Session 2: Quarantine Zone

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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#61 Post by Rex »


"I think the bank is the first priority."
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#62 Post by BearSiren817 »

Azalea winks at Asmundr, “I couldn’t agree more.”
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#63 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi nods her head emphatically at the idea as she casts a healing spell on the badly injured gnome.

Cure Wounds [1d8+3] = 8+3 = 11 :D
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#64 Post by dmw71 »

Harbor Holdings
The thugs, simply following orders, are allowed to flee without pursuit. Their fates for crossing the Xanathar are almost certainly sealed anyway.

The group takes a moment to recover from the skirmish, which includes Azalea looking at disgust towards her rapier, examining the blade and weighing it carefully in her hand before practicing her cut and thrust. Garl and Sandro receive healing spells from Asmundr and Louchi respectively, bringing the half-orc to full health, and leaving only the slightest wound to the tortle, who still is annoyed at the missing chunk from his shell. "Thanks, bro! That was a gnarly fight, huh, dudes? I totally almost bought the farm there, and I don't even like farming!" Sandro chuckles; an act that is easier now that his wounds are all but a memory.

Louchi performs a quick inspection of the possessions carried by the one thug the group did manage to defeat and discovers 10 pieces of gold in a pouch on the thug's belt. Then, just before abandoning his search, the mini-giant spots a circular area seeming to press through the leather of the top belt the thug wore. Lifting the bottom of the belt causes a poorly crafted ring -- its pearl center stone carved into the shape of an eye -- to fall slowly, which the cleric easily catches.

"Soooo, doctor or bank?" the monk asks once the group is ready to press on. When no one objects after Asmundr and Azalea suggest the bank, it becomes the group's next destination.

Leaving the thug's body behind, likely for the rats, the group begins to make their way through the Dock Ward via Cloak Lane... witnessing many destitute and sick residents huddled along the streets, with rodents skittering everywhere. The fact that everyone except Garl is displaying rat-like features hardly seems to capture the attention of any of these street-bound residents; many of them suffering similar conditions... and worse.

A quick right on Dark Lane followed by a quick left onto Coinpenny Alley brings their next destination into view.
Harbor Holdings.jpg
Harbor Holdings.jpg (229.6 KiB) Viewed 888 times
Like a slice of sunshine in a dreary neighborhood, the face of the Harbor Holdings sports a fresh coat of pink paint.
HH.jpg (94.26 KiB) Viewed 888 times
Entering the building, the group ascends a flight of stairs and finds themselves inside a simple reception area with a heavily worn spruce wood floor and walls somewhat recently painted in a dull yellow color. A ratty wool carpet runs the center of the area like an aisle runner is flanked by a roughly 6-foot long wooden desk on either side. The desks are covered by ink stains, and aside from a few potted plants, the only items on either are ink wells and quills. The carpet running the center of the room extends roughly 20-feet and ends a few feet short of the far wall.

Protruding from the far wall is a bumped out area, like a bay window, constructed from solid oak wood. Centered in this bumped out area is what looks like a barred teller window. Paneled areas, with frosted glass sections below latticed wrought iron on top, stagger on either side from this barred center window:
Teller Window.jpg
Teller Window.jpg (161.14 KiB) Viewed 888 times
Sitting behind this barred window is an elderly, bespectacled gnome female, evidently standing on some sort of riser or platform.
Snixxy Silverhearth.jpg
Snixxy Silverhearth.jpg (70.63 KiB) Viewed 888 times
Roughly 10-feet beyond this elderly gnome teller, is a solid wood and iron reinforced door:
Iron Reinforced Door.jpg
Iron Reinforced Door.jpg (128.3 KiB) Viewed 888 times
This door is guarded by an identical pair of younger, armed male gnomes.
SamwiseWisesam.jpg (61.05 KiB) Viewed 888 times
The female gnome squints her eyes and, leaning forward slightly, calls out to the group as they enter.

"Hello dearies!" she says loudly. "Can I help you?"


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Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#65 Post by OGRE MAGE »

On the way to the bankers, Louchi admires her newly found prize, hoping it will fit upon her thick finger.

She uses her innate power to check if the item is magical before actually trying it on.

Once the group arrives at the gnomes establishment, she keeps a squinty eye out for trouble, or for any more clues.

Perception Check [1d20+3] = 14+3 = 17

Not holding any of the paperwork, she just smiles awkwardly over the counter and allows Garl or Azalea to do the talking here.
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#66 Post by dmw71 »

Harbor Holdings
Louchi struggles to get the ring she discovered over the first digit of her smallest pinky finger. While the ring does not appear magical, the fact that it fits, albeit snugly, is a near-magical feat. Tearing her attention away from the ring for a moment, the giant firbolg stops and keeps a squinty eye out for trouble, or for any more clues. Everything in this new room appears genuine... including the mistrust the twin gnome guards view the group with.

"Did you say something?" Snixxy, the old gnome banker, ask loudly. "If you could please speak up."




Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 08:52 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#67 Post by Scott308 »


Seeing that nobody else seems willing to speak with the little banker lady, the monk straightens his shell and steps forward. Smiling, he tries to be his most charming. Hola, your gnomeness. We, ah, are here on official city business. We're investigating the rat plague. We were supposed to meet with someone that was supposed to have some info for us, but when we got to his house, dude was dead. Then, we got attacked by thugs who don't want us to find a cure. So, here we are!

Seeing a look of confusion on the gnome's face, he continues without letting anyone else speak. Whoa! I guess I forgot a few details, huh? When we searched the captain's house, we found a flyer advertising your bank, and a small piece of paper with HH 908 on it, so we're gonna need to see that box. Please. Thank you. Pretty gnarly, huh? Did I mention we're on official city business? My close friend, Arvene Morrow, a Swordcaptain with the City Watch, asked us to take care of this personally. I'll be sure to let her know you helped us. Or not, if you prefer to be anamynus, unanimous- don't want anyone to know you helped. He stands smiling, waiting expectantly for a response.
Persuasion: [1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3
:( I saw this being wildly successful. Then I rolled the dice.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#68 Post by Rex »


"My friend is correct in the details mam, but at times can get ahead of himself a bit. This is official and very important business. We need to look at any boxes #908 and any accounts that might be under that number as well. Would there be any other items here you track by numbers that 908 might reference?"

Not sure what to roll against here so just an unmodified roll for now. Persuasion is +5 or intimidation +3?

[1d20] = 19
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#69 Post by dmw71 »

Harbor Holdings
Sandro straightens his shell and steps forward. Smiling, he tries to be his most charming. "Hola, your gnomeness," he starts. "We, ah, are here on official city business. We're investigating the rat plague. We were supposed to meet with someone for some info, but the dude was dead when we got to his house. Then, we got attacked by thugs who don't want us to find a cure. So, here we are!"

Seeing a look of confusion on the gnome's face, he continues without letting anyone else speak. "Whoa! I guess I forgot a few details, huh? When we searched the captain's house, we found a flyer advertising your bank, and a small piece of paper with HH 908 on it, so we're gonna need to see that box. Please. Thank you." Old lady Snixxy holds a wrinkled hand up to her ear. "I'm havin' a hard time hearin' ya, dearie. Please, can you say again?"

"My friend is correct in the details ma'am," Asmundr chimes in, speaking a bit louder than normal. "He can get ahead of himself at times, but this is official and very important business. We need to look at any boxes #908 and any accounts that might be under that number as well."

"Nine. Zero. Eight." the gnome repeats. Then again. Her expression quickly changes to reflect a spark of recollection. "Captain Brisby!" she proclaims loudly. "I knew it was you," she said, approaching Asmundr, who's human, and roughly the same size as the captain. "Your friends I don't recognize," she continues. "But you, you I know."

"Came to see your box, did you?"
she says rhetorically. "Well, follow me. All of you."

Given her advanced age, she moves slowly, but gradually works her way to the secured door that leads to the back room where all the lock boxes are. The twin gnomes eye the group suspiciously, staring carefully at Asmundr, seemingly not as convinced that he, with his rat-like paws, is actually the captain.

"Such silly boys," Snixxy says as she produces a ring of keys, and begins to fiddle with each one individually, testing them until she eventually finds the one that opens the iron-reinforced wooden door that leads to the private back room. The walls of this room are lined with rows and rows of wooden boxes of various sizes, all sitting on shelves. Each box has a bronze face on it, with a lock, and a number, and the boxes do not appear to be arranged in any particular order -- certainly not numeric order, as the number sequences are very varied. Snixxy, however, walks directly to a breadbox sized lockbox with the number 908 on its front:
908.jpg (53.54 KiB) Viewed 863 times
Her twin boys move close and stand at Snixxy's side, continuing the eye the group suspiciously. "The puzzles, ma," the one says. "Yeah, they need to answer the security questions first, ma," the second states. "I was gettin' to that," she says, swatting her boys back. She turns to the group and hands Asmundr a piece of paper labeled "Harbor Holdings Security Check":
Harbor Holdings Security Check.jpg
Harbor Holdings Security Check.jpg (168.23 KiB) Viewed 863 times
"These are the questions you asked us to ask you, to confirm your identity, Captain Brisby. Certainly you'll have no problems answering them, my dear."


Okay, here's how this will need to work. Feel free to work through or discuss the three different puzzles in the OOC I thread. Anything said in there will be considered out of character.

Any answers provided here in the action thread will be assumed to have been said out loud, in front of Snixxy and her sons.

Have fun! :D


Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 08:58 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#70 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi was never very good at thinking, but she definitely knows how to soften others up. She pulls out some of her cheese and crackers, knowing that gnomes are almost always hungry. Or was that hobbits? She nibbles away at her snack, offering some to each of the three gnomes.

"While the Captain here fills out your paperwork, could I interest any of you in a bit of cheese? It is most safe, I assure you. And its Deeeelicious!"

She happily hands each of them a sample if there is any "interest". (banker joke)

Between mouthfuls, Louchi pries the gnomes for information.

"So, any of you ever heard of this Doctor Ward guy? I hear he has a little place nearby?"
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#71 Post by Rex »


"Oh, thank you. In my absent mindedness I forgot all about them. here then I will write them in for you."
1) Cheese

2) Draw a line through the diagonal RED (see OCC post).

3) Catarina

"Will that do it?"
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#72 Post by dmw71 »

Harbor Holdings
"Will that do?" Asmundr asks after he finishes filling out the security form, in ink, and passes it to Snixxy. The old gnome holds the form impossibly close to her face and examines each answer through squinted eyes. "See boys," she starts. "I told you this was the captain."

With that, Snixxy slides a key with a #908 label on it into the corresponding lockbox and unlocks it; turning it to face Asmundr. "We'll give you some privacy," she says, rounding up her boys and leaving you alone, after admitting to Louchi that they've heard of the doctor, but are not really familiar with him. They also reject the cheese offering.

Inside the lockbox, the group discovers a small, velvet pouch containing 50 gold pieces, what looks like a toy rat sewn and patched together out of a thick burlap material, with thin rope forming the tail and appendages. Also tucked safely in the bottom of the lockbox is a sheaf of letters:
Letters.jpg (279.44 KiB) Viewed 846 times
The lockbox is empty, and there are are no secret compartments found.


Let me know if you need a closer or enlarged image of any of the letters.



Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 09:03 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#73 Post by ravenn4544 »

Garl cranes his head curiously over the others to see what's in the box. Not really the sentimental type after years spent as a solider suggests "poke the rat - feel anything inside? Open it up anyway, if you don't."
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#74 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi looks the letters over carefully for anything that might be hidden in them. She holds them up to the light and looks through the paper etc., hoping to find another clue.

"So, Cat is the Rat King all this time? Who knew......."

"By the way......what is a Rat King, anyway?"

After Garl's suggestion she pipes up.

"Try not to destroy the doll completely when searching it. We may need to use it again if we ever find this Captain's daughter."
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#75 Post by Rex »


"The Rat King's real name is Cat, a touch of irony I suppose. Search the stuffed rat, but don't damage it, I suspect we will need it. With these hands of mine I doubt I am a good choice to search anything. Now I wonder who Maladie is?"
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#76 Post by Scott308 »


Cat is the rat? If there's a fat bat with a hat, I hope his name is Matt! jokes the monk.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#77 Post by dmw71 »

Harbor Holdings
Louchi looks the letters over carefully, then holds them up against the light, for anything that might be hidden in them, but finds that they're just normal notes without any hidden messages or clues. She cautions whomever handles the toy rat to be careful with it, and not damage it in case it's needed later. Asmundr, with his rat hands, isn't in a position to inspect the toy, and Sandro simply cracks a joke, leaving Garl to actually handle it.

As soon as the half orc grabs it, the pressure from his hand causes the rat to squeak, and a motherly voice from within says: “Mr. Squeaks loves you!”

The group openly questions the Rat King, and what it is... aside from Cat, the captain's daughter. Watchman Locks shares that, until now, the identify of the Rat King has remained unknown, but their actions were known to many.

The Rat King was a general guardian of sorts, and long protected the slums from fire, thievery, and oppression.




Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#78 Post by BearSiren817 »

Azalea appears from the shadows, “Well, I suppose we should start saying Rat Queen now. This Lady of Plagues is apparently her ex?” She asks to take a more detailed look at the toy. Looking for thread stitches that look newly sewn, eyeballs that aren’t the same, patches, ect. She does this without damaging it.

[1d20+4] = 16+4 = 20
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#79 Post by ravenn4544 »

Garl considers the name of their target. "is it said as 'Malady' or is said as 'M'lady'?" He shakes his head, thinking back to not that long ago now, with some contempt - "Both are a disease in my experience...."
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Re: Session 2: Quarantine Zone

#80 Post by Rex »

"Time is short, we should most likely keep moving. What does everyone think, the doctor next? Or try to find Cat the Rat?"
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