CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#41 Post by Urson »

Arya stops when she sees the snake. She flips her dagger into her hand and throws it, aiming for the nasty beast's head.
[1d20] = 16
[1d4] = 3

Morris coughs out a final prayer to The Eternal One, his words fading into a babble of nonsense before trailing off. Nope. "he's dead, Jim."

Derrek stays right where he's at, not willing to get involved in the fight.

Ruby moves toward the sounds of combat, unsure what to do- but doing _something._
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#42 Post by drpete »

Here we go...

Init: [1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22

Luke Attack: [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10[1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3
Knuckles Attack: [1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21[1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2

Luke again fails to hurt the snake...

Knuckles whacks it pretty hard, though!
Knuckle's Crit: [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
He scores a solid strike to the snake's torso...
Knuckle's extra damage (c'mon 6!) [1d6] = 3

For a total of 5 damage :)
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#43 Post by shaidar »

Init: [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12

Loreta screams as the snake bites her...

Fort save: [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18


.. and continues to hurry away, hobbling as she goes.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#44 Post by shaidar »

Ralph takes another swing at the snake with his axe:

Axe: to-hit [1d20] = 18, dmg [1d6] = 3

Buckminster and Terryk examine the pit near the goose
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#45 Post by Norjax »


Combat Round 3

Luke continues to miss with his axe.

Knuckles swings and scores a solid smash with his club! (5pt. dmg.) Blood squirts out both sides of the snake’s body and it slumps motionless! (DEAD!)

Loretta runs around the corner and catches her breath. See discovers Morris’ lifeless, poisoned body and realizes fate has spared her from the same agony.

Ralph chops into the snake, just to make sure its dead! (3pt. dmg.)

Zeek prods the dead serpent with his pitchfork, eventually satisfied the reptile is dead.

Buckminster and Terryk examine the hole at the north corridor out of the room. The hole is a 10ft deep pit filled with broken floor stones and dozens of rough, 2ft long iron spikes anchored into the floor.

Tiberius and Anne examine the partially-opened door in more detail. Tiberius discovers a loose block hidden in the pattern of the polygonal stones covering the door. It is roughly in the center and at waist height for a kobold (or dwarf).

Combat Details:

MAP 12

Initiative and Actions?

Light Sources: Torch (Luke), Torch (Anne), Torch (Ralph), Torch (Knuckles), Candle (Derrek)


Hit Points [Luck Points]

Arnie 1/1 [7/7]
Knuckles 3/3 [15/15]
Einstein 1/1 [3/3]
Luke 1/1 [16/16]

Ralph 1/1 [6/6]
Terryk 1/1 [13/13]
Buckminster 1/1 [12/12]
Loreta 1/5 [17/17]

Zeek 5/5 [12/12]
Tiberius 2/2 [13/13]
LePlank 3/3 [10/10]
Anne 4/4 [14/14]

Morris 0/4 [9/9]
Arya 4/4 [11/11]
Derrek 4/4 [16/16]
Ruby 1/1 [11/11]

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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#46 Post by Urson »

Arya stops her throw, seeing the snake dying. She kneels beside Morris, checks for a pulse, and closes one eye that stayed open when he died. She takes his own empty sack to cover his contorted face, then puts his extra rations into her own pack. She'll head back into the room with the pit and the door when she can.

Morris remains dead. [ :lol: ]

Derrek lights a candle and looks down into the pit, vainly searching for a gleam of gold or a sparkle of jewels. He breathes deeply, checking for any sort of scents coming up from the pit.

Ruby joins the others at the partially-opened door. Like, I had that same sort of tilework in my bathroom!
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#47 Post by shaidar »

Loreta binds her wound the best she can, and heads towards the main group, picking her quill up on the way.

Ralph will wait for Loreta (so there is light in the corridor) and then follow.

Buckminster "We could use the pallet to get over this pit and see what's around the corner"
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#48 Post by rossik »

Tiberius convince Anne that they should tell the party about what they had discovered. Also, when Anne discovered the holy man is that, she will take his faith symbol (or anything she can rip from him), and proclaim herself a holy person, together with sir honkalot.

LePlank suggest they verify the door. Maybe they can seal it with the spikes from the north pit. To avoid attack from the back.

Zeek will take the snake, to skin it later
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#49 Post by drpete »

Einstein joins the group over by the door, eager to see what is within.

Knuckles, satisfied that the snake is dead, will move back over to the room, and ask the others if someone can help lower him into the pit in the south side of the room.

Hearing that people want the pallet, Arnie and Luke will go back and get it, hoping to bring it forward to lay over the spike pit.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#50 Post by Norjax »


Arya gives her respects to Morris, relieves him of rations and returns to the room with the pits and secret door.

Derek uses his candle to scour the pit’s floor for sparkles of treasure. He sees none, and inhales deeply to try and detect any odors from below. The air is dank with a slight, unidentifiable foulness.

Ruby joins the others at the open, secret door.

Loreta binds her wounds, retrieves her quill and returns to the group in the east room.

Ralph joins Loreta

Buckminster asks for the pallet to be brought forward, then yields his position to Arnie and Luke.

Anne, upon hearing of Morris’ demise, goes to his body and collects his holy symbol.

LePlank expresses his concerns about the secret door.

Zeek tries to take the snake, until he realizes that it is 10in in diameter and 14ft long. Only 7ft of the snake is out of the hole, laying on the stone floor.

Einstein joins those at the secret door.

Knuckles asks for volunteers to lower him into the pit.
What are you using and who will help?

Arnie and Luke retrieve the pallet and bring it to the pit outside the room’s north corridor. They slide it out and over the 5ft wide pit, making ready for anyone to cross.

MAP 13


Light Sources: Torch (Luke), Torch (Anne), Torch (Ralph), Torch (Knuckles), Candle (Derrek)

Hit Points [Luck Points]

Arnie 1/1 [7/7]
Knuckles 3/3 [15/15]
Einstein 1/1 [3/3]
Luke 1/1 [16/16]

Ralph 1/1 [6/6]
Terryk 1/1 [13/13]
Buckminster 1/1 [12/12]
Loreta 1/5 [17/17]

Zeek 5/5 [12/12]
Tiberius 2/2 [13/13]
LePlank 3/3 [10/10]
Anne 4/4 [14/14]

Arya 4/4 [11/11]
Derrek 4/4 [16/16]
Ruby 1/1 [11/11]

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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#51 Post by Urson »

Arya fetches her coil of rope and tosses it to the group at the pit.

Derrek Let me go down. I have a good light source here... he says, trying to horn in on being the first down the pit. If he can't convince Knuckles, he'll at least have the good grace to help lower him into the pit.

Ruby So, what's behind this door, anyway? she says, stepping forward and reaching to open the door.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#52 Post by drpete »

Arnie and Luke will cross the pallet, one at a time, and look down the hallway heading east.

Einstein and Knuckles will lower Derrick into the pit holding the rope. Then Einstein will hold the rope while Knuckles goes down with Derrick.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#53 Post by rossik »

Anne now believes she has divine powers, and will bless the group.

LePlank will try to focus on noises. Maybe he can hear something unusual.

Zeek will try to take some snake meat then . If he can't cut it, he will ask for a dagger just to do this. He will wrap the meat in the snake skin.

Tiberius will verify the lose stone withe a piece of wood
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#54 Post by Norjax »


Arya offers her rope to Knuckles, Derrek and Einstein.

Einstein and Knuckles lower Derrek into the pit. The first thing the elf sees is a dead, 14ft long snake (”S” on the map) hacked in several places. Convinced it is dead, he motions Knuckles to join him. Knuckles follows with his torch, and the two stand in a 10ft wide semi-natural room that extends past the illumination of torchlight. Two irregular passages exit the room to the south. Using his candle, Derrek shifts and looks to the west. A 5ft wide passage leads 20ft into a larger chamber.

Ruby steps forward, grabs the edge of the secret door and swings it open. Tiberius and LePlank move aside while the door is pivoted, but return to their positions after it stops against the east wall. Light from Anne’s torch reveals a hall behind the door extending 15ft into darkness. A faint flicker of light breaks the darkness some 35ft ahead.

Arnie and Luke cross the pallet and look around the corner. A 5ft wide hall continues 10ft to a dead end.

Anne returns to bless the group and provide light for the room.

LePlank listens for unusual noise (Die Roll by GM), but detects nothing.

Zeek slices off some slabs of snake meat and uses the skin to wrap the morsel.

Tiberius attempts to probe the loose stone with a piece of wood, but is interrupted by Ruby opening the door.

MAP 14


Light Sources: Torch (Luke), Torch (Anne), Torch (Ralph), Torch (Knuckles), Candle (Derrek)

Hit Points [Luck Points]

Arnie 1/1 [7/7]
Knuckles 3/3 [15/15]
Einstein 1/1 [3/3]
Luke 1/1 [16/16]

Ralph 1/1 [6/6]
Terryk 1/1 [13/13]
Buckminster 1/1 [12/12]
Loreta 1/5 [17/17]

Zeek 5/5 [12/12]
Tiberius 2/2 [13/13]
LePlank 3/3 [10/10]
Anne 4/4 [14/14]

Arya 4/4 [11/11]
Derrek 4/4 [16/16]
Ruby 1/1 [11/11]

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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#55 Post by rossik »

Tiberius attempt to convince the others to go with him in the spinning doorway. Since there is light over there, maybe they should check it now, and go to the pit later. Nothing could climb fast enough to catch us of guard, right?

Anne holds sir Honkalot back in the bifurcation. He could decide the right path for the group!

LePlank agrees with Tiberius, but insist to go last, just to cover the group

Zeek join the party, and having no clue whatsoever about whats going on, decide to just wait.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#56 Post by Urson »

Arya stands behind Ruby, waiting for the Fool Killer to eliminate this idiot. She looks over Ruby's shoulder, hoping to see some details with her elvish vision. Dart fidgets on her shoulder, not liking the cool air or the fact he's still hooded.

Derrek holds his candle high, looking around for anything that might be valuable. His smile fades when he sees the chamber is empty. We should check these corridors, he says, pushing Knuckles toward the one that goes west.

Ruby slumps slightly, seeing just a dark passage with nothing interesting in it.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#57 Post by drpete »

Luke and Arnie go down to the end of the little tunnel they are in, and search the end for secret doors like the one in the room they left.

Einstein moves over to the door, and tries to loop the rope around it to form an anchor point to allow people to climb up and down into the pit. If he is able to, he'll then go down to john Knuckles and Derrek.

Not sure where to explore first, Knuckles shrugs and starts off to the west, into the natural cavern, slowly enough that Einstein can catch up.

There seem to be lots of ways to go... split up into a few more manageable groups, or is there safety in numbers?
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#58 Post by rossik »

as the song goes, i would say "never split the party"
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#59 Post by shaidar »

Ralph and Terryk follow Luke and Arnie over the pallet. See a dead end and the others examining the walls they join in looking for a hidden door.

Buckminster and Loretta follow the other group through the door.
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Re: CHAPTER 1: Into the Hillside

#60 Post by Norjax »


Tiberius tries to convince the others to join him in pressing beyond the secret door. He moves ahead, allowing his infravision to perform. Before the light from Anne’s torch spoils his vision, he stops at a set of bars blocking the passage. Beyond is a 15ft x 15ft room with a 5ft x 5ft hole or pit in the corner. He briefly saw a flicker of light from this hole before it faded. A 5ft x 5ft bar grate partially covers the hole and rests on the polygonal stone floor. A rusted, wheel mechanism is anchored to the floor and 6ft high ceiling just north of the hole/pit. A rotted rope hangs from a hole in the ceiling, directly above the floor opening. It terminates 2ft above the floor level.

LePlank agrees with Tiberius, but will wait to go last.

Zeek enters the room and stands, waiting.

Arya looks over Ruby’s shoulders, but the torchlight spoils her darkvision. She yields to the others as they move past her. She remains in the room and allow Anne to provide some light.

Derrek nudges Knuckles to move west with him.

Luke and Arnie walk to the end of the short tunnel to look for secret doors.

Einstein loops the rope around the top of the door and it slides down until it stops at the top hinge. Pulling it taut and found to be secure, he rappels down through the hole and into the lower chamber. Looking up at the hole some 15ft above, he joins his two comrades in moving into the west passage.

The three move 15ft to an intersection of semi-natural passages nominally 5ft wide. Each continues for 40ft beyond the torchlight.

Ralph and Terryk see Luke and Arnie disappear around the corner. They proceed over the pallet to follow them. As they near the corner, a stone-against-stone scraping sound followed by a verbal commotion is heard!

Buckminster and Loretta move through the secret door.

Anne shifts to provide light for the secret corridor spelunkers while watching Sir Honkalot for a sign.

Ruby watches the others enter the corridor, unmoved by their sense of adventure.

MAP 15


Light Sources: Torch (Luke), Torch (Anne), Torch (Ralph), Torch (Knuckles), Candle (Derrek)

Hit Points [Luck Points]

Arnie 1/1 [7/7]
Knuckles 3/3 [15/15]
Einstein 1/1 [3/3]
Luke 1/1 [16/16]

Ralph 1/1 [6/6]
Terryk 1/1 [13/13]
Buckminster 1/1 [12/12]
Loreta 1/5 [17/17]

Zeek 5/5 [12/12]
Tiberius 2/2 [13/13]
LePlank 3/3 [10/10]
Anne 4/4 [14/14]

Arya 4/4 [11/11]
Derrek 4/4 [16/16]
Ruby 1/1 [11/11]


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