

Scott is forced to do some creative navigating to get to Pacific, but finds that 94 is fairly open and that should allow him to make it to Pacific within 2 hours. Gerrin arrives within an hour. He pulls into Blackburn Park, right off the main street, to wait for the others. Pacific seems to be a ghost town, but some businesses still seem to be open, with sporadic patrons coming and going in a hurry. The Swarm can be seen looming in the sky, blotting out the sun, some 6 miles to the NE. Rex arrives shortly after Gerrin.

As the Survivors struggle to make it to their destination, all manner of strange scenes fill their eyes. Deer, small rodents, cats, dogs, and birds of all sorts are fleeing from the swarm as well. They pay no heed to pedestrians or motor vehicles. The mutilated bodies of animals, and some humans, having been run over by the fleeing crowds, lay haphazard everywhere, including in the streets. The mass exodus has begun to cause absolute terror, and in the face of certain death the people have lost all control. In some cases 3, 6, even 10 car pileups block the main thoroughfares of many streets, forcing the Survivors to choose alternate routes or drive up on sidewalks, shoulders, and grass leeways. Scott seems to have the easiest go of things, given his route is somewhat in the boonies, with the country folk content to wait out the storm. They’re used to being secluded on the outskirt of civilization, and commonly have a week or two of supplies.

  • I’m going to move Gerrin along with the group, but won’t actually NPC him. That way when he comes back he can just jump right in.
  • Driving from Nick’s place to Pacific will eat up about an hour. By the time you guys get there the Swarm should be about 4 miles away. If this is still your course of action.
  • Everyone should arrive at Pacific by 8:45 am

Swarm_2.PNG (221.88 KiB) Viewed 3517 times
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#7 Post by wolfpack »

When Cell service goes down I will switch to the radio. I will still head to pacific and once there set out to Goodland
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#8 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Over the radio, Shine calls out.

"Are you guys seeing this shit on the roads? The dead are everywhere! And I'm not just talking about animals either!"

Once he arrives at Nick's and sees that they are already being set upon, he lugs any leftover gear up into his truck and gets outta dodge as fast as possible.

He tries to travel in a southwest direction as best he can to stay in front of the approaching swarm. He isn't afraid to add to the growing number of dead on the roads if anything or anyone tries to stop them.

Once at their destination, he urges that they move out right away, before the swarm gets any closer.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#9 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Nick rides shotgun in Todd's Jeep. He tries to reach the people he can on the radio. "Everyone good? This looks like some hollywood disaster movie."

"Hey Todd. You want to take a quick peek in the grocery when we get to Pacific? There may still be some supplies left on the shelves out here."

"Thanks for picking me up, by the way. It's good to have someone to bounce ideas off of in crappy situations. Keeps me from doing dumb shit."
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#10 Post by wolfpack »

No problem nick. Depending how bad tings are we might be able to stop, but I got enough dry goods to last 3 people for 2 months.

Grab the tac 14 in the back seat and you can literally ride shotgun with a 12" barrel 12 gauge.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#11 Post by Rex »


On radio. "Keep moving, bad idea to stop until we are all together."
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#12 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Radio: "Hey Rex. Good to hear from you. I was just suggesting we pause in Pacific. That's where you're headed, right?"

Nick grabs the shotgun from the back, makes sure it's loaded, and pulls a box of shells to the front with him.

I'm going to leave out customary radio endings and callouts. Too much clutter.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#13 Post by Rex »


"Yes, heading for Pacific, I will most likely be the last in since I am traveling farthest."

I am fine on dropping call signs.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#14 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"Shine here! I'm in my truck, right behind Todd and Nick."

"Man it's getting even weirder out here with all the animals acting up now."

"Are you guys seeing all of this?"
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#15 Post by Antman9 »

Day 4 – Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 8:45 am CST
Outlook: Pacific At Last!

The last of the Survivors manage to arrive at Blackburn Park with little to no trouble. The Freeways are still hopelessly clogged and the backroads are jammed with the occasional pileup of cars, but that doesn’t stop the Survivors from staying ahead of the Swarm. As the last of them roll into Pacific, the Swarm trailing close behind, looms on the horizon, only 3 miles away, dark and foreboding. The air seems to vibrate from the cacophony of buzzing. It drones inside the heads, and straying outside in the open air too long threatens to drive a person mad.

The town of Pacific is nearly deserted, with only the occasional vehicle casually driving down the street, and a few folks poking their heads through their curtains to check on the impending doom. Seems weird that anyone would attempt to hunker down and outlast the nightmare headed their way. But having encountered the Swarm first hand makes a world of difference. Knowledge is most assuredly power in this case.

Before the survivors have a chance to discuss their plan of attack, a competing drone begins to fill the air from the southwest. In less than a minute an armada of planes, military, commercial, and private appear on the horizon to the SW and slowly fill the sky. Many of the smaller planes, flying much lower, appear to have tanks fixed to the undersides of their wings, with rows of tubes along the lengths of the wings. As they pass overhead, and approach within a mile of the Swarm, the leading planes begin spraying a heavy mist over the Swarm. It’s clear that the President has come through on his promise, and it only takes a few moments to see that the pesticides are beginning to work. The leading edge of the swarm breaks apart and falls to the ground like the last raindrops from the trailing edge of a fast moving storm. Rays of light begin to break through the darkness of the Swarm. The armada of planes make several passes before moving off to the west. After a few moments a silence fills the town of Pacific and the remaining residents filter out of their homes.

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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#16 Post by wolfpack »

I roll up the windows and close the vents.

Let the others know we are heading on to Goodland, the coordinates I gave. Grab my gas mask out of the back would you Nick
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#17 Post by Rex »


Get the respirator handy. On the radio "Anyone need a ride? The front seat of the 4Runner is open."
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#18 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Shine comes over the radio of his now parked truck.

"So what gives here guys? Those planes must be dumping insecticide on the swarms. God only knows what kind of a mess that will make."

"Do we press on by ourselves or try to help some of these hunker downs around here?"
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#19 Post by wolfpack »

I'm moving on, God only knows whatever it is they dumped on those insects will do to humans. I am getting out of the AoO.
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Re: Outbreak Level 2: Induction

#20 Post by Rex »


On radio "OK, we keep together as a group. Give me 5 minutes to top off my fuel."

Rex will top off the 4Runners gas tank from 1 of his 5 gallon Jerry cans in the trailer.
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