McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#281 Post by onlyme »

not sure if you were waiting on me, but he is willing to investigate the ship.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#282 Post by Spearmint »

The Grinning Ogre Tavern, Quayside, Nicholls' Freeport,

Geoffrey Blood, Zoggrot and Goldie are in the tavern. Geoffrey is bargaining with local merchants for rumours and trinkets whilst the other pair are in discussion with the 1/2 orc barkeeper and some militia from the port, conscripted for a guard duty.

Zoggrot and Goldie listen in to the talk around them. You pick up that groups of the militia are conscripted Andros men. They are drawings lots for an assigned duty. Men who pick the short straw groan. Each is given a free tankard of ale and slapped on their backs with cheery 'good luck' wishes. The men stand by the street window and gulp down the ales while staring at the 'Guineaman' ship berthed along the harbour. The ship looks deserted and at the foot of the jetty is watched over by are a couple of sandbag embankments with cannons facing it.

Vladric the half-orc barkeeper pockets a coin for the beers. Wiping a glass clean he nods in the direction of the harbour."The large ship got towed in a few days ago. It was found just drifting on the high seas. A salvage crew boarded but some went missing and others went mad. They were found huddled in the prow shelter praying for dawn. They spoke of cursed lights following them and attacks in the night from unseen foes. The government want to convert it into a troop carrier, seeing how the decks are so large. Guards went aboard but like the former crew, some went missing and some went mad. So it stays bobbing on the waves there until the Bishops can get around the exorcising whatever dwells on it. A skeleton crew? Who knows for sure? The men draws straws for the watch duty knowing that other night shifts have recently fared badly. One missing guard was spotted face down in the waters. When they retrieved him out the water they discovered he had risen into some frothing maniac by all accounts and so they burned him alive. One missing guard captain is particularly mourned by the militia as a 'stout hearted fellow'". .

After some conversation, Zoggrot expresses an interest in collect a team to go exploring what is on board.

The militia men drawing the short straws say that,"The guards are not supposed to allow anyone on board," but figure "its your funeral and maybe your body floating in the sea,".So they suggest that in the evening any bravadoes sneak along the seafront promenade and duck behind the sea wall. "The tide is high but if you don't mind your feet getting wet you can sneak to the jetty hidden from the view of the Captain of the watchmen behind the cannon embankments, Then clamber through the inside of the jetty structure to emerge at the ships midsection or go the whole way to the stern end".Seeing an opportunity for a little 'business' on the side however, the militia spokespersons adds, "50gp gets a blind eye from us though, another set of drinks and a cleric to bury your remains if we find them."

You find out that the 'Guineaman' is thought to be an Iberian slavers vessel, snatching folk from far across the ocean for plantation labour. Of the colonial nations involved only the Bretons have abolished slavery. To keep peace treaties the Gauloise and Haldanes have 'suspended' their trade. The Iberians continue it as a practice. Apparently the slaves overthrew the crew but without skilled hands it just drifted on the oceans until washing up months or even years later on the reef.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#283 Post by Spearmint »

okay players, time to pick up the action again!! yee haa! me hearties!

Of the characters in the previous storyline I have NPC'd Elijah , priest of Poseidon. He remains on the McGregors' Revenge. Holden the bard is also being NPC'd and returns to the sloop after buying the skin for crafting Maggotts' drum. He has discovered some rumours regarding the Sirens' Bay and the Crystal Cave that they frequent. Should he journey there by a vocational call and perform wonderfully in the auditorium he will be gifted with a bardic instrument. Geoffrey Blood will be NPC'd also but will join the group exploring the Guineaman ship. He is freshly armed with some leather embossed vambraces that enhance his duelling skills. Stirling will be returning to the group in a month or so. His character Szmodics continues to do some specific tasks for Captain Lazarus in regard to 'spying on a spy ring' and uncovering some rogue Breton loyalists.

So that leaves native shaman Iggway, mage Siggard 'Hagslayer' and retainer Van de Poel, marine druid Pocc Vorche, pirate Rexlin Dupre, pirate Zoggrot and retainer Goldie to join with some new raw recruits and go exorcise whatever is on the ghostly ship. Just waiting on new characters to complete sheets prior to signing on.

Any last minute character actions or questions?

I will open a new thread for the next scenario. I will post to you the results of your shopping such as enhanced gear, upgrades and discoveries about specific items.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#284 Post by Spearmint »

Captain Lazarus and quartermaster Mr Perryman assess the assembled ragtag and very motley assortment of dreary pirate has-beens and never-will-be's. Nicholls Freeport was never a good recruiting ground for most stragglers were soon press ganged into the local Gauloise militia. Still around a small fireside table looked a suitable remnant of the bold and the brave. Some looked young, perhaps a little too young? yet they carried themselves with a certain swagger and with chests out and palms raised swore to 'take the tartan' and sign on for a fair share of plundered goods. Among them were a dwarf, fingers blackened by powder from cannon practice. A skinny half-green with an evil look about him and several sharpened tools of his trade. A fresh faced swashbuckler and one who resembled a pointy eared college student, his bony fingers flicking through arcane looking parchments. Another 'Hagslayer' or 'mischief maker', should that be 'mist-chief' maker. No matter, all hands are welcome.

With the McGregors' Revenge in drydock repairs for a couple more days, it was prudent to recruit now. Mr Perryman swears each one in and after taking the silver piece of and a flagon of ale, he sends them running with a flea in their ear and a clip around the head.

"Right then, you horrible lot. First job might be swabbing the decks of guts and groins and then below decks for buffalo shit. Either that or you can support your brethren in acquainting yourselves with some exploration. Old Plighty here will take you along, our hack and slash specialist 'Meat-Cleaver' Zoggrot has a taste for sneaking aboard yonder ship and he needs some cannon fodder to feed the crows with. Your arses' will do so off you go before you get strung up afore the mainmast."

A wooden legged, slightly inebriated old pirate shepherds the new recruits around the tavern.

okay Rex, Leitz, Monsieur Rose and Shaidar, this is your opportunity to introduce your character, give some verbals and any actions. Post something here then join the crew gathered in the Guineaman forum.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#285 Post by Leitz »

The dwarf introduced himself as Stubble; the origin of the nickname seemed clear. His face was scarred and scant facial hair grew anywhere. The normal long dwarven mane was missing as well. Stubble's was noticeably short. Despite what seemed the result of a very bad accident, Stubble was happy to share a pint and associate with all.

"Yes, Captain Sir." Stubble said formally. His use of Carib slang seemed limited. His deference to authority was just fine, however.

"I have a blade and don't mind using it. Happy to provide support for exploration. If you don't mind, Captain sir, I would also like some time to get familiar with the guns aboard. And to meet the cannon master, to see what they need me to do. At your pleasure."

Edit: After getting a better understanding from the DM; let me change Stubble's first impression slightly. He speaks with a Carib accent but does not use a lot of slang. He seems well educated in letters and maybe even whole words. :)
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#286 Post by shaidar »

The half-elf eyes up his fellow newcomers with a dubious look on his face but stays silent, only replying "Yes, Captain Sir" when they are given their instructions.

Once they are led away by Old Plighty he speaks further:

"Name's Alderhay. I'm quiet an' know my way round a blade, an' I dabble a bit in magic too"

His accent places him as a local.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#287 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Bello looks severely out of place. Before you stands probably the most attractive male on the island. He doesn't look like he's ever had to do hard work in his long life. Spending weeks or months at sea with no women around may not bode well for him. In addition, the rough treatment from the captain knocks him off guard for a moment. "Right. Uh, Captain, sir." Bello looks around at the motley gathering. Why just last week he was dallying with the wife of some wealthy merchant, bathed in luxury and pleasantries. He tosses his luxurious locks around and sets himself to the task.

He turns to his fellow newbies. "I'm Ferrol, but everyone just calls me Bello." He narrows his eyes at the group, then relaxes. "Good. None of you look familiar. Can't be too sure, apparently. Shoveling buffalo crap doesn't appeal to me, so I think I'll follow Old Plighty."
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#288 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin "Devil's Scowl" Dupre Damn it feels good to type that again!

The gruff pirate walks in with Fishy in tow, both sporting new firearms and arguing about something from the night before. Shut your filthy mouth! She was a good woman, and you sure were not complaining this morning when she made breakfast and you took a share. Asides, I think she is bonafide sweet one me... and why wouldn't she be? he boasted as he went to the bar and slapped a couple coins on the top, ordering whatever rotgut they had for sell.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#289 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc Vorche having come out of his meditative state staring off out at the sea comes over to see what is the hub bub. "Ah new crewmembers welcome I am Pocc Vorche." he says with a tip of his hat.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#290 Post by Spearmint »

The new recruits are summarily signed on and ticked off by the ship's steward Mr Perryman who gives them a brief hard stare through his glasses.

"ah, so this here Stubble lad wants to give Dogger a hand."

"Dogger don't need a hand. He needs a leg!"

Stubbles' got two short ones. Perhaps we can chop them off and make one long un'."

The guys get a little welcoming banter each from the crewmates. Rexlin dressed in dandy shirt and clutching a new musket arrives back from his tour of the harbours frontier district. Dirty palm marks cover his pantaloon buttocks. "Looks like Fishy's been at it again," jokes some brave soul at the back. Pocc arrives last, leaving Szmodics to finish business at the forge and timberyard. They are given the nod by the captain to join the others on the exploration.

thanks for the character Intro guys. We shall continue in the Guineaman forum
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#291 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay enters the Grinning Ogre with Old Plighty and Goldie. He nods at Vladric and orders three tots of cheap rum. As he fishes out the money to pay he finds a gold tooth with odd symbols engraved in it. Having no idea where it came from he shrugs and puts it back in his pouch.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#292 Post by Spearmint »

The Grinning Ogre Tavern.

Vladric the 1/2 orc barkeeper serves the pirates the three glasses of rum.The remaining bottle is taken by Thierry and a few off duty militia men who cheer his 'rescue'. He tells tales of his brave comrades being hacked to death by knives in the dark and others getting dragged away unconscious. Then just falling into despair as darkness and doom surrounded him. "A grotesque zombie lurched by me and I thought that was it but it seemed these fellows had chased it below. They too suffer the galleons ill effects." he shares.

Vladric nods to Goldie who was an earlier patron."Your companions, the brute and the boy. What of those?" he asks. Goldie blushes in shame realising he left his mentor behind. Old Plighty taps his wooden leg uncomfortablely on the floorboards before taking a seat beneath the still leering head of the ogre by the hearth.

Alderhay checks the runic gold tooth over. It is not one of his own though his face is bruised from cudgel bashing and he limps from the cannonball drop on his foot. He cannot remember how, perhaps a blow to the head bedraggled his mind. Also in his possession are one of the ballast blocks, a brick sized ingot covered in lead. Silvery scratches peek from beneath the surface. A shiny glint comes also from a wrapped ships bell, enscribed with golden swan designs and Iberian patterns.

"That looks a right fancy trinket. Perhaps you could ring last orders on it before we close?" suggests Vladric as he begins to wipe the bar. It is then that a furtive figure dashes in hurriedly, looking over his shoulder as if pursued. Szmodics, sporting a u-shaped stamp bruise on his temple and smelling as if he too had lived on the ghost ship. You turn to face a handful of Gauloise militia and fear the worst only they make room (plenty of room), for you. The shock on your face turns to surprise when you see Old Plighty in the corner.

"Another one of yours is he?" says the barman tutting about feeble-minded adventurers who should know better than trawl ghost ships.

welcome back Stirling. Make a post for Szmodics in the tavern. Actions for Alderhay also. We will continue here until the others finish exploring ... which could be a while ..."
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#293 Post by shaidar »


"I've never seem him before in my life, but the way my head is at the moment that doesn't mean much! I've obviously been busy" he gestures to his new-found booty.

He puts away his treasure in case the militia start asking too many question and looks to see if the newcomer shows any indication that he knows him.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#294 Post by Stirling »


"Old Plighty, oh you old pegged legged pirate!" The Haldane rogue is happy to see a crewman from the McGregor's Revenge and nods to Goldie also. He looks over at the militia to see if they show more of an interest in him and when they turn their backs he takes off his horse-shit smelly jacket and casts it into the hearth fire to burn. He winces visibly at the hoof print on his forehead and looks at Alderhay, "Looks like me and you both got into a ruckus eh?"

Szmodics carries with him a light crossbow strapped across his back and a silver tipped hatchet is dangling from a holster into his waist belt. He looks at the 'Grinning Ogre' eyeing up the gold ring in the ear lobe."Got caught short when looking for some more leaf OP." he says when the trio question his activities. He sits at the table and unfurls a pouch of tobacco and hastily begins to pummel grains of leaf in his small mortar and pestle set."Trying my hand at a new type of Tasseomancy,, that's reading from tea leaves, only I'm smoking this and with a bit of trial and error having a vision afterwards! So what is new with you guys? Where's everyone else?" He fills his pipe and offers some to the others to smoke.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#295 Post by Spearmint »

Alderhay puts away is gotten gains, checking his teeth. No they are all there so a false one not good for him. Deciding not to cause a ruckus and ring the ships bell he packs that away wuth the ingot and sits by the pirate trio.

The newcomer must come from the same crew as the other pair but was definitely not one of the Guineaman companions. Thankfully his cloak covered in hay and horse dung goes where it belongs. You notice a shiny square gemmed ring on his finger as he rolls the tobacco. Lighting a pipe, Szmodics visibly relaxes.

Thierry the rescued guard leaves, anxious to get home to his family. Of the militia present, as an officer he would be enlisted as opposed to conscripted, something Alderhay
would have been drafted for except he completed his arcane studies. You are aware of the loss of your memorized spells. There are few patrons left, even the merchants who blagged with Geoff have left, out of stories and merchandise.

Old Plighty regaled them with brazen tales of crawling claws that fired cannons, skeletal corpses swinging in the mast and hungry undead ravishing the former crew. He still hopes his 10gp wager on the 'pretty boy elf' might come in though Ferrolhas shown himself to be prudent and astute. "Light fingered like you pair of rogues and schooled in the arts like young Al here."

okay Al and Szmodics give me an action post before Vladric calls last orders.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#296 Post by Stirling »


will roll an extra cigar and after lighting it he will stuff it in the 'grinning ogre's' mouth as if he was smoking it. "Do you know when the McGregor will be seaworthy? I assume with new recruits we shall sail soon?" he asks Old Plighty., with a subtle hint that sailing sooner rather than later might be to his advantage. "before we sail I do have another bounty to secure though, if any of you are interested?" he whispers.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#297 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay whispers back

"The last few hours are a blur to me, but it seems I have signed up to be part of your crew, that is clear to me now. So, what it this bounty you speak of? Although I'm bashed and bruised from whatever occurred on the haunted ship, I'll do what I can to help."
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#298 Post by Stirling »


Takes from his garment a halberd blade. The axe head has been recently sharpened. An engraved crest , a crown over three lions is on one side, on the other some words in Olde Breton. "The motto on this declares 'The Long Reach of Justice'. I believe it was used for beheadings by the Queen's executioner. A trophy I came across and have been paid handsomely to deliver. You are a local Alderhay, do you know where I may find the Blue John? I have searched the dockside but no ship bears that name and it is not on the registrar of taverns. Perhaps in a creek hidden away?"

Szmodics puts away the halberd blade and says he has one of the jolly boats from the McG in the harbour in case we need to row anywhere.
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#299 Post by shaidar »

Alderhay goes a little pale

"Um...who is paying you to deliver that?"
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Re: McGregor's Revenge, pirating in the islands.

#300 Post by Stirling »


"Paying me? Well the previous originally person entrusted with this blade seems no longer able to fulfil his duties. Like many on the McGregor I have used my 'downtime' to make contacts in the Freeport in regard to new armours, weapons and wenches. By chance, one particular smith showed an interest in this halberd head, thinking it might have some history. A person of high regard offered the smith a commission to deliver it to 'The Blue John'. I merely offered my services for the lure of a potential Letter of Marque. To Captain my own vessel I need a certain renown and reputation."
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