Mission to Vietnam.

Rider of Rohan
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Mission to Vietnam.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

Thirteen weeks of hard graft and slogging; up and down and back up again, hills, valleys, assault courses, drainage ditches. In, out of choppers and troop carriers, brick doorways, stone pagodas, mock up bamboo village huts. Buffing up boots and buttons, stripping rifles to every individual bolt and barrel, and blindfolded, shot at, shouted at, reassembled and fired in rage.

Perfectly attuned soldiers with imperfect characters, volunteers and draftees standing in unison, proud of their uniform and comradeship, trusting to the hope they will make their kinfolk and country proud too.

July 1st 1968. Thirteen weeks of 'Basic' from the end of March. You stand on a parade ground listening to the inspiring oratory. In the early hours of the next morning you board planes and are shipped out to a war zone in Vietnam.


okay squad. This is your opportunity to introduce your character and say any last minute goodbyes, prayers or additions to fulfill on your 'bucket list'.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#2 Post by Stirling »

Ezekiel Washington LeRoy

Stands proud and erect, like his 'little soldier'. He listens intently to the speech of the commanding officer. Inspired he thinks,"Gosh Man, I could follow you to hell and back" and then gulps thinking that he might just have to do that. His eyes flicker away the parade ground, looking at the back of the heads of the guys in front and hoping the guys by his side will also watch his back when out in the jungle. A brief glance to the faces in the crowd, the watching gallery of parents and sweethearts."Gosh Man, this could be my very last night! he thinks, glancing at some hotties' in the crowd and hoping his own grlfriend (and her sister) make an appearance.

LeRoy has trouble concentrating, alertness not being his thing! Still he will make good on the last night in America and draws a big circle in his diary around the date of his expected return home, more alive than dead of course.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#3 Post by Leitz »

Diego "Eyes On" Eisen observed everything. The bored yawn of the one star sitting beside his pretty adjutant, the mirage waves off the concrete to the right, the wafting oil smell from the chopper. His parents in the stands and his kid sister's wave.

Dad would be as proud as Mom was nervous. Both watched the news, both had given Diego all they could in upbringing. Both knew Diego would give his best.

Some of the others in the unit knew that as well. Diego's best might not be much but he did the best he could. Some of them were the same. Most, really. A few slackers and dirt bags. They would figure things out when bullets star ted flying. Diego had made some good friends in the past weeks. Men who would pull him through the mud when he wore out. Men he would walk a few dozen yards in front of to find the enemy early. He'd find 'em, the guys would waste 'em. It was a good unit.

Of course, he was starting to regret inviting some of the guys out to supper with his family. There was no promise Katy's wave had been for him; at seventeen she had a mind of her own. After thirteen weeks Diego was pretty sure what was on the other guy's minds. Well, nothing to do but move forward. The diner would expect a group and a group would be there.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#4 Post by Rex »

Cinaed Anderson

Cinaed surveyed the crowd, noting his father and mother standing proud, both veterans themselves. As usual his father was easy to spot since he was the only person around in a kilt. He knew he had a lot to learn but looked forward to it, he was many things, green being one of them for sure but like both his parents before him he was certain in himself. His whole life even when afraid he had always remained calm, it would serve him well soon. He would say his good byes and I love you's shortly and party like hell tonight. In the morning the real work would begin.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#5 Post by Antman9 »

James F Morris

James "Ferdinand" Morris, know as Ferg to his close friends, stood motionless as the voice of the orator cascaded across the men before him. Emotionless, indifferent to thoughts of what was to come. His father had kicked him out of the house numerous times, then finally, given the ultimatum, "Join, or leave and don't come back!" His father had been Navy..Not what James wanted though, and the street was no better, nor the option of being drafted. Choosing his path was the only way.

James looked around at the young men, kids mostly, and wondered who would manage to come home in one piece. Didn't matter though. All he cared about was the feel of the gun in his hand, looking down the sight as his target, the slow steady tension of the trigger, the puff of smoke, the recoil, the image of the bullet making its mark...Emotion was a commodity he was never granted as a child. There was only duty, responsibility, work. Nothing more. But That was fine with James. That's all he knew anyway. He tried to smile at some of the men around him, unsure if he was pulling off any real emotion or simply looking like a crazed weirdo. Didn't matter though, he guessed.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#6 Post by Scott308 »

Kelly "Waves" English

As the commander finishes his speech, the lanky surfer from California scans the crowd, even though he knows there is nobody there to see him off. He hasn't seen his father in over ten years. This is not the time to expect him to show up. And he better not, unless he has all the child-support he owes. Mom...well, with a younger brother and sister back home, there's neither time nor money available for a trip. Just as well- he's pretty sure he'd cry, and he doesn't want to do that in front of the guys. If he breaks down here in the states, would anybody trust he'd be able to pull his weight when things go bad over in Vietnam? Hey, is that girl waving at him? Forget it, she's gotta be the girlfriend of one of the others about to ship out. She's pretty cute, though. His rumbling belly quickly brings him back to reality. Man, is he looking forward to dinner tonight! One of the other guys had invited him and a few others to dinner with his parents. Nothing fancy, but it'll be the only non-army cooked meal he'll see in...well, who knows how long. 13 weeks so far, and no telling when he'll get some decent American food once he gets on the plane to Asia. As long as there isn't someone dropping slop on a tray, he's gonna enjoy it!
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#7 Post by Bluehorse »

Rex Dupre

He came running up to the formation, filling in the until now noticeable empty slot beside "Waves". As if the display of him showing up so late was not enough to make him stick out like a sore thumb... his shirt was wrinkled, half tucked, one boot was untied, and he was missing proper headcover. To make matters worse, he was clutching a smoking cigar in his teeth. D'I miss anything? he said looking over to his platoon mate. He had been the cause of more than one demerit for the squad. Weird thing was, he wasn't really rebellious. Heck he was one of the few to sign up instead of being drafted. He was just a natural born slacker who happened to love the military life. He looked up seeing the XO eyeing him and grinned wide. The smile he had bragged came from his mothers side, but that brow was a trademark as far as anyone could remember of his dad's lineage. Thick and low, it made him always look somehow angry even when his jolly smile was in full shine like it was now. Damn, look at those girls over there... who do you suppose they are?
Think they are available?
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#8 Post by Scott308 »

Kelly "Waves" English

Nah, bro. They're girlfriends here to see their guys off, he replies quietly, glancing at Rex out of the corner of his eye. The last thing he needs is the CO noticing them and making them run one last set of punishment laps. You think good looking local girls come here just hoping to find a guy headin' to 'Nam? Speaking of finding things, just happy you managed to find your way to the graduation ceremony, man.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#9 Post by Bluehorse »

Scott308 wrote:Kelly "Waves" English

Nah, bro. They're girlfriends here to see their guys off, he replies quietly, glancing at Rex out of the corner of his eye. The last thing he needs is the CO noticing them and making them run one last set of punishment laps. You think good looking local girls come here just hoping to find a guy headin' to 'Nam? ...
He chuckles a little too loudly. Hell yeah! You know they want Dupre!
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#10 Post by Spearmint »

After the parade and festivities, the troops are herded, herded being the correct verb as hound-dog Sgt's chase, harass and corral you onto conscripted buses and then into large planes flying out of Stateside West. The cargo planes look like hollowed tubes with everything ripped out except for your chair, a line of privy heads behind a flimsy plasterboard and a galley steward handing out water canteens, sandwiches and sick bags in equal measure. The plane touches down for a stopover in Tokyo where coincidently you all get to celebrate as your birthdays' arrive. It is one of the quirks of the draft.

After a week of planes, coaches and trucks, from parade ground to warzone, you finally reach your destination. The troop carrier plane dips through clouds to give you an aerial view of miles of green dense forest, a triple canopy of trees and bamboo, occasional shanty villages of stilted huts and long thin rivers snaking into the horizon. Eventually an urban landscape breaks the jungle peaks and bouncing on a steel mat re-inforced runway, you halt.

"Right then you mangy critters. Hup to it, quickly fall in, double time ..." shouts a beligerent officer as the graduates from basic disembark.

For a few seconds you stand to gather yourself and your surroundings.You have arrived in Kontum airbase, home of Camp Kasserine. Several trucks stand ready to be loaded close by, the airstrip being a hustle and bustle of choppers and planes. Groups of grunts walk by casting nods and muttering in your direction. About a kilometer away north a barrage of howitzers boom out shells.

Finally a warrant officer commands attention and you take your place among the neat rows and columns of 200 men.
"Welcome to the 'repple-depple', that is the Replacement Depot for the uninitiated. You are being transferred to units in the field who have suffered casualties or replacing men whose time has been served." The officer has a clipboard and calls out name and number, the selected soldier stepping out of rank to collect his kitbag and climb into a designated truck, being driven to who knows where. At last less than a dozen men remain. There are no more trucks though.

"So you chosen few. Well I hope we have saved the best till last? Eisen, Diego 7095584, LeRoy, Ezekiel Washington 7015873, Anderson, Cinead 76...", he calls and marks off all your names.

"You will all be joining Fox Company from the 13th. Cavalry. Report to Lieutenant Brubaker. They are in Firebase Gethsemane at the far corner over there. You haul your own ass that way. Keep off the runway." He points to one end of the dusty runway and a manned guard post whose figures from this distance look like a little tin toy soldiers manning a vehicle baricade. Beside the runway on the left some choppers rest like nesting birds whilst mechanics and crew laze in the sun. On the right side a line of guarded huts stand in front of a razor wire pen. A bamboo watchtower erected in one corner with the barrel of a LMG pointing to the inside.

welcome to Nam. You are to report to your allocated base. Decide which side of the runway you will walk down and any other actions you take.

You all have your personal basic kit and an M-16 issued for now.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#11 Post by Leitz »

The heat. The smell. Despite everything that had been yelled at him for the past thirteen weeks, Diego wasn't ready for it. He looked around again; would he ever be ready for this? No matter. There was work to be done and he was here to do his part. Muzzle down, he checked his rifle and gear. All in place. All ready.

"Let's go take a look." Diego said to the others as he stepped to the right. Choppers were nice but it was the people that would shoot at you. Who you needed to understand. "Three hundred sixty four and a wake up. Let's make each one count so each one of us gets home."

Letting the others decide their own paths, Diego took point and walked down the right side of the runway. He got as close as he could to the huts and the razor wire. Absorbing the new reality.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#12 Post by Stirling »

Ezekiel Washington LeRoy

"Sir, yes Sir!" he shouts his reply to the officer calling his name. Being pointed down the runway, he strains his eyes to see.

"Humping out to start with! Just like a 'walk in the park'. No need hurry though, war can wait for my 'BBA'." Having met the guys during basic I guess he would be familiar with Cherrulo and the others. So he suggests pitching his baseball and seeing how far he can whack it down the runway.

"Are they 'gooks' behind that wire fence. Never seen one up close. Maybe we can see what they look like."

LeRoy will pitch and follow Diego down the right hand side.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#13 Post by Bluehorse »


Still barely in uniform, he rest his new rifle on his shoulder and blows out a big blue cloud of smoke as he looks around. welp, here we are. Can't say it looks like much.
You think we will get a decent meal before we get thrown out in that mess? Looks like nothing but weeds and trees to me.
he go along with the others on the right side of the runway.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#14 Post by Antman9 »

James "Ferdinand" Morris

"Yes Sir!" James spouts out in robotic fashion, as he's been trained to do, then hoists his bag and rifle and moves off toward the tiny guard post in the distance. Heading down the right side of the runway, following Diego and LeRoy, he mutters "Muggy" in his typical "state the obvious" fashion.

"Guess it don't matter much what they look like. I 'spect they bleed and die just the same as us. I'd rather it be them than me, not that it much really matters. We'll get our chance soon enough. Probably closer than any of us would care for I'd imagine." James twists his face into something of a wry smile, then turns his attention to scanning his surroundings, scoping the terrain, familiarizing himself withthe new environment, and trying not to die from the humidity and bugs before someone else gets their chance at him.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#15 Post by Rex »

Cinaed Anderson

Cinaed picks up his duffel bag and rifle and starts down the runway behind the others. Whistling and checking out his new surroundings as he strolls along behind the others.

"It does seem a bit muggy doesn't it. Closer is better, yup, much better indeed." Cinaed says with a chuckle. "I think I might be looking forward to this."
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#16 Post by Bluehorse »

Rex just laughs when he hears Anderson. Let's see what you think when we have Charlie out there taking pop shots at your ass. Wonder if you'll be whistlin' a tune then?
I'll tell you what I think...
he takes out a bible from inside his jacket. I'm keeping this right her over my heart and trusting good God almighty to watch my ass.
No offense to you guys, but I want more that you grunts keeping us safe. Know what I mean?
chuckling he replaces the thick holy book back inside his jacket and gives it a pat.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#17 Post by Scott308 »

Kelly "Waves" English

Seeing the others head over to walk past what he assumes are prisoner huts, Waves takes the other route. Shouldering his pack and making sure his M-16 is safe, he wanders past the helicopters. What's up, dudes? he says in greeting as he makes his way past the chopper crews.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#18 Post by Rex »

Cinaed Anderson

"I will take any help I can get Rex, God tops the list for sure. I seem to have a hard time hitting anything too far away so prefer they are at least close enough for me to have a chance."
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#19 Post by Bluehorse »


The big man grins. The whites of their eyes! If we can see them. I just hope to have a nice heavy gun and an asbestos glove or a shotgun when we are in the thick of it.
Mow down all of em and an acre of land for a new base while we're at it. Racatacatacataca!
he laughs and takes another pull of his stubby Clint Eastwood cigar.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#20 Post by Antman9 »

James "Ferdinand" Morris

"I'm betting we'll all get our fare share of "Up Close & Personal" shots Anderson. Morris quips with a lighthearted laugh.
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