Action Thread: Episode II

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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#41 Post by NJWilliam »

Caius strips the armor off the imperial as quickly as he can and dons it.
Looking as the blaster burn, he says, "Might be a bit weak for a disguise from the front, but will still protect, eh?"
He then practices holding his carbine to cover the blaster scorch.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#42 Post by angelicdoctor »

La'Reth spits out to Lord, "Lead the way!"
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#43 Post by Vargr1105 »

Space! I hurt all over..., Lord thinks to himself.

Not wanting to worry the civvies about his dolorous state of being he readies his blaster rifle and just says "Let's go then." before starting going fpr the turbolift passage.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#44 Post by max_vale »

The band of escaped Rebels continue on their way to the Engine Control Core, following Walex Blissex and keeping a sharp eye and ear out for any signs of Imperials. They round the corner per the Engineer's directions and are immediately greeted by the sight of collapsed walls and ceiling blocking further progress down the corridor to where the turboshaft is located.

"Oh Dear....well....hmm....if that way is blocked; I suppose we could head down the opposite junction and cut through the Machine shop and Sick Bay and use the turbolift on the opposite side of the ship..."; Walex cuts his speech off as he realizes he's talking out loud to himself and notices his companions staring at him. With a bit of a blush and shrug of his shoulders; he finishes up with; "...ahem; THIS way then"; and reverses their course and heads down a long passageway before coming to an open doorway.

"Through here is the machine shop"; points out Blissex and the Rebels enter the deserted shop; noting how equipment seems to have been left in the middle of use. Racks of engine parts and a partially dismantled sublight modulator lie on a workbench in the center of the room. An open doorway on the opposite side of the room can be seen and Walex directs everyone towards it. About halfway through the room the sound of an armored boot scraping across the metal floor is heard coming from the doorway the Rebels entered from; along with the echoing sound of something bouncing and rolling on the floor....

The Rebels spin around; their weapons at the ready and see a small spherical object suddenly explode with a bright flash of light and thick smoke begins to rapidly fill the room. Caius notes a trio of figures in white slip into the room with weapons at the ready and the by-now-annoyingly-familiar voice of Captain Kolaff once again echoes in the ears of the escaped prisoners. "Congratulations on surviving your first lesson; now it's time for lesson number two. I call it 'Stacking the Deck' of luck"...

*Note: Due to the bright flash and the smoke; everyone is at -2D for actions this round and will likely have penalties in future rounds; depending on what they wish to do.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#45 Post by angelicdoctor »

Time to kick ... and take names.

Borsk forces himself to remain calm and to rely more on the Force than his physical sight. He crouches low in an attempt to get under the smoke then, trusting to the Force, he attempts to detect the life forces of the soldiers recently entered into his area and shall track their positions for his friends.

Lord, Terra, Caius concentrate your fire in the direction I give you. Our host believes to have stacked this against us, however, his pride shall be his undoing.

Max, please roll for me in this instance. Oh, and I'd like to use a force point.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#46 Post by Vargr1105 »

ooc: flashbang grenades...wonderful.

Hurting and half-blind Lord uses the nearest structure (table, large machine part, etc) to hide as best he can until his vision clears.

ooc: at a total -3D penalty I ain't doing this round except Dodging. ;)
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#47 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Blinking furiously against the afterimages burned into her retinas, Terra curses audibly. "Karking Imperial nerf-herders!"

Clutching her newly-acquired carbine to her chest, Terra closes her eyes as she squats down, leaning against a wall, waiting for her eyes to clear. She concentrates on her hearing for the moment to alert her to any incoming enemies.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#48 Post by NJWilliam »

Caius dives/rolls/falls for where he recalls the workbench was, aiming to put it between himself and the trio he saw entering the room. Once there he will do his best to blast where Borsk directs.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#49 Post by max_vale »

Their eyes watering and their ears ringing from the smoke and concussive blast; the Rebels all drop and dive for cover behind various machine parts and work tables. Caius and Lord hiss and grunt a bit as their wounds ache from taking cover; but neither wastes a moment on regret as their actions save them from very close blasts from the Stormtroopers' weapons. A third blaster bolt zips through the smokey haze; just barely missing a coughing Walex Blissex; who belatedly falls prone.

Borsk; his Force attuned senses reaching out; easily marks the presence of the three Stromtroopers; they can hide in the smoke; but they cannot stop the Living Energy they create which his connection with the Force allows him to "see". He calls out their location about 10 meters away to his companions and Caius responds by firing a 'blind' shot through the smoke and the Rebels are rewarded with the sound of an armored body clattering to the floor. The Bothan can suddenly only detect TWO stormtroopers as the third fades from his Force "Sight"....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#50 Post by angelicdoctor »

Good shot, Caius! That trooper surely didn't know what hit him. We still have company, however.

Still trusting to the Force, Borsk attempts to maintain his hold of the Living Force losing himself to its otherworldly embrace. He 'plugs in' to the energy which flows through himself, his friends, his opponents...

La'Reth will slowly lower himself closer to the deck floor in order to reduce his target footprint. He continues to call out the position of the troopers for his friends.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#51 Post by Vargr1105 »

Still using cover, Lord takes aim and lets loose with his standard-issue Imperial Stormtrooper blaster rifle as soon as he discern an enemy.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#52 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Hearing La'Reth's voice calling out the position of the troopers who'd entered the room, Terra aims with her blaster carbine and opens fire, hoping to take them out.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#53 Post by NJWilliam »

Caius continues to shoot where directed, trying not to second guess the instructions with his hampered vision.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#54 Post by max_vale »

Borsk's senses; attuned with the Force; stay very sharp and he is able to direct an accurate shot from Terra and another from Caius to hit both of the remaining Stormtroopers; though only one sound of a body in armor clattering on the floor is heard by the Rebels. The Bothan is indeed able to tell that a single remaining opponent is still hunting them in the smoke; wounded perhaps, but still a threat....

Lord takes cover behind some large machinery parts and does his best to shake off the effects of the Flashbang. His hearing seems to be slowly 'fading in' back to normalcy and his sight seems less fuzzy; though of course; he's still looking at a room filled with smoke. Suddenly he hears something quite close to him; and he can just make out the vague silhouette of a figure moving slowly a few meters away from him...

Meanwhile; in another part of the ship; a figure dressed in an Imperial uniform slips away from the sight of Imperial Captain Kolaff peering intently at a monitor screen showing the smoke-filled battle between the escaped Rebels and a detachment of Stormtroopers. No one paid the solitary figure any attention and the Imperial slipped into a turboshaft and headed down and away from the Bridge to the lower decks. Clearly; it was NOW OR NEVER; to help out the Rebels and get off the crippled Star Destroyer....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#55 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Terra continues trying to clear her eyes from the effects of the flashbang, allowing a feral smile to cross her face as she registers the fact that she's scored a hit. She listens to see if any more directions are relayed, so she can make another shot.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#56 Post by angelicdoctor »

La'Reth, undeterred by the events transpiring around him recalls his training from his master:

A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. Luminous beings are we.

In parallel, a teaching from his Bothan father:

A Bothans' work is chiefly to be done in the dark. Those who work in the light, in the open, are easily brought down by those who work in the shadows who lie in wait and see all in the light.

Borsk relies on the wisdom of both as he attempts to maintain his hold on the living will of the Force. With this 'second sight' he peers through the darkness brought to his natural senses searching for the luminosity of the remaining stormtrooper...
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#57 Post by grey_starr »

*Taking his leave, Grey immediately directs the Turbo shaft down to the lower decks. During his time on the Subjugator, Grey learned what he could of it's security systems, procedures and ship layout, as any scout worth a cred would do. Using this knowledge, Grey will find the access panel on the way and quickly sabotage the video relay systems - making it much harder for the Imps to coordinate their efforts. Also, if Grey can manage it, it's time to slice into the system and send out some false signals, so they'll have to spread out security to deal with other "issues" all over the ship. Away from where I'll be going.*

*Always being sure to salute when required, showing confidence in where he was to be going... Grey heads to the where rebels were held up... Taking the Stormies by surprise from behind, from an "ally" should really turn the tide.*
Grey Starr - Try my D&D name generators...
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#58 Post by max_vale »

Caius stays low; staying alert but not seeing or hearing anything besides the hammering of his heart in his ears....

Terra clears her eyes of the stinging smoke and shakes off the effects of the flash bang and waits for the Bothan's guidance on where to shoot. When Borsk does speak up though; it's not too her...

La'Reth concentrates and 'feels' the last Stormtrooper's presence; virtually on top of Lord's signature! Calling out a quick warning and location of the enemy to the former Bounty Hunter; the Bothan hopes it's enough to save his friend....

Lord hears the trooper's approach and his hands tighten around the Blaster carbine. He ignores the burning pain from his wound and takes a deep breath; lets it go and hears Borsk call out a warning that the Stormtrooper is virtually right next to him. Exploding into action; the smoke clears just enough to let Mattel see the sight of the white-armored Imperial barely 2 meters away and spinning towards him. Lord's blaster is almost touching his opponent when he pulls the trigger and the red light from the Blaster bolt sends an eerie reflection off of the eye-ports in the Trooper's helmet as the blast hits him in the chest. The Stormtrooper then drops like a stone to the deck and Mattel breaths out a painful gasp of relief.

La'Reth confirms that there's no one else in the area at the moment and the Rebels regroup and Walex leads them out and towards a hallway where there is a turboshaft that leads to the engine core and an open doorway to a Medical Bay. Blissex looks over his companions and says; "Perhaps we should duck into the Med Bay and see if one of the Medical Droids can help us or if there are any Medpacs we could use on you two?"; the engineer suggests while looking at Caius and Mattel.

Meanwhile; Grey manages to temporarily screw up the security camera feeds; but his knowledge of Imperial Security tech outweighs his actual ability to utilize said technology....or defeat it. He attempts to impart some 'false leads' to throw Kolaff off the trail of the escaped Rebels; but he's not feeling particularly confident about his success in actually doing so.*

Shrugging his shoulders and realizing he had done what he could; Grey slips past several Imperials with proper salutes and following of military procedure; and manages to board a turboshaft which will lead down to a hallway that connects with the machine shop where he had last seen the Rebels getting into a shootout with Stormtroopers on Kolaff's screen and a medical bay....

*Actually; most computer usage falls under TECH....I did make some rolls for you; but they didn't turn out that great; sorry!
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#59 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Terra finishes blinking the smoke and afterimages from her eyes. As the group starts moving on, she says, "Waitaminute, guys...shouldn't we maybe make use of this armor? Some of it, at least? I mean, we can use their gear, if not the armor. And their helmets might come in handy...we can listen in on their comms."

Matching words to action, Terra goes to the trooper she recently downed, at least confiscating his utility belt and helmet. If she can get the built-in comlink pulled out and used as a headset comlink, she'll do that. If she can't, she'll just don the helmet, monitoring the comm AND getting any other benefits from using the helmet. She'll also take the trooper's E-11 and put it in her newly acquired holster.
Last edited by Jedi Skyler on Tue May 14, 2013 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode II

#60 Post by angelicdoctor »

Jedi Skyler wrote:Terra finishes blinking the smoke and afterimages from her eyes. As the group starts moving on, she says, "Waitaminute, guys...shouldn't we maybe make use of this armor? Some of it, at least? I mean, we can use their gear, if not the armor. And their helmets might come in handy...we can listen in on their comms."

Matching words to action, Terra goes to the trooper she recently downed, at least confiscating his utility belt and helmet. If she can get the built-in comlink pulled out and used as a headset comlink, she'll do that. She'll also take the trooper's E-11 and holster it in her newly acquired holster.
Wise words. We should make good use of the resources at hand. With that, La'Reth removes a utility belt from one of the fallen troopers and adjusts it to fit around his waist.
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