Treasure Chest

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Rider of Rohan
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Treasure Chest

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This unlockable and ever spacious wooden barnacle encrusted wrought bronze bound 'Chest of Holding' is the parties place for all their corporate wealth of golden doubloons, discovered relics, hidden knowledge, magic items, flotsam and jetsam gained on your travels.
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Re: Treasure Chest

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Parchment of 'Terms & Conditions'

After signing on to crew with Capt' Lazarus of the McGregor's Revenge, each person has been given a small skin parchment tied with a knotted tartan ribbon. In dark blue ink and franked with a stamped seal, the 'T's & C's' list the expectation of the crew as follows:

A) There is One Captain on board ship, his word is final in authority on every subject matter relating to naval life and decisions over free trade and movement of the ship.

At all times the Captain is to be addressed as Captain, Sir, while officers of the deck are addressed as Sir.

B) All able bodied crew shall report to their assigned place of duty at any signal of 'all hands' and shall stay at such place until dismissed by the officer in charge or any such deputy.

C) Everyman shall wear the tartan to signify his allegiance to the ship and it's crew whilst on duty and at all calls to All Hands, to avoid confusion and mishap through the fog of battle.

D) All trove and articles recovered or received from either free trade or plunder shall remain the property of the ship's Captain and crew corporate until such time as the said plunder is divided to each man's equal share.

Notwithstanding that any man my keep and hold that which he personally takes from his fight against he who would assail him in bloody battle.

E) Everyman who to his conscience shall bears arms must keep his weapon free of disgrace ( not rusty, dull of blade, slack of bowstring). Everyman shall take his turn to ward the ship on Watch. Everyman of arcane or religious persuasion will be given time for prayerful and dutiful study and shall be expected to inform the Captain of their daily victuals. ( What spells you got!). None shall cast his knowledge or favour ( use the spells) without authorisation from the Captain or senior officers, save for life giving sustainance.

F) Everyman shall take his hand to equal share according to his station.

The Captain shall take of his hand: Twenty share

The senior officers ( 1st mate, Master Gunner, Quartermaster Steward) shall take of his hand:Twelve share

Duty Officers ( bosun, appointed clerics or mages, chief navigators, ) shall take of their hand:Eight share

Seasoned Crew shall take of their hand:Four share

Ordinary Seamen shall take of their hand: One share

The ship shall be maintained and dressed ( fixed, repaired, sails, cannons and armaments, food and supplies) to a first portion tithe or a 200 share whichever is greater. ( Basically, the ship gets fixed as a priority before folk can divide the plunder, unless the ship is lost or sold beforehand).

Additional share us also granted above to those who lose limb, suffer disfigurement or incapacity whilst serving on board ( eg an eye patch is 100 gold, wooden leg is 300 gp. ... strangely some crews got more for losing a right testicle than a left one...).

G) Everyman shall be give free and unrestrained access to daily victuals as necessary for his life and well being and may dip his flagon once for ale as he comes off duty.

( Basically, you are served two main meals a day, breakfast of cooked meats and eggs, cereals and bread and a main dinner of stew, vegetables, rice and bread) with a galley selection of fresh fruit and pastries as available to nibble in between.

H) Drunkenness, gambling, disrespect of Captain and senior officers, licentiousnes, fornications and blasphemy will not be permitted on board. See overleaf for punishments for said offences.( Too graphic to print, basic disobedience starts at a flogging, goes to keel hauling and marooning on an island)

I) Everyman is free to leave the crew at any time subject to suitable service (usually 3 seasons or 18 months), grave injury or decision of matrimony.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#3 Post by Spearmint »

Ambergris Cay: sharing of loot.

I think this is the easiest way to divide what you found since I asked before but no suggestions came forward. Add to your character sheets. This is an edited version since Siggard handed over stuff found in the hag lair to make a combined haul of ogre/hag loot then divided as equally as possible...
A quick search of the ogre reveals, one 9'ft pronged spear, similar to a farmers pitchfork. It is a hefty blade and awkwardly balanced and unless you want to thresh the kelp, not a suitable weapon for any of you.
taken by Pocc to add to sloop stores, it has no monetary value.
Around the waist of the ogre he wears a thick patterned scaled belt, it fastens a pair of leathery pouches with shark tooth buckles and given the size of it would make a great bandolier.
given to Elijah, (value of 10gp)
Inside one are several carved coral pieces shaped like dolphins
, may be sold in Cockburn bazaar for 11gp.
or a rough seven legged octopus.
With further hawking you find the 'octopuss' is actually a evil aligned holy symbol for 'the Deep Ones' and sold to a purveyor of exotic goods for 30gp.
the other pouch contains some weathered coins, 31 gold pieces the size of half sovereigns bearing a Gauloise stamp.

Several ankle trinkets and a thigh band, made of glistening shells and highly polished further decorate the beast. The only armour it seems is the huge banana shaped cod piece shell coverings the loins of the ogre that reeks of...
taken by 'Gin' Van de Poel to use as necklaces, (value 5gp)

The hag also had a small oak framed mirror on her bed ledge. It is marked with stains of green gloss and dirty fingerprints but may decorate a nice dressing cabinet. (value 30gp) Siggard adds to the haul the 213 gp he found.

Pocc, Van de Poel and Elijah
A twinkling filigree necklace, chain broken but with a pink ruby pendant
do you give this back to baby Amber?
Pistol, Cloak of Warmth and a Calendar of 2 mage spells
(Burning Hands and Nystuls' Magic Aura). taken from the wreck by Siggard
Tambourine and sack of clothing (estimated at 50gp), plus 43sp and one Iberian doubloon.
hawked cheaply to a portside trader, along with the hag mirror. After some haggling you get a 'take it or leave it' offer of 68gp all in. Van de Poel, keeps the tambourine for on ship karaoke nights and you still settle on the 71gp.Pocc also winning a toss up playing Rock, Paper, Scissors for the Iberian doubloon.
A buckled belt, several glinting gemstone flakes sewn into the pattern catch the reflections of sun
.taken by Pocc from the floating dead body, (value 15gp)

Baby Amber, paternity disputed, currently 'mothered' in his cloak by Siggard until a family may be found for her. Elijah finds a young maiden to pay 2sp to act as a 'wet nurse' to feed Amber once back on land. The babe takes the last remaining single silver piece to teethe on.

Total gold and silver piece value is 360gp

Van de Poel chimes in that selling the pistol for below its value might mean we all get another 10gp each but weapons like that prove their worth close up, just ask the hag. Since the clerics are not permitted to use them and he is not the most dextrous he feels it should stay with Siggard and the others share from his portion. pistol valued at 40 gp).

The calendar of spells have value but only to a spell user. The Cloak of Warmth has the magic properties of radiating heat and will dry worn wet clothes, just the thing for a sailor on a stormy day. It has no + additional properties as far as you know. Without further appraisal it must be worth several hundred gold pieces, the question would be hawking the cloak among a gypsy community who may know the previous owner and with baby Amber in tow accuse you of piracy. Best to keep a low profile while wearing it in harbour. At a very low estimate its' value outweighs the total gold pieces you have. So the suggestion is Elijah takes the cloak and foregoes any portion of gold pieces.

Pocc takes ogre spear, jewel belt of gem flakes from dead sailor, takes 130 gold pieces, 1 Iberian doubloon.
Elijah, takes ogre belt, takes the Cloak of Warmth, takes 10 gold pieces.
Van de Poel takes ogre ankle and thigh trinkets, takes 130 gold pieces.
Siggard takes the pistol, the Calendar of Spells, takes 90 gold pieces (taking 30gp pistol value out to share 10gp each)
Baby Amber takes ruby pendant and 1 silver piece.

I think that is a fairly straight forward and gives each person some bits and some gold. It can get tricky if folk insist on selling the spell calendar and cloak and dividing up the money equally and also does not take into account an unwritten code that you may 'keep for yourself' what you take from the foe you kill. So as Siggard divides the hag loot, so the ogre loot becomes a combined haul.

Everybody happy with that?
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#4 Post by Spearmint »

Djebel Tarik group: sharing of loot:

The group, though faced with a bloody encounter after the surprise attack by Iberian marines didn't actually get too much personal trove. They did however get a large amount of experience points, dealt with in their private forums.

Treasure allocated:

Rexlin 'the dandy deadshot' Dupre, picked up a fine Iberian dragoon officers bronze plated pistol and bronze shot (the bronze shot allows heavy armour types to be classified as one AC higher, ie someone in plate mail , normally AC3 would be AC 4 due to the bronze shot penetrative powers vs metal armour, treat as +1 to hit vs heavy armour).

Geoffrey Muddy and Bloody, picked up a silver framed portrait and a heavy leather bound embossed Iberian book of psalms and religious poems.

Iggway Gweequay picked up the water tight, shell designed scroll case, two potions of water breathing.

Captain Lazarus agrees to divide the spoils of war between the party, the 160sp and 220 gp taken from the bodies of the Iberian marines. Each person add 53sp and 73gp (Iberian currency) to their inventory.

The value of the Hurtloam barrow has been divided equally (Cobb included) in your xp totals.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#5 Post by Spearmint »

Cockburn Harbour expedition: sharing of loot.

Though the greatest 'loot' taken from Cockburn Harbour may yet wait to be found, the party found and divided the following stuff:

Szmodics won 22gp at the gambling table and an afternoon tryst with Tilly. He also gained the silver locket. (revealed to be a navigational aid, it shows a compass and bearing of the stars directly above your head)

From the fight with the Cray Gang mob, you took 71sp and 68gp each. Holden subsequently divided this equally and each person paid -5gp as an entrance fee into the Succubus brothel, Each person thus had 12gp and 18sp.

Zoggrot also took the rather fine throwing daggers from the body of the person he clove in two.

From the body of De Courcey you managed to gather: 70 pieces of Breton gold sovereigns. They are worth double that, as the normal gold piece is a half sovereign. (add 35gp to each purse).

Szmodics took and wore the ring with the jade square jewel, later revealed as a type of 'brooch of shielding'. (It has an unknown value of MM damage points left that it may sustain). This was agreed to be worn by the trio, each taking it for an encounter and then passing it along until sold. The money to be divided between them.

A Silver braided necklace, taken from the neck of De Courcey. taken by Holden

A heavy gold earring with a knotted rope design. taken by Zoggrot

A pouch of 'poppy' like seeds, (perhaps the narcotics that De Courcey was addicted too?) added to ships medical stores for further investigation

A suit of normal plate mail armour, with visored helmet. sold to 'Honest Juan' for 280gold pieces, each person adding 70gp to their funds.

One halberd (taken by Rico).

This complete the division of trove gained from Cockburn Harbour.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#6 Post by Spearmint »

notes on magic candles as bought by Siggard from the native merchant in St Eustatius.

Siggard has a pack of four

Iggway has the other pack of four.
Iggway: You are happy as you have discovered the candles when lit and a cleric prays within the borders, release a ward vs undead creatures. Roll 2d6 for the total of HD of creatures affected. The candles are usable by anyone who speaks in a native tongue, a native shaman may add an additional d6 roll. They burn through in four hours.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#7 Post by Spearmint »

Final Notes of treasure and Experience gained form the Native Village raid:

xp awarded for killing 3 x natives at snare trap, 6 x forge warriors, 6 x snake men, 1 x Yuan-Ti half-blood envoy, 4 x blazing huts,

Recovery of Icon and locating of Sister Adelaide, escape back to Mission station.

Siggard: use of unseen servant to distract forge warriors and cave guard,

Holden, realisation of Friends spell, Leap of Faith success.

Rexlin, trapfinder general,


Siggard 728 xp, +10% =801 xp

Holden 628 xp, no prime requisite % bonus but you do in fact level up, congratulations on becoming a 2nd level bard.

Rexlin 628 xp,

Van de Poel 314xp

Treasure: 2 golden candelabras, two necklaces (one made of pearls, another of gemstones), Naga statue, peacock feathered head-dress and hair braids. Please decide who gets a share of what between four of you, VdP included.

Final Notes of treasure and Experience gained form the Mission and Infirmary raid:

award for killing twenty natives, 6 spitting cobras, 12 deadly asps, 1 python, 3 wights.

discovery of Lycanthropy Lore and 'pox' secret, recovery of Iggway's notes, recovery of anti-venom potions.

Elijah, discovery of baptistery and holy water, natives 'come for the Beastmen' (now an NPC, 404xp +10% =444xp) Treasure: wineskin containing a gallon of Holy Water

Iggway, menstrual camp, Erik turns, finding Rogers Miscibility notes, 858xp +10% = 943xp Treasure: personal finds, Remove Curse scroll. Roger Dodger's Potion Miscibility Notes and experimental equipment, tank of venomous snakes.

Geoffrey, 'King of the Castle' 808xp +10% =889xpTreasure: Medicinal body charts and surgical equipment

Pocc, identify python, overhear Logan and Padre, see Erik turn, 858xp Treasure: Lycanthrope Lore book, Ettin snake named Roger & Gaston.

Zoggrot, kill shaman, attack WW, 858xp / 2 +10% each class =472 xp each class. Congratulations, Zoggrot levels up in his thief skills. Treasure: Bone mail vest and facemask +1,

all above Infirmary raiders take 1 x Potion of Extra Healing.

Not claimed by anyone yet:... Rodger Dodger's Artful Concoctions (Case of unidentified syringes)

Flight to the sloop: Four snake men and a dozen native warriors were killed or chased off. An extra 30xp, each included in above totals.

NPC: Captain Lazarus, Pascale, Grimwald and Goldie all earn half shares of above xp totals. Crate of anti-venom and healing potions.

Szmodics earned275xp for his adventures on the sloop. Treasure: pouch of crossbow bolts +1.

All characters please adjust your sheets to reflect new totals, roll new HD on the roller and add any relevant class attributes, new spells or skills. Thank you for playing thus far.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#8 Post by Spearmint »

notes on the Iberian barque raids:I totalled up the amount of experience points gained from conquering both barques and successfully capturing one intact. (well mostly intact). Will have to do better on the cannon firing but it was a positive showing and both sides scored critical hits. The Hagsmist' shot clearing the decks to allow a safer boarding of the last vessel. I think I noted an award of 1,000gp to Siggard for being the first character to create in game a totally new spell. (maybe a US forum first?) As a hint to future character developments, each person fulfilling class requirements will be awarded good role playing xp, so you sneaky assassin types (we know who you are!), you craft minded magic item making folk, spell casters and studiers as well as brave hearts who take on all the odds, extra XP is out there for you.

For raiding the San Roque and the Sierra Nevada I creamed off the top some xp awards to the crew and gave npc characters half merits. I also awarded individual xp for good thinking and play or penalised folk for critical fumbles. Some awards for use of Buffalo Bill, coming to correct conclusion regarding the limpets in the vault, killing the knight in one critical stroke, hitting the mainmast with a cannon shot, saving Captain Lazarus, being the last man standing in the rigging, intimidation of crew with cannons, sacrificial offerings, creative doppelganger song and off camera role play, creating the shadow whale through divine intervention, capturing the Sierra Nevada. Sinking the San Roque, Szmodics blasting a cannon fumble, Pocc grape-shot on the golem and those engaged in melee. In all it came close to 7,00xp so I have given a token 10% to the crew and divided the rest with Eli and Holden getting 1/2 shares.

: 800xp + 10% + 1,000 Hagsmist spell award = 1,880 xp

800 xp +10% = 880xp (440 xp each class)

Geoffrey: 800xp +10% = 880xp

800xp (sorry you have no xp bonus modifier)

820xp (need to up the strength ability to qualify for bonus xp)

920 xp +10% = 1012xp (I rounded up the bilge activity and roleplaying off camera)

800xp +10% = 880xp

Elijah, Holden, Van de Poel, Fishy, Goldie, Shifty: each acquire a share of 440xp

The taking of the San Roque: killing three spell casting clerics, three giant water weirds, one 6HD hellhound, several rogues and 20+ crewmen, one 1/2ling vessel captain. Treasures already shared save for distribution of value for selling hellhound jewelled dog collar.

The taking of the Sierra Nevada. One Iberian knight, four halberdiers, 30 marines and 20 crewmen, securing vault of limpets, prising limpets from hull, surviving shark encounter. Personal treasures shared and chest of gold secured for McGregor's Revenge.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Szmodics: raid on the timberyard.

after the exploration, recovery of the keg of fire retardant resin, stealing the frigate blueprints (and getting artist to create a copy), killing Boogles and yard foreman, using sleep gas to make guards unconscious, disarming saw-trap and stealing artisan keys for office safe. Taking pearls, scroll and tomahawk. Role-play around the yard and with Raleigh and Fleur at the Flint St Forge.


Studded leather +2, plus permanent Resist Fire (as per spell) from upgrading armour at the forge (a set included for Pocc also).
Silver-tipped Tomahawk, +1, +2 vs 'Shapechangers' & double damage (from foreman).
String of pearls (500gp). (from office safe).
Hippogriff horseshoes x 4 on leather belt (enchanted to cause wearer to Feather Fall but only three more times, one time used when hippogriff kicked you out the window). (from stables).
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Treasure Chest

#10 Post by Spearmint »

Guineaman experience awards.

Wow, a planned four month jolly on a ghost ship spread to more than double that. I have calculated the experience awards in three sections.

Awards pre-Szmodics joining: Entangling strangleweeds, ghastly ghouls and ghoulish ghasts, ochre jelly, Mr Bojangles and the severed hands. Role play awards include 1st Blood to Fenis on the Strangleweed, Stubble's 'do or die' charge on the ghasts and 'Shot of the Day' from Zoggrot's Stubby on the ghast from a rear headshot. 'Quote of the Day' went to Alderhay for mentioning, "I have a Sleep spell prepared". (Which prompted me to think how I could use it instead!). He also gained a bonus for recovering the militia guard.

Heroic failure goes to Iggway for trying to scoop up ooze from the jelly and Siggard mouse feeding the Obilivax. Critical hits earned rewards as did creative thinking.

Post Szmodics joining, the party gained rewards for repatriating the chief Nyandoro, lifting the curse from the slaves and crew and in between, fighting a score of lemures, parasitical hemorrhoids, the guardian wight and of course the mummified De la Vega.

Rewards for 'Taking one for the Team' went to Fenis who survived a ghoulish critical, drowning, sleeping cuddled up to Pocc, entangled and danced on by the Obilivax mannequin, the mummy's touch and being bludgeoned by the crew. You just can't keep a good orc down!

Mention to for Szmodics sacrificing pearls to buy a restorative potion for Alderhay, offering his magic locket to guide the canoe to Africus and letting Rene use all his magic bolts.

Back in May my horse Zoey Boey won and I promised an extra xp award to all and if selling the loot for face value, each person shares:

Severed hands silver coins 11,000sp (1'100gp).
Value of ships wheel. 1600 gp
Veneered writing desk. 250gp
Pearl globe and stand. 750gp
Art and cook books 120gp     = 245gp/pp for the sixteen members.

Prime requisite abilities add an extra 10% to total experience and with the length of time I doubled the award so folk can level up.

Totals then:

Npc's Geoff, Old Plighty, Van de Poel, Fishy and Goldie all receive 245gp and 1,660xp.

Zoggrot 360+152+459+100+100+245+10%x2 = 3,114xp.  1,557xp/1,557xp

Siggard 360+152+459+100+50+245+10%×2= 3,004xp  

Rexlin 360+152+459+100+245+10%x2= 2,894xp
Pocc 360+152+459+100+245+10%x2= 2,894xp.

Iggway 360+152+459+100+100+245+10%x2 = 3,114xp. 

Alderhay 360+133+459+100+50+100+245+10%x2 = 3,184xp  1,592xp/1,592xp

Fenis 360+152+459+100+100+245+10%x2= 3,114xp

Ferrol 360+152+459+100+50+245+10%x2= 3,004xp 1,365xp/1,365xp.

Rene 360+152+459+100+50+245+10%×2 = 3,004xp.

Stubble 360+152+459+100+50+50+50+245+10%×2 = 3,224xp.
Szmodics 133+459+100+100+245+10%×2 = 2,280xp

Everyone levels up. Whoop, hooray! :D
Please adjust your character sheets with new level bonuses and roll for new hit points, re-rolling 1's.

Any questions post in your forums or the adventure thread. Thank you.
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