Current events and rumors

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Current events and rumors

#1 Post by Bigtaff »

The land grab has started in earnest. As you travel the route to the Midland region, you encounter many commoners heading to what they hope will be a new life.
Several bands of rough looking sell swords glower at you as you pass.
Brightly colored banners and livery of the major nobles houses stand out as men at arms and knights are passed on the road.
As you near the Midland region , you see the occasional burned out wagon and the odd body off to the side of the road.
The local humanoids are obviously helping themselves to some easy targets.
As you near the Dungarry River, the natural border of the settled areas, you see the road separate and you can head towards the villages of Glassop, Melfort or Watchtower.

Current rumors you have picked up as you traveled the road are -

The look out posts on the other side of the river have all been burned out. No one knows by who but the local humanoids are prime suspects.

The village of Watchtower is being harassed by a motley band of humanoids led by a nasty Gnoll by the name of Gritznak. He is not even raiding anymore, he is demanding tribute from the frightened villagers.

A flight of dragons has been seen over the mountains to the north.

Reports of lizard men being sighted in the Trollmarsh are becoming more frequent. Wonder what happened to all the trolls?

Goblin wolf riders have been seen around all the local villages. They have been picking off any villagers who are not quick enough to hide or escape.
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Re: Current events and rumors

#2 Post by Bigtaff »

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Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:39 pm
Location: Kansas City, MO

Re: Current events and rumors

#3 Post by Bigtaff »

The land to the south of the river is swarming with settlers, troops from the various nobles houses and bands of sell swords.
The houses of Vorloi, Dimitrov, Torenescu and Marilienev have all established temporary bases around the villages just south of the Dungarry river.
The preparations are almost complete and expeditions north of the river into humanoid territory are ready to start.
Things are about to get bloody.
Dark clouds gather further north as the vile inhabitants of the land prepare to fight for their lives.
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