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News Articles

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Your ZM (Zombie Master) will post News Articles (what look like news articles anyway), as a lead up to the full blown apocalypse. The first article will come by the end of the day today.
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Re: News Articles

#2 Post by Antman9 »

Asteroids Headed Toward Your Future!
By Joseph Hapwirth, CNN
CNNWorld: U.S. Edition
May 18, 2019 2:40 p.m. CDT | Filed under: Breaking News

.........In a press conference held earlier today NASA announced the discovery of a cluster of asteroids originating from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The cluster is believed to be of the same general origin as Kantos, the asteroids that impacted in the Gulf of Mexico in April of 2008. Kantos was discovered by a research team led by Dr. Noble Peters who said the object wasn’t detected until two days prior to impact. They stated the object was not visible to any of the current detection methods at that time. The research team was actively scanning that exact portion of sky, looking for exoplanets, when they discovered the object. All recovery attempts to retrieve Kantos have failed to date.

.........NASA said due to the limited amount of data on the Kantos asteroids they were only able to approximate its origin somewhere in the central region of the Milky Way Galaxy. NASA began monitoring the galactic center shortly after the new plans went into effect in 2018 in hopes of determining Kantos’ exact origin. The Milky Way Galaxy is home to somewhere between 200 and 400 billion stars and is believed to contain 50 billion planets. 500 million of which could be located in the so-called habitable zone. The center of the galaxy is home to a supermassive black hole. It is believed that black holes are formed when super massive stars collapse on themselves creating gravity wells that suck up any and all matter that gets too close. It is now known that black holes can consume and eject matter, and can generate massive eruptions.

.........In 2017 officials with NASA, FEMA, and the White House discussed mitigation strategies which included enhancing the hunt for space objects, improved trajectory analysis, and possible deflection strategies. The subsequent plan went into effect in June of 2018.

.........This latest asteroid cluster, named Diverius, appears to be following the same general course as Kantos. Leading experts across the globe are questioning the origin of these asteroids and have begun detailed analysis of the Diverius cluster. Experts believe the original parent body of the latest asteroids cluster may have collided with other large bodies in the center of the galaxy and then slowly broke apart as it passed one or more gravity fields or systems. NASA is unsure at this time if this cluster poses a threat to our planet or the solar system. No further information is available at this time but we will continue to report any further developments as they come available.

CNN's Joseph Hapwirth reported from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX.
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Re: News Articles

#3 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 2 - Fallout Shelters
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Re: News Articles

#4 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 3

Kantos Update!
By Joseph Hapwirth, CNN
CNNWorld: U.S. Edition
May 22, 2019 7:00 a.m. CDT | Filed under: Breaking News

......... Recovery efforts have been abandoned on the Kantos meteor that impacted in the Gulf of Mexico in April of 2008. In June of 2010, and then again in October of 2015, the Gulf Coast Oceanographic Technology Research Center (GCOTR) conducted floor mapping activities in the Gulf for the Gulf Coast Oil Conglomerate Association (GCOC) to better fulfill the needs of its U.S. oil backers. NASA assisted in analyzing that data in hopes of finding fragments of Kantos. GCOTR developed a new technology in 2007 for mapping ocean floors. They outfitted their research vessel, the Excelsior II with their new technology and scanned the entire Gulf. The new technology utilizes software, developed by them, to combine multiple simultaneous sonar images into a high resolution 3D image that requires special gear and a trained operator to interpret.

.........GCOTR equipped their vessel with nine traditional sonar devices that send sound waves at different frequencies. The nine devices are all connected to a sophisticated computer system that coordinates when each pulse fires, along with the specific frequency of the pulse. When the return signals are received, data from each signal is layered on top of one another in a specific order which results in realistic 3-D map of the ocean floor and everything in-between. The technology is proprietary and is still in the early testing. GCOTR claims their new technology is able to map features that were previously unknown, and detect changes that no other system can.

.........Unfortunately for NASA, they were unable to locate an impact crater or fragments of the meteor. NASA and the USGS verified the impact location, and the GCOTR scans more than covered any drift that may have occurred from impact deflection. NASA states one possible conclusion may be that Kantos exploded upon impact with the ocean surface, sending micro-fragments all over the ocean floor, and possibly back up into the air and low atmosphere. GCOTR states that any new debris, however small, should have been present in their scans. The scanning technology and sophisticated mapping system is claimed to be that precise.

.........The USGS countered that the impact happened two years prior to their scans, giving sufficient time for the natural processes of nature to cover debris of any appreciable size. GCOTR countered that their new method of scanning is able to detect geologically recent changes in the ocean floor and would have detected any recent additions. NASA declined to respond to their claims but states they hope to recover samples from Diverius. With all likelihood one or more fragments of this new cluster will impact on land.

CNN's Joseph Hapwirth reported from the CNN Headquarters in Atlanta, GA.
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Re: News Articles

#5 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 4

By Aparna Vidyasagar, Live Science Contributor
LiveScience: Health
April 20, 2018 09:44pm ET | Filed Under: Health

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The Basics
CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. Its many potential applications include correcting genetic defects, treating and preventing the spread of diseases and improving crops. However, its promise also raises ethical concerns.

In popular usage, "CRISPR" (pronounced "crisper") is shorthand for "CRISPR-Cas9." CRISPRs are specialized stretches of DNA. The protein Cas9 (or "CRISPR-associated") is an enzyme that acts like a pair of molecular scissors, capable of cutting strands of DNA.

CRISPR technology was adapted from the natural defense mechanisms of bacteria and archaea (the domain of single-celled microorganisms). These organisms use CRISPR-derived RNA and various Cas proteins, including Cas9, to foil attacks by viruses and other foreign bodies. They do so primarily by chopping up and destroying the DNA of a foreign invader. When these components are transferred into other, more complex, organisms, it allows for the manipulation of genes, or "editing."

Until 2017, no one really knew what this process looked like. In a paper published Nov. 10, 2017, in the journal Nature Communications, a team of researchers led by Mikihiro Shibata of Kanazawa University and Hiroshi Nishimasu of the University of Tokyo showed what it looks like when a CRISPR is in action for the very first time. (A Breathtaking New GIF Shows CRISPR Chewing Up DNA)


Setting Limits
The many potential applications of CRISPR technology raise questions about the ethical merits and consequences of tampering with genomes.

In the 2014 Science article, Oye and colleagues point to the potential ecological impact of using gene drives. An introduced trait could spread beyond the target population to other organisms through crossbreeding. Gene drives could also reduce the genetic diversity of the target population.

Making genetic modifications to human embryos and reproductive cells such as sperm and eggs is known as germline editing. Since changes to these cells can be passed on to subsequent generations, using CRISPR technology to make germline edits has raised a number of ethical concerns.

Variable efficacy, off-target effects and imprecise edits all pose safety risks. In addition, there is much that is still unknown to the scientific community. In a 2015 article published in Science, David Baltimore and a group of scientists, ethicists and legal experts note that germline editing raises the possibility of unintended consequences for future generations "because there are limits to our knowledge of human genetics, gene-environment interactions, and the pathways of disease (including the interplay between one disease and other conditions or diseases in the same patient)."

Full Article:
SOURCE: Live Science
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Re: News Articles

#6 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 5

Missing Corpses!
By Harold Crump, CNN Contributor
CNN: News Now
May 23, 2018 09:28 PM CST | Filed Under: Breaking News

The Facts
FBI officials were called in early this morning to investigate a possible break in at the Baton Rouge Coroner’s office in Baton Rouge, LA. Local officials did not give complete details. The county coroner on duty claims all the bodies in the morgue were missing upon arrival this morning. The coroners’ office and morgue are located on the south side of Ryan Field, near the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, an area composed primarily of industrial businesses. The coroner claims that all the doors and windows were secure when he arrived and there appears to be no damage, vandalism, or theft other than the missing bodies. Given the evidence, it appears to be an inside job, however the FBI refused to comment on the subject. No further information was available at the time of this publication.

CNN's Harold Crump reported from the Baton Rouge, LA in Houston, TX.
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Re: News Articles

#7 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 6 - Beepocalypse!
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Re: News Articles

#8 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 7

Diverius Update!
By Joseph Hapwirth, CNN
CNNWorld: U.S. Edition
May 31, 2019 9:42 a.m. CDT | Filed under: Breaking News

In a press conference held by NASA officials this morning, experts have confirmed the trajectory of the Diverius cluster. It is believed that the cluster originated from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. New observational evidence indicates that nearly all galaxies contain supermassive black holes at their centers. Experts from around the world compiled and analyzed data separately and came to the same conclusion on the Diverius origin. Scientists have yet to speculate on what this new evidence might mean. What they can tell us is a destination of this latest cluster of asteroids.

The Diverius cluster will intersect with Earth’s orbit on or near September 23, 2019. Detailed analysis of the data collected by NASA shows the cluster may separate sufficiently prior to impact to minimize disruption to nothing more than mild disturbances within a twenty-five mile radius of impact locations. Current data shows most fragments should be no larger than wheelbarrow sized. NASA has already begun plans to reposition the Hubble telescope for a more in-depth analysis of the Diverius cluster and its origin. Astronauts have already begun preparations for an August 20th mission, which was already scheduled to depart for the International space station on its regular maintenance and crew swap mission.

CNN's Joseph Hapwirth reported from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX.
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#9 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 8

War on Rats! Is it Finally Over for New York City?
By Win Ju
The New York Times
May 22, 2019 | Filed under: The Weekly

New Yorkers are used to rats. So many rats scamper about the sidewalks, alleyways, and streets that they are nearly impossible to avoid. Living with rats has been the norm for some time. They chew through briks, engine wires, and everything in-between. In 2018 rat populations surged to nearly 17K, making it impossible to pretend they don’t exist. Daily life for residents (the Humans) changed from Rats avoiding Humans to the other way around. Health inspection results involving rats has doubled in 2018. Mayor Bil de Blasia, fed up with the situation, declared war on the Rats:

There is no doubt that rats have a major impact on New Yorkers’ quality of life and this administration takes seriously our responsibility to control and mitigate their population, said Laura Anglin, deputy mayor of operations. “No New Yorker likes having rats in their community and we are committed to continuing the work of controlling rats in all of our neighborhoods.

IX7, a startup incubator located at the National Renewable Energy Conglomerate in Colorado, came to the rescue soon after the mayor’s announcement. They claimed to have new, more effective poising’s, and gassing methods, that would target the rats, and “Only” the rats. City officials were skeptical, but several demonstrations delivered by IX7 seemed to prove their claims.

Mr. de Blasio, calling for “more rat corpses,” unveiled a $32 million assault on rats. City workers were seen shortly thereafter on regular patrols gassing, catching, trapping, poisoning, and eliminating Rat populations everywhere. Populations have dwindled to record levels. Today, if you see a Rat during the day you’re looking too hard, searching them out. We seem to be winning the war thanks to IX7. Other large cities like Chicago, Seattle, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and even St. Louis have jumped on the IX7 success and started campaigns of their own.

Time will tell if IX7’s claims of “Infestation Elimination” hold true. Until then, we can all sigh a breath of relief, and step a little lighter at having one less thing to worry about on our morning commutes. Until next time…
Win Ju

Source Inspiration: ... n-nyc.html
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Re: News Articles

#10 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 9

Why Did the CDC Develop a Plan for a Zombie Apocalypse?
By Kary Harry
The Atlantic
June 4, 2019 | Filed under: Politics

You will need more than these recommendations to survive an undead event -- like, for instance, a shotgun!

On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an unusual warning: A zombie apocalypse is coming! Are YOU prepared?
Rear Admiral Ali S. Khan, MD, who heads the CDC's Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, wrote:
The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. In such a scenario zombies would take over entire countries, roaming city streets eating anything living that got in their way. The proliferation of this idea has led many people to wonder "How do I prepare for a zombie apocalypse?" Khan recommends such standard disaster procedures as keeping water and bleach on hand, and planning a family meeting place if a disaster hits. Which is great, but it leads us to the question: Why is the CDC telling us to do this?

The zombie warning was the brainchild of Dave Daigle, who heads communications for the CDC's preparedness department, which has a $1.4 billion budget this year and is responsible for addressing public-health concerns in the wake of major disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. Most recently, the CDC's disaster unit helped out with Haiti's cholera outbreak and with radiation from Japan's Fukushima nuclear meltdown. We were talking about hurricane season, which begins 1 June. I think about hurricane season, and we put out the same messages every year, and I wonder if people even see those messages, " Daigle said.

As a vehicle for spreading information about preparedness plans, Daigle said the CDC is learning that zombie themes and viral, social-media marketing are effective. The zombie post marked the first time CDC used Facebook and Twitter to launch a preparedness campaign not tied (or reacting) to any specific disaster, Daigle said. So far, it's been a success. We have a great message here about preparedness, and I don't have to tell you that preparedness and public health are not the sexiest topics, " Daigle said. “We posted it on Monday. By Wednesday, the server crashed. " With 30,000 views, the zombie warning has seen triple the traffic a CDC preparedness warning typically gets over a 10-day span. “I thought it would get more pickup if I used zombies ... but what we're seeing is incredible, " Daigle said.

The CDC is now hosting a video contest for zombie preparedness messages. The CDC's tactics -- using a popular topic, pushing it out through social media, asking readers to participate -- have been used by media outlets, companies, and political campaigns for years, but the CDC is just now discovering their virtues. For those who think it may have been a waste of government resources, Daigle insists that no outside money was spent compiling this plan, and CDC staff didn't spend too much time composing it. The additional cost of the campaign, he said, was zero. "That was one of the first things we got from the zombie crowd ... 'What weapons do you guys recommend?'" Daigle said. "Remember, we're a public-health center, so we're not going to recommend weapons. ... Doctor Khan says we'll leave that to the law-enforcement folks."

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#11 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 10

IX7 and The Bee Dilemma
By Brian Wismer, Live Science Contributor
Ecocentric (a TIME USA affiliate)
June 4, 2019 5:20 pm ET | Filed Under: Health
Reference: Beepocalypse! Followup - (posted May 24, 2019)

In April we reported that honeybees are dying in record numbers with no hope in sight. Late last week IX7, a startup incubator located at the National Renewable Energy Conglomerate in Colorado, announced a joint collaboration effort partnering with the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in an unprecedented effort to stem the tide of dying bee populations.
IX7 states they have several private backers with invested interests in the crisis, and had already begun sequencing the bee genome several years ago for another unrelated project. We reached out to the EPA and CDC to see what they had to say about this new partnership, and this is what they told us:

As with all things federally governed and protected by the CDC, we have officials engaged and monitoring to ensure IX7 maintains the standards set by the people. We are confident they will adhere to every letter of the law, else their efforts will not be sanctioned, summarily followed by a cease and desist order. ” (CDC Rep: Gerald Thompson)

Any solution entertained must undergo rigorous risk management and be based on sound science, and be consistent with the laws under which they are regulated in the United States. The EPA has been working aggressively to protect bees and other pollinators, and implemented a policy in 2017 that protects bees from agricultural pesticide spray and dust applications while the bees are under contract to provide pollination services. The policy also recommends that states and tribes develop pollinator protection plans and best management practices. We are monitoring the situation closely to ensure any solution IX7 proposes is sound and does not further harm to the bees, or any other subsystem.” (EPA Rep: Sylvia Bomgartner)

IX7 recently announced their highly controversial Rat Elimination products, based in part on CRISPR technologies developed by them. A reliable source told Ecocentric that an IX7 partner developed the new rat products by utilizing CRISPR technologies to modify virulent strains of a virus known to infect only rats, with RNA from gut bacteria in mice. Outcries have been raised across the scientific community. Is IX7 planning to genetically modify our bees, and if so what impact will that have on the honey we eat, or worse, other ecosystems? The scientific community is keeping a close eye. For now, support your local bees by buying local honey. Until next time…Win Ju

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Re: News Articles

#12 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 11
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Fear of Radioactive Fires in Bridgeton Landfills Spark Public Fear and Outrage
By Blythe Bradford, St. Louis Post Dispatch
June 5, 2019 4:30 pm CT | Filed Under: Metro News

In 1995 Mallinckrodt admitted to inadvertently dumping Uranium and other radioactive waste from their downtown St. Louis campus into the Westlake Landfill. That same year, after extensive investigations by the EPA, additional radioactive waste from 1970’s uranium processing, dating to the Manhattan Project, was discovered nearby. Extensive testing has been conducted year after year, followed by numerous contradicting health reports, outraging and fueling fears among the Bridgeton communities. Then in 2015 the unthinkable happened. Fire broke out in the northern Bridgeton Landfill, only 600 feet from the radioactive waste.

Officials announced there was no risk of the two (fire & radioactive waste) coming in contact with each other, that the fire would burn itself out before it came anywhere close to the radioactive waste. "Fires are common in landfills, and often burn themselves out shortly after they start," a landfill representative offered. Increased public fear spurred action by the EPA and they finalized plans to build a barrier between the two. In 2016 the EPA finalized plans to install the barrier, separating the radioactive contaminated material from the smoldering fire. Barrier construction was completed in 2017.

In 2018, due to fears of contamination to groundwater and of public health issues due to proximity of radioactive waste to residential communities, additional investigations and tests were conducted. The results: Numerous, previously unknown pockets of radioactive waste were discovered outside the barrier. Then earlier this year landfill inspectors discovered smoke seeping from the landfill less than 200 feet from the newly discovered radioactive waste, outside of the new barrier. The latest report shows the fire less than 100 feet from the radioactive waste. The EPA and local officials are scrambling to put a new plan in place. Calls, emails, and protests have begun to inundate city officials, the Bridgeton mayor’s office, the EPA, and the Missouri Governor’s office.

Mike Parson (R) refused to comment on the situation, and the EPA will not respond to our requests for updates at this time. Some residents have already put their homes on the market, but fear no one will buy considering the circumstances. Many families fear the worst for their health and safety. The future, for now, is uncertain for Bridgeton residents.

Please support your neighbors in Bridgeton and adjacent communities by voicing your thoughts, opinions, and support on your community’s H-Chat (Link). @BridgetonOutrage #SaveBridgeton=

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Additional Source: Health report on Bridgeton landfill fuels anger, questions from residents
Additional Source: Residents urge EPA to excavate Bridgeton landfill, relocate neighbors
Additional Source: EPA maps extent of West Lake radioactive contamination
Additional Source: Exelon: waste from Mallinckrodt downtown site shipped to West Lake
Additional Source: EPA proceeds with long-delayed barrier between burning landfill and radioactive waste
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Re: News Articles

#13 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 12

Your Weekly Updates
By Brian Wismer, Live Science Contributor
Ecocentric (a TIME USA affiliate)
June 6, 2019 7:20 pm ET | Filed Under: News Updates

Reference: “War on Rats! Is it Finally Over for New York City?"
Rat populations appear to have diminish significantly after IX7 announced their campaign and generous assistance to New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and other cities with escalating rat infestations. Rat populations seemed to disappear almost overnight. In the wake, citizens curious as to the extent, have taken to the streets late at night in search of proof, and are reporting strange “Things” lingering in the shadows, always at the edge of the light, and disappearing as soon as Humans move in for a closer look. Some of the more happy residents say theSnoopers,those curious people withnothing better to do but go snooping about in the shadows after dark, should leave well enough alone, and be happy for once that the government is actually doing what they’re supposed to do.”

“Missing Corpses!”
The FBI announced last week in a follow-up press conference to the May 23rd news report pertaining to missing corpses from the Baton Rouge Coroner’s office, stated a rash of related incidents have sprung up in the following cities: Chicago, IL; St. Louis, MO; Los Altos, CA; Arlington, TX, and several other smaller cities around the country. The FBI believe these to be related cases and would not divulge any other information as they are still actively investigation the crimes.

“Diverius Update!”
NASA announced early this morning an update to their earlier prediction about the Diverius Cluster. They had initially estimated that the cluster would pose no significant threat to the earth, based on size, velocity, and composition. However, in their press conference this morning scientists were making statements such as,We just can’t know for certain what the impact sites will be,andWe are still collecting and analyzing the data.One scientist went as far to state, before co-scientists hushed him,Initial size calculations based on light signatures may have been skewed by intermittent dust particles.” Scientists often disagree on how to detect and estimate the size of interplanetary objects, so these latest updates come as no surprise. We only hope NASA has a plan in the event that Diverius poses a significant risk to our daily routines. In the meantime, check out NASA’s “Planetary Defense Frequently Asked Questions (Link)page.

“IX7 and The Bee Dilemma”
On June 5th, in a press conference with EPA and CDC officials, IX7 announced their government sanctioned partnership with the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin treating domestic bee populations with a patented organic based genome derived micro-particulate bee vaccine, which was thoroughly vetted and tested by the CDC and EPA. On June 7th apiarist around the country began administering the new bee vaccine into their apiaries. By Sunday morning, bee colonies that had been suffering and on the verge of collapse began to recover and show renewed activity. One of our reporters visited several such apiaries and found them “abuzz” with a flurry of bee activity. They stated, “It was amazing! The bees were buzzing in huge swarms, cleaning their hives, gathering nectar and pollen, and whatever it is that bees do.”

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Re: News Articles

#14 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 13

IX7 Crosses the Genomics Barrier
By Kary Harry
The Atlantic
June 6, 2019 | Filed under: Science

Genomics has been a hotly debated topic since the days of Nazi eugenics. Even today some scientists are adamant that tampering with Human genome is a bad idea. Yet many leading edge experiments continue to conduct research in this highly controversial area of science. Why is this? Perhaps it’s because even though we’ve come a long way since the days of bloodletting and leeches, health costs have skyrocketed to a staggering $3.68 Trillion, as reported by in 2018 (supporting article Here). Cancer rates in contrast continue to decline, with mortality rates still in the 600k+ per year, and overall cancer cases topping 1.7 million. ( It’s clear we have a long way to go, but is genomics a viable ethical option? An article published in the June issue of Nature titled “ Some ethical implications of The Human Genome Project” concluded:
If we are in fact going to be able to go on with research in such sensitive areas as presyrnptomatic genetic testing, genes involved in cognition, embryo selection, gene therapy (germline and otherwise), and human cloning, we need to make sure in our own minds that we are doing the right thing. This becomes ever more important as the power of our analytical and manipulative technology touches on the human fears and concerns that conjure up the Frankenstein and Brave New World and Jurassic Park myths. As the raging disputes about genetically modified crops-Frankenfoods as the activists term them-clearly demonstrate, we ignore these fears and concerns at our own peril. Therefore, it behooves us to anticipate and confront these concerns, ethical and social, in a deliberate, rational, sensitive, and constructive manner. If we do, then there is at least a good chance that the great promise of the Human Genome Project for benefiting mankind will ultimately be realized.” (Nature: May/June 2000 . Vol. 2 . No. 3, Charles J. Epstein, MD)
IX7 recently divulged they picked up where the Human Genome Project left off, and have taken it one step further by testing the Cas9-27b genome using their proprietary CRISPR technology on Human cells in petri dishes. An Ecocentric article recently reported that an IX7 partner developed a series of new products, based on gene manipulation, that target rats and certain insects that affect our Human quality of life. They purportedly used CRISPR technologies to modify virulent strains of a virus known to infect only rats with RNA from gut bacteria in mice. Earlier today IX7 announced a vaccine for bees, the very first “vaccine” targeting insects. Friends of the The Atlantic, scientists that advise on various scientific topics, state this new move by IX7 is highly controversial, and more importantly, a new precedent set by our government, which could lead to questionable avenues of research in the future. Thankfully our society is weary of anything that could potentially be used against it. Our forefathers put a system of checks and balances in place for this specific reason. Change in our society can be painfully slow, which is both bad and good at times. But in this we trust and put our faith, for good reason.

We want to hear what you think about this article. Tell us on H-Chat (Link) @TheAtlanticGenomics.
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#15 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 14: Day 2 - Bring on the Seabees!

Breaking News – Seabees and Army National Guard Roll Trucks in St. Louis, and Other Local News
By Blythe Bradford, St. Louis Post Dispatch
June 10, 2019 5:00 pm CST | Filed Under: Metro News

“Army National Guard cordons off Bridgeton, Seabees set up temporary shelters in Chesterfield Valley"
Early this morning, as commuters were waking up and drinking their morning coffee, a long line of Army National Guard trucks rolled into Bridgeton and Earth City to set up camp. Several hours later Navy Seabees were seen in the Chesterfield Valley setting up large partitioned tents full of cots. The Army National Guard began setting up roadblocks within a 1 mile radius of the Bridgeton landfill and commenced to evacuating residents, stating that it was only precautionary, that specialists would be coming in later in the week to remove the radioactive waste from the landfill. Large portions of St. Ann, Maryland Heights, and Hazelwood were put under strict curfews as well.

Curious onlookers found it strange that the Army personnel were wearing gas masks and carrying rifles, and would not speak to anyone, other than to instruct pedestrians and onlookers to evacuate the area or be detained. Several citizens were handcuffed and removed from the area early this AM as reported by local police who were assisting with the evacuation. Local police stated they don’t know anymore than we do, but urged everyone to stay calm and follow instructions for everyone’s safety. It is believed, based on comments made by anonymous citizens, that some homeowners were forcibly removed because they refused to evacuate.
The Army National Guard and the Governor’s office declined to provide additional details or comments other than, “We are focused on the removal of any and all potential toxic contaminants from the Bridgeton Landfill. Please be patient and assist officials by staying clear of the area so they can do their job quickly, quietly, and efficiently. Thank you.

“Insect Swarms Appear Across the Country"
News stations, local officials and police departments were inundated this afternoon with calls about strange swarms of insects moving about the downtown area. By dusk the swarms had increased in size and were seen as far away as St. Peters, Fenton, and Fairview Heights, IL. Some reports stated the swarms were as large as two story houses.

Other news stations around the country, with the largest reports coming in from Chicago, New York, and Arlington City, TX, reported similar sightings. We spoke to experts with the Missouri Department of Conservation and several university entomologists to find out what might be causing this sudden appearance in such large numbers. All sources told us that it is unusual, but not necessarily outside of the norm. Insects, like many things, are opportunistic breeders, and sometimes environmental circumstances coalesce in just the right combination to encourage these types of mass mating swarms. They stated they had already sent field researchers out to study the phenomenon, something that only comes along every few decades or so. They encouraged the general public to observe from a distance, for their own safety and that of the mating insects, as they may never see such a phenomenon again.

“IX7 Partner Reveals Gene Modification Experiments on Chickens"
RNAaissance AG, a St. Louis based genomics laboratory, made a startling announcement today. “We have successfully completed the first reverse-evolutionary genetically engineered dinosaur from a chicken. They claim that chickens are the closest viable living relative of the dinosaur. They still possess many of the same physical features such as similar jaws and feet, but more importantly still possess the same DNA. In a press conference their lead paleontologist and gene engineer Robert Horner, told the press, Creating a dino-chicken isn’t all that complicated at all. It’s basically opening up one egg at a time and going in and retrieving RNA,he said.And, then, opening up another egg and using a gene switch...and inserting back into each cell something that either turns on a particular gene or turns it off. It’s just gene switching, that’s all it is.

He told reporters the process or “turning off” a gene would cause certain parts of the anatomy to revert to its prehistoric state, essentially deleting millions of years of evolution. It closely follows the same method Bhullar used in embryos in 2015, but now Horner believes the technology is ready to handle such a complicated procedure. Which is what RNAaissance AG did.

The system called CRISPR/Cas9 is the premier tool of the modern genetic engineer. This system of genetic guides and enzymes can find, cut, and edit DNA; it's the most commonly employed of the CRISPR technologies. Wired compares it to the “genetic equivalent of Microsoft Word." CRISPR/Cas9 was first used in the yogurt and cheese industry about a decade ago. In the span of only a few years, this gene-editing system showed such potential that it could alter virtually any living organism, including humans.

Mr. Horner showed a picture of what their chickenosaur looked like, stating it would be kept in a secure area of their St. Louis facility for further study before euthanizing it. He stated emphatically that they have no intention of creating or bringing back the dinosaurs. That this was simply and exercise in DNA gene manipulation, the result of which could, and would, lead to life saving techniques in Humans someday.

(Source: The Real Science of Bringing Back the Dinosaurs)

Please support your neighbors in Bridgeton and adjacent communities by voicing your thoughts, opinions, and support on your community’s H-Chat (Link). @MakeBridgetonSafe #CleanUpBridgeton

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Re: News Articles

#16 Post by Antman9 »

News Flash 15: Day 3 - Escalation

Breaking News!!! St. Louis in Chaos!!!
By Blythe Bradford, St. Louis Post Dispatch
June 11, 2019 5:00 pm CST | Filed Under: Metro News

Developments Arise Monday
“Bridgeton Residents Forcefully Removed, Protests Break Out Closing I70"
As Bridgeton evacuations progressed last night, things heated up between locals and the Army National Guard. A handful of homeowners refused to leave their homes stating they saw no real threat to their health, and they had a right to stay in their homes. Local authorities stated the National Guard had orders to remove everyone, by force if needed. And that’s what they did. Five families that we know of are now in custody at the temporary housing in Chesterfield Valley. Some residents chose to stay with family and friends, while others had no option but to use the temporary shelters, for now at least.

As the sun started to go down, protestors with lanterns, some with makeshift torches, began picketing in front of blockades with signs that read “This is America the FREE!” and “Citizen Rights! ” and “Give Us Our Homes Back! ” It got so bad at one point that police and National Guard closed down I70, which was still closed at the time of this posting, causing major commuter delays.

“Insect Swarms Turn on Humans. Homeless Veterans Found Dead. People Urged to Remain Indoors"
Shortly after dusk yesterday, the insect swarms, which had been benign for the most part, started attacking people in public areas, primarily in the downtown area, but then moved outward early this morning. The swarms seemed to increase to immense proportions, in some cases they spanned several blocks and blotted out street lights. Early this morning patrol cars discovered a large number of the homeless Veteran population had succumbed to thousands upon thousands of mosquito and other insect bites, many found dead in fetal positions, still covered in bugs. Local forensics experts say they were nearly drained of blood.

Emergency rooms were swamped by victims late Monday night with hundreds of stings and bites from a variety of insects. Around 8AM this morning St. Louis officials urged citizens to remain indoors today if at all possible. Additional on-duty officers were enlisted in all St. Louis area precincts, and were issued aerosol insecticides to assist anyone caught in the insect swarms.

Other news stations around the country are reporting the same and worse. Chicago and New York reported hundreds of desiccated dead this morning. The outlook is grim. We contacted the EPA to get their take on the situation. They declined to respond.

Tuesday Takes a Turn for the Worse!!!
“Panic Sets In, Riots Erupt"
Insect swarms increased in size as the sun came up and began spreading out away from the city and into the suburbs. Around mid-morning people began leaving their places of work, and by 1PM a general panic had set in and people started inundating stores for supplies. Overwhelmed by the influx of patrons many businesses tried to close their doors. That’s when things got ugly. Riots broke out in cities such as Ferguson, St. Ann, and University City. By 3PM most of the cities within the 270 loop had erupted in panic and riots. Most if not all businesses have been ransacked, with fires breaking out everywhere. Firefighters initially tried to respond, but the swarms of bugs made it nearly impossible to be effective without risk. The St. Louis Mayor’s office urged fire departments and police to stand down and asked the State Senator to declare a state of emergency. Calls to other major cities in similar situations stated the same or worse. We expect the President’s office to make an emergency press conference later tonight.

We strongly urge everyone to stay indoors and hunker down while government officials and experts figure this thing out. We know people are scared. Please try to remain calm and keep your family together and stay safe.

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Re: News Articles

#17 Post by Antman9 »

Press Conference Live at The White House
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We’re going to confront the national security crisis in our cities today, and we’re going to do it one way or the other. We have an invasion in our country. We have a tremendous, just a tremendous amount of military. Well—we don’t need the military. ’Cause we have planes and lots and lots of pesticide. So I’m going to be signing a national emergency, and it’s been signed many times before. It’s been signed by other presidents, from 1977 or so, it gave the presidents the power. There has rarely been a problem. They sign it. Nobody cares. I guess they weren’t very exciting. They sign it for far less important things in some cases, in many cases. We are talking about an invasion of our country.

If you look at the situation, every death is a horror, but if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds of people that died and what happened here with a storm of insects, this was just totally overbearing. No one has ever seen anything like this. What is the death count now, in the hundreds? All of a sudden, we said there is a swarm heading to the White House and the Oval Office, but it wasn't one, it was two. I was going to be there a week ago, if you remember.

I don't have to mention the Marines. Where is Gen. Kelly? Boy, is he watching. Gen. Kelly is a four-star. Not a bad general. You don't get any better than Gen. Kelly. On behalf of the Marines, they have done some job, general. Can we also mention Army and can we also mention some people that I really got to know and respect even more in Texas, and that's the Coast Guard. What a job the Coast Guard has done throughout this thing. What a job the Coast Guard has done throughout this whole thing. They would go right into the middle of it. I want to thank the Coast Guard.

They are special people. A lot of people got to see the real Coast Guard in this trouble. In Texas was incredible for what they did. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. Tomorrow we will spray those insects, that’s what we’re going to do, and it will be great, a great achievement for this administration. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.
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Re: News Articles

#18 Post by Antman9 »

Day 3 – Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 8:45 pm CST

Shortly after the Presidential Press Conference the heavy drone of an explosion claps across the Mississippi River valley. Directionally it appears to have come from north-northeast of the downtown St. Louis area. Huge plumes of black smoke begin boiling into the air filling the cloudy night sky with an ominous orange glow.

A short while later, radio stations, local news stations, and all network cable stations break into their regularly programmed broadcasts. A dishevel looking news anchor begins to announce, “We are receiving reports that a short while ago a massive explosion took place at the Roxana Oil Refinery near Wood River, IL. Due to current circumstances we cannot verify the extent or cause of the explosion…” The newscaster pauses and touches his earpiece. “Wait, we’re getting reports from local callers…Yes. Ok…Local residents are telling us that the explosion came from the Wood River Oil Refinery…Yes, Ok…And that fires have begun to spread across the refinery. One resident whose home is at the south edge of the refinery has told us tha……Ok, Yes. Thank you…One resident is telling us that other tanks have caught fire, and…

A second explosion visibly shakes the cameras of the news set, and various items fall over and off desks in view of the camera. “Holy Cow! Did you feel that Jim?! Gees! ... Sorry folks, There’s been another explosion. This is very serious. I’m being told that fires have begun to pop up all over the area and are spreading to the East-Southeast. Two small neighborhoods have been engulfed. We lost contact with one of those residents. We urge you to…

Emergency sirens begin to go off all across the St. Louis Metro area, and can be heard outside and on the news broadcast. “We now have emergency sirens going off. We urge anyone near Wood River, Alton, Hartford, and Roxana to calmly leave the area. Please try to remain in your vehicles and safely leave the area as soon as possible. If you live in or near Edwardsville, Glen Carbon, Pontoon Beach, or Granite City, please prepare for and expect the worst. We have no way of knowing to what extent these fires will continue. If you have information, please call us at 314-213-7831. That’s 314-213-7831. Again, if you can get out of the path of these fires, please do so safely and remain in your cars. We have received reports of people dying as a result of these insect swarms. Emergency services have been shut down. No help will be coming anytime soon. All emergency services have been suspended. Please…

Two more explosions rock the TV camera, much louder than the first two, and echo across the river valley, shaking windows and homes within a five mile radius. Huge plumes of orange fire billow into the cloudy nighttime sky. The news anchor continues to report on calls coming into the TV station, and urges everyone to stay safe and calm.

Local Weather:
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Re: News Articles

#19 Post by Antman9 »

Day 4 – Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 9:00 am CST

A short while ago, in major cities across the country, an unprecedented event took place. Government, private, and corporate agencies came together in an enormous endeavor to route the insect plague, coined “The Swarm” across social media. Under the direction of the President a massive coordination between the US Military, militia groups, the FAA, several large corporations (including IX7), the CDC, and the EPA was executed to deliver an airborne pesticide (developed by IX7 partners) to the Swarms inundating major cities across the country.

The White House is expected to make a press conference at 12 noon (EST) to announce the results of this effort. Initial reports coming in are highly favorable. Swarms hit with IX7’s latest pesticide a short while ago seem to be dropping from the sky, “like flies,” as the old saying goes. Social media near major cities affected by the Swarms has blown up with positive responses to the White House, IX7, and other parties involved. The White House Press Secretary commented briefly that “Initial reports from the field are favorable, however, we won’t know the full extent of the situation until we have boots on the ground. We expect the President to hold a press conference at noon today to report progress. We have no further comments at this time.

The White House is urging everyone to remain calm, stay in your homes, and be patient. Every effort is being exhausted to deal with this national crisis. FEMA, the National Guard, Red Cross, and other local agencies are preparing to roll trucks as soon as the White House gives the “all clear.” For your own safety, and that of your families, friends, and neighbors, please be patient and cooperate with officials if your area has been affected. Please stay tuned to your local media, details, updates, and further instructions will be forthcoming shortly. Godspeed to you all.
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Re: News Articles

#20 Post by Antman9 »

Press Conference Live at The White House
Day 4 – Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 12:00 pm EST
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AngryTrump.PNG (110.22 KiB) Viewed 3889 times
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. Please, thank you.

It was a big day today. An incredible day. And last night, I told you we were going to confront the national security crisis in our cities. We had an invasion in our country. And the Marines, and the National Guard, really, it was all the military, our military. Great people, just amazing people we have. We did this in spite of the congressional disadvantage driven by Democrats’ wealthy donors and special interests, and very hostile media coverage, to put it mildly. Why are they so hostile to me, to this presidency? The media coverage set a new record and a new standard. But I proved them all wrong today. Amazing job our people have done. Just amazing I tell you.

Gen. Kelly is a four-star. Not a bad general. You don't get any better than Gen. Kelly. On behalf of the Marines, they have done some job, general. All of the branches really. Just amazing people they are. Special people. This is a great achievement for me, for this administration no doubt.

We have had a great day in New York, and St. Louis. And this is quite a gathering. Wow. It’s a lot of people. A lot of media. We’ve covered a great deal of territory.

We’re starting talks with the IX7 folks; they were not willing for years to talk. And now they’re willing to talk. And I’m sure we’ll make a very good deal. As you know, three days ago, [we] signed a deal with them. Vaccines for the whole military branches. Just amazing I tell you.

This means a lot of business for our corporations. We’re opening up for corporate America. We’re opening up for a lot of different groups. We’re going to make America great again. We’ll be able to sell much more than double the number of products we used to, and so we’re very happy with that. That deal with IX7 is actually concluded. We’re very well along the way with IX7. The relationship is very good.

And with Canada, we’ll see what happens. We saved Canada today. We could have let those Swarms go up into Canada. We couldn’t have that. We put out an announcement today, they would like to see me lose an election, because they have never been challenged like this. But I want to open up Canada to our farmers and to our industrialists and our companies. And Canada is not open. But we’re open to them.
But we’re doing very well in our situation with these Swarms. I have a great relationship with the president of IX7. But it’s got to be a two-way street. And trillions and trillions of dollars was taken out of the United States. We just can’t have that. We have to make it fair. And it’s had no impact on our -- absolutely, by the way, no impact on our economy. Which I said it wouldn’t.

We dumped massive amounts of pesticides on the Swarms. And we would do it again. Those experts, what are they – biologists, or – We eliminated the threat to our country. And our troops – and our young people were saved. The old too – Our troops are securing our cities, and we are going to clean them up and make them great. Better than they were. We will show the rest of the world – we’ll show Canada, and Mexico, and China, yes, China, that we have achieved a great thing today. A great achievement for this administration. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.
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