Planet New Albion

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Re: Planet New Albion

#21 Post by Ahlmzhad »

The young man at the reception/security desk recognizes Ms Agonte's name, and asks for yours. He makes a quick check on his computer, and says very good Sir, If you want to wait in the area to the right someone will be with you shortly.

You find yourself in the minimally secure waiting area. Your lot is with the salesmen, ex/imp guys, and job seekers waiting for their chance to move beyond this point and past the security portals. No signs of weaponry is seen inside, although outside there were well concealed cars, and one heavy which you were sure had plenty of arms. Inside just your typical guards, but knowing design principles your were sure that there were kill rooms behind that decorative ceiling, and the inviting doors and passageways could quickly be sealed off.

About the time your analysis of security measures would be going into minutae, you here your name called over the PA. Your guide has arrived. A professional and sharply dressed young man awaits you "Hi, I'm Dan East, I'll be taking you up to the HR waiting room. Ms Agonte is running on time so your interview should start on time" He guides you into a lift, and you feel the lift engage for the short trip to the next floor. He guides you a few feet down the hall, and into a large waiting area "Please make yourself comfortable, and feel free to help yourself to something to drink or eat." Indicating the functional seating, and the vending style dispensary machines with drinks and snacks.

As your guide disappears into one of the doors leading out of the room. You look out the big windows on the front of the room overlooking the plaza you crossed to reach this building. The 20 something fellow interviewees range from Dock workers, to young grads, to seasoned professionals.

If you peruse the dispensary you'd see a variety of drinks and snacks all complimentary. The vid screens show the normal news blather with the sound off. The room is full of trying to be quiet, so it's a bit disconcerting. But you've seen worse.
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Re: Planet New Albion

#22 Post by Spearmint »

D'Arcy fidgets in the room, nervous tension or excitement getting the better of him. Gauging the 'opposition' he looks to create some advantage. Besides, paranoid as he is, probably security watch and listen in. He blinks his wafer jack computer on and visualising the current news programme, tells it to repeat what is being said.

D'Arcy walks under a vid monitor and taps the LED screen. He speaks out the news as it is voicelessly spoken. "See kid, you gotta be able to lip read. You can lip read can't you kid?" he says addressing some young graduate type, shaking his head if he frowns a negative. "Best leave now before you become embarrassed son," nodding at the exit.

He sits down next to another 'wannabe', gym enhanced physique, the square frame of a Linehammer from the Tortuga ball league. "See that drinks dispenser, buttons are for pussys' though. Camera is watching to pick out the strong and assertive guys, for the 'big jobs'. Want to impress the future boss? Suggest you go help yourself to a bottle as Dan East implied."

D'Arcy smiles as he waits, winking to a security camera.
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Re: Planet New Albion

#23 Post by Ahlmzhad »

Before the poor 20 something can flee, a professionally dressed woman approaches across the room.

"Mr D'Arcy, I'm Julianne Agonte" extending her hand in greeting "would you like to join me now? I hope you found your wait comfortable?"

She leads you through one of the doors, and you enter a room filled with cubes where busy office workers pretend to be hard at work while surfing the internet. As you cross through the work space she points out what the various groups of workers in the room do.

On the far side of the room is an office with a sign on the door that says interview room 4. "Please take a seat" as she offers you the smaller chair in front of the desk. She takes her seat, and opens the folder she had left on the desk. "Did you bring a resume as I requested?"
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Re: Planet New Albion

#24 Post by Spearmint »

Please submit a copy of your latest resume to me at this email address prior to your appointment.

takes a seat, the smaller one. Power dressing and power play, sitting in a bigger chair behind a higher desk, eye-line above mine. Bet she's even hitched her skirt up and crossed her legs ... D'Arcys mind tries to interpret the otherwise innocent formalities.

"As requested I forwarded a copy to your inbox. However I anticipated that you perhaps needed a little more information on my professional attitude which could not be sent via the Imperial Net." He proceeds to pull out a bound leather folder from his jacket, opening it to the first pages.

"As you can see, this is the manuscript contract signed by the elder magistrate Stankovich. His resignation signature on the bottom lines is true though a little shaky with the underlining. He found it quite challenging to hold the quill nib with broken fingers...

This next page, ah yes. These photographs covers the scene prior to forensics clean up after the aborted boardroom coup in Rothschilds Stellar Shipping. That is me in the background shaking hands with the CEO and in this one I hold the former treasurer in high regard ... look by his ears like a trophy. (D'Arcy smiles ruefully, remembering the severed head being passed around).

He lets Julianne turn the other pages. "Ms Agonte, I am not your broker, banker, financier, legal counsel or steward. However I do come highly recommended as you can see. You can therefore trust me not to lie to you, lie for you or lie about you. I say what I mean, I mean what I say and I do exactly as I say I will do. I can be as diplomatic as you like or failing that resort to the Persuader here." He opens his jacket lapel to show his holstered revolver.
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Re: Planet New Albion

#25 Post by Ahlmzhad »

My bad on the resume I forgot what I had her ask for.

She takes the folio, and peruses the pages. Engaging you with appropriate recognition at your pauses, so that you know she is fully engaged. She smiles and shows shock a few times as she looks at your work, but she doesn't flinch, and she seems encouraged by what she sees.

"Excellent work, these are the skills we are looking for in this slot. I am aware you're not a broker, banker, or diplomat Mr D'Arcy, I am hiring a chief of security for a venture outside the Imperium. As this will be uncharted space for us, we are looking for some level of demonstrated ability working with unknown cultures. So Mr D'Arcy, can you tell me about a time you worked in an unfamiliar cultural situation?"
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Re: Planet New Albion

#26 Post by Spearmint »


"Unfamiliar culturally? Would that be Aslans' territory or some indigenous governmental religion that still lives in the darkest pre-stellar age? Hmm,"

He gives the question some thought, trying to come up with an example that highlights a cultural difference or problem, the
creative solution found and positive result made.

"Peace keeping mission. An assignment enforcing a DMZ ( de-militarized zone) on Old Carthage. Wars over oil and minds. Had to cross a blazing desert, dunes as high as skyscrapers. One lad fell off the back of the camel train. Locals left him to die under the blazing sun saying, 'it is written'. Like their God had destined him to die right there and then. Anyway, I carried him, all blistered and burned to the far oasis. Saved him.

Some time later the patrol was ambushed, a traitor had led renegades among us. Discovered my lad, the one I rescued had betrayed my trust. We shot him against the wall. His camel train brothers didn't bat an eyelid. Kept saying that 'it was written he should die' and so stayed peaceful.

Learned a lot from that time. What folk value most in life or death, their family, faith, money, honour. At the heart of most cultures I think all folk just want to prosper, live in peace and stay healthy.

Diversity of thought brought creativity to problem solving but challenged our inbred stereotypes. Conflicts not always easy to resolve though if both parties think they are justifiably right. Still I wasn't there to change regimes or policies but to enforce the peace and protect trade, down the barrel of a plasma rifle turret if neccessary."
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Re: Planet New Albion

#27 Post by Ahlmzhad »

"Thank You" she says, and moves into a series of such questions.

Finishing this she moves into more details. "This position will be one where the successful candidate will have to operate autonomously with only minimal support, and could be plausibly denied. We will be foreign nationals, with no contacts so you will need to develop them. You'll be expected to produce security and business intelligence. You'd need to be able to work with and/or against the local police and military depending on the situation. I hate to say it, but our company has found that often we have to also find accommodations with the criminal elements on many planets. As previously noted, you would not be the diplomatic front man on our delegation, you would be the force behind the glove, or to use an old phrase you would be the bad cop to someone else's good cop."

"You are the last of the candidates I will be seeing about this position. Do you mind undertaking a long term position that will take you quite a ways off planet? Could you leave in a week? Our next steps is I will be meeting with the person in charge of this project, and making my hiring recommendation. If you are selected we will be contacting you in the next few days."

"Do you have any questions for me?"
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Re: Planet New Albion

#28 Post by Spearmint »


"So I get to become 'your man in Havanna', disavowed if too much shit hits the fan, smoothing the way for all the niceties to happen. Well, that sounds cool enough as long as the other associates know I get to call the shots when it concerns security. I'll keep the business mission safe on both fronts; without to local interference and insurrection and from within, to insubordination and disloyalty.

I expect a steward of sorts to oversee the financial affairs. I'll request appropriate capital assests as I get a fuller picture. (armoured cars, payment of mercenaries), and trust my own expenses to be routinely invoiced. My current affairs can be wound up by the weekend. I have no further questions at this time."

D'Arcy leaves when the interview terminates, returning to his apartment.
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Re: Planet New Albion

#29 Post by Ahlmzhad »

"Well you will be security, but will be working under the Delegation manager, and reasonable expenses will be covered. We will be in contact with you in the next few days with our decision. If you are the successful candidate you will then meet with the Delegation manager, and their decision will be final. Please contact me if you have any questions."
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Re: Planet New Albion

#30 Post by Ahlmzhad »

On the afternoon of the day following your interview you receive a message that you have been selected, and asks you to come to Vloxmar the next morning. Be prepared to go up station for the day. You will again be meeting Ms Agonte.
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Re: Planet New Albion

#31 Post by Spearmint »


Packs his bags, not many of them, but enough to contain his computer bits, scarab bug and scanners, change of suits, shoes; croc skinned b&w and the leathered waterproof marsh boots, perhaps frontier tassled jacket and favoured coon-tailed hat (she did say rural location), hip flasks of Albion local hooch, case of lock, stock and barrels for shotgun (Fred specials known as 'the Peacekeeper'), toothbrush ... prepared for a day or longer.

He checks in with Goldie advising him of developments and takes the shuttle to the spaceport.
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Re: Planet New Albion

#32 Post by Ahlmzhad »

Spearmint wrote:D'Arcy

Packs his bags, not many of them, but enough to contain his computer bits, scarab bug and scanners, change of suits, shoes; croc skinned b&w and the leathered waterproof marsh boots, perhaps frontier tassled jacket and favoured coon-tailed hat (she did say rural location), hip flasks of Albion local hooch, case of lock, stock and barrels for shotgun (Fred specials known as 'the Peacekeeper'), toothbrush ... prepared for a day or longer.

He checks in with Goldie advising him of developments and takes the shuttle to the spaceport.
He's met at the shuttle by Ms Agonte. She's dressed in a Vloxmar jumpsuit. "I'm on my way up to see about some new duties, and so I'll be your guide today."

Shortly your on your way, and once the heady rush of lift off has passed your soon settling into a docking pattern. The giant wheel turns slowly as your shuttle moves in to dock.

Ms Agonte has filled you in. You'll meet the mission head, and if he approves you're in. Stepping off the shuttle she flashes her badge and says we're together, and the two of you breeze through and are soon in a lift heading to Vloxmar's offices portside.

She'll see you to where you will be waiting on your interview. It's a plush room with two chairs on opposite sides of a desk. The attendant will offer you quana, water, tea?

Don't get impatient, but I may have some time to catch up before this happens you may be a day ahead of your interviewer.
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