Session 5: The Crypt

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Session 5: The Crypt

#1 Post by Ludanto »

Welcome back!

Somebody do a recap, I suppose!
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#2 Post by Marullus »

*bump* Rusty?
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#3 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Well ya gotta remember that this all starts just after we’d fought them diminutive skellingtons. We was plum tired, so we set to camping. So this story starts after that, got it?

Well we woke up and Aoife had gone and R-U-N-N-O-F-T’d (with some of our stuff, I’ll add), but we still had lots of stuff. Too much to carry, in fact, without Aoife, anyhow. But Allric stepped right up, and with a wave of his hands and some magic words, he used his prestidigitation skills t’ make a magic cart. What? No, it didn’t have any wheels. It floated. Magic, remember? Anyhow, we loaded that right up, good and was just about to head back to Falko when I got to feeling sore about losing my lockpiii… errr… some tools. Anyhow, I tried t’get them back, but it was fer naught. The tools broke and so we decided to head t’ town t’ cash in on them palliative mushrooms and that stained glass I’d salvaged.
And here’s a gem of wisdom for you to put in yer pocket. We’d never bothered makin’ a map of how t’ get back t’ Falko! So we were just about stuck when Thag assured us that he could get us back to town, so off we went, through the scrub and bruch, gettin’ bit up by skeeters and midges, and all. And then Thag leads us right to the freakiest place I’d ever seen. And some of the group wanted to meet what was obviously a witch’s house, but I insisted that we get back to town to cash in. Hmm? Right. I mean, t’ get the mushrooms to the potion-lady so she could help folks. So I took the lead and, don’tcha know it, but I found my way right back to Falko – the place I’d grown up and swore never to get back to. So that’s another thing to remember. Never say never.

But its okay, because we camped out just before heading back into the town and Berry the Cleric drew us a good map of the route I’d taken and Allric made some potions and such. And then we headed into the town, past them knuckleheads at the gate – I remembered one of them from growin’ up. Used t’ be a big-time bully. I was glad t’ notice he was missin’ a few teeth.

So we headed t’ market and the potion-lady, and other places and made some good coin hockin’ off what we got from the dwarf hold and Allric’s magic stuffs. And Allric made a friend from some foreigner, and Thag made friends with this antler-wearin' elf-guy, and I got t’ spend time with my best gal, Mer Rhion. She’s a maid. At least she was a maid ‘fore I met her, if you catch my meaning. What? No. Right. Yeah. She still cleans folks houses, so, technically, yes. She’s still a maid. Never mind.

Anyhow, we all got rested up as best as we could, and Berry and I paid up our bills just fine, but Allric and Thag got taken for deadbeats. Almost got their fingers broke, but we managed t’get loose of the guards in time. Then we started back t’ the wtich’s hut because we’re nutty like that, when we come across a dog. The dog led us to a kid. The kid led us to an orphanage, which… well… We found the head-lady all sacrificed ritualistically in the secret cellar. Not sure if that’s any better’n Death by way of Hunger/Thirst, Fear, Anger, Exhaustion, Injury, and Sickness, or not… Anyhow, it just suck’s t’ be an orphan in Falko, is all I know. Because orphanage was burnt down and the torture chamber and dead head-lady is all that’s left. But we cremated her so she won’t come back from the dead like the skellingtons or werewolves. (Yes, I’m still on about the werewolves!)

And that just about brings us back up t’ speed, right? We’re goin’ t’ get the kobolds that burnt the orphanage and kidnapped the kids, and maybe kill that likely-as-not-werewolf we saw last time around.

Any questions?
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#4 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Wow Mr. Rabon, I don't rightly know why you are narrating our adventures to us...but I think you might have missed your calling of giving sermons. When this is all done, maybe I can put in a good word with the Pastor of my Temple. Berry says earnestly, using one of the best compliments he could muster. sorry, felt appropriate,
I'll do my prayer roll when I get home tonight.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#5 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Rabon shakes his head. No thanks. Too much responsibility, that. I was just, uh... Catching Alfred up on what we're doing, is all.

I think I had intended to say he was at a bar or something, but forgot. Must be why I hadn't posted it when I wrote it. :lol:
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#6 Post by shroomofinsanity »

While the group is getting ready to break camp, Berry sets up his religious supplies to attempt to request a Miracle from the Lords of Light and Law. Oh Lords of the First and highest law, lend me your power, if but a sliver, so I may act in your stead on this Weak and Dark world.

Attempt to memorize the vision of the Lords of Law/chaos:

Ob 3 (8-will) vs. 4D from theologian, 1D from fresh, and spending one persona for +1D=6D
[1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 5 [1d6] = 6 [1d6] = 1 [1d6] = 2 spend 1 fate to reroll 6= [1d6] = 6 yay another 6 [1d6] = 4 so 4 success, I will add the new miracle to my list.

It worked!! Berry yells with honest excitement, betraying just how young this "man" actually was. He rushes over to the wizard: Look, Mr. Allric, did you see? The Lords granted me what I asked for, I saw how much you used your magical eyes, so I thought I would try my own version of it, I will be able to see all kinds of things too. Berry beams and his smile stretches from ear to ear, cracking the caked dirt on his face.

Guys, it's good to be back.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#7 Post by Marullus »

Allric chews his pipe stem happily by their campfire, greatly enjoying the communal tale-telling. As it was so many times, Rabon and I, upon the road, he muses, looking happily at the larger crew he now has assembled here. He brushes out his beard using his mirror, ensuring he removes some of the 'road wear' of their travels thus far.

As Berry runs over in his excitement, Allric smiles, responding paternally to the young cleric. "Well done, Berrenwald, well done.
The mystery before us will surely be unraveled before your penetrating gaze. There is much we do not yet know... I am glad you are with us."
He claps Berry on the upper arm, giving it a squeeze.

Once they have packed up camp and are ready to proceed to the downward stair, he invokes his light motes with a confident flourish, readying them to face the dark ahead away from the dawn's light.

"Come then," he speaks with authority, "Let us see what these kobolds hide below, and if we can find the missing gemstones of the anvil."

Three motes for three turns (Ob4); Arcanist 5D +1D Fresh
Lights 1/2 [1d6] = 4[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 6
Lights 2/2 [1d6] = 4[1d6] = 5
Wowza! :shock: :o :D Any chance we can eke extra time out of that?? I was trying for three turns, but achieved enough success for a whole phase.
SLOT: - Dance of the Fireflies
SLOT: - Wisdom of the Sages

GOAL: - I will search the lower level for any evidence of what caused the magical darkness which I could not overcome with magical light.
Recap (all we know about the magic here):
The chapel proper fades away into dim grayness, overpowered by the anvil-shaped altar at the back of the room, which pulses with a light that seems to extend upward into infinity. However, the light is unstable, flickering and fluttering like the dying breaths of a terrified animal.

No gemstones remain in the anvil, possibly stolen at some point.

This powerful creation is carved from the living earth, and dedicated to Tarog, a dwarven Lord. When specially crafted rune-gems are inserted, those present are refreshed so that they might continue crafting. This one is badly damaged and defaced, and barely functional.

There are divots for six gems.
To your understanding, there is no additional effect in placing all of the gems.
The holy symbols on the stone anvil were chipped away at with a chisel or the like. The magic seems to function, but tenuously. It might not work again. It might shut down forever.
The focus of the damage seems to be to defile its religious significance only.
There is no obvious relation to the darkness.
That's it.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#8 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

I'm supposin' it's time to go explore down below. I'll test the stairs.

I lead the way to GreyGrim's lair, if he's not there I go directly to the stairs. If he is, then I'll stop and ask GreyGrim if he remember's us, and that we are going below to find the source of evil haunting this place.

Can I hold my crossbow in one hand while using Rabon's 10' pole to test the stairs with the other? If not, then I'll hand "Betsey" to Rabon to hold while I test the stairs.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#9 Post by Marullus »

As Allric was the one to dominate Greygrim, he straightens his shoulders and stands confidently behind Thag, the floating orbs circling overhead to heighten his display of power.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#10 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Berry readies his shield in one hand and his unlit lantern in the other incase it is needed. His youthful exuberance slightly tamped down by the impending trial.We will prevail this day for the Lords of Light and Law.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#11 Post by Ludanto »

You have no problem reaching Greygrim's lair, or what used to be his lair, as there is no indication that he has been back. The room seems eerily quiet as you descend the short set of stairs, interrupted only by the rattle of your gear and the faint call of the large black birds that circle the grey sky outside. The light from Allric's orbs makes Thag's shadow dance on the stones of the collapsed portal at the foot of the stairs, and by their light you can clearly see that the only way through is a small crawlspace in one corner. While not a problem for a kobold or a child, it looks dangerously tight, perhaps impossible, for larger folk.

What now?
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#12 Post by Marullus »

"Hmmm," muses Allric, stroking his beard. "Rabon, Thag, do you think you can open that larger? Like pulling rocks from a field in Falko." He winks at Rabon.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#13 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

As Thag hands "Betsy" to Rabon, the rogue puts his hands up, Aw, geez, Thag! That's kind of you. I couldn't possibly...The a look of comprehension spreads across his face, and he frowns. Right. I get it. Sure. He takes the crossbow in his hands, careful not to loose a quarrel into any of his companions.

The room and stairs spook Rabon. He is about to mention how creepy it all is, and that it had better be worth it for all their trouble, when Allric mentions moving rocks. Sure thing. But for the record, I always hated that work. It's how my hands got so calloused. I remember one time seeing a rock roll onto my pal's foot. Crushed it. Sounds crappy, but you know what? He certainly never had to move rocks again. As he gets ready to help one of his companions, Rabon pauses. Wait. That guy got gangrene and died. So you'd better watch your feet.

Happy to offer a helping die to anyone using my health or a peasant skill.
(I'm also happy to take the test, but I thought someone else ought to have the fun. What about Alfred?
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#14 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Seeing the others standing dumbstruck, Rabon sets his stuff down and spits on his hands. What's the matter? Cat got yer tongues, or something? Rabon works to make the opening large enough for the party to pass through.

Sorry Bill and Buck, I'm going to move this forward. Please chime in if you want to take the test though.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#15 Post by Ludanto »

Rabon, test Laborer - Ob. 2

I know you were hoping for Peasant, but at least you've got plenty of help. (It seems reasonable to assume that everyone, except maybe the old man, would help out.)
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#16 Post by Marullus »

That's Beginner's Luck using Health, which means we can all also help with Health, yes? Then I do think it is fair to assume we all aid him (including Allric).

That's Health 5D + 4D Help = 9D / 2 = 4D before you begin modifying things...
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#17 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Well I waited a while. Might as well move this along.

2D vs [1d6] = 6, [1d6] = 1, [1d6] = 3, [1d6] = 2,
Fate reroll [1d6] = 3

Rabon does his best, hoping he doesn't throw out his back.
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#18 Post by Marullus »

That's gonna hurt...
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#19 Post by shroomofinsanity »

that will probably backfire on all of us...excitement!
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Re: Session 5: The Crypt

#20 Post by Ludanto »

Fun fact: BL rounds UP! Rolling an extra die for you.
Move rocks extra die: [1d6] = 3

The stones are large and the stairwell is narrow (and up-hill), so it takes a few hours and Rabon still ends up doing the majority of the work.

By the time you finish, Rabon is Exhausted, and everyone else is Hungry & Thirsty.

Also, moving one of the stones reveals a small, leather-bound book lost in the rubble.

Inside, the stairs open into a large room. The air reeks of kobold musk. At the edge of your light, you can see some sort of broken stone object, black and shiny, and what might be tools scattered near its base.

What now?

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